440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 22, 2009 12:47 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Doctor Johnson notifies medical team Kaiser refuses to perform workup and
Tumor Board to determine treatment for Millie to recover 8th relapse cancer.
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0206 - CMS Region 9 O-00000877 0605
020601 - Ms. Jullin Kwok; Kaiser Contract Manager O-00000877 0605
020603 - Kaiser Medicare Contract O-00000877 0605
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0000. ref SDS 39 0000.
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040508 - ..
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0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - On 090519 1613 Millie responded, ref SDS 31 8V8H, to the Doctor's
040902 - letter earlier yesterday afternoon on 090519 1536, ref SDS 30 5K7H;
040903 - and, Millie asks the doctor to prescribe treatment so she can recover
040904 - from cancer, as done previously in patient history, ref SDS 31 TY3X,
040905 - and further as planned by the doctor during the meeting on 090515
040906 - 1140. ref SDS 29 655R Millie also asked the doctor to call on
040907 - expediting treatment in time to be effective, see again on 090520
040908 - 1613, ref SDS 31 TY4W; and Millie asks Doctor Rugo for a "drop dead"
040909 - date on how soon treatment must start in order to be effective, also,
040910 - reported on 090519 1613. ref SDS 31 TX4W
040912 - ..
040913 - Since Kaiser has delayed ordering treatment, reported on 090520 1710.
040914 - ref SDS 36 ZF4Q, then on 090521 0211 Millie's letter to Doctor Rugo at
040915 - UCSF with copy to Doctor Hsu asks about getting treatment with
040916 - hyperthermia and Doxil, while Kaiser resolves delays ordering MPA
040917 - prescribed by Doctor Rugo for Millie to recover from 8th relapse of
040918 - cancer, which Millie reports is getting worse every day, ref SDS 37
040919 - FM7Q, and since Kaiser has previosuly authorized treatment with
040920 - hyperthermia and Doxil, which Doctor Rugo recommended earlier on
040921 - 090129 for Millie to recover from the 7th relapse. ref SDS 37 6M4F
040923 - ..
040924 - On 090521 2006, Millie received a letter from Doctor Johnson
040925 - responding to Millie's letter to the medical team on 090520 1710, and
040926 - requesting that Kaiser prescribe treatment suitable for Millie's
040927 - patient profile for recovering from 8th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 36
040928 - P65H Doctor Johnson's letter was sent through Kaiser's Knowledge
040929 - Management System and so was not disclosed to the medical team, and it
040930 - did transmit the Doctor Johnson's medical chart for the meeting on
040931 - 090515, ref SDS 29 YT5N, and said that Millie could "choose" any
040932 - treatment she wants, and no treatment is superior for Millie's patient
040933 - profile, 090521 2006, ref SDS 39 9Q9H; the doctor noted Millie's
040934 - cancer is progressing and so she needs to start treatment by the end
040935 - of the week, which was in just 12 hours, which means today,
040936 - ref SDS 39 HC8O, and the doctor told Millie to call Medicare for
040937 - prescribing treatment to recover from the 8th relapse of cancer.
040938 - ref SDS 39 HC93
040940 - ..
040941 - On 090522 0813 Millie responded to Doctor Johnson's letter on 090521
040942 - 2006 and submitted copies to the medical team to maintain
040943 - collaboration that has been effective treating Millie the past 8
040944 - years. Millie also sent a copy to Jullian Kwok to notify Medicare
040945 - that Kaiser is refusing treatment. ref SDS 40 RX6L Millie asked
040946 - Kaiser to prepare a workup and Tumor Board to evaluate Millie's next
040947 - treatment, including trade-offs comparing all of the treatments
040948 - available for Millie. ref SDS 40 7Z5Y Millie reports having called
040949 - Kaiser numerous times to speak with the doctor on prescribing
040950 - treatment. ref SDS 40 7Z9Y Millie notifies medical team she chooses
040951 - hyperthermia and radiation, Doxil, or other agent suitable for
040952 - Millie's patient profile. ref SDS 40 715V
040954 - ..
040955 - On 090522 1247 Millie received a response from Doctor Johnson to
040956 - Millie's letter on 090522 0813. ref SDS 40 RX6L who sent copies to the
040957 - medical team. ref SDS 0 XO5O
040958 -
040959 - 1. Subject: Treatment Plan 8th Relapse of Cancer Kaiser's Standard of Care
040960 - Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 11:14:19 -0700
040970 - ..
040971 - 2. All the work-ups have been done [responding to Millie's letter
040972 - requesting a workup to evaluate major change in patient profile
040973 - of 8th relapse of cancer compounded by breathing problems,
040974 - reported earlier today on 090522 0813. ref SDS 40 7Z5V]
040976 - ..
