440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 30, 2009 12:37 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Millie's letter to Kim on inspiration getting treatment for 8th relapse
of cancer overcoming resistance when Doctor Jeckell meets Mr Hyde.
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Health Care Millie Story Inspirational Overcome Resistance Against T
6303 -
6303 - ..
6304 - Summary/Objective
6305 -
630501 - Follow up
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630506 - ..
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6308 - Progress
6309 -
630901 - Millie received a copy of a letter that Kim sent to a great many
630902 - people with a link to an inspirational movie clip. ref SDS 0 LK4O
630904 - ..
630905 - Millie recently started treatment ordered by Kaiser and provided at
630906 - UCSF to recover from her 8th relapse of cancer, after being told for 4
630907 - weeks that UCSF and Kaiser would not approve treatment prescribed by
630908 - UCSF. The complex story assisting Millie's medical team over the past
630909 - 6 months to implement the insurance agreement for Kaiser to provide
630910 - standard of care could inspire doctors and patients searching for
630911 - effective solutions.
630913 - ..
630914 - Millie sent the following letter replying to Kim...
630915 -
630916 - 1. Subject: Words to live by - everybody's on board
630917 - Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:50:05 -0700
630925 - ..
630926 - 2. Your inspirational email on Saturday, came just in time. The
630927 - past 6 months I have been pushing a "big rock up a steep hill."
630928 - Getting encouragement in your letter today helps a lot.
630930 - ..
630931 - 3. In January my cancer seemed to explode [because 6 years of
630932 - treatment exhausted all protocols for stage IV cancer; this
630933 - required innovation to treat "stage V" cancer]. Busy doctors
630934 - combined with the usual mistakes [see patient history on 040416
630935 - 1045. ref SDS 1 SK50] delayed treatment beyond danger to
630936 - emergency mode. Finally got through that to start treatment in
630937 - mid-February, but it was no picnic.
630939 - ..
630940 - 4. My doctor said in February that I [need treatment for cancer as
630941 - a "chronic disease," reported on 090213 1140. ref SDS 4 GC6N
630942 - otherwise I] have less than a year to live, ref SDS 4 9L7N],
630943 - and offered Hospice rather than treatment, ref SDS 4 VW63,
630944 - because Kaiser evidently feels my account is "over budget." He
630945 - didn't say it that way, but cited a fable about a genius in
630946 - India who invented chess, and was rewarded by the emperor; but,
630947 - the emperor later felt he made a "bad deal," and so stopped
630948 - payment. ref SDS 4 4N5K
630950 - ..
630951 - [On 090701 0720 Kim cites Millie's strength and courage
630952 - focusing on proactive planning to provide medical
630953 - treatment in time to be effective enabling a quality of
630954 - life that avoids pain, suffering, and decline, which
630955 - otherwise requires Hospice care to die comfortably.
630956 - ref SDS 17 IY5H
630958 - ..
630959 - [On 090706 1447 Millie received a letter from Ross
630960 - encouraging Millie's inspirational, competitive drive to
630961 - be a "winner" helping Kaiser and UCSF overcome
630962 - resistance to using good management required to treat
630963 - Millie's "stage V" cancer as a chronic disease,
630964 - ref SDS 18 IY5H
630966 - ..
630967 - [On 091130 1106 Millie's letter to Laura who ended
630968 - treatment and entered Hospice, explains Millie's
630969 - difficulties after June 2009 to implement primary care
630970 - doctor's order to treatment Millie's cancer as a chronic
630971 - disease. ref SDS 20 NK6V
630972 -
630978 - ..
630979 - [On 100204 1723 Millie responded to her grandaughter, on
630980 - objectives to inspire persistence, ingenuity, courage,
630981 - and dignity. ref SDS 23 SX6I Millie's amazing patient
630982 - history provides compelling leadership for the medical
630983 - team at Kaiser and UCSF to overcome resistance against
630984 - using good management in order to get treatment for
630985 - "stage V" cancer as a "chronic disease." ref SDS 23 XN5R
630986 - Stephanie's writing skills can help her the way that
630987 - writing a daily diary helps Millie's medical team.
