Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: May 31, 2009 03:44 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Millie requests treatment from Kaiser using standard of care for her patient profile.

2...Millie Over-treated Cannot Estimate Time to Progression
3...May Not Work at All Millie Over-treated Patient Profile Resists Chemo
4...Unfortunately Chemotherapy Drugs Proposed by Kaiser May Not Work at All
5...Targeted Treatment Essential Millie's Patient Profile to Recover 8th Relapse
6...Demand for Treatment Standard of Care Millie's Patient Profile
7...Kaiser Defaults Insurance Contract Millie Orders Work from Others
8...UCSF Prescribes Gemcitabine Treatment for Millie at Kaiser
9...Millie Requests Prescription and Comparison of Treatment Choices
10...Complex Patient History Causes Confusion Mistakes Conflict
11...Misleading Correspondence Kaiser Complains Against Patient
12...Gemzar Chemotherapy Weeks of Agony then Progression of Cancer

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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 86 0000. ref SDS 85 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040506 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Background
0409 -
040901 - On 090121 1041 Glenna called and said that progression of Millie's
040902 - cancer, most notably in the breastbone area requires UCSF to change
040903 - treatments, as ordered by Doctor Johnson at Kaiser on 081219.  Doctor
040904 - Rugo needs a list of treatments from Millie's records which UCSF has
040905 - planned to treat Millie's cancer as a chronic disease, ref SDS 24 Y67L,
040906 - further ordered by Doctor Johnson at Kaiser on 081219. ref SDS 23 V93O
040908 -  ..
040909 - On 090123 1326 Doctor Johnson confirms prior guidance that multiple
040910 - (7) relapses have mutated Millie's cancer into a very aggressive
040911 - disease that requires immediate change in treatment in order for
040912 - Millie to recover. ref SDS 26 RK6O
040914 -  ..
040915 - On 090129 0800 UCSF delayed Millie's treatment 1 week due to problems
040916 - of missed communication between Oncology and Infusion, reported on
040917 - 090130 1722. ref SDS 27 AY8Q
040919 -  ..
040920 - On 090129 1036 Doctor Rugo at UCSF notified Kaiser that Millie needs
040921 - immediate treatment to recover from 7th relapse of cancer, which is
040922 - worse in the breastbone area, and proposes treatment in UCSF Radiation
040923 - Oncology Department with hyperthermia and Doxil, reported on 090130
040924 - 1722. ref SDS 27 TZ6H
040926 -  ..
040927 - On 090201 2017 UCSF delayed treatment for Millie's 7th relapse of
040928 - cancer, because the Radiation Oncology Department needed more time to
040929 - schedule the work. ref SDS 28 GV4M
040931 -  ..
040932 - On 090202 1047 Kaiser delayed authorization for Millie's treatment
040933 - because the doctor did not fill out a form correctly referring
040934 - Millie's treatment to UCSF. ref SDS 29 9Y5I
040936 -  ..
040937 - On 090202 1353 UCSF delayed treatment again for 6 weeks to maintain an
040938 - orderly schedule. ref SDS 30 SP6H
040940 -  ..
040941 - On 090202 1932 Doctor Rugo at UCSF Oncology Department notified the
040942 - medical team that Millie needs urgent treatment quickly in time to be
040943 - effective. ref SDS 31 Y15J
040945 -  ..
040946 - On 090203 1438 UCSF Radiation Oncology Department advances Millie's
040947 - treatment 4 weeks to begin in time to be effective. ref SDS 32 XX5I
040949 -  ..
040950 - On 090204 0219 Millie's letter asks Doctor Rugo to submit proactive
040951 - planning for follow on treatment after hyperthermia and Doxil for
040952 - Millie's 6th relapse of IBC. ref SDS 33 278T
040954 -  ..
040955 - On 090204 1914 Doctor Rugo defers teamwork for practice synergy and
040956 - proactive management to plan for alternate scenarios that optimize
040957 - coprehensive care is prevented because Millie's case is very
040958 - complicated. ref SDS 35 063I
040960 -  ..
040961 - On 090205 0830 Doctor Hsu examination in UCSF Radiation Oncology
040962 - Department finds Millie's cancer has progressed significantly due to
040963 - delays starting treatment; changes treatment protocol from
040964 - hyperthermia and Doxil to radiation and hyperthermia. ref SDS 36 EY5F
040966 -  ..
040967 - On 090213 1140 Doctor Johnson notifies Millie that she has less than 1
040968 - year to live, ref SDS 38 646L, unless she gets effective treatment
040969 - quickly for cancer that has mutated into aggressive disease that will
040970 - cascade out of control. ref SDS 38 ES7I
040972 -  ..
