Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: March 28, 2007 06:20 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Medical research cancer biomarkers McNeil Lehrer Newshour.

2...Doctor Barker Dep Dir National Cancer Institute (NCI)
3...Biomarker Technology Advancing Detection and Treatment of Cancer
....Malthusian Demographic Dilemma Endless Demand New Treatments
....1.of 3 Americans Get Cancer 560K Die 1.5 Million Diagnosed Annually
....560K Die from Cancer Annually 1.5 Million Diagnosed Demographic Dilemma
....Cancer Treatment Demand Rising Aging Population Demographic Dilemma
....Mortality Rates Cancer Decrease Early Diagnosis Better Treatment
....Biomarker Definition Purpose Doctor Barker NCI
....Early Detection Targeted Treatment Enabled by Biomarkers
....Biomarker Projects Discovery Development Deployment
........NCI Projects Discovering Biomarker Opportunities
............The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
............Clinical Proteomics Technology Initiative
........Projects in Development of Biomarkers
............Validation of Biomarkers
............Early detection research network
............Interagency Oncology Task Force
............Oncology Biomarker Qualification Initiative
...............Lung Cancer Biomarker FDG PET Technology
...............PET Scan FDG Biomarker Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Lung Cancer
...............Biomarker FDG PET Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Lung Cancer
...............FDG PET Biomarker for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Lung Cancer
............Systems Biology, or
............Integrated Cancer Biology Program
........Projects in Delivering Biomarkers Nanotechnology
....10 Years Billion Dollars Deploy New Drugs Biomarkers
....Biomarkers May Reduce Time Cost Developing New Drugs
4...Doctor Woodcock Chief Medical Officer Food Drug Admin (FDA)
5...Biomarker Technology Advancing Detection and Treatment of Cancer
....Biomarker Definition Purpose Doctor Woodcock FDA
....Early Detection Targeted Treatment Enabled by Biomarkers
....Biomarker Projects Discovery Development Deployment
........FDA Projects
............Critical Path Initiative (CPI)
............FDA Approval Lengthy Expensive Process CPI Streamlines
........Validation Test to Establish Reliable Results
........Time Cost Verify Safe Effective Treatments FDA Approval
........FDA Approval Takes Time and Expense Verify Safe Effective
........9.of 1261 Proteins FDA Approved for Possible 500K Biomarkers
............Biomarker qualification..... validation
............Teaming with Other Agencies Integrate Science Safety Payment
............Interagency Oncology Task Force Science Safety Payment
............Oncology Biomarker Team with Agencies Qualification Initiative
............Medicare Stakeholder Payment for Oncology Biomarker Project

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Cancer Biomarker Research Interview Doctor Anna Barker Deputy Direct

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 2 GJ5M.
050502 -
050503 - Doctor Barker with NCI, ref SDS 0 H65N, and Doctor Woodcock at FDA
050504 - were interviewed today on advances in biomarkers that improve health
050505 - care for cancer patients.  Faster, cheaper care will help reduce costs
050506 - and improve prospects as the numer of cancer cases increases over the
050507 - next 10 years or so due to aging population. ref SDS 0 TG6O  Biomarker
050508 - technology uses proteins that associate with cancer cells. ref SDS 0
050509 - RX4L  Improvements in biomarkers, including PET scan image methods,
050510 - ref SDS 0 PL5I, will enable early detection of cancer for timely,
050511 - targeted treatment to prevent cancer from spreading. ref SDS 0 PK7G
050512 - Currently, only 9 of 1261 biomarkers identified for cancer have been
050513 - approved. ref SDS 0 3O6O  Federal agencies have teamed up to reduce
050514 - the time and cost getting more biomarkers approved for treating
050515 - patients. ref SDS 0 TD9K  NCI sponsors research to discover more of
050516 - the 100,000 to 1,000,000 potential biomarkers to discover and treat
050517 - cancer. ref SDS 0 TR7I
050518 -
050519 -        [On 070329 Millie's CA 15-3 cancer marker effective guide on
050520 -        response to treatment. ref SDS 3 GJ5M
050522 -         ..
050523 -        [On 080221 Millie reports her story in relation to an article
050524 -        on another woman fighting against rising health care costs to
050525 -        get treatment for IBC on clinical trial. ref SDS 4 E75J
050526 -
050527 -
050528 -
050530 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Doctor Barker Dep Dir National Cancer Institute (NCI)
050902 - Biomarker Technology Advancing Detection and Treatment of Cancer
050903 -
050904 - This evening the Jim Lehrer Newshour broadcast an interview of Doctor
050905 - Anna Barker, Deputy Director, National Cancer Institute (NCI).
050906 - ref OF 1 0001  There is an extended interview file on the Internet
050907 - at....
050909 -               ..
050910 -              http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/jan-june07/cancerbarker_03-28.html
050912 -  ..
050913 - Interviewing Doctor Barker supplements extended interview with Doctor
050914 - Janet Woodcook, Chief Medical Officer FDA, shown below. ref SDS 0 ZG9O
050915 -
050916 -
050917 -
050918 -
0510 -

