440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 15, 2009 09:23 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
SDS experiment Knowledge Management extended to 64-bit technology with c16.
2...Objectives C16 Facilitate SDS 16-bit Upgrade for 64-bit Computers
3...SDS 16-bit Applicaion Run on 64-bit Computers with Windows XP 32-bit
4...Engelbart Dilemma Technology Obsolesence Market Forces Never Take Hold
5...Requirements Continue SDS Experiment Communication Metrics
6...Black Hole Ignorance Fear Denial SDS Survives Another 30 Years
7...Case Study Make 64-bit Computer Productive Upgrade Vista to XP 32-bit
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Background C16 Procurement Configuration Application Objectives Exte
2903 -
2903 - ..
2904 - Summary/Objective
2905 -
290501 - Follow up ref SDS 70 0000. ref SDS 30 0000.
290502 -
290503 - Fry's configured c16 64-bit computer to run the Microsoft XP 32-bit
290504 - operating system. ref SDS 0 6V3F This may extend the life-cycle for
290505 - the current 16-bit version of SDS another 10 - 30 years, providing
290506 - time for upgrading SDS to 64-bit, and for the market to grow for
290507 - Knowledge Mangement tools. ref SDS 0 4L9F SDS "dodged a bullet" by
290508 - avoiding the Engelbart Dilemma of becoming extinct before there was
290509 - enough time for transformation from inforamtion to a culture of
290510 - knowledge. ref SDS 0 XK8H Upgrading 64-bit technology to increase
290511 - productivity by running SDS required a major effort to organize
290512 - multiple stakeholders. ref SDS 0 PX6N This investment was justified
290513 - by saving lives, time, and money using SDS. ref SDS 0 PY7F
290514 -
290515 - [On 090715 2146 configured c16 for using SDS to perform
290516 - Communication Metrics for Knowledge Management, and
290517 - intelligence support, ref SDS 70 0001; evaluation shows
290518 - significant improvement in productivity. ref SDS 70 2871
290520 - ..
290521 - [On 090729 1700 review shows Ryan's work at Fry's stands out
290522 - for exceptional merit. ref SDS 77 HX5K
290524 - ..
290525 - [On 090906 1313 commend Fry's for outstanding work on c16, with
290526 - letter to Randy Fry using Direct Connect, ref SDS 79 VG5J, and
290527 - cite Ryan, Petrus, Joe, and Lan. ref SDS 79 ZW4N
290528 -
290529 -
290530 -
290531 -
290533 - ..
2906 -
2907 -
2908 - Progress
2909 -
290901 - Objectives C16 Facilitate SDS 16-bit Upgrade for 64-bit Computers
290902 - SDS 16-bit Applicaion Run on 64-bit Computers with Windows XP 32-bit
290903 -
290904 -
290905 - Work over the past 2 months (see case study below, ref SDS 0 PX6N),
290906 - and completed today at Fry's configuring c16 with the Microsoft
290907 - Windows XP 32-bit operating system, reported on 090715 1651,
290908 - ref SDS 69 KN6M, upgraded 64-bit computer technology to run SDS 16-bit
290909 - software technology for doing Knowledge Management, also reported on
290910 - 090715 1651. ref SDS 69 EZ5K Testing shows SDS runs much better on
290911 - the HP HDX 18t quad-processor 64-bit computer than on "high-end"
290912 - Pentium single processor computers, reported in another record today
290913 - on 090715 2146. ref SDS 70 FL4N
290914 -
290915 - [On 101115 2018 c17 desktop configured for SDS productivity
290916 - in much less time applying experience solving problems
290917 - setting up c16. ref SDS 80 2871
290919 - ..
290920 - Advantages of SDS for "working intelligently" to save lives, time, and
290921 - money, explained in POIMS, ref OF 3 1X6G, justifies investing time and
290922 - money to extend using SDS, shown in the case study below. ref SDS 0
290923 - PY7F
290925 - ..
290926 - Success today running SDS 16-bit software on 64-bit computers marks
290927 - another watershed in the 30 year history of SDS, reported on 000723
290928 - 1414. ref SDS 16 X15N It may add 10 to 20 years for civilization to
290929 - catch up with the design using the irreversability of time, explained
290930 - in NWO, ref OF 12 I38N, and which drives the "power of knowledge" from
290931 - adding "intelligence" to information, also explained in NWO.
290932 - ref OF 12 I38N The SDS design applies the common accounting practice
290933 - of an "audit trail," more formally described in management theory as
290934 - "traceability to original sources," reviewed on 950721 1349.
290935 - ref SDS 1 1740 Combining time and context through connections of
290936 - cause and effect implements the "locality principle," also, explained
290937 - in NWO. ref OF 12 I38N
290939 - ..
290940 - Until today, SDS was on a path to extinction, as occurred with
290941 - Engelbart's tools developed in the 1960s, explained below. ref SDS 0
290942 - XK8H Widespread expert opinion in the literature and voiced by
290943 - technology professionals indicated 16-bit software, like SDS, cannot
290944 - run on newer 64-bit technology that may be the new foundation of
290945 - computer design for the next 10 - 20 years.
290947 - ..
290948 - SDS risk of extinction increased from failed efforts to buy 64-bit
290949 - computers configured to run 16-bit software, reported on 080611 0827.
290950 - ref SDS 41 K54K Review found that despite intense demand for better
290951 - productivity to lift the economy from recession manufacturers for new
290952 - 64-bit computers refuse support for 16-bit line-of-business software
290953 - that has evolved for 30 years to improve productivity, reported on
290954 - 080630 1611. ref SDS 42 JS5F Earlier on 080531 testing showed SDS
290955 - will not run on 64-bit computers with Microsoft Vista. An error
290956 - message said the computer cannot run 16-bit applications. ref SDS 40
290957 - HF9J At that time, Morris explained that Intel made a mistake
290958 - designing 64-bit techology that allocated memory for 32-bit legacy
290959 - applications, but forgot to allocate memory for 16-bit software.
290960 - ref SDS 40 TH51
290962 - ..
290963 - Seems strange that both AMD and Intel made the same mistake??
290965 - ..