040973 - On 090218 1205 Millie notifies Doctor Rugo again that Doctor Johnson
040974 - has authorized UCSF Cancer Center to begin planning Millie's next
040975 - treatment after radiation and hyperthremia, because she has a narrow
040976 - margin for delay getting treatment to survive. ref SDS 39 TH6U
040978 -  ..
040979 - On 090219 1315 UCSF begins treatment 4-weeks late on referral from
040980 - Kaiser for Millie to recover from 7th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 40
040981 - E57G
040983 -  ..
040984 - On 090310 0351 after 3-weeks treatment with radiation and
040985 - hyperthermia Millie notifies medical team that cancer in the
040986 - breastbone area seems worse. ref SDS 42 O56X
040988 -  ..
040989 - On 090331 2947 Millie notified medical team of possible IBC
040990 - progression on lower left arm, and asked about starting treatment to
040991 - recover from 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 46 Q64R
040993 -  ..
040994 - On 090401 0032 Doctor Hsu diagnosed new rash on Millie's lower left
040995 - arm as progression of IBC. ref SDS 47 R24X
040997 -  ..
040998 - On 090401 0046 Millie asks about getting treatment of IBC spreading to
040999 - lower left arm, which establishes the 8th relapse of cancer diagnosed
041000 - by Doctor Hsu. ref SDS 48 RE8P
041002 -  ..
041003 - On 090401 0121 Doctor Rugo reports Millie's wound in breastbone area
041004 - diagnosed as reaction to 4-weeks of radiation that ended on 090317
041005 - must heal before starting treatment for IBC relapse, and so defers the
041006 - meeting scheduled on 090402 0800; Doctor Rugo expects full recovery
041007 - from IBC in areas treated with radiation and hyperthermia because this
041008 - regimen to be very effective. ref SDS 49 K56O
041010 -  ..
041011 - On 090412 2241 Millie reports again to the medical team that IBC on
041012 - lower left arm is getting worse, and requests immediate treatment in
041013 - order to prevent problems cited by Doctor Johnson that delay risks
041014 - losing control and death. ref SDS 50 9S8Y
041016 -  ..
041017 - On 090510 1220 Millie reports wound in the breastbone diagnosed as
041018 - reaction to radiation looks worse; asks if this might be IBC because
041019 - of a mistake in performing radiation treatments?   Millie further
041020 - asked about doing a biopsy to test for cancer, so that treatment can
041021 - begin immediately under Doctor Johnson's warning that immediate
041022 - treatment is essential for recovery. ref SDS 53 LJ5T
041024 -  ..
041025 - On 090514 0830 Doctor Rugo prescribes treatment with MPA, ref SDS 55
041026 - D647, and submits a letter to Kaiser submitting the protocol,
041027 - ref SDS 55 DI63, as previously requested by Doctor Johnson on 081219
041028 - 1140. ref SDS 23 V93O
041030 -  ..
041031 - On 090515 0800 Doctor Rugo notifies medical team that Kaiser failed to
041032 - perform requirements for referral to pay for Millie's treatment
041033 - recommended by UCSF Cancer Center as the best evidence of care that
041034 - has the best chance for Millie to recover, which Kaiser is required to
041035 - provide under section 2 of EOC. ref SDS 56 WP6S
041037 -  ..
041038 - On 090515 1017 Millie notified medical team that Doctor Rugo's letter
041039 - was received; that Kaiser is responsible for Millie's care, and Millie
041040 - will meet with the primary care doctor at Kaiser on 090515 1140 and
041041 - request that Kaiser prescribe care for Millie's 8th relapse of cancer
041042 - based on the best evidence, ref SDS 57 6Q8W, as shown in Doctor Rugo's
041043 - letter to Kaiser on 090514 0830. ref SDS 55 DI63
041045 -  ..
041046 - On 090515 1518 Doctor Rugo responds wishing Millie "good luck."
041047 - ref SDS 59 PW7H
041049 -  ..
041050 - On 090515 1140 Millie met with Doctor Johnson at Kaiser and the doctor
041051 - said that he was told by Doctor Mason that the primary care physician,
041052 - Doctor Johnson, cannot prescribe standard of care treatment for Millie
041053 - in a clinical trial, despite patient history having prescribed prior
041054 - clinical trials 4 times previously for standard of care in oncology,
041055 - and as a result, Doctor Johnson requested a draft to assist him
041056 - preparing an appeal to file with Member Services so that Kaiser can
041057 - expedite Millie's recovery from the 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 58
041058 - 655R
041060 -  ..