Cancer 560K Die Annually 1.5 Million Diagnosed Demand Rising Cancer

1003 -
100401 -     ..
100402 -    Malthusian Demographic Dilemma Endless Demand New Treatments
100403 -    1 of 3 Americans Get Cancer 560K Die 1.5 Million Diagnosed Annually
100404 -    560K Die from Cancer Annually 1.5 Million Diagnosed Demographic Dilemma
100405 -    Cancer Treatment Demand Rising Aging Population Demographic Dilemma
100406 -
100408 -  ..
100409 - Aging population increases cancer cases.  Older people living longer
100410 - with good medical care suffer increasing infirmaties that require new
100411 - treatments, reviewed previously on 020221. ref SDS 1 Y27F  This
100412 - Malthusian demographic dilemma seems evident in the interview today...
100413 -
100414 -            DR.  BARKER:  ...cancer will take the lives of 1,500 people
100415 -            today; 560,000 people will die from this disease this year;
100416 -            and nearly 1.5 million people will receive a diagnosis of
100417 -            cancer this year.  That's really - those statistics are
100418 -            really daunting, but if you look forward into the future,
100419 -            and not that far into the future, 12, 15 years even, we
100420 -            could see an increase of cancer approaching 50 percent in
100421 -            some estimates, certainly in the 30 percent range, and from
100422 -            30 to 50 percent means an enormous number of increase in
100423 -            cancer cases. ref OF 1 CH4N
100425 -             ..
100426 -            So today about one out of three Americans can expect to get
100427 -            cancer.  And if you look at the aging of the population,
100428 -            the number of cancer cases will increase significantly.
100429 -            ref OF 1 EC8J
100431 -  ..
100432 - Biomarkers, like CA 15-3 that aids Millie's treatment, illustrate
100433 - dilemma.  Researches estimate 100,000 to 1,000,000 cancer markers need
100434 - to be discoved and deployed.  So far, 1261 have beed identified, and
100435 - FDA has approved 9 for patient care, ref SDS 0 3O6O, in part because
100436 - approval takes 10 years and a billion dollars. ref SDS 0 TD5L
100437 -
100438 -            [On 080221 Millie reports her story in relation to an
100439 -            article on another woman fighting against rising health
100440 -            care costs to get treatment for IBC on clinical trial.
100441 -            ref SDS 4 E75J
100443 -             ..
100444 -            [On 100510 1118 costs of cancer care double past 20 years,
100445 -            ref SDS 5 P45I, because of aging population. ref SDS 5 S53P
100446 -
100447 -
100448 -
100449 -
100450 -
100451 -
1005 -

Mortality Cancer Decreases Early Diagnosis Detection Treatment Impro

1603 -
160401 -     ..
160402 -    Mortality Rates Cancer Decrease Early Diagnosis Better Treatment
160403 -
160404 -    American Cancer Society published report that mortality from
160405 -    cancer is decreasing.
160406 -
160407 -            DR.  BARKER: ... it's a combination of ...earlier
160408 -            detection... some of the biomarkers ...are being used
160409 -            effectively.  And... better treatment... you get better
160410 -            survival. ref OF 1 Y45K, and ref OF 1 X46K
160411 -
160412 -
160413 -
160414 -
1605 -

