440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 18, 2007 02:26 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie notified Future Ford about questions on mechanical service.


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0202 - Future Ford                                                                                                                                                        O-00000826 0310
020201 - Mr. Bob Warman; Service Advisor
020203 - Service Department

Questions Invoice Service on 070616 Tire  Wrrenty Documentation 60K

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000. ref SDS 7 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 -
050507 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Millie submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Bob saying...
050902 -
050903 -    1.  Thanks to you and Future for great work, especially completing
050904 -        everything in time for body work at Concord Collision...  I
050905 -        took the car in this morning, and Jaun feels we will get it
050906 -        back by Wednesday, ref SDS 9 QS5L, in time for me to get to San
050907 -        Francisco on Thursday for treatment.
050909 -         ..
050910 -    2.  Please comment on several issues presented by the invoice
050911 -        received on 070616. ref SDS 8 TN5F
050913 -         ..
050914 -    3.  Call if you have any questions.
050915 -
050916 -
050918 -  ..
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - 1458 ???
0513 -
051301 - Bob called back.
051302 -
051303 - He feels the work at Future Ford on 070616, ref SDS 8 LI8K, lines up
051304 - pretty well with planning on 070615. ref SDS 5 SA8O  He said it's hard
051305 - to recall everything with so much going on.  He feels talking is fast
051306 - and easy to get things done quickly, but people get mixed up and make
051307 - mistakes without realizing it.  Written things down keep everyone on
051308 - the same page so details don't slip through the cracks.
051309 -
051310 -
051311 -
051312 -
051313 -
051314 -
051315 -
051316 -
051317 -
0514 -