041061 - On 090516 0858 Millie notified Doctor Rugo that Doctor Johnson is
041062 - filing an appeal for Kaiser to treat Millie with MPA protocol
041063 - recommended by UCSF to recover from the 8th relapse of cancer.
041064 - ref SDS 60 SY4J
041066 -  ..
041067 - On 090518 0017 Millie submits letter to Doctor Johnson with copy to
041068 - Doctor Rugo at UCSF, and transmitting a draft to assist Doctor Johnson
041069 - filing his appeal with Member Services to assisting Kaiser implement
041070 - Doctor Johnson's strategy to treat Millie's cancer as a chronic
041071 - disease in time for Millie to recover from the 8th relapse of cancer.
041072 - ref SDS 61 R16I
041074 -  ..
041075 - On 090519 1536 Doctor Johnson changed his mind; he sent the draft
041076 - appeal to Doctor Mason, and tells Millie to file an appeal with Member
041077 - Services, which is incorrect since at this time Millie has not been
041078 - denied medical services; and the doctor further says he is suddenly
041079 - relieved of responsibility performed continuously the past 8 years to
041080 - prescribe treatment for Millie to recover from cancer, because
041081 - Kaiser's Outside Referrals Department has a better understanding of
041082 - Medicare. ref SDS 62 5K7H
041084 -  ..
041085 - On 090519 1613 Millie responded, ref SDS 63 8V8H, to the Doctor's
041086 - letter earlier yesterday afternoon on 090519 1536, ref SDS 62 5K7H;
041087 - and, Millie asks the doctor to prescribe treatment so she can recover
041088 - from cancer, as done previously in patient history, ref SDS 63 TY3X,
041089 - and further as planned by the doctor during the meeting on 090515
041090 - 1140. ref SDS 58 655R  Millie also asked the doctor to call on
041091 - expediting treatment in time to be effective, see again on 090520
041092 - 1613, ref SDS 63 TY4W; and Millie asks Doctor Rugo for a "drop dead"
041093 - date on how soon treatment must start in order to be effective, also,
041094 - reported on 090519 1613. ref SDS 63 TX4W
041096 -  ..
041097 - Since Kaiser has delayed ordering treatment, reported on 090520 1710.
041098 - ref SDS 70 ZF4Q, then on 090521 0211 Millie's letter to Doctor Rugo at
041099 - UCSF with copy to Doctor Hsu asks about getting treatment with
041100 - hyperthermia and Doxil, while Kaiser resolves delays ordering MPA
041101 - prescribed by Doctor Rugo for Millie to recover from 8th relapse of
041102 - cancer, which Millie reports is getting worse every day, ref SDS 71
041103 - FM7Q, and since Kaiser has previosuly authorized treatment with
041104 - hyperthermia and Doxil, which Doctor Rugo recommended earlier on
041105 - 090129 for Millie to recover from the 7th relapse. ref SDS 71 6M4F
041107 -  ..
041108 - On 090521 2006, Millie received a letter from Doctor Johnson
041109 - responding to Millie's letter to the medical team on 090520 1710, and
041110 - requesting that Kaiser prescribe treatment suitable for Millie's
041111 - patient profile for recovering from 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 70
041112 - P65H   Doctor Johnson's letter was sent through Kaiser's Knowledge
041113 - Management System and so was not disclosed to the medical team, and it
041114 - did transmit the Doctor Johnson's medical chart for the meeting on
041115 - 090515, ref SDS 58 YT5N, and said that Millie could "choose" any
041116 - treatment she wants, and no treatment is superior for Millie's patient
041117 - profile, 090521 2006, ref SDS 73 9Q9H; the doctor noted Millie's
041118 - cancer is progressing and so she needs to start treatment by the end
041119 - of the week, which was in just 12 hours, which means today,
041120 - ref SDS 73 HC8O, and the doctor told Millie to call Medicare for
041121 - prescribing treatment to recover from the 8th relapse of cancer.
041122 - ref SDS 73 HC93
041124 -  ..
041125 - On 090522 0813 Millie responded to Doctor Johnson's letter on 090521
041126 - 2006 and submitted copies to the medical team to maintain
041127 - collaboration that has been effective treating Millie the past 8
041128 - years.  Millie also sent a copy to Jullian Kwok to notify Medicare
041129 - that Kaiser is refusing treatment. ref SDS 74 RX6L  Millie asked
041130 - Kaiser to prepare a workup and Tumor Board to evaluate Millie's next
041131 - treatment, including trade-offs comparing all of the treatments
041132 - available for Millie. ref SDS 74 7Z5Y  Millie reports having called
041133 - Kaiser numerous times to speak with the doctor on prescribing
041134 - treatment. ref SDS 74 7Z9Y  Millie notifies medical team she chooses
041135 - hyperthermia and radiation, Doxil, or other agent suitable for
041136 - Millie's patient profile. ref SDS 74 715V
041138 -  ..
