Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: April 15, 2010 08:15 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Morris call on SDS Java fix ins_text and develop scroll bar.
2...Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
3...Compiler Progress Toward Beginning Testing @ Command Must with Number
4...Compiled Macros @ Commands Change 1st Char from Number to Letter
5...Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing Errormsg Command
6...Errormsg Command Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing
7...SDS Java Macro Development Files
8...011 Macro Compression Modify for New SDS Java Development 01 DV
9...Macro Compression 01 DV 011 Modify for New SDS Java Development
10...F1 Tab Macro Compression 01 DV 011 Modify for New SDS Java Development
11...Enter 000008 Macro Access
12...000008 Macro Access Enter
13...Setcura Needs Variable to Recognize Quit=ESC Annotate Field
14...Mouse Commands Left and Right
15...Scroll Bar Navigate File Replace Mouse on Column 80
16...Menu Convert SDS Records HTML Transfer to Internet
17...File Management Macro 58 F1 F3 Failing Apply Line Draw
18...Lsfile Command Issues
19...Menu Macro 80 Not Running Correctly
20...Stats Feature
22...Launch SDS
23...Medit Java Version Launch
24...Java Netbeans 6.8 Installed on C16
25...Next Meeting to Work on SDS
Click here to comment!
Ekiga Computer Software Free Long Distance Telephone Calls Collabora
Elluminate Internet Free Telephone Long Distance Learncentral Educat
1004 -
1004 - ..
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Follow up ref SDS 70 0000. ref SDS 68 0000.
100602 -
100603 -
100604 -
100605 -
100606 -
100608 - ..
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - Progress
1010 -
101001 - On 090318 planned to build an ascii file that lists commands for the
101002 - new editor. ref SDS 15 JY33
101004 - ..
101005 - 1. lsfile................................ 100415, ref SDS 0 PS5S
101006 - 2. scroll bar............................ 100301, ref SDS 66 4C4N
101007 - 3. pfesc................................. 100224, ref SDS 64 QG6K
101008 - 4. setcolor.............................. 100108, ref SDS 56 4F3M
101009 - 5. pfent................................. 091102, ref SDS 51 EZ3I
101010 - 6. pfb1.................................. 091008, ref SDS 48 4C4N
101011 - 7. pfb1i................................. 091008, ref SDS 48 4C4N
101012 - 8. pfb2.................................. 091008, ref SDS 48 4C4N
101013 - 9. pfb2i................................. 091008, ref SDS 48 4C4N
101014 - 10. pgup.................................. 090926, ref SDS 47 FW6N
101015 - 11. pgdn.................................. 090926, ref SDS 47 FW6N
101016 - 12. ul.................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101017 - 13. lr.................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101018 - 14. cut................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101019 - 15. copy.................................. 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101020 - 16. clear................................. 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101021 - 17. paste................................. 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101022 - 18. insert................................ 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4K
101023 - 19. pfd................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4P
101024 - 20. pfu................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 JZ4P
101025 - 21. tab................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 YW9N
101026 - 22. tab1.................................. 090924, ref SDS 46 YW9N
101027 - 23. pft................................... 090924, ref SDS 46 YW9N
101028 - 24. errormsg.............................. 090912, ref SDS 44 5N7J
101029 - 25. settabs............................... 090912, ref SDS 44 VM4L
101030 - 26. savx.................................. 090912, ref SDS 44 XT5J
101031 - 27. strcnt 0 0............................ 090907, ref SDS 41 XT5J
101032 - 28. compiler.............................. 090715, ref SDS 33 YY6N
101033 - 29. ioff.................................. 090715, ref SDS 33 0I5J
101034 - 30. debug nnn............................. 090530, ref SDS 30 OY3H
101035 - 31. -gosubup.............................. 090529, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101036 - 32. -gosubdn.............................. 090529, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101037 - 33. -label................................ 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101038 - 34. -goto................................. 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101039 - 35. -gg................................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101040 - 36. -gosub................................ 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101041 - 37. -return............................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101042 - 38. -exit................................. 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101043 - 39. -d.................................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101044 - 40. -u.................................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101045 - 41. -if @................................. 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101046 - 42. join.................................. 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101047 - 43. split................................. 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101048 - 44. n<<................................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101049 - 45. n>>................................... 090528, ref SDS 28 OY3H
101050 - 46. file.................................. 090511, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101051 - 47. purge................................. 090511, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101052 - 48. load.................................. 090511, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101053 - 49. pcmd2................................. 090511, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101054 - 50. datecnt n 0........................... 090511, ref SDS 27 QX4O
101055 - 51. rs.................................... 090511 ref SDS 27 HA3L