Biomarker Definition Cancer Marker Changes Genes Genetic Mutations N

1903 -
190401 -     ..
190402 -    Biomarker Definition Purpose Doctor Barker NCI
190403 -    Early Detection Targeted Treatment Enabled by Biomarkers
190404 -
190405 -
190406 -            DR.  BARKER: a biomarker measures the change in a normal
190407 -            cellular process, or a malignant or cancer cell process.
190408 -            Sometimes to measure changes following treatment.
190409 -            Biomarkers can be changes in genes, changes in proteins,
190410 -            some combination thereof.  It can even be imaging, for
190411 -            example.  Images can qualify as biomarkers if it's
190412 -            measuring changes in a specific organ or a specific
190413 -            process. ref OF 1 Y49K
190415 -  ..
190416 - Doctor Woodcock discusses proteins that associate with cancer to
190417 - provide effective biomarkers. ref SDS 0 5J45
190418 -
190420 -             ..
190421 -            Biomarker goals are early detection, ref SDS 0 PC6G, and
190422 -            timely, targeted treatment, ref SDS 0 5J97, to prevent
190423 -            cancer spreading to a point that cannot be cured, and early
190424 -            detection of effective treatment, so that ineffective
190425 -            treatment can be changed in time to prevent spread of
190426 -            disease, ref OF 1 X46K, and to detect recurrent disease to
190427 -            begin treatment early enough to extend quality of life.
190428 -            ref OF 1 SH7M
190430 -  ..
190431 - An example using biomarkers to support patient care occurred on 070301
190432 - when CA 15-3 indicated response to treatment.  This helped the doctor
190433 - avoid changing and effective treatment, even though clinical
190434 - examination found possible expanding cancer. ref SDS 2 M645
190435 -
190436 -
190437 -
190438 -
190439 -
190440 -
1905 -

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

2103 -
210401 -     ..
210402 -    Biomarker Projects Discovery Development Deployment
210403 -
210404 -    Follow up ref SDS 0 DP4O.
210405 -
210406 -        NCI Projects Discovering Biomarker Opportunities
210408 -             ..
210409 -            The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
210410 -
210411 -            TCGA is a $100M, 3-year pilot project.  NCI has teamed up
210412 -            with the National Human Genome Research Institute to try to
210413 -            discover all the genetic changes in cancer.  We're starting
210414 -            with three cancers and that's gliomas, or brain tumors,
210415 -            ovarian cancer, and lung cancer.  That's a very big project
210416 -            to see if it's scalable - can we do this for all cancer.
210417 -            ref OF 1 DR4J
210419 -             ..
210420 -            Cancer is the disease of gene changes.  Our challenge is to
210421 -            find all those genetic changes, and separate the signal,
210422 -            from the noise, because there are a lot of genetic changes
210423 -            that won't have much to do with cancer. ref OF 1 OL6F
210424 -
210425 -
210426 -
2105 -

Clinical Proteomics Technology Initiative Biomarker Projects NIC FDA

2303 -
230401 -             ..
230402 -            Clinical Proteomics Technology Initiative
230403 -
230404 -            When mutations occur or changes occur in genes, those get
230405 -            translated into proteins, which will be there in much
230406 -            larger numbers in terms of changes than genes.  The
230407 -            Clinical Proteomics Technology Initiative is trying to
230408 -            bring some standardization to the discovery of proteins so
230409 -            they can be used as biomarkers. ref OF 1 FQ8N
230411 -             ..
230412 -            We're working on mass spectrometry to measure changes in
230413 -            proteins, just to create the reagents, so that we have
230414 -            common sets of reagents that all scientists can use.
230415 -            ref OF 1 2S4F
230417 -             ..
230418 -            Reagents will be antibodies, or parts of antibodies,
230419 -            because most of the proteins that we have used to date
230420 -            actually have to be developed by isolating them, finding
230421 -            them, and testing for them using antibodies.  Antibodies
230422 -            are your body's response to an antigen or a foreign
230423 -            protein, or a self-protein.  We are going to create sets of
230424 -            reagents or sets of antibodies, or parts of antibodies that
230425 -            the entire community can access, and then protocols for how
230426 -            to do this, and how to get reproducible results.
230427 -            ref OF 1 JU4L
230429 -             ..
230430 -            We believe there could be anywhere from 100,000 to a
230431 -            million different proteins that might be important in
230432 -            cancer, and published literature from scientists shows a
230433 -            little over 1,200 proteins that have been discovered and
230434 -            seem to be linked to cancer, so far, indicating a lot of
230435 -            work. ref OF 1 NX5O
230437 -  ..
230438 - Doctor Woodcock explains that only 9 of 1261 proteins currently
230439 - identified for cancer biomarkers have been approved by the FDA.
230440 - ref SDS 0 3O6O   Since Doctor Barker explains that FDA approval for
230441 - new drugs takes about 10 years and a billion dollars, making
230442 - meaningful progress toward using 100,000 - 1,000,000 potential cancer
230443 - biomarkers appears extremely challenging. ref SDS 0 TD5L
230444 -
230445 -
230446 -
230447 -
230448 -
2305 -