630988 - ref SDS 23 XN5W
630990 - ..
630991 - [On 100206 1533 Benilda inspired by Millie's leadership
630992 - helping Kaiser and UCSF overcome resistance to treating
630993 - Millie's "stage V" cancer as a "chronic disease."
630994 - ref SDS 24 HX55
630996 - ..
630997 - 5. With inspiration from family and friends, I decided to try
630998 - treatment for the 7th relapse, rather than Hospice [see meeting
630999 - with Doctor Hsu in UCSF Radiation Oncology Department planning
631000 - treatment with radiation and hyperthermia, ref SDS 3 EY5F].
631002 - ..
631003 - 6. In March and April treatment side effects seemed worse than
631004 - cancer. So, when cancer returned for an 8th time, inspiration
631005 - to work for recovery waned. In mid-May, Doctor Rugo, world
631006 - renowned oncologist at UCSF...
631007 -
631008 -
631009 -
631010 - ...was uncharacteristically discouraged, saying Kaiser would
631011 - never get "on board" with the new plan to recover from an 8th
631012 - relapse [reported in meeting at UCSF on 090514 0830.
631013 - ref SDS 5 3F82
631015 - ..
631016 - 7. The next day, I was encouraged by my doctor at Kaiser, who said
631017 - he would "go to bat for me," ref SDS 6 655R, because he had
631018 - been inspired by a television documentary produced by Michael
631019 - Moore. He described Moore thundering against patients
631020 - ill-treated by a greedy, inefficient health care system.
631021 - ref SDS 6 659O The doctor explained the only treatment he has
631022 - left for me at Kaiser is Gemzar, and he would get in trouble
631023 - prescribing Gemzar for my patient profile. ref SDS 6 658J He
631024 - was near tears explaining other patients pleading to him for
631025 - treatments Kaiser does not have due to complex government
631026 - regulations. ref SDS 6 657K We explained how to solve the
631027 - problem by implementing Kaiser's insurance agreement. My
631028 - doctor asked Rod to prepare a draft appeal for him to
631029 - personally present grounds Kaiser can approve Doctor Rugo's
631030 - plan. ref SDS 6 655Y I was ecstatic, and thought of your high
631031 - regard for Moore's work, and couldn't wait to tell Doctor Rugo
631032 - she was wrong about Kaiser.
631034 - ..
631035 - 8. Unfortunately, Doctor Rugo proved correct. The primary care
631036 - doctor on "my medical team" suddenly realized he is also on
631037 - "Kaiser's team," and Kaiser has "bigger hitters." Instead of
631038 - submitting a claim to Kaiser on approving my treatment, he sent
631039 - some fancy language to me obviously prepared by Kaiser's "smart
631040 - boys in the back room." I was crushed when my primary care
631041 - doctor not only refused to get "on board" for the UCSF
631042 - treatment plan [reported on 090519, ref SDS 7 5K7H, but Kaiser
631043 - wouldn't prescribe anything [reported on 090529 1109.
631044 - ref SDS 8 0N3O
631046 - ..
631047 - 9. Doctor Jekyll meet Mr. Hyde!!
631049 - ..
631050 - 10. Inspiration declined, as cancer spread [reported on 090531
631051 - 1544. ref SDS 9 IH4Q]. We were really scrambling to get
631052 - something to live by [reported on 090531 1544. ref SDS 9 IH9S
631053 - I won't go into all of the details, but we did not accept
631054 - Kaiser's refusal to prescribe treatment at the 11th hour and
631055 - with time running out on ability to recover. ref SDS 9 IH4X
631057 - ..