101056 - 52. ins_text.............................. 090511, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101057 - 53. markcur nn............................ 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101058 - 54. ecur nn............................... 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101059 - 55. errorcnt 0 0.......................... 090504, ref SDS 26 Q24M
101060 - 56. aw.................................... 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101061 - 57. eol................................... 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101062 - 58. of.................................... 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101063 - 59. quit.................................. 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101064 - 60. setgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101065 - 61. getgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101066 - 62. gfname................................ 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101067 - 63. pushc popc............................ 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101068 - 64. savescr n............................. 090504, ref SDS 26 HA3L
101069 - 65. linecnt............................... 090430, ref SDS 25 KF9G
101070 - 66. margin................................ 090430, ref SDS 25 KF9G
101071 - 67. dos /c................................ 090430, ref SDS 25 XT4F
101072 - 68. dosepath.............................. 090430, ref SDS 25 ET3M
101073 - 69. fr.................................... 090420, ref SDS 23 HD5J
101074 - 70. fl.................................... 090420, ref SDS 23 HD5J
101075 - 71. nb.................................... 090420, ref SDS 23 WE62
101076 - 72. pfe................................... 090420, ref SDS 23 WE5N
101077 - 73. l-/ /.............................. 090417, ref SDS 22 H95M
101078 - 74. zonereps.............................. 090413, ref SDS 20 C946
101079 - 75. repscnt............................... 090413, ref SDS 20 C946
101080 - 76. c /xyz/zzz/* *........................ 090408, ref SDS 19 DO45
101081 - 77. zone.................................. 090331, ref SDS 17 PA54
101082 - 78. l / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 17 PA54
101083 - 79. s / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 17 PA54
101084 - 80. pf10.................................. 090331, ref SDS 17 KM9G
101085 - 81. pa7................................... 090331, ref SDS 17 KM9G
101086 - 82. immed commands........................ 090320, ref SDS 16 KM9G
101087 - 83. font.................................. 090131, ref SDS 12 D45G
101088 - 84. annotate.............................. 090119, ref SDS 10 UI4M
101089 - 85. color................................. 090119, ref SDS 10 IS6K
101090 - 86. setcolor.............................. 090119, ref SDS 10 IS6K
101091 - 87. @filename............................. 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101092 - 88. setcur 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101093 - 89. setcura n 0........................... 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101094 - 90. inscnt 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101095 - 91. medit................................. 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101096 - 92. e..................................... 090119, ref SDS 10 CB8N
101097 -
101098 -
101099 -
101100 -
1012 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1103 -
110401 - ..
110402 - Planning to work on....
110403 -
110404 - 1. compiler........................ ref OF 10 VR5L
110405 - 2. er ..............(not needed)... ref OF 10 QWTZ
110406 - 3. repeat n ........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RSR
110407 - 4. oo ..............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RQQ
110408 - 5. ins_down ........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RVY
110409 - 6. recl n...........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TVS
110410 - 7. rep_down.........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2XXT
110411 - 8. ESC <>..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TSU
110412 - 9. savc.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 R47G
110413 - 10. addtabs..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2UPW
110414 - 11. tabs.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SYT
110415 - 12. tabsoff..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TPQ
110416 - 13. notabs...........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TQV
110417 - 14. attr........(peculiar to DOS)... ref OF 10 QW6J
110418 - 15. ragon ragoff.....(not needed)... ref OF 10 QPPP
110419 - 16. pad1.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SVT... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110420 - 17. nopad............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SWQ... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110421 - 18. jj...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RXR... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110422 - 19. jc...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SPR... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110423 - 20. jl...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SPX... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110424 - 21. jr...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SQX... ref SDS 53 YN5M
110425 - 22. dos /c.......................... ref OF 10 2QTS
110426 - 23. dose /c......(same as dos /c)... ref OF 10 QXUR
110427 - 24. space 1......................... ref OF 10 QVQS
110428 - 25. ioff............................ ref OF 10 8472
110429 - 26. pfinsw.......................... ref OF 10 4966
110430 - 27. pfinsw1......................... ref OF 10 4966
110431 - 28. posmouse........................ ref OF 10 RPVP
110432 - 29. tl.............................. ref OF 10 TSTY
110433 - 30. tm.............................. ref OF 10 RQPP
110434 - 31. ledger.......................... ref OF 10 QXPR
110435 - 32. stats........................... ref OF 10 2SWX
110436 - 33. nostats......................... ref OF 10 2SXX
110437 - 34. ffile.COM (sf.com).............. ref OF 10 QVSP
110438 -
110439 -
110440 -
1105 -
Computer Remote Control Elluminate Desktop Applications Menu Procedu
2803 -
280401 - ..