041139 - On 090522 1247 Millie received a response from Doctor Johnson to
041140 - Millie's letter on 090522 0813. ref SDS 74 RX6L who sent copies to the
041141 - medical team, and saying Kaiser has performed workups, but does not
041142 - submit any workups, and says Millie's patient profile is too complex
041143 - for Tumor Board to evaluate best course of treatment, and that
041144 - Millie's patient profile resists single agent treatments like Gemzar
041145 - and Navelbine, and that Millie can choose Hospice instead of treatment
041146 - with drugs which her patient profile now resists. ref SDS 75 XO5O
041148 -  ..
041149 - On 090522 1351 Millie responded to Kaiser's letter submitted by Doctor
041150 - Johnson on 090522 1247, ref SDS 75 XO5O, confirming Millie needs
041151 - urgent treatment to start quickly, reported on 090522 1351,
041152 - ref SDS 76 7R7J; Millie asks if treatment with Gemzar, Navelbine, and
041153 - possibly CTP, ref SDS 76 2T9W and ref SDS 76 2T4P, will be weeks of
041154 - agony then progression of cancer that requires another treatment
041155 - "targeted" to treat Millie's patient profile. ref SDS 76 2T4S  Millie
041156 - requested advice on treatment with a clinical trial at Kaiser, based
041157 - on patient history, ref SDS 76 2T4V, and further requested trade-offs
041158 - getting more hyperthermia and radiation and Doxil or other appropriate
041159 - agent, including vaccines. ref SDS 76 2T4Y
041160 -
041162 -  ..
041163 - Millie Over-treated Cannot Estimate Time to Progression
041164 - May Not Work at All Millie Over-treated Patient Profile Resists Chemo
041165 - Unfortunately Chemotherapy Drugs Proposed by Kaiser May Not Work at All
041166 - Targeted Treatment Essential Millie's Patient Profile to Recover 8th Relapse
041167 -
041168 - Follow up ref SDS 86 NM6J, ref SDS 85 NM6J.
041169 -
041170 - On 090522 1953 Millie received a letter from Doctor Johnson responding
041171 - to Millie's letter to the medical team at Kaiser and UCSF this
041172 - afternoon, reported on 090522 1351. ref SDS 76 7R7J  For some reason,
041173 - the doctor he did not submit copies to the medical team, demonstrating
041174 - uneven case management for coordination and collaboration; the doctor
041175 - confirms that treatment with single-agent chemotherapies presented as
041176 - the only choices for care may not work at all for Millie to recover
041177 - from 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 77 NV4L
041178 -
041179 -
041181 -  ..
041182 - Demand for Treatment Standard of Care Millie's Patient Profile
041183 -
041184 - Follow up ref SDS 86 ON8G, ref SDS 85 ON8G.
041185 -
041186 - On 090523 0148 Millie sent a letter to Paula in the Kaiser Claims
041187 - Resolution Department with copy to medical team demanding treatment to
041188 - recover from 8th relapse applying standard of care for Millie's
041189 - patient profile. ref SDS 78 2P6J
041191 -  ..
041192 - On 090528 0803 called Paula for progress processing Millie's claim for
041193 - treatment with standard of care for Millie's patient profile.
041194 - ref SDS 80 T04L
041196 -  ..
041197 - On 090528 1228 Millie sent a letter to Paula confirming claim
041198 - demanding timely treatment for 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 81 UD5H
041199 - and saying that she will get treatment through another provider and
041200 - bill Kaiser, because her doctor at Kaiser says Millie needs immediate
041201 - treatment, and Kaiser has failed to perform. 090528 1228, ref SDS 81
041202 - 4N8X
041203 -
041204 -
041206 -  ..
0413 -
0414 -
0415 - Progress
0416 -
041601 - Kaiser Defaults Insurance Contract Millie Orders Work from Others
041602 - UCSF Prescribes Gemcitabine Treatment for Millie at Kaiser
041603 - Millie Requests Prescription and Comparison of Treatment Choices
041604 -
041605 - Follow up ref SDS 86 UD5H, ref SDS 85 UD5H.