290966 - Until today, limitations of 64-bit computers excluding 16-bit software
290967 - indicated the only path for continuing SDS would be upgrading 16-bit
290968 - to a 64-bit design. Upgrading SDS 16-bit architecture, however, has
290969 - proven difficult the past 20 years, reported in a case study on
290970 - 070907. ref SDS 36 6U7O SDS is hard to upgrade becasue the design has
290971 - been continually refined over 30 years to solve complex challenges
290972 - adding "intelligence" to convert information into the power of
290973 - knowledge, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 1X6G Very few people focus on
290974 - the architecture of human thought, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 0367
290975 - Synergy between using and developing SDS has been effective designing
290976 - SDS, reported on 010924 0709, ref SDS 24 NK4J, but people resist using
290977 - technology to leverage intelligence for thinking, remembering and
290978 - communicating, explained in POIMS. ref OF 7 3742 Without synergy
290979 - between using and developing SDS, problems creating tools effective
290980 - for Knowledge Management have not been solved.
290982 - ..
290983 - On 000324 SRI reported many organizations invested heavily to develop
290984 - Knowledge Management, and failed. ref SDS 8 4877 This report was
290985 - supported by case study on 070126. ref SDS 33 QH8L
290987 - ..
290988 - SRI tried to develop Windows support for Knowledge Management using
290989 - 32-bit technology with the OHS/DKR project in 2000. On 000504 Jack
290990 - Park reported the team of expert software engineers at SRI were
290991 - ignoring the SDS design. ref SDS 11 XD5M After 6 months of extensive
290992 - research, SRI discovered there wasn't enough knowledge to develop
290993 - computer tools for Knowledge Management, reported on 000615 1600.
290994 - ref SDS 13 6271 Jack Park reported again to the SRI team that even
290995 - after months of exposure experts could not understand Knowledge
290996 - Management, ref SDS 20 0S8L, further presented in case study on
290997 - 071220. ref SDS 38 ST6J
290999 - ..
291000 - Similarly, IBM invested heavily to devlop Knowledege Management, and
291001 - gave up on 001130, ref SDS 22 F26K SRI tried again with the CALO
291002 - project, reviewed on 040221. ref SDS 29 5U6J SRI had four (4) people
291003 - familiar with SDS work product, Doug Engelbart, Pat Lincoln, Jack
291004 - Park, and Adam Cheyer. After 5 years and with substantial financial
291005 - aid from the government, SRI gave up on CALO, reported on 090313.
291006 - ref SDS 46 5P6G Jack Park helped SRI release IRIS to support
291007 - Knowledge Management, as part of the CALO project, reported on 060211.
291008 - ref SDS 32 0001 Earlier, Jack disclosed that the Iris program is
291009 - unsuable, reported on 060129 ref SDS 31 7A4F
291011 - ..
291012 - Background on difficulty getting people to help develop the SDS design
291013 - was reviewed on 040221. ref SDS 29 AB6O Difficulty designing
291014 - technology for Knowledge Management shown in case study on 070126.
291015 - ref SDS 33 QH8L, supports review on 000425 showing that the design for
291016 - Knowledge Management is a secret of SDS. ref SDS 10 0480 Ignorance,
291017 - fear, and denial cited on 070126, ref SDS 33 JH4U, drive resistance to
291018 - support SDS development, reported on 001126. ref SDS 21 QW8I Case
291019 - study on 071220 shows frustrations people experience who grasp the
291020 - power of SDS and are unable to help others see this potential to
291021 - enlist engineering support for technology development. ref SDS 38 M53N
291023 - ..
291024 - These dynamics reduce the field of contributors on SDS to only one (1)
291025 - engineer. Reliance on a single person makes software development
291026 - tenuous. Health, age, and proclivities of daily life affect progress,
291027 - including evolving interests and priorities. After starting on
291028 - 070907, by 080531 Morris was discouraged about difficulty developing a
291029 - Windows application for SDS. ref SDS 40 WK3J On 081007 Morris had
291030 - worked for a year, and completed less than 10% of SDS capability.
291031 - ref SDS 43 XV9F
291033 - ..
291034 - On 081104 Morris switched and began work to upgrade Medit that runs
291035 - SDS through macro code developed the past 30 years, rather than
291036 - attempt to develop the SDS application. ref SDS 44 2W6I He used the
291037 - Java development platform, rather than update the assembly language
291038 - code for Medit from 16-bit to 32-bit or 64-bit, which conflicts with
291039 - planning on 070907 1000. ref SDS 36 V35O Java has advantages
291040 - providing a more robust environment for SDS. There are risks however
291041 - that de novo development even of Medit will fail, explained on 081104.
291042 - ref SDS 44 VO3P Risks of failure trying to avoid assembly language
291043 - development were confirmed with independent research on 081202 2011.
291044 - ref SDS 45 8L40
291046 - ..
291047 - Morris has made good progress the past 10 months, but there is still a
291048 - lot of work to get the new version of Medit to a point of testing the
291049 - SDS application, as discussed above. ref SDS 0 ZQ5F This record
291050 - indicates that upgrading SDS to a 64-bit application remains highly
291051 - speculative. At current rates of work, Medit might be available to
291052 - begin implementing SDS by the end of this year. Even if the Java
291053 - version of Medit is "completed" it may have so many compromises that
291054 - usng the program for SDS is not effective, without years of
291055 - refinement. At a minimum, it will take another 6 months to a year of
291056 - development, before SDS can be performed with the Java platform. On
291057 - the plus side, if this all works, in 2 - 4 years there will be a more
291058 - flexible environment for integrating SDS with other tools. SDS will
291059 - be much easier to configure for other users. Expanded use will expand
291060 - the pool of engineers who grasp the design parameters, and so are
291061 - capabile of creating the next generation of SDS as a Windows
291062 - application.
291064 - ..
291065 - Getting SDS to run on 64-bit computers today significantly expands the
291066 - window of opportunity for SDS to evolve with the natural growth of the
291067 - computer industry. Moreover, at the moment, even if the SDS sowtware
291068 - upgrade fails, SDS is no longer at risk of immenant extinction.
291069 -
291071 - ..
