Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: June 5, 2009 12:33 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Zoe called to review quality care issues for Millies IBC treatment.


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0203 - Dynamic Alternatives                                                                                                                                               O-00000793 0101
020301 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson;

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
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040509 -  ..
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0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Zoe seemed to say that her call today follows up discussions and
040902 - correspondence with Paula.  Zoe reviews quality care issues.  Paula is
040903 - a claims analyst.
040905 -  ..
040906 - Reviewed a number of quality care issues in Millie's case flowing from
040907 - case studies on 061018. ref SDS 1 0001
040909 -  ..
040910 - Zoe feels the first issue to tackle is Millie's treatment with Gemzar
040911 - since this is scheduled to start o 090611.
040913 -  ..
040914 - The primary concern at this time is to get a treatment plan ready for
040915 - Millie to transition from Gemzar, which the doctor said in a letter on
040916 - 090528 may not work at all, and which even if it is effective treating
040917 - Millie's cancer, will cause low blood counts and so cannot be
040918 - sustained, and in that case, Millie needs a prescription for treatment
040919 - that is targeted to her condition, and which does not present low
040920 - blood count problems.
040922 -  ..
040923 - Zoe requested a letter explaining Millie's quality care issues.
040925 -  ..
040926 - She is leaving the office today at 1400.
040928 -  ..
040929 - Agreed a letter will go out later today, and Zoe can begin working the
040930 - issues on Monday morning.  Zoe feels time is of the essence, because
040931 - Millie is a stage IV cancer patient, who relapsed on 090331, and has
040932 - been without systemic treatment since 090122.  Timliness getting a
040933 - viable treatment plan is needed because Millie is scheduled to start
040934 - treatment with Gemzar on 090611.  If the doctor is correct that Gemzar
040935 - does not work at all, then Millie needs to start a treatment that will
040936 - work immediately afterwards, and this requires objective criteria for
040937 - establishing that treatment has not worked.
040938 -
040939 -            [On 090605 2215 letter to Zoe confirms planning for Kaiser
040940 -            Quality Care Department to assist the medical team in
040941 -            advancing Millie's care to recover from the 8th relapse of
040942 -            cancer. ref SDS 19 SO3H
040943 -
040944 -
040945 -
040947 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1537
0413 -
041301 - After Zoe's call, Millie received a letter from Queenie on 090605
041302 - 1447, ref SDS 18 BZ6K, which was presented as confirming the long
041303 - discussion she had with Millie a few days earlier on Wednesday,
041304 - 090603.
041306 -  ..
041307 - Queenie's letter presented no explanation of anything, except that
041308 - Millie may need Compazine to control nausea. ref SDS 18 RL9V  She
041309 - included a link to web site that lists Kaiser's guidance on
041310 - prescribing Gemzar. ref SDS 18 BZ6K
041312 -  ..
041313 - The link in Queenie's letter lists many significant risk factors that
041314 - require review to verify that Gemzare is safe for Millie's patient
041315 - profile.
041316 -
041317 -            [On 090605 2215 letter to Zoe confirms planning for Kaiser
041318 -            Quality Care Department to assist the medical team in
041319 -            advancing Millie's care to recover from the 8th relapse of
041320 -            cancer. ref SDS 19 SO3H
041321 -
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