631058 - 11. After weeks of back and forth, I was relieved, when my doctor
631059 - finally prescribed alternate treatment [reported on 090601
631060 - 0818. ref SDS 10 PQ7V], but still concerned this was Gemzar,
631061 - which the doctor had earlier said would likely not be effective
631062 - for me [reported on 090515, ref SDS 6 658J].
631064 - ..
631065 - 12. With reservations, I did the tests and was ready to go. Then
631066 - Queenie called from the Kaiser Oncology Pharmacy. She talked
631067 - for about 40 minutes on procedures and side effects. Queenie
631068 - scheduled treament to start with Gemzar on June 11th [reported
631069 - on 090603 1524]. ref SDS 11 6W9H At the end of the call, Rod
631070 - asked for a letter confirming Kaiser's guidance. Queenie said
631071 - Kaiser never sends letters to patients, because it is faster
631072 - and easier to call. She noted that in her 5-years calling
631073 - Kaiser customers like today, she has never before been asked
631074 - for a letter confirming understandings on complex medical
631075 - issues. So, my spirits were lifted knowing everything was set
631076 - to start treatment.
631078 - ..
631079 - 13. A few days later, just before treatment was to start, guess
631080 - what? I got a letter from Queenie at Kaiser! She provided a
631081 - link to a website which she said confirmed everything discussed
631082 - in her call. ref SDS 12 V37O Normally, I don't open links, and
631083 - since I had a long talk for about 40 minutes getting the scoop,
631084 - it seemed unnecessary to spend more time. But it was a slow
631085 - day. So, what the heck, I clicked the link.
631087 - ..
631088 - 14. Actually, there was nothing in Kaiser's guidance on Gemzar that
631089 - related to anything Queenie said in the call.
631091 - ..
631092 - 15. The first thing that jumped out was that the Gemzar treatment
631093 - Kaiser prescribed should be used with "extreme caution" after
631094 - getting radiation. ref SDS 12 V34K Enlightenment continued
631095 - saying to avoid Gemzar, when taking blood thinners. ref SDS 12
631096 - 793G Another problem was that Gemzar, like all "gold standard"
631097 - chemotherapy agents, suppresses blood counts. ref SDS 12 0G49
631099 - ..
631100 - 16. I wrote to my doctor asking for a letter from Kaiser saying the
631101 - treatment would be safe for my patient profile, because I just
631102 - had 4 weeks of intense radiation in February and March, and the
631103 - attending physician said that effects would last for months.
631104 - What "extreme caution" would Kaiser take, as called out in
631105 - their published guidance? [reported on 090605 2215. ref SDS 13
631106 - LF7S]. Since I am on blood thinners for life, what will Kaiser
631107 - do to overcome their advice to avoid Gemzar treatment? Since
631108 - my blood counts have been permanently weakened by prior cancer
631109 - treatments, how will counts be maintained to enable treatment
631110 - to be effective, since standard of care requires changing
631111 - treatments, what will Kaiser prescribe to comply? [also
631112 - presented to Millie's doctor in the letter to Kaiser on,
631113 - ref SDS 13 LE5W
631115 - ..
631116 - 17. I hoped my doctor would at last see the light, and make the
631117 - referral for treatment at UCSF "targeted" to may patient
631118 - profile. Instead, he proposed strapping me down and giving
631119 - blood transfusions in order for Kaiser to legally give me a
631120 - treatment, which he had already said probably would not work.
631121 - Essentially, Kaiser was refusing care by offering draconian
631122 - treatment [reported on 090609 1427. ref SDS 14 VV92]
631124 - ..
631125 - 18. Oh yes, Kaiser offered Hospice again as the only alternative.
631126 - [also reported on 090609 1427. ref SDS 14 VV44 ref SDS 14
631127 - VV44].