291072 - Engelbart Dilemma Technology Obsolesence Market Forces Never Take Hold
291073 -
291074 - Doug Englebart faced these challenges at SRI 50 years ago in the
291075 - middle of the 20th century, reviewed previously on 000711 1430.
291076 - ref SDS 14 1056 At the end of the 1960s, Doug achieved initial
291077 - success using computers to aid "thinking" for tasks to create,
291078 - organize, store, retrieve, and convey information for collaboration,
291079 - reviewed on 991222. ref SDS 7 UN3J Doug was unable to continue using
291080 - and refining his tools because invention of the microprocessor in the
291081 - 1970s ushered in personal computers, reviewed on 960304. ref SDS 2
291082 - 666F
291084 - ..
291085 - This new personal computer market focused on empowering people to
291086 - produce documents with the quality of professional publications, and
291087 - on playing games for entertainment, rather than support Doug's vision
291088 - using the power of computers to leverage the power of knowledge that
291089 - improves document content, i.e., thinking, reported on 960509,
291090 - ref SDS 4 3502, and citing telecon on 960507. ref SDS 3 1111 Goals
291091 - for better tools to play games was presented again at Intel on 970603.
291092 - ref SDS 5 4486 Value proposition focusing on appearance of documents
291093 - rather than substance reflects requirements to sell products that pay
291094 - the bills, and that "pretty things" are easier to sell at a low price
291095 - to a broad market, cited in POIMS. ref OF 5 0959
291097 - ..
291098 - These market forces drove technology in the 1980s to end support for
291099 - tools Doug developed in the 1960s, reported on 001027. ref SDS 19 B76F
291100 - He was unable to "sell" people on investing time and money to upgrade
291101 - his "productivity" tools, because "augmenting intelligence" to save
291102 - lives, time, and money seemed funny, foreign, and unnecessary
291103 - overkill, shown by review at Intel on 990713, ref SDS 6 2150, and
291104 - later on 001126 by paradoxical comments from the OHS/DKR group meeting
291105 - under Doug's sponsorship at SRI with the stated aim of advancing
291106 - Doug's agenda. ref SDS 21 325L
291108 - ..
291109 - Twenty (20) years later, in the year 2000, Doug got another chance.
291110 - He assembled an ad hoc team at SRI to implement his ideas for computer
291111 - software that augments intelligence and aids collaboration, which Doug
291112 - calls "collective IQ" (see review on 991222 1045. ref SDS 7 KI49 The
291113 - first step for the SRI project in 2000 was to develop modern tools to
291114 - run his original "augment NLS" software on modern computer technology,
291115 - reported on 000324, ref SDS 8 0001, and under the auspicies of
291116 - "Bootstrap," reviewed on 991222. ref SDS 7 3495 by SRI. This effort
291117 - eventually failed. Doug and a colleague at SRI, Pat Lincoln, made
291118 - numerous trips to Washington DC making proposals for funding from
291119 - various government grant programs, reported on 000601 1600.
291120 - ref SDS 12 4877, further on 000711 1430, reporting response to funding
291121 - requests has been slow, ref SDS 14 0512; and later on 000718 0715.
291122 - ref SDS 15 PI4L On 001017 funding was expected from NIH. ref SDS 17
291123 - 4877 This was delayed by changes in administration on 010605 1500.
291124 - ref SDS 23 4877
291126 - ..
291127 - Pat related on 030527 that NIH cancelled plans to fund an SRI project
291128 - in 2001 with $30M to implement Doug's ideas. NIH decided the project
291129 - was unnecessary because in 2001 Microsoft presented to NIH that in
291130 - 2002 Microsoft would be selling Sharepoint software that improves
291131 - collaboration for daily management. ref SDS 28 XD90 Even though
291132 - Sharepoint does not improve management, reviewed on 020822 1404,
291133 - ref SDS 27 H2YS, people are willing to buy tools from Microsoft that
291134 - don't improve management, because false faith in Microsoft reflects
291135 - desire for belief in God. In the 1990s Microsoft replaced IBM as the
291136 - source of faith in the God of technology.
291138 - ..
291139 - In the past 5 years, Doug and SRI were awarded a government grant from
291140 - NSF to create a "hyperscope" tool, reported on 070904, ref SDS 35
291141 - DV5R, and previously explained in the OHS/DKR launch plan that Doug
291142 - issued on 001025. ref SDS 18 A5U6
291144 - ..
291145 - As of today, Hyperscope is explained on the Internet at...
291146 -
291147 -
291148 -
291149 - ...based on tech legend Douglas Engelbart's 1968 NLS/Augment
291150 - (oNLine System). Engelbart and team have been working on
291151 - Hyperscope since March this year, in a project funded by the
291152 - National Science Foundation. Its aim is to rebuild portions of
291153 - Douglas Engelbart's NLS system on the web, using current Web
291154 - technologies such as AJAX and DHTML.
291156 - ..
291157 - HyperScope is described as "a high-performance thought processor
291158 - that enables you to navigate, view, and link to documents in
291159 - sophisticated ways." This is seen as the first (renewed) step
291160 - towards Doug Engelbart's larger vision for an Open Hyperdocument
291161 - System - only this time round it'll be based on Web technologies.
291163 - ..
291164 - One of Doug's papers published in 1972, explains requirements for
291165 - technology to improve daily management, reviewed on 000327.
291166 - ref SDS 9 3971
291168 - ..
291169 - There is no record showing daily work product created and applied with
291170 - the Hyperscope.
291172 - ..
291173 - Without the solution for SDS reported today, per above, ref SDS 0
291174 - 6V3F, SDS would most likely devolve into a frustrating series of
291175 - decades chasing an elusive dream. Thanks to support from Microsoft,
291176 - HP, and especially Fry's, reported in another record today,
291177 - ref SDS 70 2871, the Engelbart Dilemma has been avoided. Not only can
291178 - SDS continue to save lives, time, and money on modern computers for
291179 - next 5 - 20 years, productivity is greatly increased with faster
291180 - processing, further reported in another record today on 090715 2146.
291181 - ref SDS 70 TI6J
291183 - ..
