440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 21, 2007 01:03 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
SDS remove Schedule maintenance option from File menu.
2...0504060 Schedule Menu Remove Maintenance Function
3...Schedule 00 Directory Automatically Maintain
4...0511 Prior Date Diary Eliminate from Schedule Diary Menu
5...Macro 80 Schedule Menu Bar Remove Print Change to Action Items
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Schedule Maintenance Needs to be Automatic to Avoid Accumulating Pre
Schedule File Menu Maintenance Remove No Longer Needed Now Performed
0604 -
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000. ref SDS 2 0000.
060602 -
060603 -
060604 -
060605 -
060607 - ..
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Progress
0610 -
061001 - 0504060 Schedule Menu Remove Maintenance Function
061002 - Schedule 00 Directory Automatically Maintain
061003 -
061004 - Follow up ref SDS 5 175O.
061005 -
061006 - On 040307 maintenance of tasks listed in the Schedule in sync with
061007 - schedule tasks on the disk was added to program launch. ref SDS 5 175O
061008 - This was improved a few weeks later on 040317 that created a better
061009 - method for code to maintain the Schedule 00 file with the 00 schedule
061010 - directory. ref SDS 8 YJ7L
061012 - ..
061013 - At that time the Schedule File menu function for the user to
061014 - maintain the Schedule was retained to check and verify the new method
061015 - was working correctly.
061017 - ..
061018 - Since this has been effective, decided today to eliminate the
061019 - Maintenance function in the Schedule File menu.
061021 - ..
061022 - Line 70, ref OF 2 4O8O, in 050406
061023 -
061024 - rel_cur 1 -78
061025 - ins_text "º Maintenance º"
061026 - loc_cur 0 80
061027 - ins_text " @C:\SD\03\0502 "
061028 -
061029 - Unplugged this call.
061030 -
061031 -
061032 -
0611 -
Prior Date Diary Create from Schedule Menu Remove Because No Longer
1003 -
100401 - ..
100402 - 0511 Prior Date Diary Eliminate from Schedule Diary Menu
100403 -
100404 - Follow up
100405 -
100406 - Line 230, ref OF 2 CE4H, -label-m96gG in 050406
100407 -
100408 - ins_text "º Prior Date Diary º"
100409 - loc_cur 0 80
100410 - ins_text " @C:\SD\03\0511 #30 "
100411 - rel_cur 1 -58
100413 - ..
100414 - Unplug code in Schedule Diary menu to create diary for a
100415 - prior date, since this is more easily done with other tools.
100416 -
100417 -
100418 -
1005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1103 -
110401 - ..
110402 - Macro 80 Schedule Menu Bar Remove Print Change to Action Items
110403 -
110405 - ..
110406 - Line 340, ref OF 4 RM5M, -entry 80 in 000003
110407 -
110408 - -if @47 = 50 ins_text/ File Edit Contacts Diary Subjects Manage Documents /
110409 -
110410 - Removed "Print" in the menu bar because there is no longer any
110411 - requirement to print the Schedule.
110413 - ..
110414 - Since we had to shift the structure to account for the fact
110415 - that "Print" was removed had to shift the code slightly to
110416 - account for this change.
110417 -
110419 - ..
110420 - Line 980, ref OF 4 G69N, -label regmnu in 000003 about 120 lines below
110421 -
110422 - -if @47 = 50 -if @2 > 46 -if @2 < 56 -goto mDLr7
110423 -
110424 - This is changed because we remove "Print" which shifts
110425 - "documents left by 7 characters.
110426 -
110428 - ..
110429 - Line 210, ref OF 2 OH6I, -label editJ in 050406
110430 -
110431 - -label prntJ
110432 - setcnt 5 151
110433 - macro 804
110434 - @c:\sd\03\02623
110435 - -goto purge
110436 -
110437 - Unplugged print op from Schedule menu bar
110438 -
110439 -
110440 -
110441 -
110442 -
110443 -
1105 -