440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 19, 2009 02:30 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Coordinate configuration c16 purchased at Fry's.
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0201 - Fry's Electronics Store #24
020101 - Mr. Petrus Steinmann; Manager
020103 - Service Department
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000. ref SDS 2 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040507 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Visited David Farmer in the Service Department. He is the Assistant
040902 - Manager. Petrus is off today.
040904 - ..
040905 - Leo is also off today, as well as Harish in the Sales Department.
040907 - ..
040908 - David explained understandings that Toshiba Technical Support has not
040909 - called Leo back with a solution to install Windows XP 32-bit operating
040910 - system on the Toshiba Qomiso 64-bit computer, contrary to promise
040911 - yesterday on 090618 to investigate and solve the problem. ref SDS 3
040912 - X992
040914 - ..
040915 - David related that Petrus and the Service Technician team was very
040916 - disappointed about failing to configure Windows XP 32-bit operating
040917 - system on the Toshiba Qomiso 64-bit computer. He explained that this
040918 - is easier on desktop computers that have an open architecture, and so
040919 - systems are more generic.
040921 - ..
040922 - David feels that installing Windows XP 32-bit operating system on any
040923 - 64-bit notebook computer will be very difficult, because notebooks are
040924 - designed for the Vista operating system that optimize entertainment
040925 - features that are included with notebook computers, like webcam,
040926 - movies, and music. Getting all of these extra systems to work well in
040927 - the small space of notebook computers requires limiting flexibility on
040928 - using multiple operating systems for productivity.
040929 -
040930 - [On 090621 1433 discussed with Leo Dave's concerns that Windows
040931 - XP 32-bit operating system cannot be installed on 64-bit
040932 - notebook computers. ref SDS 4 3Z43
040934 - ..
040935 - [On 090623 1648 Brock in the HP Sales Department advised that
040936 - the HP HDX 18t 64-bit notebook computer can be upgraded
040937 - installing the Windows XP 32-bit operating system to replace
040938 - Vista. ref SDS 5 F43F
040940 - ..
040941 - [On 090705 1545 Technical Support supervisor, Mat, advised that
040942 - Brock in the Sales Department made a mistake; he maintained
040943 - that Windows XP 32-bit operating system cannot be installed to
040944 - upgrade the HP HDX 18t 64-bit notebook computer, and as a
040945 - result, HP refused Technical Support for the HDX 18t 64-bit
040946 - computer. ref SDS 6 VA6O
040948 - ..
040949 - [On 090710 1719 Microsoft provided effective guidance for
040950 - installing Windows XP 32-bit operating system on the HP HDX 18t
040951 - 64-bit computer. ref SDS 7 R54P
040953 - ..
040954 - [On 090715 Fry's successfully configured Windows XP 32-bit
040955 - operating system on the HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer to replace
040956 - Vista. ref SDS 8 EZ5K
040958 - ..
040959 - David gave an example of Toshiba Qomiso having a second solid-state
040960 - hard drive dedicated to the Vista OS. He suggested buying a computer
040961 - that does not have this design feature will be easier to upgrade by
040962 - configuring Windows XP 32-bit operating system to make 64-bit
040963 - computers productive. He did not cite any experience performing this
040964 - work.
040966 - ..
040967 - David also suggested not installing Windows 7 as the secondary OS,
040968 - because it does not have drivers for most notebooks.
040970 - ..
040971 - David related extensive experience installing and using Windows 7 on
040972 - his home computer. He has received an early complete version of
040973 - Windows 7 prior to official release, which Microsoft has scheduled for
040974 - 091022.
040976 - ..
040977 - Jason, another Fry's computer salesman, showed an HP 17" screen.
040978 - Seems much lighter than c15. Product spec also seems similar to
040979 - research on 090617. ref SDS 2 9U6K
040981 - ..
040982 - In the Sales Department, also, and visited with another salesman.
040983 - They explained that 18" notebook computers did not sell well, so they
040984 - have not been continued in the market. Seems to align with research
040985 - yesterday on 090618, when the salesman could not find the HP HDX X18
040986 - 1180US in Fry's nationwide inventory. ref SDS 3 TC5K The implication
040987 - today is that Fry's will not offer this wide screen notebook again.
040989 - ..
040990 - [On 090621 1433 Lan, Assistant Supervisor in the Sales
040991 - Department did more research and found that Fry's is
040992 - using the HP HDX X18 1180US for customer demonstration,
040993 - and can be sold at a discount for $1,734.49 including
040994 - tax; Lan will check with Fry's Buyer on Monday 090622 to
040995 - get a new HP HDX X18 1180US notebook computer, rather
040996 - than sell a used machine, and will also see if the newer
040997 - replacement products will support 18.4" notebook
040998 - technology. ref SDS 4 XL8I
041000 - ..
041001 - Picked up c15 and the keyboard for use over the weekend.
041003 - ..
041004 - The basic problem is that the Qomiso is designed for games, and we
041005 - need a computer for work.
041006 -
041008 - ..
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1915
0414 -
041401 - Further research this evening seems to show there is a lot of product
041402 - available for the HP 18.4" screen, reviewed on 090617. ref SDS 2 9U6K
041403 - Since Fry's sells HP products, Fry's should be able buy the machine on
041404 - the market, and sell it to replace the Qomiso.
041405 -
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041410 -
041411 -
041412 -
041413 -
041414 -
041415 -
0415 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"