291184 - Continued coordination illustrated in this case, gives civilization
291185 - continued opportunity to advance from information to a culture of
291186 - knowledge (sometimes called a "paperless office"), as set out in
291187 - POIMS. ref OF 4 J26O, and as illustrated by this record.
291188 -
291189 -
291190 -
291191 -
291192 -
291193 -
291194 -
291195 -
2912 -
Justify Time Money SDS Invest Continue Experiment C16 Configure 64-b
6203 -
620401 - ..
620402 - Requirements Continue SDS Experiment Communication Metrics
620403 -
620404 - Motivation to extend use of SDS achieved today, per above, ref SDS 0
620405 - 6V3F, comes from increased productivity shown by...
620406 -
620407 - 1. Case study shows need for Knowledge
620408 - Management to save time and
620409 - money in wide range of
620410 - fields................................ 000601. ref SDS 12 0004
620412 - ..
620413 - 2. SDS only Knowledge Management software
620414 - that supports daily work for 1 year,
620415 - 5, 10, 20 years....................... 000425, ref SDS 10 0480
620417 - ..
620418 - 3. SDS design improves management better than
620419 - other technologies because design refined
620420 - through synergy between development and
620421 - application to recycle experience
620422 - that optimized the
620423 - desgin................................ 010924, ref SDS 24 NK4J
620425 - ..
620426 - 4. No other software is used like SDS to create
620427 - connections between informtion and context
620428 - that produces knowledge of cause
620429 - and effect for working
620430 - intelligently......................... 010924, ref SDS 24 XT5F
620432 - ..
620433 - 5. SDS effective across wide range of applications
620434 - in business, science, education, and
620435 - government............................ 020708, ref SDS 26 D75F
620437 - ..
620438 - 6. Case study people have given up on all
620439 - 3 elements of Knowledge Management because
620440 - only SDS enables routine use of
620441 - intelligence support.................. 070126, ref SDS 33 QH8L
620443 - ..
620444 - 7. SDS saves lives, time, and money
620445 - case study............................ 071212, ref SDS 37 IB7N
620447 - ..
620448 - 8. Case study Jack Park has tried to develop
620449 - Knowledge Management for 10 years; Jack's
620450 - correspondence presents SDS unique
620451 - support invents the "wheel" for
620452 - Knowledge Management.................. 071220, ref SDS 51 M53N
620454 - ..
620455 - 9. Case study people trying other software
620456 - development tools and platforms to reinvent
620457 - the "wheel" for Knowledge Management tools
620458 - experience difficulty without SDS
620459 - platform based on assembly
620460 - language.............................. 080124 ref SDS 39 WG5G
620461 -
620462 -
620463 -
620464 -
6205 -
Black Hole Ignorance Fear Denial SDS Survival Another 30 Years Count
9703 -
970401 - ..
970402 - Black Hole Ignorance Fear Denial SDS Survives Another 30 Years
970403 -
970404 - SDS may have "dodged a bullet" transcending for the moment the "black
970405 - hole" of ignorance, fear, and denial by upgrading 64-bit hardware
970406 - technology to run Windows XP 32-bit operating system for continuity of
970407 - 16-bit software like SDS, and demonstrated at Fry's on 090616.
970408 - ref SDS 47 4S95
970410 - ..
970411 - This was not an evident solution. Powerful cultural forces suppressed
970412 - knowledge of a viable solution.
970414 - ..
970415 - Fry's Electronics initially failed attempting to install Windows XP
970416 - 32-bit operating system in order to run SDS 16-bit software on the
970417 - Toshiba Qomiso Core 2 Quad 64-bit notebook computer, reported on
970418 - 090619 1430. ref SDS 50 UR5H Fry's Assistant Service Manager advised
970419 - that Windows XP 32-bit oprating system cannot be installed on 64-bit
970420 - notebook computers, reported on 090619 1430. ref SDS 50 448K Fry's
970421 - further refused to continue work on solving the problem by selling
970422 - another computer with original terms to configure 64-bit computer
970423 - technology with Windows XP 32-bit operating system, reported on
970424 - 090623, 090623 0915. ref SDS 51 2H5Y This record indicated cultural
970425 - inertia in 2009 aligned with the Engelbart Dilemma of the 60s - 80s,
970426 - per above. ref SDS 0 XK8H
970428 - ..
970429 - Later that night on 090623, HP represented that Windows 32-bit
970430 - operating system can be installed on the HP HDX 18t high-end 64-bit
970431 - computer, ref SDS 52 F43N Faith in the HP sales department combined
970432 - with necessity to overcome several initial failures to configure the
970433 - HDX 18t 64-bit computer with XP 32-bit operating system, as occurred 2
970434 - weeks earlier with the Toshiba Qomiso, reported on 090623 0915.
970435 - ref SDS 51 UR5H Discovery on 090709 that HP sells a 64-bit notebook
970436 - computer nearly identical to the HDX 18t design and with XP 32-bit
970437 - pre-installed increased confidence that the HDX 18t can be configured
970438 - to be productive. ref SDS 60 LO8H Momentum to make the HP HDX 18t
970439 - productive was increased by research that discovered Microsoft has
970440 - begun selling "Vista Business" to facilitate replacing Vista with the
970441 - XP 32-bit operating system, also, reported on 090709. ref SDS 60 TG9M
970443 - ..
970444 - The following study shows the paradigm associating "improve" with
970445 - Microsoft creates powerful market forces that resist upgrading Vista
970446 - and Windows 7 64-bit operating systems to dual-boot Windows XP 32-bit
970447 - operating system for line-of-business 16-bit tools that save lives,
970448 - time, and money. Demand for productivity, including for Fry's daily
970449 - work, reported on 090616, ref SDS 47 F28W, creates countervailing
970450 - market forces that enabled civilization to continue SDS support for
970451 - transformation from information to a culture of knowledge.
970452 -
970453 -
970454 -
9705 -
Case Study C16 Procurement Acquisition Configuration Transform 64-bi
B003 -
B00401 - ..
B00402 - Case Study Make 64-bit Computer Productive Upgrade Vista to XP 32-bit
B00403 -
B00404 - Follow up ref SDS 69 W28G.