Validation Biomarkers Early Detection Research Network Biomarkers Re

2503 -
250401 -         ..
250402 -        Projects in Development of Biomarkers
250404 -             ..
250405 -            Validation of Biomarkers
250406 -            Early detection research network
250407 -
250408 -            The goal is to validate biomarkers in patients.  It is a
250409 -            very rigorous process.  It's very hard to qualify your
250410 -            biomarker for the early detection research network.  You
250411 -            have to go through a lot of hurdles because it's a very
250412 -            expensive process to put this biomarker into the clinic.
250413 -            ref OF 1 P73O
250415 -  ..
250416 - Early diagnosis of cancer meets objectives of biomarkers, per above.
250417 - ref SDS 0 PK7G
250418 -
250419 -
250420 -
250421 -
2505 -

Interagency Oncology Task Force Oncology Biomarker Qualification Ini

2803 -
280401 -             ..
280402 -            Interagency Oncology Task Force
280403 -            Oncology Biomarker Qualification Initiative
280404 -
280405 -            NCI has been working with the FDA and the Center for
280406 -            Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) over the last five years
280407 -            to establish guidance on trials for biomarkers.  The
280408 -            Interagency Oncology Task Force has developed the Oncology
280409 -            Biomarker Qualification Initiative where NCI, FDA, and CMS
280410 -            have have designed two trials to measure the impact of
280411 -            biomarkers. ref OF 1 GN6N
280413 -             ..
280414 -            The first one is in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and the second
280415 -            one is in lung cancer.  Both of them actually are going to
280416 -            get underway probably here in the next two months.
280417 -            ref OF 1 UP3N
280419 -  ..
280420 - Doctor Woodcock explains that the Center for Medicare and Medicade
280421 - agency particpates in the biomarker project to facilitate approval of
280422 - payment for new technologies that are eventually produced and
280423 - prescribed by doctors to treat patients. ref SDS 0 YU3F
280424 -
280425 -
280426 -
280427 -
280428 -
2805 -

Biomarker PET FDG Scan Technology Lung Cancer Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

3103 -
310401 -                ..
310402 -               Lung Cancer Biomarker FDG PET Technology
310403 -               PET Scan FDG Biomarker Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Lung Cancer
310404 -               Biomarker FDG PET Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Lung Cancer
310405 -               FDG PET Biomarker for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Lung Cancer
310406 -
310407 -               NCI is looking at FDG PET functional imaging biomarker.
310408 -               It's based on changes in the metabolism of cancer cells
310409 -               versus normal cells, measuring changes in the way
310410 -               glucose is metabolized.  We have a long history in
310411 -               non-Hodgkin's lymphoma using this biomarker.  We believe
310412 -               this is one will be reasonably straightforward to
310413 -               qualify with FDA, and we are using the same approach for
310414 -               lung cancer.  The two diseases are different, but this -
310415 -               this functional imaging should work in both of these
310416 -               trials. ref OF 1 YN4M
310417 -
310418 -
3105 -