041606 -
041607 - On 090528 1334 Millie sent a letter to Doctor Rugo and Doctor Hsu at
041608 - UCSF requesting treatment, and sent a copy to notify the medical team
041609 - she has been forced to get treatment from another provider to mitigate
041610 - damages from Kaiser's failure to provide care. ref SDS 82 UD5H
041612 -  ..
041613 - On 090528 1613 Doctor Rugo responds to Millie's letter on 090528 1334,
041614 - requesting prescription for treatment because Kaiser has defaulted on
041615 - insurance contract, ref SDS 82 2L7P; UCSF prescribes treatment with
041616 - gemcitabine starting next week. ref SDS 83 XZ4M
041618 -  ..
041619 - On 090528 1652 Millie letter to medical team thanks Doctor Rugo for
041620 - her letter today suggesting a new treatment, ref SDS 83 XZ4M, and asks
041621 - for comparison with other treatments to recover from 8th relapse of
041622 - cancer. ref SDS 84 MZ7N
041624 -  ..
041625 - On 090529 1109 since Kaiser has failed to order treatment, Millie
041626 - requests treatment date and time from UCSF, ref SDS 85 448K, and to
041627 - compare advantages and costs of treatment options.
041628 -
041630 -  ..
041631 - Complex Patient History Causes Confusion Mistakes Conflict
041632 - Misleading Correspondence Kaiser Complains Against Patient
041633 -
041634 - Follow up ref SDS 86 SZ9J.
041635 -
041636 - On 090529 1751 Doctor Johnson responds to Millie's letter earlier in
041637 - the day, ref SDS 85 448K; Kaiser complains that patient correspondence
041638 - is confusing and misleading, and proposes treating Millie with Gemzar
041639 - and Navelbine starting next week. ref SDS 86 SZ9J
041641 -  ..
041642 - On 090531 1544 Millie notifies the medical team responding to Doctor
041643 - Johnson's letter on 090529 1751. ref SDS 86 SZ9J, and reports cancer
041644 - is getting worse so she needs urgent treatment, and asks Kaiser to
041645 - provide treatment based on standard of care for Millie's patient
041646 - profile. ref SDS 0 LD4O
041647 -
041648 -            [On 090531 2227 Kaiser failed to provide treatment, so
041649 -            Millie ordered treatment from UCSF. ref SDS 87 2E4K
041650 -
041651 -    1.  Subject: Treatment Plan 8th Relapse of Cancer Kaiser's Standard of Care
041652 -        Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 16:57:53 -0700
041653 -        From: Millie Buck
041654 -        To: Robert.A.Johnson@kp.org
041655 -        CC: hrugo@medicine.ucsf.edu
041656 -        IHsu@radonc.ucsf.edu
041657 -        Paula.Mcphail@kp.org
041659 -         ..
041660 -        Dear Doctor Johnson,
041662 -         ..
041663 -    2.  Good news.  My energy is up.  Yesterday, worked out in the gym,
041664 -        and then did the 3 mile hike at Lafayette Reservoir, and in a
041665 -        good time.  IBC areas treated with radiation and hyperthermia
041666 -        in February and March continue to recover, as Doctor Hsu
041667 -        predicted on 090423. ref SDS 52 5G4G
041669 -         ..
041670 -    3.  Your letter to the medical team on 090415 advised that the most
041671 -        recent CT test on 090413 shows no signs of cancer in internal
041672 -        organs. ref SDS 51 YO7M  All of the LNs in the neck and
041673 -        axillary that are symptoms of IBC had subsided. ref SDS 51 OO6M
041674 -        and ref SDS 51 4K5H  I expect by now there is new progression.
041676 -         ..
041677 -    4.  This record aligns with your evaluation in the medical chart on
041678 -        090515 finding ECOG performance score 0, ref SDS 58 ME6M,
041679 -        indicating I am a good candidate for timely care, rather than
041680 -        in need of Hospice.
041682 -         ..
041683 -    5.  I am worried now about cancer spreading beyond areas treated
041684 -        with radiation and hyperthermia in February and March.  CA 15-3
041685 -        320 from the blood test at Kaiser on 090512 signals spread of
041686 -        disease, which you observed on 090515, ref SDS 58 OT8N,
041687 -        following notice to Kaiser by Doctor Rugo that I have suffered
041688 -        progression [reported in Doctor Rugo's letter to Doctor Johnson
041689 -        on 090514 0830. ref SDS 55 DI63].  CA 15-3 320 is 400% higher
041690 -        than the level of 80 which you mentioned on 030710 flags
041691 -        patients in your practice who need urgent treatment.
041692 -        ref SDS 3 WS42
041694 -         ..