B00405 -
B00406 - 1. Purchased...
B00407 -
B00408 - Toshiba Qomiso X305 Q725 Q9000 Core2
B00409 - Quad 2 GHz 4 GB 320 GB 17" 64 GB SSD 1 GB
B00410 - 9800 M GTX Webcam Vista
B00411 - Ultimate..................... $3,200.00
B00412 -
B00413 - ...ordered from Fry's Sales
B00414 - Department............................ 090616, ref SDS 47 4V9N
B00415 -
B00416 - ...with agreement that Fry's would install
B00417 - Windows XP as primary operating system
B00418 - to run legacy line-of-business software,
B00419 - specifically SDS, and Fry's would install
B00420 - Windows 7 for dual boot access to support
B00421 - development of 64-bit upgrade
B00422 - to SDS 16-bit
B00423 - technology............................ 090616, ref SDS 47 J396
B00425 - ..
B00426 - 2. Fry's disclosed that this major technology
B00427 - vendor replaces Windows Vista 64-bit with
B00428 - the XP 32-bit operating sytem on quad-core
B00429 - 64-bit computers in order to run 16-bit
B00430 - line-of-business software that is
B00431 - critical to productivity
B00432 - at Fry's.............................. 090616, ref SDS 47 F28W
B00434 - ..
B00435 - 3. Fry's reported failure installing Windows
B00436 - XP on Toshiba Qomiso 64-bit computer
B00437 - to replace Vista...................... 090617, ref SDS 48 01DC
B00439 - ..
B00440 - 4. Fry's discloses having no experience configuring
B00441 - high-end 64-bit notbeook computers designed to
B00442 - run Vista exclusively, with Windows XP 32-bit
B00443 - operating system to replace Vista, because
B00444 - most customers buy low-end less expensive
B00445 - notebook and desktop computers which
B00446 - make installing Windows XP
B00447 - fast and easy......................... 090617, ref SDS 48 MV57
B00449 - ..
B00450 - 5. Toshiba Technical Support notified Fry's
B00451 - Windows XP 32-bit should install on
B00452 - Toshiba Qomiso 64-bit computer; will
B00453 - investigate problem in Toshiba lab
B00454 - and advise Fry's of the
B00455 - solution.............................. 090618, ref SDS 49 X98O
B00457 - ..
B00458 - 6. Toshiba Technical Support did not call
B00459 - Fry's back as promised with solution to
B00460 - configure Qomiso 64-bit computer with
B00461 - Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00462 - system................................ 090619, ref SDS 50 DO7F
B00464 - ..
B00465 - 7. Fry's Technical Service team disappointed
B00466 - about failing to upgrade Toshiba Qomiso
B00467 - computer replacing Vista with Windows XP
B00468 - 32-bit operating system that makes 64-bit
B00469 - computers productive; notebook computers
B00470 - designed for entertainment are optimized
B00471 - by Vista; this makes installing Windows
B00472 - XP 32-bit operating system to make
B00473 - entertainment computers
B00474 - productive is very
B00475 - difficult............................. 090619, ref SDS 50 NU7N
B00477 - ..
B00478 - 8. Fry's failed to complete the work, so order
B00479 - for Toshiba Qomiso notebook computer was
B00480 - cancelled; except Fry's was paid $150 for
B00481 - work trying to configure the Toshiba
B00482 - Qomiso with XP 32-bit operating system
B00483 - and further agreed to configure another
B00484 - computer at no additional
B00485 - cost ................................. 090623, ref SDS 51 0274
B00487 - ..
B00488 - 9. Fry's disclosed the Sales Department cannot
B00489 - sell another 64-bit computer capable of
B00490 - configuring with Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00491 - system and with Vista or Windows 7 as
B00492 - secondary OS in dual boot for
B00493 - 64-bit applications................... 090623, ref SDS 51 2H9G
B00495 - ..
B00496 - 10. Purchased HP HDX 18T Q9300
B00497 - computer from HP Sales
B00498 - Department................... $2,782.18
B00499 -
B00500 - replace Qomiso that failed to
B00501 - accompblish requirements.............. 090623, ref SDS 52 294M
B00502 -
B00503 - ...and based on representation that the
B00504 - computer can be configured with Windows
B00505 - XP as primary operating system, install
B00506 - Windows 7 as a dual
B00507 - boot OS............................... 090623, ref SDS 52 WW9N
B00509 - ..
B00510 - 11. HP Technical Support said Windows XP 32-bit
B00511 - operating system cannot be installed to
B00512 - replace Vista on HDX 18t 64-bit
B00513 - computer.............................. 090623, ref SDS 52 6X4J
B00515 - ..
B00516 - 12. Difficulty contacting HP Technical
B00517 - Support............................... 090623, ref SDS 52 OT6E
B00519 - ..
B00520 - 13. HP Sales Department confirmed that HDX
B00521 - 18t QX9300 notebook can install Windows
B00522 - XP as the primary OS and Windows Vista
B00523 - or Windows 7 can be configured for dual
B00524 - boot, with the hard drive partitioned
B00525 - c - k, and with the Wndows XP
B00526 - installed on i and Windows
B00527 - 7 on j................................ 090624, ref SDS 53 EO7J
B00529 - ..
B00530 - 14. Received HP HDX 18t computer c16...... 090702, ref SDS 54 ON8O
B00532 - ..
B00533 - 15. Delivered c16 to Ryan at Fry's for
B00534 - configuration installing Windows XP 32-bit
B00535 - to replace Vista 64-bit operating system
B00536 - and dual boot with Windows 7 backup
B00537 - OS with hard disk partitioned
B00538 - c - j, as agreed...................... 090702, ref SDS 55 2N8H
B00540 - ..
B00541 - 16. Fry's reported same failure installing
B00542 - Windows XP 32-bit operating system to
B00543 - replace Vista 64-bit on HP HDX 18t
B00544 - computer that occurred trying
B00545 - unsuccessfully to configure
B00546 - Toshiba Qomiso........................ 090705, ref SDS 56 PPXU
B00548 - ..
