440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 14, 2009 10:27 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Doctor Rugo confirms planning Millie to start MPA on June 16th at UCSF.
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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000. ref SDS 7 0000.
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040507 - ..
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - Millie had a CT test yesterday on 090612 1120, ref SDS 4 02D6
040902 -
040903 - Yesterday afternoon, Kaiser printed a report for additional lab work
040904 - on 090612 1030, ref SDS 3 OT8J,
040906 - ..
040907 - Kaiser made a CD with computer files for the CT scans, and also made a
040908 - CD with computer files for the prior CT test on 090413. These 2 CDs
040909 - were delivered to UCSF yesterday afternoon at 1500. ref SDS 5 UD5H
040911 - ..
040912 - This evening her skin itches at the inner wrists, and inner elbows.
040914 - ..
040915 - She feels the new problem may be caused by oral contrast medium for
040916 - the CT test.
040918 - ..
040919 - She has not had these symptoms previously with the 50+ prior CT tests,
040920 - so this could be something else. There is no evident conduct nor
040921 - other factor, like food, that might account for this problem.
040923 - ..
040924 - She went to Longs Drugs and purchased...
040925 -
040926 - CVS
040927 - Allergy tablets
040929 - ..
040930 - This is described as benadryl, which she often gets with chemotherapy
040931 - treatments.
040933 - ..
040934 - On 090613 2348 Millie sent a letter to the medical team with an agenda
040935 - for meeting on 090616 1200 at UCSF with Doctor Rugo. ref SDS 8 XO6I
040937 - ..
040938 - On 090614 1027 Millie received a response from Doctor Rugo...
040939 -
040940 - 1. Subject: MPA Treatment Begin Tuesday Jun 16 Expedite Recovery
040941 - Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 01:40:08 -0700
040950 - ..
040951 - 2. I cannot communicate via email about your medical problems
040952 - unfortunately. Please call our triage nurse for any medical
040953 - issues, ok? I will see you Tuesday.
040954 -
040955 - [On 090616 1245 Millie met with Doctor Rugo and Tara to
040956 - start MPA treatment for recovery from 8th relapse of
040957 - cancer. ref SDS 9 TP9L
040959 - ..
040960 - [On 090616 1245 Doctor Rugo advised that Millie's treatment
040961 - has been transferred from Kaiser to UCSF for Millie to
040962 - recover from UCSF medical mistakes, and so Millie should
040963 - now call the Triage nurse at UCSF rather than at Kaiser,
040964 - ref SDS 9 EE70,
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