440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 20, 2009 04:28 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Doctor Stritter on 2nd opinion for Millie's cancer.
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2nd Opinion Retainer $300 Scope of Work Rceived Support Medical Tea
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1803 - ..
1804 - Summary/Objective
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180501 - Follow up ref SDS 53 0000. ref SDS 51 0000.
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180506 - ..
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1808 - Progress
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180901 - Background on working with Doctor Stritter is reported on 090106.
180902 - ref SDS 48 KI5I
180904 - ..
180905 - On 081223 Millie received a letter from the doctor transmitting a pdf
180906 - file requesting patient history in a questionnaire. ref SDS 45 8N9M
180907 - Configureation of Adobe Acrobat would not permit entering information
180908 - in the doctor's questionnaire form. This was entered in the record on
180909 - 081223. ref SDS 45 DQ6J
180911 - ..
180912 - Patient history needed for Doctor Stritter's support was also set out
180913 - on 090106. ref SDS 48 IP6H
180915 - ..
180916 - On 090106, Millie submitted a letter, ref DIP 1 0001, to Doctor
180917 - Stritter submitting payment, ref SDS 48 S34O, and listing objectives
180918 - for conslutation. ref SDS 48 6H3Q The next day on 090107, Millie
180919 - received ref DRP 1 0001, from Doctor Stritter saying she was attending
180920 - a professional conference on integrative oncology conference in
180921 - Florida, and would respond to Millie's letter on 090114, ref SDS 50
180922 - PJ3I,
180924 - ..
180925 - On 090114 Doctor Stritter called and advised that a 2nd opinion will
180926 - cost another $300, ref SDS 51 U290; she, also, requested on 090114
180927 - assistance reviewing Millie's patient history for preparing a 2nd
180928 - opinion. ref SDS 51 U271
180930 - ..
180931 - On 090119, Millie sent a letter, ref SDS 53 3C5O, following up the
180932 - letter on 090106 setting out scope of assignment, ref SDS 48 S34O,
180933 - confirming understandings from the call on 090114, and submitting
180934 - additional information requested by the doctor. ref SDS 51 U271
180936 - ..
180937 - Called and talked to the doctor today.
180939 - ..
180940 - Doctor Stritter mentioned she needs another $300 to issue a 2nd
180941 - opinion on treatments that can help Millie, discussed previously on
180942 - 090114, ref SDS 51 U286; she also asked for information in a
180943 - questionaire submitted with her letter to Millie on 091223.
180944 - ref SDS 45 DQ6J
180946 - ..
180947 - The doctor indicated that she wants to have another telephone
180948 - discussion, and then will issue a written opinion on treatments that
180949 - can help Millie. She seemed say that talking with the patient will
180950 - help determine treatments that can be treat Millie's cancer.
180952 - ..
180953 - Discussed concern that spending more time talking will expend all of
180954 - the payment for the 2nd opinion? The doctor said she will send Millie
180955 - a written opinion listing treatments her research indicates may be
180956 - available for Millie's patient profile.
180957 -
180958 - [On 090121 Millie sent a letter to Stritter Medical Consulting
180959 - transmitting information requested in the Questionnaire received
180960 - in the record on 081223. ref SDS 54 C57O
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