B00549 - 17. Ryan tried numerous ways to get setup code
B00550 - for Windows XP 32-bit operating system to
B00551 - install on HP HDX 18t, including removing
B00552 - 2nd hard drive; but, everything failed;
B00553 - Ryan did research on the
B00554 - Internet to find
B00555 - solution.............................. 090705, ref SDS 56 YF42
B00557 - ..
B00558 - 18. Called HP talked to Mat, a supervisor
B00559 - for HDX 18t Technical Support Department;
B00560 - Mat refused to help configure the HP HDX 18t
B00561 - 64-bit computer to run XP 32-bit operating
B00562 - system, because HP only supports computers
B00563 - as received from the factory with Vista;
B00564 - he said Brock in the Sales Department was
B00565 - wrong to tell customers HP can meet customer
B00566 - requirements using Windows XP 32-bit to
B00567 - upgrade HDX 18t by replacing Vista 64-bit
B00568 - operating system to make the power and
B00569 - capacities of the HP HDX 18t QX9300 64-bit
B00570 - computer productive running legacy
B00571 - line-of- business software
B00572 - needed to pay for HP
B00573 - computers............................. 090705, ref SDS 56 RG56
B00575 - ..
B00576 - 19. Research on Internet suggests possible
B00577 - solution, however, it does not say how
B00578 - to resolve blue screen problem running
B00579 - Windows XP 32-bit setup code
B00580 - code.................................. 090705, ref SDS 56 4R46
B00582 - ..
B00583 - 20. Called HP Sales Department for assistance
B00584 - getting assistance from Technical Support
B00585 - Department to implement representations
B00586 - that induced purchase of HP HDX 18t computer
B00587 - that can be configured with Windows XP
B00588 - 32-bit to replace Vista 64-bit operating
B00589 - system; call was transferred to Escalation
B00590 - Department for assigning a Case Manager
B00591 - to facilitate resolution of conflict
B00592 - between Sales and Technical Support;
B00593 - was never able to contact
B00594 - technical engineer.................... 090706, ref SDS 57 V73M
B00596 - ..
B00597 - 21. Intel chip design engineer, retired, Morris
B00598 - cited possible problems copying files between
B00599 - 32-bit and 64-bit computers for using SDS on
B00600 - different computers; he cautioned getting SDS
B00601 - to run correctly with Windows XP 32-bit
B00602 - operating system running on a 64-bit
B00603 - notebook computer will be very difficult
B00604 - because subtle differences in how
B00605 - data is stored on the
B00606 - disk.................................. 090706, ref SDS 57 NH3M
B00608 - ..
B00609 - 22. Called HP about progress in Escalation
B00610 - Department assigning Case Manager to solve
B00611 - problems configuring HDX 18t with Windows
B00612 - XP 32-bit as represented by Sales Department;
B00613 - was transferred to Resolution
B00614 - Department............................ 090708, ref SDS 58 V73M
B00616 - ..
B00617 - 23. HP Resolution Department transferred the call
B00618 - to Case Manager, who assigned case number; and
B00619 - repeated prior guidance that HDX 18t 64-bit
B00620 - computer will only run Vista 64-bit operating
B00621 - system, and is designed and sold for home and
B00622 - home office "entertainment," and so HP Technical
B00623 - Support cannot help customers customize
B00624 - the computer to meet requirements for
B00625 - running Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00626 - system to make the HP HDX 18t
B00627 - productive............................ 090708, ref SDS 58 PQ9R
B00629 - ..
B00630 - 24. Case Manager collaborated with Technical Support
B00631 - colleagues and revised scope of use for HDX 18t
B00632 - confirming Sales Department was correct that
B00633 - Windows XP 32-bit operating system can replace
B00634 - Vista 64-bit operating system, but HP
B00635 - Technical Support will not support
B00636 - making the HDX 18t
B00637 - productive............................ 090708, ref SDS 58 KQ54
B00639 - ..
B00640 - 25. Case Manager transferred call to Malcolm
B00641 - another supervisor with HP Technical Support;
B00642 - Malcolm disclosed that HP has a video on
B00643 - the Internet explaining how customers can
B00644 - install Windows XP 32-bit to replace Vista
B00645 - 64-bit operating system for running
B00646 - mission critical line-of-business
B00647 - 16-bit software on HDX 18t
B00648 - quad core 64-bit
B00649 - computer.............................. 090708, ref SDS 58 OE5Q
B00651 - ..
B00652 - 26. HP video and written instructions for replacing
B00653 - Vista 64-bit with Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00654 - system does not explain how to get past blue
B00655 - screen error message running XP setup;
B00656 - nor, where to obtain software
B00657 - drivers for 30 or so
B00658 - hardware devices...................... 090708, ref SDS 58 OE4M
B00660 - ..
B00661 - 27. Ryan at Fry's continues encountering Microsoft
B00662 - blue screen error running Windows XP 32-bit
B00663 - setup disk; tries removing 2nd hard disk, and
B00664 - running XP setup, this fails; removed primary
B00665 - boot disk hard drive and formatting
B00666 - separately to remove all remnants
B00667 - of Vista.............................. 090708, ref SDS 59 PQRY
B00669 - ..
B00670 - 28. Fry's Service Technician complained about
B00671 - customer collaborating with the Service
B00672 - Department to save time and money configuring
B00673 - 64-bit computers to be productive
B00674 - saving lives, time, and
B00675 - money................................. 090708 1540, ref SDS 59 JL4M
B00677 - ..
B00678 - 29. Research found requirement to install
B00679 - device drivers for SATA hard disk drives
B00680 - on HP HDX 18t in order to run setup for
B00681 - installing Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit
B00682 - operating system to replace
B00683 - Vista 64-bit.......................... 090708, ref SDS 59 PX8J
B00685 - ..
B00686 - 30. Research found even afer getting past setup
B00687 - blue screen errors and completing XP installation
B00688 - after CD reomved from port, HDX 18t
B00689 - computer fails to launch with
B00690 - Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00691 - system................................ 090708, ref SDS 59 DH5H
B00693 - ..