280402 - Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
280403 -
280404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 TQ6I, ref SDS 68 TQ6I.
280405 -
280406 - On 090907 changed from using Ekiga to Elluminate, ref SDS 41 NI63, for
280407 - no cost long distance telephone conferencing to work on Medit and SDS.
280408 - Elluminate is explained on 090907 1132. ref SDS 42 YM5L
280410 - ..
280411 - The record on 090907 1132 explains Elluminate. ref SDS 42 YM5L
280413 - ..
280414 - Remote control instructions are on 100224 0814. ref SDS 64 TQ6I
280416 - ..
280417 - Used Eluminate today for conference call to work from home today,
280418 - rather than visit Morris in Saratoga.
280419 -
280420 -
2805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
2903 -
290401 - ..
290402 - Compiler Progress Toward Beginning Testing @ Command Must with Number
290403 - Compiled Macros @ Commands Change 1st Char from Number to Letter
290404 -
290405 - Follow up ref SDS 70 263K, ref SDS 68 263K.
290406 -
290407 - ins_text command needs correction. ref SDS 70 EY6I and explained on
290408 - 100331 1921, ref SDS 70 TG4L
290409 -
290410 - [...below explain continuing problems running ins_text in
290411 - compiled mode, but runs in macro files. ref SDS 0 XP9J
290413 - ..
290414 - [On 100428 1128 Morris fixed ins_text command to run
290415 - correctly in compiled mode. ref SDS 73 EY6I
290416 -
290417 -
290418 -
290419 -
2905 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
3003 -
300401 - ..
300402 - Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing Errormsg Command
300403 - Errormsg Command Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing
300404 -
300405 - Follow up ref SDS 70 SC4H, ref SDS 68 SC4H.
300406 -
300407 - Pending improvements listed on 100210 1019. ref SDS 62 SC4H
300408 -
300409 -
300410 -
300411 -
3005 -
SDS Java Development Directory Structure SD 30 Directory Structure
3703 -
370401 - ..
370402 - SDS Java Macro Development Files
370403 -
370404 - Decided to change directory structure for macros that run Medit Java.
370405 - A few months ago, initially tried...
370406 -
370407 - c: sd dv
370409 - ..
370410 - Copied files from...
370411 -
370412 - c: 01 04
370413 -
370414 - ...to....
370416 - ..
370417 - c: 01 dv
370419 - ..
370420 - This has not worked well, because for example, menu files cannot be
370421 - sd dv, because that is where compiled and compressed macro files are
370422 - stored.
370424 - ..
370425 - Moved compiled macro development files to the macro file development
370426 - directory, so that only compressed macro files are in a single
370427 - directory. This has always been an anomoly.
370428 -
370429 - c: 01 12................... Medit Java Batch and CMD Ops
370430 - c: 01 14................... Medit Java Macro Development Files
370432 - ..
370433 - c: SD 31................... Program Files Medit & SDS Java
370434 - c: SD 33................... Macro Files Medit & SDS Java
370435 - h: SD 34................... Menu Files Medit & SDS Java
370436 - h: SD 35................... Help Files Medit & SDS Java
370438 - ..
370439 - Windows CMD batch applications on the desktop for SDS, Medit, and DOS
370440 - have to be reset to use...
370441 -
370442 - c:\sd\31\DOS.CMD
370443 - c:\sd\31\SDS.CMD
370444 - c:\sd\31\MJ.CMD
370446 - ..
370447 - The path macro op in these CMD batch ops have to reset to use
370448 - c:\sd\31 for the path.
370450 - ..
370451 - Line 60, ref OF 7 0T8F, -label mj2 in c: 01 14 0310130
370452 -
370453 - -label mj2
370454 - top
370455 - errorcnt 0 0
370456 - fr /C:\sd\31;/
370457 - -if @0 = 0 -goto npnd
370458 - fr /c:\sd\31/
370459 - -if @0 = 1 -goto npnd
370460 - of 0
370461 - loc_cur 0 6
370462 - split
370463 - ins_text /C:\sd\31;C:\01\02/
370464 - eol
370465 -
370466 - Changed fr and ins_text commands to apply revised directory
370467 - for SDS executabiles.
370468 -
370470 - ..