040977 - 3. Tumor Board will add nothing substantial to your case because
040978 - after multiple treatments there is no defined choice of care
040979 - provided that the patient's performance status is adequate.
040980 - Yours is fine.
040982 - ..
040983 - Need copies of "workups" and Tumor Board hearings previously prepared
040984 - by Kaiser on Millie's case.
040986 - ..
040987 - Kaiser's medical chart now has elements of a workup, but there is
040988 - zero analysis and consideration of alternatives.
040990 - ..
040991 - Doctor Johnson's letter to medical team continues...
040992 -
040993 - 4. Therefore that choice lies with you. I have indicted that
040994 - Navelbine and Gemzar have known activity as single agents in
040995 - breast cancer. They are good choices and known choices.
040997 - ..
040998 - The doctor has said numerous times that single-agent treatments are
040999 - not suitable for Millie's patient profile, shown in case study on
041000 - 090325 0830. ref SDS 21 A33L
041002 - ..
041003 - Kaiser does not explain trade-offs between treatments, which was
041004 - requested in Millie's letter earlier today on 090522 0813, ref SDS 40
041005 - 7Z7R, and including CPT 11. ref SDS 40 7Z6W
041007 - ..
041008 - Kaiser does not respond to Millie's choice of getting treatment with
041009 - hyprthermia, radiation, and Doxil or other appropriate agents,
041010 - presented in the letter to Kaiser on 090522 0813. ref SDS 40 715V
041011 -
041012 - [On 090522 1351 Millie asks again for Kaiser to explain
041013 - CPT-11 and trade-offs with other treatments for Millie's
041014 - patient profile to recover from 8th relapse of cancer.
041015 - ref SDS 41 2T9W
041017 - ..
041018 - [On 090522 1351 Millie asks medical team for expected
041019 - results from prescribing treatment with single-agent
041020 - chemotherapy that conflicts with Millie's patient profile -
041021 - will this be weeks of agony then progression of cancer at
041022 - Kaiser - rather than recovery with MPA "targeted" to treat
041023 - Millie's patient profile at UCSF Cancer Center and no
041024 - adverse side effects? ref SDS 41 2T4S
041026 - ..
041027 - [On 090522 1351 Millie notifies medical team that absent
041028 - medical advice, she chooses treatment with hyperthermia and
041029 - radiation and Doxil or other appropriate agent, previously
041030 - prescribed by Doctor Rugo at UCSF Cancer Center, and
041031 - effective during Feb - Mar recovering from 7th relapse of
041032 - cancer; Millie asks Kaiser to schedule the work at UCSF on
041033 - the prior referral order. ref SDS 41 2T5R
041035 - ..
041036 - [On 090522 1953 Kaiser discloses that Millie's doctor has
041037 - "no idea" how treatment proposed with Gemzar and Navelbine
041038 - will affect Millie's complex patient profile; the doctor
041039 - says these single-agent chemotherapy treatments may not
041040 - work at all for Millie to recover from 8th relapse of
041041 - cancer. ref SDS 42 UW6G
041043 - ..
041044 - [On 090601 0818 at 1132 Brad in the Kaiser Pharmacy called
041045 - and advised that Doctor Johnson prescribed treatment for
041046 - Millie with Gemzar to start immediately this week; further
041047 - reported side effects of Gemzar will be very difficult for
041048 - Millie to tolerate, and asked to verify that Millie agrees
041049 - to get this treatment. ref SDS 43 8J8L
041051 - ..
041052 - [On 090601 0818 at 1153 Sheree called in the Kaiser
041053 - Chemotherapy Infusion Clinic and advised that Millie cannot get
041054 - a blood draw to start Gemzar this week, because Doctor Johnson
041055 - submitted the chemoterhapy order without a signature, and then
041056 - went home with a headache, and so the order cannot be signed
041057 - until the doctor recovers and returns to work, ref SDS 43 I96J,
041058 - reflecting emotional stress expressed during the meeting at
041059 - Kaiser on 090515 saying he would get in trouble for prescribing
041060 - single-agent treatments for Millie's patient profile.
041061 - ref SDS 29 658J
041063 - ..
041064 - [On 090605 1447 Millie received documentation from Kaiser
041065 - with additional problems Gemzar presents for Millie's
041066 - patient profile, saying that Gemzar requires extreme
041067 - caution given after a patient has been treated with
041068 - radiation, which Millie received for 4 weeks in February
041069 - and March, and contiues to suffer side effects; Kaiser
041070 - further says treatment with Gemzar requires avoiding blood
041071 - thinners, and Millie is required to take blood thinners
041072 - every day for PE. ref SDS 44 V34K
041074 - ..
041075 - Doctor Johnson's letter to medical team continues...