B00694 - 31. Notified Fry's about trying device drivers
B00695 - for SATA hard disk to run Microsoft setup
B00696 - to install Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00697 - system on HP HDX 18t notebook
B00698 - coputer............................... 090709, ref SDS 60 TF9O
B00700 - ..
B00701 - 32. Fry's downloaded device drivers for SATA hard
B00702 - drives, but suffered further failure installing
B00703 - Windows XP 32-bit on HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer,
B00704 - and reported HP Technical Support refused to
B00705 - help Fry's configure HP products to meet
B00706 - customer requirements in the manner
B00707 - represented by the HP Sales
B00708 - Department............................ 090709, ref SDS 60 WJ5G
B00710 - ..
B00711 - 33. Called Brock, who sold c16 on 090623; and
B00712 - he confirmed HP Sales Department guidance
B00713 - that XP can be installed to make the HDX 18t
B00714 - productive, as well as entertaining; and
B00715 - further advised that customers can buy
B00716 - the HP Elitebook 8730w computer with half
B00717 - the performance capability of the HDX 18t,
B00718 - but comes with Vista Business operating
B00719 - system which HP replaces with Windows
B00720 - XP operating system at the factory,
B00721 - and it sells for $2,000 more,
B00722 - a total of $4,200..................... 090709, ref SDS 60 LO8H
B00724 - ..
B00725 - 34. Engaget sales pitch for Microsoft Vista
B00726 - Business says Windows Vista 64-bit operating
B00727 - system does not meet customer requirements
B00728 - for a plethora of businesses who demand
B00729 - Windows XP 32-bit operating systems to
B00730 - run line-of-business software; Microsoft
B00731 - is "quietly allowing PC makers
B00732 - to offer switching
B00733 - to Windows XP......................... 090709, ref SDS 60 TG9M
B00735 - ..
B00736 - 35. Called Microsoft for technical support because
B00737 - HP refused to help the customer, ref SDS 0 PI5L,
B00738 - run setup for Windows XP 32-bit operating system
B00739 - to upgrade HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer, including
B00740 - device drivers, ref SDS 0 UG4O, that replace
B00741 - Vista 64-bit operating system, and
B00742 - also install Windows 7 to dual
B00743 - boot with XP........ ................. 090710, ref SDS 61 R18A
B00745 - ..
B00746 - 36. Received letter from Microsoft scheduling
B00747 - service call to assist Fry's run setup for
B00748 - Windows XP 32-bit to replace Vista
B00749 - 64-bit operating
B00750 - system................................ 090710, ref SDS 61 PQ9P
B00752 - ..
B00753 - 37. Visited Fry's and called Microsoft Technical
B00754 - Support; paid $79 for service call and
B00755 - received case number; talked to Amol and
B00756 - explained background on objectives
B00757 - and problems; Amol escalated the
B00758 - the call to Microsoft level-2
B00759 - support............................... 090710, ref SDS 62 R44M
B00761 - ..
B00762 - 38. Amol explained to Ryan, Fry's Service
B00763 - Technician, that Microsoft Level-2 Technical
B00764 - Support recommends using an external floppy
B00765 - disk drive to call device drivers for
B00766 - SATA hard disk during Windows XP
B00767 - setup, to get past blue screen
B00768 - error failure......................... 090710 ref SDS 62 R54P
B00770 - ..
B00771 - 39. Fry's implemented Microsoft guidance and
B00772 - successfully installed Windows XP SP2 32-bit
B00773 - operating system to replace Microsoft
B00774 - Vista 64-bit operating system on
B00775 - c16 an HP HDX 18t notebook
B00776 - computer.............................. 090710, ref SDS 62 SH4K
B00778 - ..
B00779 - 40. Commend Joe and Petrus for strong leadership
B00780 - supporting Ryan's excellent work using Kaiser's
B00781 - doctor/patient partnership model in Fry's
B00782 - Service Department collaborating to solve
B00783 - complex problems configuring c16 to upgrade
B00784 - HP HDX 18t making 64-bit computer technology
B00785 - productive for saving lives, time, and
B00786 - money despite strong resistance from HP
B00787 - who refused technical assistance, and
B00788 - overcoming unanimous voices of industry
B00789 - experts who said the Wndows XP 32-bit
B00790 - operating system could not
B00791 - replace 64-bit Vista ................. 090710 1719, ref SDS 62 T65H
B00793 - ..
B00794 - 41. Removed Windows setup CD and successfully
B00795 - booted Windows XP on HDX 18t computer;
B00796 - all device drivers show yellow marker
B00797 - indicating upgraded requirment for
B00798 - Windows XP to run devices on
B00799 - HDX 18t............................... 090710, ref SDS 62 NX5M
B00801 - ..
B00802 - 42. Windows 7 installed code on j drive as
B00803 - planned, but when the computer runs, Windows
B00804 - 7 applies "virtual memory" and displays code
B00805 - on the j drive as being on the c drive, and
B00806 - everything on c is moved to d, etc., and
B00807 - j drive disappears from list of
B00808 - system drives......................... 090711, ref SDS 63 WM77
B00810 - ..
B00811 - 43. Work plan to get drivers for Windows XP
B00812 - to run devices on HDX 18t, then figure out
B00813 - how to install Windows 7 for
B00814 - dual boot............................. 090711, ref SDS 63 UI4G
B00816 - ..
B00817 - 44. Fry's tries removing Windows 7 and installing
B00818 - Vista 64-bit operating system on j, because
B00819 - Ryan believes Vista will install according
B00820 - to customer requirements, rather than display
B00821 - on c drive using virtual memory feature
B00822 - applied with Windows 7; however, this
B00823 - failed and Vista installed on j also
B00824 - displayed on C........................ 090711, ref SDS 63 PN8V
B00826 - ..
B00827 - 45. Work plan remove Vista 64-bit on j and
B00828 - install Windows XP on j, so there are 2
B00829 - sets of XP code on c16, primary OS on i,
B00830 - and another on j; and then try upgrading
B00831 - XP on j to Vista, and if that
B00832 - works, upgrade Vista to
B00833 - Windows 7............................. 090711, ref SDS 63 U999
B00835 - ..