370471 - Macro compiler batch file, 34.bat, must be reset to call directory sd
370472 - 33, instead of sd dv 00000*
370474 - ..
370475 - Compression macro c: 01 14 0110 and c: sd 33 011 must be set to the
370476 - new directory structure.
370478 - ..
370479 - Created temporary macro code to convert Medit Java development files
370480 - to the new directory structure....
370481 -
370482 - Open list of files to process
370483 -
370484 - * debug 100
370485 - e c:\sd\10\xx
370486 - markcur 10
370487 - errorcnt 0 0
370488 - top
370489 - * Main loop
370490 - *
370491 - -label r976
370492 - loc_cur 3 1
370493 - * read filename
370494 - setcnt 86 1
370495 - setcnt 87 0
370496 - macro 1182
370497 - * Open this processor
370498 - e c:\sd\10\funn
370499 - * Move to e command line
370500 - line 28 && *%7d
370501 - * Load file to process
370502 - loc_cur 4 3
370503 - setcnt 86 1
370504 - macro 1181
370505 - * Remove any additional stuff
370506 - ins_text ! !
370507 - * Open file to process
370508 - *%7d
370509 - e ...
370510 - z 1 90
370511 - top
370512 - c !sd\dv\!sd\33\!* 1
370513 - c !SD\dv\!sd\33\!* 1
370514 - c !SD\DV\!sd\33\!* 1
370515 - c !SD\03\!sd\33\!* 1
370516 - c !sd\03\!sd\33\!* 1
370517 - **
370518 - **
370519 - *%e5
370520 - save
370521 - e c:\sd\10\funn
370522 - line 47 && *%fr
370523 - loc_cur 4 7
370524 - setcnt 86 1
370525 - macro 1181
370526 - ins_text ! !
370527 - *%fr
370528 - purge ....
370529 - ecur 10
370530 - up
370531 - -if @0 > 0 -goto end
370532 - -goto r976
370533 - -label end
370534 - **
370535 - **
370536 - beep
370537 - -exit
370538 -
370539 -
370540 -
370541 -
370542 -
370543 -
3706 -
Medit Java Macro Development Compression 011 Convert SD 03 0011 Supp
4703 -
470401 - ..
470402 - 011 Macro Compression Modify for New SDS Java Development 01 DV
470403 - Macro Compression 01 DV 011 Modify for New SDS Java Development
470404 - F1 Tab Macro Compression 01 DV 011 Modify for New SDS Java Development
470405 -
470406 - We need to modify...
470407 -
470408 - c: sd 03 011
470409 -
470410 - ...to compress macro files in...
470411 -
470412 - c: 01 14
470413 -
470414 - ...and write them to...
470415 -
470416 - c: sd 33
470418 - ..
470419 - This will implement new directory structure implemented today, per
470420 - above. ref SDS 0 RA6N
470422 - ..
470423 - Think that to do this the standard 01 04 0110 macro must compress the
470424 - result in either sd 03 or sd 33.
470425 -
470426 - [On 100810 0536 do same configuration for opening macro
470427 - files to the target -entry or -label from a compiled macro
470428 - call. ref SDS 75 JK8M
470429 -
470431 - ..
470432 - Line 680, ref OF 14 KB9N, -entry 155 in sd 03 000008
470433 -
470434 - pft @c:\sd\03\0608 #4
470435 -
470437 - ..
470438 - Line 680, ref OF 20 KB9N, -entry 155 in sd 33 000008
470439 -
470440 - pft @c:\sd\33\0608 #4
470441 -
470443 - ..
470444 - Line 490, ref OF 4 124L, -label 0122C in 01 04 06080
470445 -
470446 - -label 0122C
470447 - gfname
470448 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 52 -goto cmPXrs
470449 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470450 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470451 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 49 -if @8 = 52 -goto cmPXrs
470452 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470453 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 53 -if @8 = 53 -goto cmPXrs
470454 -
470455 - Added code to process SDS Java development directory in 01 14
470456 - and sd 33, and in that case directs processing to macro
470457 - compression, below. ref SDS 0 PF9L
470458 -
470460 - ..
470461 - Line 490, ref OF 7 124L, -label 0122C in 01 14 06080
470462 -
470463 - -label 0122C
470464 - gfname
470465 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 52 -goto cmPXrs
470466 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470467 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470468 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 49 -if @8 = 52 -goto cmPXrs
470469 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto cmPXrs
470470 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 53 -if @8 = 53 -goto cmPXrs
470471 -
470472 - Conformed macro 0608 in 01 14 to process multiple sets of macro
470473 - files, per above, ref SDS 0 PF5N, and in that case calls new
470474 - macro compression macro processor, per below.
