440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 15, 2007 01:19 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Legal support Millie's hearing at Kaiser on UCSF payment dispute.


ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Namusa scheduled call from lawyer for 071119.


Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up
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040503 -
040504 -
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040507 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Received call from law firm called last week to support hearing by
040902 - Kaiser's Appleals Committee, per notice in Paula's letter on 071006.
040904 -  ..
040905 - Case was discussed with senior legal counsel and they decided not to
040906 - get involved.
040908 -  ..
040909 - Suggested calling...
040910 -
040911 -    California HMO Help Center.
040912 -
040913 -         800 300 0815
040914 -
040916 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1324
0413 -
041301 - Called California HMO Help Center............. 800 300 0815
041302 -
041303 - After pressing many buttons and starting over, finally got through to
041304 - someone.
041306 -  ..
041307 - These folks suggested calling...
041308 -
041309 -    Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program - HICAP
041310 -
041311 -         800 434 0222
041312 -
041314 -  ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - 1346
0417 -
041701 - Called Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program - HICAP
041702 -
041703 -         800 434 0222
041705 -  ..
041706 - Got message that HICAP has a new number...
041707 -
041708 -         925 229 8434
041710 -  ..
041711 - Talked to Ariane at HICAP
041713 -  ..
041714 - Ariane took down possible client data.   Explained background of
041715 - payment dispute with Kaiser, and that Kaiser has scheduled Millie for
041716 - hearing at end of the month or first part of next month, per letter
041717 - dated 071006 and received from Kaiser MCRC unit on 071010. ref SDS 2
041718 - TH8L
041720 -  ..
041721 - Explained requirement for legal advice....
041722 -
041723 -        1.  Hearing support, background on how Kaiser conducts hearing.
041724 -            Should complainant prepare a statement to read in at the
041725 -            beginning of the hearing?  Will witnesses be sworn?  Should
041726 -            witnesses be brought to the hearing?  Can the complainant
041727 -            call witnesses?  Should Millie be represented by counsel?
041729 -             ..
041730 -        2.  Legal research is needed on question submitted to CMS on
041731 -            Medicare regulation, on 071002. ref SDS 1 OY4Q  Does
041732 -            patients right to self-refer for participating in clinical
041733 -            trials for advancing science to improve future treatments,
041734 -            preclude managed care service provider (Kaiser, HMO) from
041735 -            prescribing treatment for oncology practice, and paying any
041736 -            costs not covered by the trial to perform duty of care for
041737 -            standard of practice?
041739 -  ..
041740 - Ariane suggested calling...
041741 -
041742 -    Senior Legal Services
041743 -
041744 -       925 706 4582
041745 -
041746 -    Cancer Society.................... look up
041748 -     ..
041749 -    Bay Area Legal Aid................ 924 219 3325
041750 -
041751 -
041752 -
041754 -  ..
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - 1409
0421 -
042101 - Called Senior Legal Services.............. 925 706 4582
042102 -
042103 - Talked to Namusa.
042105 -  ..
042106 - Explained background of case, and objectives for representation, per
042107 - above. ref SDS 0 GH80
042109 -  ..
042110 - Namusa scheduled call from lawyer for 071119.
042112 -  ..
042113 - Can send confirmation via email to...
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042116 -
042117 -
042119 -  ..
0422 -
0423 -
0424 - 1437
0425 -
042501 - Ariane called back with HICAP............... 925 229 8434
042502 -
042503 - She has discussed the case with her supervisor, per above, ref SDS 0
042504 - PP9P, who is...
042505 -
042506 -    Leah McIntosh............. 925 335 8791
042508 -  ..
042509 - Leah said that if Kaiser's Appeal Committee does not support Kaiser's
042510 - referral for Millie's treatment at UCSF, then call HICAP, and Leah
042511 - will arrange for legal representation.
042512 -
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