041076 -
041077 - 5. However, some people choose, at this point, to go with a
041078 - Clinical Trial. I cannot make that choice for you.
041080 - ..
041081 - Doctor Johnson errs refusing to prescribe treatment for Millie in a
041082 - clinical trial. Patient history shows in following case study that
041083 - Doctor Johnson made the treatment choice for a clinical trial on...
041084 -
041085 - 1. 040318.................... ref SDS 1 PU6M
041086 - 2. 041130.................... ref SDS 4 028N
041087 - 3. 041210.................... ref SDS 5 CF9F
041088 - 4. 041230.................... ref SDS 6 2V85
041089 - 5. 070105.................... ref SDS 12 PK68
041090 - 6. 080829.................... ref SDS 15 PX5V
041091 - 7. 081024.................... ref SDS 16 K67J
041093 - ..
041094 - Millie has nver before been asked to make a "choice."
041095 -
041096 - [On 090522 1351 Millie asks Kaiser for advice on getting
041097 - treatment with a clinical trial. ref SDS 41 2T4V
041099 - ..
041100 - Doctor Johnson's letter to medical team continues...
041101 -
041102 - 6. My request to "let me know" by today is that I do not want you
041103 - to think that I am in any way delaying the next step of your
041104 - treatment. You have to make this decision. If you need more
041105 - time to decide, that is fine. I in no way want to appear to be
041106 - pressuring you.
041108 - ..
041109 - On 090515 Kaiser delayed treatment by failing to order treatment which
041110 - Kaiser knows Millie urgently needs based on the letter Kaiser received
041111 - from UCSF on 090514 prescribing MPA "targeted" to Millie's patient
041112 - profile to recover from the 8th relapse of cancer; and Kaiser was
041113 - previously notified that Millie suffered relapse, reported on 090331
041114 - 2047, ref SDS 25 Q64R, and Millie requested treatment on 090412 2241.
041115 - ref SDS 26 9S9Y
041116 -
041117 - [On 090522 1351 Millie responds to Kaiser saying she wants
041118 - to start treatment as soon as possible; since today is
041119 - Friday, 090522, Millie requests treatment next week to
041120 - recover from 8th relapse of cancer progressing since
041121 - 090331. ref SDS 41 7R7J
041123 - ..
041124 - Doctor Johnson's letter to medical team continues...
041125 -
041126 - 7. As I have said before, your tumor cells have been exposed to
041127 - many agents and by definition are resistant. Therefore, I also
041128 - indicated that at this point Hospice, best supportive care, is
041129 - also an option.
041131 - ..
041132 - Doctor Johnson examined Millie on 090515 and made findings she is ECOG
041133 - performance score 0, ref SDS 29 YF9L, showing that she is "perfectly"
041134 - healthy, provided she has effective treatment for cancer. Hospice
041135 - provides palliation to ease pain and suffering when declining into
041136 - death for patients ECOG performance score 3 and 4, reviewed on 090213
041137 - 1140. ref SDS 20 VW63
041138 -
041139 - [On 090522 1351 Millie asks medical team for expected
041140 - results prescribing treatment with single-agent
041141 - chemotherapy that conflicts with Millie's patient profile -
041142 - will this be weeks of agony then progression of cancer at
041143 - Kaiser - rather than recovery with MPA "targeted" to treat
041144 - Millie's patient profile at UCSF Cancer Center and no
041145 - adverse side effects? ref SDS 41 2T4S
041147 - ..
041148 - [On 090605 1447 Millie received documentation from Kaiser
041149 - with additional problems Gemzar presents for Millie's
041150 - patient profile, saying that Gemzar requires extreme
041151 - caution given after a patient has been treated with
041152 - radiation, which Millie received for 4 weeks in February
041153 - and March, and contiues to suffer side effects; Kaiser
041154 - further says treatment with Gemzar requires avoiding blood
041155 - thinners, and Millie is required to take blood thinners
041156 - every day for PE. ref SDS 44 V34K
041158 - ..
041159 - Case study telling Millie she has a year to live, and to choose
041160 - hospice rather than get treatment is also shown on 090213 1140.
041161 - ref SDS 20 L19H
041163 - ..
041164 - The doctor admits today that Millie's cancer resists single-agent
041165 - treatments, like Gemzar and Navelbine, and so proposing that she
041166 - "choose" treatments expected to fail, and have severe side effects
041167 - which destroy quality of life, does not comply with Kaiser's duty to
041168 - prescribe effective care under Millie's insurance policy in EOC
041169 - section 2, reviewed on 070927 1311. ref SDS 14 WS6M
041171 - ..
041172 - Doctor Johnson's letter to medical team continues...
041173 -
041174 - 8. I hope this clarifies your issues.
041175 -
041188 -
041189 -
041190 -
041191 -
041192 -
041193 -
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