041695 -    6.  I realize I may not have accurately grasped the import of
041696 -        cancer marker discussions on 030710.  It is a complex technical
041697 -        matter above my expertise.  None-the-less I am worried that my
041698 -        evident good health will deteriorate quickly if I do not get
041699 -        treatment soon.  Doctor Rugo's recent letter on 090528 1456
041700 -        talked about me needing treatment next week. ref SDS 83 XZ4M  I
041701 -        have been requesting treatment since 090412, ref SDS 50 9S6K
041702 -        [and citing Millie's earlier request in a letter to the medical
041703 -        team on 090401 0046. ref SDS 48 RE8P]
041705 -         ..
041706 -    7.  Your letter on 090529 1537 notes my letter to the medical team,
041707 -        ref SDS 86 SZ9J, earlier in the morning at 1143 says I do not
041708 -        have a prescription for urgently needed treatment. ref SDS 85
041709 -        0M4Y  You cited your earlier letter on 090520 1011 that offered
041710 -        me the choice of Navelbine or Gemzar, and further directed me
041711 -        to Member services to interpret regulations on clinical trials.
041712 -        You further cited on 090529 1537 your letter on 090521 1453
041713 -        saying I "...can choose which next treatment I want.  At this
041714 -        time, no treatment would be considered more superior than
041715 -        another." [reported in the record on 090521 2006. ref SDS 73
041716 -        9Q9H
041718 -         ..
041719 -    8.  Your letter on 090529 concludes saying...
041720 -
041721 -        "I have not yet heard your respnse.  We can easily start
041722 -        treating you with either Gemzar or Navelbine, 2 very acceptable
041723 -        agents used in the treatment of breast cancer, this coming
041724 -        week.  Again, I need to hear fron you want you want to do
041725 -        next." [citing Millie's letter on 090529 1751. ref SDS 86 U34S
041726 -        and ref SDS 86 MV5G
041728 -         ..
041729 -    9.  You also note my medical history is confusing, and you complain
041730 -        that my correspondence is misleading. ref SDS 86 SZ9J  I
041731 -        apologize for adding to your burdens.  I do not intend to
041732 -        mislead.
041734 -         ..
041735 -   10.  I request a prescription based on standard of care for my
041736 -        patient profile, as you have done the past 8 years [applying
041737 -        treatments reviewed by UCSF at Doctor Johnson's request,
041738 -        reported on 090121 1017. ref SDS 24 EV53, including clinical
041739 -        trials researched on 090204 1747. ref SDS 34 4R3S, and repeated
041740 -        below, ref SDS 0 IH8W, and aligns with telecon on 090520 1023
041741 -        filing claim with Kaiser Expedited Claims Department demanding
041742 -        Kaiser perform requirements of EOC section 2, ref SDS 69 9595,
041743 -        and presented again to the medical team later that day on
041744 -        090520 1710. ref SDS 70 ZF4T]
041745 -
041746 -            [On 090531 2227 Kaiser failed to provide treatment, so
041747 -            Millie ordered treatment from UCSF. ref SDS 87 2E4K
041749 -         ..
041750 -   11.  I am concerned that your letter on 090522 1754 said Gemzar and
041751 -        Navelbine may not work, because I have resistant cancer.
041752 -        ref SDS 77 UW6G  In the meeting on 090515 I thought you
041753 -        indicated that Kaiser cannot prescribe Navelbine because it is
041754 -        not suitable for my patient profile. ref SDS 58 658J [shown as
041755 -        well by case study on 090325 0830. ref SDS 45 L15M].  It is a
041756 -        good drug, but not for me.
041758 -         ..
041759 -   12.  Research also shows side effects of Gemzar are very severe.
041760 -        [reported on 090529 1109. ref SDS 85 0M5X]
041762 -         ..
041763 -   13.  I object to changing standard of care that requires me to
041764 -        "choose" my next treatment, since I have always relied on my
041765 -        doctor to prescribe treatment.  I am worried about treatments
041766 -        with Navelbine and Gemzar because you have considered these
041767 -        drugs in the past and have not prescribed them (see the record
041768 -        on 040318 prescribing a clinical trial rather than Navelbine or
041769 -        Gemzar. ref SDS 4 PU6M
041771 -         ..
041772 -   14.  I'm worried about low blood counts.  My last test on 090512
041773 -        showed ANC 1320, ref SDS 54 B35J, is already below the level
041774 -        for chemotherapy using drugs like Gemzar, and that is without
041775 -        having any treatment for 2 months.  Gemzar lists low blood
041776 -        counts as a primary side effect.  We can fight that problem
041777 -        with Neupogen, but that is expensive and time consuming [and
041778 -        also causes severely painful side effects.]