470475 -
470477 - ..
470478 - Line 1240, ref OF 4 G36J, -label cmPXrs in 01 04 06080
470479 -
470480 - -label cmPXrs
470481 - @c:\sd\03\011
470482 - -goto stopY
470483 -
470484 - Call macro file compression processor.
470485 -
470486 -
470488 - ..
470489 - Line 1240, ref OF 7 G36J, -label cmPXrs in 01 14 06080
470490 -
470491 - -label cmPXrs
470492 - @c:\sd\03\011
470493 - -goto stopY
470494 -
470495 - Call macro file compression processor.
470496 -
470498 - ..
470499 - Line 60, ref OF 2 2892, in c: 01 04 0110
470500 -
470501 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 52 -goto 0104F
470502 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 49 -if @8 = 52 -goto 01DVG
470503 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSfn
470504 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSdV
470505 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSdV
470506 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSfn
470507 -
470508 - Change criteria for processing SDS Java development macro files
470509 - to 01 14, and checking SDS Java development compiled macro
470510 - files.
470512 - ..
470513 - This tool needs to work for both original and the new Java SDS
470514 - development set of files, so that there is always a way to
470515 - process macro files while the new system is being tested and
470516 - refined.
470517 -
470518 -
470520 - ..
470521 - Line 60, ref OF 6 2892, in 01 14 0110
470522 -
470523 - gfname
470524 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 52 -goto 0104F
470525 - -if @4 = 48 -if @5 = 49 -if @7 = 49 -if @8 = 52 -goto 01DVG
470526 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSfn
470527 - -if @4 = 115 -if @5 = 100 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSdV
470528 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 51 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSdV
470529 - -if @4 = 83 -if @5 = 68 -if @7 = 48 -if @8 = 51 -goto SDSfn
470530 -
470531 - Change criteria for processing SDS Java development macro files
470532 - to 01 14, and checking SDS Java development compiled macro
470533 - files.
470535 - ..
470536 - Macro compression macro sd dv 011 fails to run, because of
470537 - problems at this location...
470539 - ..
470540 - Line 300, ref OF 6 6669, -label okgO in 01 14 0110
470541 -
470542 - -label okgO
470543 - ....
470544 - aw
470545 - right 5
470546 - macro 1182
470547 -
470548 - right command is not working correctly.
470550 - ..
470551 - Both "right" and "left" commands should carry the cursor with
470552 - screen shift, so long as the shift is less that the cursor
470553 - position. If moving the file right or left would shift the
470554 - cursor beyond the 80 column screen width, e.g., right 90, then
470555 - the cursor stays in the initial relative screen position.
470557 - ..
470558 - Similarly, of (offset command) should also carry the cursor,
470559 - like right and left commands.
470560 -
470561 - [On 100428 1133 Morris fixed all of these commands today so
470562 - they carry the cursor with screen shift change, unless
470563 - shift is wider than screen width. ref SDS 73 W55G
470564 -
470566 - ..
470567 - Line 1740, ref OF 2 PE6O, -label sd04r in 01 04 0110
470568 -
470569 - getgbl 156 156
470570 - setgbl 156 0
470571 - -if @1 != 888 -if @156 != 9999 ins_text"C:\SD\03"
470572 - -if @1 != 888 -if @156 = 9999 ins_text"C:\SD\33"
470573 - -if @1 = 888 -if @156 != 9999 ins_text"H:\SD\04"
470574 - -if @1 = 888 -if @156 = 9999 ins_text"H:\SD\34"
470575 -
470576 - Added flag to evaluate for processing new SDS Java development
470577 - macro files, including for menu files.
470578 -
470580 - ..
470581 - Line 1740, ref OF 6 PE6O, -label sd04r in 01 14 0110
470582 -
470583 - getgbl 156 156
470584 - setgbl 156 0
470585 - -if @1 != 888 -if @156 != 9999 ins_text"C:\SD\03"
470586 - -if @1 != 888 -if @156 = 9999 ins_text"C:\SD\33"
470587 - -if @1 = 888 -if @156 != 9999 ins_text"H:\SD\04"
470588 - -if @1 = 888 -if @156 = 9999 ins_text"H:\SD\34"
470589 -
470590 - Added flag to evaluate for processing new SDS Java development
470591 - macro files, including for menu files.
470592 -
470593 -
470594 -
470595 -
4706 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4803 -
480401 - ..
