Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: March 13, 2011 09:44 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Ross notified wins contest to lose weight down to 175 by April.


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Conflagration Widens Conflict Mideast Wisconsin Iowa Ohio Union Disp

1803 -
1803 -    ..
1804 - Summary/Objective
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180501 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000. ref SDS 5 0000.
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1808 - Progress
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180901 - Letter to Ross saying...
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180903 -    1.  Subject: Conflagration Despair Yield Hope and Triumph
180904 -        Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 10:16:12 -0700
180911 -         ..
180912 -    2.  Widening conflict in the Middle East, political conflict in the
180913 -        mid-West - Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, financial "time bombs"
180914 -        ticking in Congress with rising national debt, and now
180915 -        overwhelming devastation in Japan from earthquake, tsunami, and
180916 -        nuclear meltdown all present immediate challenges causing doubt
180917 -        about the future.  As well, hope you and Claudia in Danbury are
180918 -        okay amid reports today of flooding from rain swelled rivers
180919 -        and estuaries there in the North East.  Fortunately,
180920 -        California, including Pacifica where Richard and his family
180921 -        live, have suffered minimal damage from the tsunami wrecking
180922 -        havoc in Japan.  Seems mother nature has deferred our date with
180923 -        destiny for months, years, decades??
180924 -
180925 -            [On 110314 1022 Ross reports no flooding nor adverse
180926 -            affects on their home; had to detour to avoid flooded roads
180927 -            driving to airport in New York picking up Stu returning
180928 -            home from USC in Southern California for spring break, and
180929 -            responding to letter yesterday asking if Ross and Claudia
180930 -            have been affected by severe inclement weather occurring in
180931 -            North East US. ref SDS 9 NS6Y
180933 -         ..
180934 -    3.  For a change - good news on the personal front.  Have had
180935 -        several medical procedures the past few months. [...reported on
180936 -        101210 0930, ref SDS 7 BE7K and on 110218 0730. ref SDS 8
180937 -        SR4G...]  They went well, but curtailed hiking and exercise.
180938 -        The past 2 weeks, finally back to it.  This week got in over 30
180939 -        miles at Lafayette reservoir.  Bad luck - foot injury, possibly
180940 -        over-extending, so had to back off again. [...reported on
180941 -        101010 0744. ref SDS 1 6O6J...]  Hoping it is not what Mil had
180942 -        in 1995, that forced her to lay off running, hiking, tennis
180943 -        everything for a year.  This past week had a "Holter" coronary
180944 -        test, and next week scheduled for another treadmill test to
180945 -        verify "good-to-go" for exercise.  So, very pleased to concede
180946 -        our bet on losing weight.  Looks like I won't make 165 by the
180947 -        end of the month. [...reported on 101130 0400. ref SDS 3
180948 -        UH7K...]  Glad to pay-off on springing for a pizza, while
180949 -        ramping up exercise to reach weight loss goals for good health.
180950 -
180951 -            [On 110314 1022 Ross amends bet with time extension to
180952 -            110630, and seems to indicate he is aiming to reach 165
180953 -            pounds, ref SDS 9 NS4R; conflicts with original plan for
180954 -            him to reach 175, reported on 101130 0400. ref SDS 3 UH7K
180956 -         ..
180957 -    4.  Not sure if this came up before.  Millie's son, age 56, died of
180958 -        a heart attack in late January, barely 6 months after losing
180959 -        his mom.  Ron Junior was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in
180960 -        November. His heart failed from severe side effects of
180961 -        chemotherapy.  Not sure why his medical team did not switch
180962 -        after the first cycle of chemo to "targeted" therapy that
180963 -        avoids side effects.  This worked well to extend Millie's life.
180964 -        Of course everyone has unique biology.  What works for one
180965 -        person to recover from cancer, may not be effective for
180966 -        another, even with common genetics.  Health care, life-style,
180967 -        longevity are like nuclear power.  We have to be diligent
180968 -        experimenting and learning from mistakes in order to discover
180969 -        better solutions.
180971 -         ..
180972 -    5.  This starts with commitment to inquiry, growth, excellence, and
180973 -        appreciation of humanity.  The good start you and Claudia have
180974 -        provided for Hutch and Stu continues to guide their future.
180975 -        From what little I know of Nina's children, seems that she has
180976 -        done her best to enrich the pool of citizenship.  I'm sure
180977 -        Richard will do the same.  Good citizenship is our best
180978 -        insurance policy to meet evolving risks of war, politics,
180979 -        economics, health, and the constant power of natural disasters.
180981 -         ..
180982 -    6.  Again, hope all is well with you and Claudia.
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