041779 -
041780 -            [On 090601 0818 at 1132 Brad in the Kaiser Oncology
041781 -            Pharmacy called and advised that Doctor Johnson prescribed
041782 -            Gemzar chemotherapy; and Brad advised that Millie's blood
041783 -            counts are too low for this treatment; he ordered another
041784 -            blood test and advised that if counts are still too low the
041785 -            Kaiser Pharmacy will not approve Gemzar for Millie.
041786 -            ref SDS 88 FR8L
041788 -             ..
041789 -            [On 090605 Millie received documentation from Kaiser that
041790 -            says Gemzar has high risks for Millie's patient profile;
041791 -            requires extreme caution given after getting treatment with
041792 -            radiation, which Millie received for 4 weeks in February
041793 -            and March, and contiues to suffer side effects; Kaiser
041794 -            further says treatment with Gemzar requires avoiding blood
041795 -            thinners, and Millie is required to take blood thinners
041796 -            every day to prevent death from pulmonary embolism; Gemzar
041797 -            can cause low blood counts that leads to infection and
041798 -            death, Millie has a history of low blood counts.
041799 -            ref SDS 94 V34K
041801 -         ..
041802 -   15.  You have prescribed treatment in clinical trials 4 times over
041803 -        the past 5 years, because they were more effective and had less
041804 -        side effects than Navelbine and Gemzar [reported on 070830
041805 -        0807. ref SDS 15 LQ5I].  This seems like good grounds to
041806 -        prescribe my next treatment.  Doctor Rugo said the MPA protocol
041807 -        is a targeted agent that has a chance of being effective for my
041808 -        ER- status.
041810 -         ..
041811 -   16.  She also said side effects of MPA are even less than cetuximab
041812 -        [reported on 090514 0830. ref SDS 55 DI4F].  Recall my blood
041813 -        counts did not prevent treatment with cetuximab, so I survived
041814 -        with a high quality of life for nearly 2 years with this
041815 -        regimen.  The MPA protocol, like cetuximab, does not list low
041816 -        blood counts as a high risk side effect [reported on 090514
041817 -        0830. ref SDS 55 KV9T].  That saves a lot of time and money for
041818 -        Neupogen to treat low blood counts.
041820 -         ..
041821 -   17.  I ask Kaiser to perform responsibility treating my cancer, and
041822 -        so request that you prescribe the best treatment for oncology
041823 -        standard of care required by my patient profile [repeating
041824 -        request above, ref SDS 0 IH6S], as you have done the past 8
041825 -        years [discussed in the call with Pamela in Kaisre Expedited
041826 -        Claims Department on 090520 1203. ref SDS 69 8S3I]
041828 -         ..
041829 -   18.  As you know I place great trust in you and Doctor Rugo.  Her
041830 -        recent letter said I could get Gemzar at Kaiser next week
041831 -        [reported on 090528 1613. ref SDS 83 4T6K].  I am afraid of
041832 -        Gemzar side effects and worried about effectiveness, as
041833 -        discussed above, but I trust my doctor.  If you prescribe
041834 -        Gemzar I will follow your prescription, because I need
041835 -        treatment desperately.
041836 -
041837 -            [On 090531 2227 Kaiser failed to provide treatment, so
041838 -            Millie ordered treatment from UCSF. ref SDS 87 2E4K
041839 -
041840 -
041842 -  ..
041843 - Gemzar Chemotherapy Weeks of Agony then Progression of Cancer
041844 -
041845 - Follow up ref SDS 76 2T4S.
041846 -
041847 -   19.  I am concerned treatment with Gemzar will fail for reasons you
041848 -        presented on 090515, ref SDS 58 658J [see as well case study on
041849 -        repeated warnings by Kaiser that Gemzar will not be effective,
041850 -        reported on 090325 0830. ref SDS 45 L15M], and we will then
041851 -        have this same discussion all over again in a week or a month,
041852 -        but with me weakened and devastated by worsening cancer and
041853 -        side effects.  Quality of life will be reduced to nothing
041854 -        [repeating analysis reported to the team on 090522 1351,
041855 -        ref SDS 76 2T4S].
041856 -
041857 -            [On 090601 0818 at 1132 Brad in the Kaiser Pharmacy called
041858 -            and advised that Doctor Johnson prescribed treatment for
041859 -            Millie with Gemzar; advised that side effects of Gemzar
041860 -            will be very difficult for Millie to tolerate, and asked to
041861 -            verify that Millie agrees to get this treatment.