480402 - Enter 000008 Macro Access
480403 - 000008 Macro Access Enter
480404 -
480406 - ..
480407 - Line 2280, ref OF 20 2292, -label ncLjj in 01 dv 000008
480408 -
480409 - -label ncLjj
480410 -
480411 - This is were Enter and double clicks test for macro commands
480412 - to find targets, and open macro files at the -entry line.
480413 -
480415 - ..
480416 - Line 2370, ref OF 20 EM7M, -label fma4 in 01 dv 000008
480417 -
480418 - -label fma4
480419 - setcnt 4 0
480420 - setgbl 215 @0
480421 - -if @0 > 3 -goto lblfnd
480422 - @c:\sd\dv\0605
480423 - purge c:\sd\dv\0605
480424 - -exit
480425 -
480426 - This shows that macro file 0605 is called to open macro files
480427 - at the -entry line.
480428 -
480430 - ..
480431 - Line 70, ref OF 8 5508, in 01 14 06050
480432 -
480433 - -if @215 < 2 -goto rrgto
480434 -
480435 - This command directs processing to open macro files at the
480436 - entry line.
480437 -
480439 - ..
480440 - Line 90, ref OF 8 OH4L, in 01 14 06050
480441 -
480442 - -label rrgto
480443 - aw
480444 - -label rgto
480445 - setcnt 86 1
480446 - macro 1182
480447 - setcnt 80 0
480448 - e c:\sd\03\0605
480449 - line && *%j3
480450 - loc_cur 4 4
480451 - getgbl 215 215
480452 - -if @215 = 0 ins_text "-label "
480453 - -if @215 = 1 ins_text "-entry "
480454 -
480455 - This is were the macro command arguments are entered to look
480456 - up the -entry in the target macro files.
480458 - ..
480459 - Need more work on this stuff....
480461 - ..
480462 - Actually, further testing seems to show this "stuff" all works.
480463 -
480464 -
480465 -
480466 -
480467 -
480468 -
480469 -
4805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4903 -
490401 - ..
490402 - Setcura Needs Variable to Recognize Quit=ESC Annotate Field
490403 -
490404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 AV7O, ref SDS 68 AV7O.
490405 -
490406 - Planning for sectura command using mouse, reported on 100208 0907.
490407 - ref SDS 61 AV7O
490408 -
490409 -
490410 -
4905 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5003 -
500401 - ..
500402 - Mouse Commands Left and Right
500403 -
500404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 4C4N, ref SDS 68 4C4N.
500405 -
500406 - Planning for scroll bar considered on 100210. ref SDS 62 BY3H
500408 - ..
500409 - Line 340, ref OF 17 4473, -entry 230 in 000001
500410 -
500411 - -entry 230
500412 -
500413 - Testing mouse code here with debug.
500415 - ..
500416 - On 100301 Morris made progress creating scroll bar feature. The
500417 - current version now has a vertical scroll bar. Decided to forego
500418 - horizontal scroll bar for now. ref SDS 66 VU4N
500419 -
500420 -
500421 -
5005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5103 -
510401 - ..
510402 - Scroll Bar Navigate File Replace Mouse on Column 80
510403 -
510404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 MV5I, ref SDS 68 MV5I.
510405 -
510406 - Morris has made progress with the scroll bar. It now tracks
510407 - movement of the file up and down. It also scrolls the screen, but at
510408 - this time does not work correctly.
510410 - ..
510411 - Initial testing indicates...
510412 -
510413 - 1. Cursor on current line, scrolling seems normal.
510414 -
510415 - 2. Cursor below current line, scrolling is erratic.
510416 -
510417 - a. Clicking above scroll symbol, moves file up, and clicking
510418 - below scroll symbol, also moves the file up.
510420 - ..
510421 - b. Screen jumps moving scroll bar symbol up or down.
510423 - ..
510424 - 3. Scroll bar should be independent of cursor.
510425 -
510426 - [On 100424 1940 Morris completed initial code for scroll
510427 - bar, seems to be running correctly now. ref SDS 72 MV5I
510428 -
510429 -
510430 -
510431 -
510432 -
510433 -
510434 -
5105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5203 -
520401 - ..
520402 - Menu Convert SDS Records HTML Transfer to Internet
520403 -
520404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 J23L, ref SDS 68 J23L.
520405 -
520406 - Solution to "sectura" problem above applied with mouse, ref SDS 62
520407 - AV7O, clicking on the Command line above the Annotate field, beginning
520408 - with Quit=ESC, etc., for calling Internet formatting and uploading
520409 - functions, needs to be changed and moved to the new Field above the
520410 - Medit screen where there is currently a menu with File and Help.
