440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 17, 2009 03:00 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Visit VA for blood draw evaluate INR recover from Deep Vein Thrombosis.
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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000. ref SDS 17 0000.
040502 -
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040962 - ..
040963 - On 091104 left leg incision recovering better implemeting Jan's
040964 - suggestion to elevate after hiking, 091104 0718, ref SDS 17 I15I,
040965 - Paula visits and concurs left leg looks much better. ref SDS 17 4Z7N
040966 - lab reports WBC 12 droped from 19 the day before, reflecting
040967 - improvement in left leg incision recovery. ref SDS 17 PRPV Doctor
040968 - Tseng and medical team visits and confirms patient can be discharged
040969 - today. ref SDS 17 PR4V
040971 - ..
040972 - On 091117 1317 Ramone called to confirm meeting with Neal on Thursday
040973 - at 1000, and requested arriving early to get labs and tests done prior
040974 - to 1000 meeting; discussed coordinating with VA in Martinez to
040975 - consolidated labs being performed today to test INR. 091117 1317,
040976 - ref SDS 18 QF7O
040977 -
040978 -
040979 -
040981 - ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Progress
0413 -
041301 - Visited VA in Martinez at the counter for Primary Care Physician.
041302 -
041303 - The attendant said that Doctor Sandhu is back from vacation in India,
041304 - but is not scheduled to visit today. The attendant read the letter
041305 - from the VA scheduling the meeting today, and which included a
041306 - handwritten note in red ink that said to check with the Primary Care
041307 - Physician Department before getting labs.
041309 - ..
041310 - Asked if Ramon called in additional labs and tests for the meeting on
041311 - 091119 with Neal in San Francisco, per telecon with Ramon on 091117
041312 - 1317. ref SDS 18 QF7O
041314 - ..
041315 - The attendant said Ramon called and coordinated with Doctor Sandhu's
041316 - nurse on the scope of the blood draw today.
041318 - ..
041319 - The attendant said that after the lab, there is a meeting with the
041320 - Coumadin Case Manager.
041322 - ..
041323 - Went to the lab next door.
041325 - ..
041326 - After about 10 minutes met with Coumadin Case Manager.
041328 - ..
041329 - The case manager asked about orientation on Coumadin. Reviewed
041330 - background working with Millie that makes the orientation unnecessary.
041332 - ..
041333 - Doctor Sandhu's nurse joined the meeting. She related discussions
041334 - with Ramone at VA in San Francisco. Decided to do all the labs for VA
041335 - Martinez, and for the meeting on Thursday with Neal in San Francisco
041336 - today. The order for the blood draw for today has been modified to
041337 - include requirements for the meeting in San Francisco.
041338 -
041339 - [On 091118 1322 letter to medical team submits agenda for
041340 - meeting on 091119, and thanks Ramon for coordinating to save
041341 - time and money getting tests done in time for the team to be
041342 - prepared for a productive meeting. ref SDS 19 Z69P
041344 - ..
041345 - The nurse further advised, that afer completing the blood draw, and
041346 - meeting with the Coumadin Case Manager, can get 2 additional tests
041347 - needed for the meeting on Thursday...
041348 -
041349 - 1. Xray to evaluate fluid on lungs.
041350 -
041351 - 2. EKG to evaluate heart rate.
041353 - ..
041354 - Got the blood draw in the lab.
041356 - ..
041357 - Met again with the Case Manager.
041359 - ..
041360 - She did a finger prick test that compliments the blood draw to
041361 - evaluate INR. This was 1.5, which is too low. All subsequent INR
041362 - blood tests can use the finger prick method, and this avoids getting a
041363 - blood draw every week.
041365 - ..
041366 - Coumadin dose is modified as follows...
041367 -
041368 - 1. Continue 2 mg tablets every day.
041369 -
041370 - 2. Every other day add .5 tablets to 1.5.
041371 -
041372 - [On 091124 0827 INR increased to only 1.7 after
041373 - increasing Coumadin per guidance today, so Coumadin was
041374 - increased again to 3 mg per day. ref SDS 21 NU5L
041376 - ..
041377 - The nurse further feels that aspirin conflicts with Coumadin. She
041378 - wants the team in San Francisco to comment on her idea to stop
041379 - aspirin while getting Coumadin.
041380 -
041381 - [On 091118 1322 letter to medical team with agenda for meeting
041382 - on 091019, asks about pausing aspirin during treatment with
041383 - Coumadin. ref SDS 19 Z65T
041385 - ..
041386 - [On 091119 1000 Erick at Va in San Francisco advised that
041387 - aspirin should not be paused while taking Coumadin for next 3
041388 - weeks, and that instead Coumadin can be adjusted as needed to
041389 - maintain INR between 2.0 - 3.0. ref SDS 20 934K
041391 - ..
041392 - [On 091124 0827 during meeting at VA in Martinez, Diana, the
041393 - Coagulation Control Case Manager, was notified that the
041394 - Cardiothoracic Surgery team wants to continue aspirin
041395 - concurrent with Coumadin. ref SDS 21 D234
041396 -
041397 -
041399 - ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - 1547
0417 -
041701 - Complete work in Lab and meeting with Coumadin Case Manager.
041702 -
041703 - Visit Radiology.
041705 - ..
041706 - Got xray, full back, and one right side film.
041708 - ..
041709 - Got EKG.
041711 - ..
041712 - This completes tests required for meeting with Neal on Thursday in
041713 - San Francisco.
041714 -
041715 - [On 091118 1322 letter to medical team submits agenda for
041716 - meeting on 091119, and thanks Ramon for coordinating to save
041717 - time and money getting tests done in time for the team to be
041718 - prepared for a productive meeting. ref SDS 19 Z69P
041719 -
041720 -
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