041862 -            ref SDS 88 8J8L
041864 -             ..
041865 -            [On 090601 1847 Millie's letter asks medical team again
041866 -            what will be prescribed after Gemzar? ref SDS 89 0C4S
041868 -             ..
041869 -            [On 090603 1128 Millie asks medical team again for work
041870 -            plan with criteria to evaluate progression of her cancer
041871 -            getting Gemzar chemotherapy, and with a list of additional
041872 -            treatments targeted to Millie's patient profile after
041873 -            Gemzar fails, which is expected not to work at all.
041874 -            ref SDS 90 028X
041876 -             ..
041877 -            [On 090603 1412 Doctor Johnson's reply letter to Millie
041878 -            did not respond with criteria for evaluating progression
041879 -            of disease, and when treatment must be changed. 090603
041880 -            1507, ref SDS 91 07AD
041882 -             ..
041883 -            [On 090603 1524 Queenie called from Kaiser Pharmacy and
041884 -            Millie asks for criteria Kaiser will use to evaluate
041885 -            progressio of disease that signals requirement to change
041886 -            treatments; Queenie will discuss with the doctor and send a
041887 -            letter confirming understandings on Kaiser's work plan,
041888 -            including serious side effects of Gemzar. ref SDS 92 7J4I
041890 -             ..
041891 -            [On 090604 1021 Millie's letter to medical team requests
041892 -            treatment plan on criteria for evaluating when treatment
041893 -            needs to be changed, and what treatments can continue
041894 -            Millie's recovery from the 8th relapse of cancer as a
041895 -            chronic disease. ref SDS 93 VM3T
041897 -             ..
041898 -            [On 090605 Millie received documentation from Kaiser that
041899 -            says Gemzar has high risks for Millie's patient profile;
041900 -            requires extreme caution given after getting treatment with
041901 -            radiation, which Millie received for 4 weeks in February
041902 -            and March, and contiues to suffer side effects; Kaiser
041903 -            further says treatment with Gemzar requires avoiding blood
041904 -            thinners, and Millie is required to take blood thinners
041905 -            every day to prevent death from pulmonary embolism; Gemzar
041906 -            can cause low blood counts that leads to infection and
041907 -            death, Millie has a history of low blood counts.
041908 -            ref SDS 94 V34K
041910 -         ..
041911 -   20.  Kaiser has many prescription options for me with potential for
041912 -        success and less side effects [reported previously to the team
041913 -        on 090528 1228, ref SDS 81 4N5U, and citing the list discussed
041914 -        with UCSF on 090121, ref SDS 24 EV53, including research on
041915 -        treatments targeted to Millie's patient profile, listed on
041916 -        090204, ref SDS 34 4R3S, and submitted to Kaiser on 090326, as
041917 -        discussed during the meeting at Kaiser on 090515 1140,
041918 -        ref SDS 58 P36O].
041920 -         ..
041921 -   21.  I have asked before about hyperthermia and Doxil or other
041922 -        agents.  Kaiser has already approved this in the referral on
041923 -        090202, based on Doctor Rugo's letter to you on 090129.  Doxil
041924 -        is listed in the Benz 2nd opinion received from you on 041117,
041925 -        and again in a follow up 2nd opinion on 060929.  Doctor Rugo's
041926 -        letter said hyperthermia increases effectiveness of Doxil.
041927 -        Isn't that what I need right now?
041929 -         ..
041930 -   22.  Radiation and hyperthermia was very effective.  Can this be
041931 -        continued?
041933 -         ..
041934 -   23.  Research seems to say side effects of Doxil are mild to
041935 -        moderate and may be minimized.  That sounds attractive.  The
041936 -        one that jumps out is "hand-foot" syndrome.  Is this similar to
041937 -        neuropathy?  I have have tolerated neuropathy pretty well,
041938 -        although with sunitinib it eventually got so bad after about 2
041939 -        months that I could not hike.
041941 -         ..
041942 -   24.  In sum, I request urgent treatment for my patient profile based
041943 -        on standard of care applied the past 8 years.  I need an
041944 -        appointment to get treatment immediately, as called out in
041945 -        Doctor Rugo's letter on 090528 1456, and requested in my letter
041946 -        to the medical team on 090528 1700.
041947 -
041948 -            [On 090531 2227 Kaiser failed to provide treatment, so
041949 -            Millie ordered treatment from UCSF. ref SDS 87 2E4K
041951 -         ..
041952 -   25.  Thanks very much for assistance.
041953 -
041960 -
041961 -
041962 -
041963 -
041964 -
041965 -
0420 -