520412 - ..
520413 - On 100211 0930 letter to Morris asks about applying the new menu field
520414 - above the Medit screen to perform HTML formatting, and transfer to the
520415 - Internet. ref SDS 63 KR8W
520416 -
520417 -
520418 -
520419 -
520420 -
520421 -
5205 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5303 -
530401 - ..
530402 - File Management Macro 58 F1 F3 Failing Apply Line Draw
530403 -
530404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 EY6I, ref SDS 68 EY6I.
530406 - ..
530407 - Line 2270, ref OF 18 0673, -entry 58 in 000002
530409 - ..
530410 - On 100331 discovered another problem that ins_text commands are not
530411 - entering the strings on the screen. ref SDS 70 TG4L
530413 - ..
530414 - This morning, ins_text command seems to be working correctly. Turned
530415 - out that ins_text command is still broke in compiled mode. Runs
530416 - correctly in macro files. Compiler heeds refinement for ins_text to
530417 - run in compiled macros like -entry 58, ref OF 18 0673, per above.
530418 - ref SDS 0 263K
530419 -
530420 - [On 100428 1133 Morris fixed ins_text command to run correctly
530421 - in compiled mode. ref SDS 74 XP9J
530423 - ..
530424 - Running macro file c: sd 03 0608 produced following problems...
530425 -
530426 - 1. sf command not working to produce list of files; maybe
530427 - this can be done another way.
530428 -
530429 - Morris created a command...
530431 - ..
530432 - lsfile c:\sd\10
530434 - ..
530435 - Discussed making 2 commands, rather than a single command with
530436 - switches. Morris explained that current software programming applies
530437 - switch symbols and parts of filenames. Therefore, it is easier to
530438 - create two commands, rather than use switches. One command will list
530439 - specified directory and everything below, and another command lists
530440 - files only in the current directory.
530442 - ..
530443 - Also considered making command not case sensitive for listing
530444 - directory path and filename specifications. Morris explained that
530445 - industry standard is to distinguish between upper and lower case
530446 - letters for filename specifications. We tested DOS and found that
530447 - upper and lower case specifications return the same result.
530449 - ..
530450 - Morris will make the lsfile commands follow DOS standards.
530452 - ..
530453 - 2. l /1yy1/ this should move the bottom of the file to the
530454 - current line at the top of the screen, if 1yy1 is not
530455 - found.
530457 - ..
530458 - Morris fixed this today.
530459 -
530461 - ..
530462 - Lsfile Command Issues
530463 -
530464 - Following issues arise with this new command...
530466 - ..
530467 - This is a new command Morris has created in Medit Java version to
530468 - replace ffile.exe, also called sf.exe for getting lists of files.
530470 - ..
530471 - This new lsfile command is explained in...
530472 -
530473 - f: 03 00029 02............. ref OF 10 ZQ4M
530475 - ..
530476 - The new command lsfile runs only from within Medit, and not from the
530477 - DOS prompt.
530478 -
530479 - 1. lsfile c:\sd\*.*
530481 - ..
530482 - This did not list all the files.
530484 - ..
530485 - Omitted c: sd 03, because all of files in the directory have no
530486 - extensions.
530488 - ..
530489 - Morris says today that simply asking for...
530490 -
530491 - CMD>lsfile c:\sd\10\*
530492 -
530493 - ...will get everything, and so is equavilent to...
530494 -
530495 - CMD>lsfile c:\sd\10\*.*
530496 -
530498 - ..
530499 - 2. Consider changing format, and putting diagnostics first,
530500 - and filename last. This avoids disrupting format whith
530501 - long directories and filenames.
530502 -
530503 - [On 100424 1943 Morris implemented this format change.
530504 - ref SDS 72 PS5S
530506 - ..
530507 - Need to modify 0608 to apply this new feature.
530508 -
530509 - [On 100428 1128 modified 0608 to apply lsfile for
530510 - getting lists of files. ref SDS 73 EY6I
530511 -
530512 -
530513 -
530514 -
530515 -
5306 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5403 -
540401 - ..
540402 - Menu Macro 80 Not Running Correctly
540403 -
540404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 FG6F, ref SDS 68 FG6F.
540406 - ..
540407 - Line 180, ref OF 19 8E3H, -entry 80 in 000003
540408 -
540409 - ioff
540410 - tl 0
540411 -
540412 - These commands are not yet programmed, so unplug for testing.
540414 - ..