B00836 - 46. Windows 7 successfully installed on j and
B00837 - displays on j so files are not moved to
B00838 - c, and configured to dual boot
B00839 - with Windows XP....................... 090712, ref SDS 64 JN62
B00841 - ..
B00842 - 47. Ryan reported Fry's having difficulty finding
B00843 - device drivers for Windows XP 32-bit operating
B00844 - system to manage components for HP HDX 18t has
B00845 - spent an entire day and found only 7 software
B00846 - drivers that work out of a total of 70 or
B00847 - more devices; this taking a lot of
B00848 - time because HP Customer support
B00849 - is not supporting the
B00850 - customer.............................. 090712, ref SDS 64 GS3K
B00852 - ..
B00853 - 48. Work plan complete configure
B00854 - c16................................... 090712, ref SDS 64 GS3Y
B00856 - ..
B00857 - 49. Letter thanks Microsoft and HP for excellent
B00858 - customer support; asks HP to submit device
B00859 - drivers for the Elitebook 8730w,
B00860 - laptop computer....................... 090713, ref SDS 65 RS6U
B00861 - which has similar hardware to HDX 18t,
B00862 - and comes from the factory with Windows
B00863 - XP 32-bit installed, reported
B00864 - by HP................................. 090709, ref SDS 60 LO8H
B00866 - ..
B00867 - 50. Call HP Customer Service for technical support
B00868 - getting device drivers as requested in letter
B00869 - earlier in the day; was on hold, and the line
B00870 - was dropped; called back and HP Technical
B00871 - support administrator said to call back
B00872 - another day, because Monday's are
B00873 - very busy............................. 090713, ref SDS 66 R18A
B00875 - ..
B00876 - 51. Downloaded device drivers for HP EliteBook
B00877 - 8730w notebook computer which comes with
B00878 - Windows XP Pro pre-installed by
B00879 - replacing Vista, and so seems
B00880 - similar to requirements for
B00881 - c16 configure HP
B00882 - HDX 18t............................... 090713, ref SDS 67 R18A
B00884 - ..
B00885 - 52. Called HP to verify device drivers for
B00886 - EliteBook 8730w 64-bit notebook computer
B00887 - can be installed on HDX 18t; Lena
B00888 - invested 2 hours to refuse
B00889 - assistance............................ 090714, ref SDS 68 R18A
B00891 - ..
B00892 - 53. HP Technical Support supervisor came online
B00893 - and said device drivers for EliteBook 8730w
B00894 - can be downloaded and installed on
B00895 - HP HDX 18t............................ 090714, ref SDS 68 03DG
B00897 - ..
B00898 - 54. HP explains device drivers for HP HDX 18t
B00899 - have not been posted on the Internet because
B00900 - computer manufacturers have to pay software
B00901 - developers for each computer drivers support,
B00902 - so HP saves money by only associating
B00903 - the drivers with Elitebook
B00904 - 8730w................................. 090714, ref SDS 68 F248
B00906 - ..
B00907 - 55. Went to Fry's and submitted software drivers
B00908 - downloaded for EliteBook 8730w for Ryan to
B00909 - install on HP HDX 18t notebook computer
B00910 - Ryan had also found a set of
B00911 - device drivers to configure
B00912 - c16 HDX 19t........................... 090715, ref SDS 69 R18A
B00914 - ..
B00915 - 56. Ryan reported c16 configured and ready
B00916 - for use; device drivers downloaded from HP
B00917 - for Elitebook 8730w were rejected by HDX
B00918 - 18t; device drivers Ryan found were successful
B00919 - except there are 2 of 70 or so devices
B00920 - missing drivers; one for high definition
B00921 - sound, and another unidentified
B00922 - device................................ 090715, ref SDS 69 EF4H
B00924 - ..
B00925 - 57. Received c16 from Fry's; Ryan trying
B00926 - to find missing device
B00927 - drivers............................... 090715, ref SDS 69 JH5M
B00929 - ..
B00930 - 58. Testing shows c16 HDX 18t 64-bit computer
B00931 - with Windows XP 32-bit operating system
B00932 - configured by Fry's improves using
B00933 - SDS by orders of
B00934 - magnitude............................. 090715, ref SDS 70 FL4N
B00936 - ..
B00937 - 59. Configured c16 for standard SDS
B00938 - operations took several
B00939 - days.................................. 090715, ref SDS 70 2495
B00941 - ..
B00942 - 60. Windows XP upgrade SP3 and activation
B00943 - of Windows XP with
B00944 - Microsoft............................. 090719, ref SDS 71 615H
B00946 - ..
B00947 - 61. Microsoft Office 7 installed on
B00948 - c16................................... 090719, ref SDS 73 SO97
B00950 - ..
B00951 - 62. Visit Fry's for Ryan to make a few
B00952 - corrections........................... 090719, ref SDS 72 GI5I
B00954 - ..
B00955 - 63. Visit Morris configure Java and Netbeans
B00956 - on c16 for SDS 64-bit application
B00957 - development; cannot congigure
B00958 - Ekiga for Internet no cost
B00959 - telephone collaboration............... 090721, ref SDS 74 NI63
B00961 - ..
B00962 - 64. Visit Fry's Ryan still trying to find last
B00963 - 2 device drivers for Windows XP; colleague
B00964 - David disconnects sounds on Windows 7
B00965 - to solve shut down
B00966 - problem............................... 090726, ref SDS 75 DY8O
B00968 - ..
B00969 - 65. Windows XP SP3 updated to increase
B00970 - virus protection
B00971 - on c16................................ 090728, ref SDS 76 1B6O
B00973 - ..
B00974 - 66. Visit Fry's Ryan found 2 device drivers to
B00975 - complete configuration of c16; only one
B00976 - was successful for the "unidentified"
B00977 - device................................ 090729, ref SDS 77 HW9F
B00979 - ..
B00980 - 67. C16 device driver for High Definition
B00981 - Sound updated and found a driver on
B00982 - the Internet; completed resolving
B00983 - all errors in Device
B00984 - Manager............................... 090729, ref SDS 78 GI5I
B00985 -
B00986 -
B00987 -
B00988 -
B00989 -
B00990 -
B00991 -
B00992 -
B010 -
B011 -