631128 -
631129 - [On 091125 2203 Millie writes to Laura on ending 4 years
631130 - of treatment living with IBC (which Millie has had for 8
631131 - years), and entering Hospice; Millie is inspired by
631132 - Laura always upbeat and proactive in her care and her
631133 - life. She is a wonderful woman; bright, articulate in
631134 - conversation and correspondence, funny, and full of
631135 - energy and ideas; a great inspiration for courage, hope,
631136 - and dignity. We shared laughs and cries facing life
631137 - with cancer. Laura was fortunate her mom was there to
631138 - help fight unending battles with her work situation,
631139 - insurance issues, and complex treatments. ref SDS 19
631140 - 9C6W
631142 - ..
631143 - [On 091130 1106 Millie's letter to Laura, who ended
631144 - treatment and entered Hospice, explains Millie's
631145 - difficulties after June 2009 to implement primary care
631146 - doctor's order treating Millie's cancer as a chronic
631147 - disease. ref SDS 20 NK6V
631149 - ..
631150 - [On 100106 0301 Millie received notice that Laura died.
631151 - ref SDS 21 LP5I
631153 - ..
631154 - 19. Long story short, I was discouraged.
631156 - ..
631157 - 20. A week later, I got word from a giddy Doctor Rugo that suddenly
631158 - "everybody is on board" for my treatment at UCSF [reported on
631159 - 090616 1245. ref SDS 16 D647], which does not have draconian
631160 - side effects, and is "targeted" to my patient profile, and so
631161 - has a chance of being effective.
631163 - ..
631164 - 21. Whew! Talk about "words to live by."
631166 - ..
631167 - 22. Now I am on this new treatment with fingers crossed. Won't
631168 - know if it really works for another few weeks. I feel better
631169 - though just by feeling normal, rather than lousy and depleted,
631170 - which occurs with Gemzar chemotherapy that Kaiser prescribed.
631171 - I won't explain why Kaiser was reduced to refusing treatment,
631172 - except to note it all comes down to money [reviewed on 070927,
631173 - ref SDS 2 OW6P]. Paradoxically, the treatment at UCSF is much
631174 - less expensive than what Kaiser would have paid for Gemzar.
631175 - Why Kaiser took this position, and how it was turned around is
631176 - a lot of boring details [reported on 090610 2213. ref SDS 15
631177 - WY4U], which will compound by orders of magnitude, if "big time
631178 - medicine" gets bigger under proposals floating around town in
631179 - the capitol.
631180 -
631181 - [On 091130 1106 Millie's letter to Laura, who ended
631182 - treatment and entered Hospice, explains Millie's
631183 - difficulties after June 2009 to implement primary care
631184 - doctor's order treating Millie's cancer as a chronic
631185 - disease. ref SDS 20 NK6V
631187 - ..
631188 - [On 100106 0301 Millie received notice that Laura died.
631189 - ref SDS 21 LP5I
631191 - ..
631192 - 23. I pause today recounting history, because you, and Pam and
631193 - others have been a constant inspiration with visits, calls,
631194 - trips, going to the movies and such. Perhaps you will in turn
631195 - be inspired that seemingly insurmountable difficulties can be
631196 - resolved, even when the "other team has bigger hitters." Please
631197 - feel free to share this experience with others who may one day
631198 - suddenly be told that a "wise man in India invented chess..."
631199 - but the Emporer ran out of money to pay for the work! [related
631200 - by Doctor Johnson at Kaiser in Walnut Creek, CA on 090213 1140.
631201 - ref SDS 4 4N5K].
631202 -
631209 -
631210 -
631211 - ***************************
631213 - ..
631214 - Copy of letter Millie received from Kim says...
631215 -
631216 - 1. June 27, 2009 0923
631218 - Subject: Words to live by
631220 - ..
631221 - 2. Hi,
631222 -
631223 - I found this to be pretty inspirational.
631225 - ..
631226 - 3. Please enjoy but don't fret if you don't pass it on or discard
631227 - after 96 hours. It is only intended to be a positive
631228 - statement.
631229 -
631233 -
631234 -
631235 -
631236 -
631237 -
631238 -
631239 -
631240 -
6313 -