540415 - Getting Java compile error with * to unplug commands in
540416 - compiled macros. * works okay in macro files. Was getting
540417 - "missing "-return" command.
540419 - ..
540420 - When * removed from ioff command, the program compiled without
540421 - errors.
540423 - ..
540424 - This is difficult to fix. It is easy enough to use blanks instead of
540425 - "*" in compiled macros. No real need for commenting in compiled macros
540426 - wtih "*".
540427 -
540429 - ..
540430 - Line 270, ref OF 19 PG9M, -entry 806 in 000003
540431 -
540432 - -entry 806
540433 -
540434 - This is where the error is occurring.
540435 -
540436 - It is part of the menu command that saves the visible screen
540437 - to restore after menu ops.
540438 -
540439 -
540441 - ..
540442 - Stats Feature
540443 -
540444 - Follow up ref SDS 70 QW9I, ref SDS 68 QW9I.
540445 -
540446 - Morris fixed immed commands, e.g., cc mm rr dd, to display on stats
540447 - line while pending.
540449 - ..
540450 - The new format lists...
540451 -
540452 - dd1, mm1 mm2, etc.
540454 - ..
540455 - Discussed using instead the line numbers where the commands are
540456 - entered, e.g.,
540457 -
540458 - dd8
540459 -
540460 - mm12
540461 - mm20
540463 - ..
540464 - Morris advised that Num Lock and Caps Lock is shown to be supported
540465 - for Java, but he is getting a message that says something about this
540466 - is not working.
540468 - ..
540469 - Morris conformed the size of the stats field to more closely align
540470 - with title line and CMD line, i.e., a single line.
540471 -
540472 -
540474 - ..
540475 - DOS DOS /C DOSE DOSE /C
540476 -
540477 - Follow up ref SDS 70 MR8I, ref SDS 68 MR8I.
540478 -
540479 - Need these two commands to do the same thing.
540480 -
540481 - dos /c.......................... ref OF 10 2QTS
540482 - dose /c......(same as dos /c)... ref OF 10 QXUR
540484 - ..
540485 - These are needed to launch SDS, and begin testing functionality.
540487 - ..
540488 - Morris initially said this feature cannot be accomplished with Java.
540490 - ..
540491 - Actually, Morris did much of this work on 090430 0700. ref SDS 25 XT4F
540493 - ..
540494 - Explanation on dose command to launch batch file is on 090430 0700.
540495 - ref SDS 25 XB9G
540497 - ..
540498 - Line 220, ref OF 20 LX3O, -entry 153 in 000008
540499 -
540500 - -entry 153
540501 - dospath i:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start
540502 -
540503 - Added dospath command to Java Medit - needs experimentation to
540504 - run correctly.
540506 - ..
540507 - Need to experiement to see how this works with dospath command in
540508 - profile.
540509 -
540511 - ..
540512 - Launch SDS
540513 -
540514 - Follow up ref SDS 70 LV4G, ref SDS 68 LV4G.
540515 -
540516 - Temporarily put commands for launching SDS with new Java Medit in...
540518 - ..
540519 - Line 200, ref OF 22 GO5G, in c: sd 61 sds.cmd
540520 -
540521 - java -jar "C:\sd\60\NetBeansProjects\jedit\dist\jedit.jar" messages C:\SD\03\04702
540522 -
540523 - This still does not work because Java Medit cannot open a file
540524 - from the DOS prompt, and so cannot call a profile, as explained
540525 - on 090430 0700. ref SDS 25 XB9G
540526 -
540528 - ..
540529 - Medit Java Version Launch
540530 -
540531 - Follow up ref SDS 70 CQ6L, ref SDS 68 CQ6L.
540532 -
540533 -
540534 - Line 200, ref OF 21 EM7I, in c: sd 61 MJ.CMD
540535 -
540536 -
540537 -
540538 -
540539 -
540540 -
5406 -
Java Netbeans 6.8 Upgrade Installed C16 Windows XP 32-bit Replacing
6303 -
630401 - ..
630402 - Java Netbeans 6.8 Installed on C16
630403 -
630404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 Y38J, ref SDS 68 Y38J.
630405 -
630406 - Installed major upgrade of 15 or so items.
630407 -
630408 -
630409 -
630410 -
6305 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
6403 -
640401 - ..
640402 - Next Meeting to Work on SDS
640403 -
640404 - Follow up ref SDS 70 OC77, ref SDS 68 OC77.
640405 -
640406 - Plan to do more work on Wednesday, 100303.
640407 -
640408 -
640409 -
640410 -
640411 -
640412 -
6405 -