Integrated Cancer Biology Program Systems Biology

3303 -
330401 -             ..
330402 -            Systems Biology, or
330403 -            Integrated Cancer Biology Program
330404 -
330405 -            NCI is investigating how pathways and the cells come
330406 -            together in malignant cells, and that will tell us more
330407 -            about which biomarkers might be critical, and have a bigger
330408 -            impact on the cell, for example, than some of the smaller
330409 -            regions that we're looking at. ref OF 1 W68F
330410 -
330411 -
330412 -
3305 -

Projects Delivering Biomarkers Nanotechnology

3603 -
360401 -         ..
360402 -        Projects in Delivering Biomarkers Nanotechnology
360403 -
360404 -            How are we going to deliver these protein biomarkers of
360405 -            genome biomarkers, we have a program in nanotechnology.  We
360406 -            are going to have to measure lots of things in cells.
360407 -            Nanotechnology is a science that measures at 10 angstroms.
360408 -            NCI developed a program to put lots of biomarkers onto
360409 -            platforms so that we can measure them in patients.
360410 -            ref OF 1 UC8O
360411 -
360412 -
360413 -
3605 -

Biomarkers Reduce Time Cost Developing New Drugs Currently 10 Years

4003 -
400401 -     ..
400402 -    10 Years Billion Dollars Deploy New Drugs Biomarkers
400403 -    Biomarkers May Reduce Time Cost Developing New Drugs
400404 -
400405 -    We hope biomarkers won't be as long as drug development, which now
400406 -    takes roughly 10 years, and can cost up to a billion dollars.  We
400407 -    think that biomarkers will enable that process.  It will probably
400408 -    reduce the time it requires to develop drugs as well as reduce the
400409 -    cost of developing drugs. ref OF 1 XF5F
400411 -  ..
400412 - Expending 10 years and billions of dollars explains why FDA has
400413 - approved only 9 of 1261 proteins for biomarkers to improve health care
400414 - of patients, per below. ref SDS 0 3O6O
400416 -  ..
400417 - Doctor Woodcock describes a Critical Path Initiative at the FDA to
400418 - reduce the time and cost for deployment of biomarkers and drugs to
400419 - treat patients. ref SDS 0 PT5V
400420 -
400421 -            [On 100510 1118 costs of cancer care double past 20 years,
400422 -            ref SDS 5 P45I, because of aging population. ref SDS 5 S53P
400423 -
400424 -
400425 -
400426 -
400427 -
400428 -
4005 -

Cancer Biomarker Research Interview Doctor Janet Woodcock Chief Medi

4203 -
420401 -  ..
420402 - Doctor Woodcock Chief Medical Officer Food Drug Admin (FDA)
420403 - Biomarker Technology Advancing Detection and Treatment of Cancer
420404 -
420405 - This evening the Jim Lehrer Newshour broadcast an interview of Doctor
420406 - Janet Woodcock, Chief Medical Officer, Food and Drug Administration
420407 - (FDA). ref OF 2 0001  There is an extended interview file on the
420408 - Internet at....
420409 -
420410 -               http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/jan-june07/cancerbarker_03-28.html
420412 -  ..
420413 - Interviewing Doctor Woodcock supplements extended interview with
420414 - Doctor Anna Barker, Deputy Director National Cancer Institute, shown
420415 - above. ref SDS 0 H65N
420416 -
420417 -
420418 -
420419 -
420420 -
4205 -

Biomarker Definition Cancer Marker Changes Genes Genetic Mutations N

4503 -
450401 -     ..
450402 -    Biomarker Definition Purpose Doctor Woodcock FDA
450403 -    Early Detection Targeted Treatment Enabled by Biomarkers
450404 -
450405 -    Follow up ref SDS 0 RX4L.
450406 -
450407 -            DR.  WOODCOCK:  Cancer is probably the most promising field
450408 -            right now for biomarkers, and from FDA's point of view, I
450409 -            think biomarkers are the future of medical therapy, both
450410 -            for diagnostic purposes as well as for cancer therapeutics.
450411 -            ref OF 2 5J51
450413 -             ..
450414 -            New biomarkers get to the mechanism of cancer.  They get to
450415 -            the actual causes in the cancer cells of what's gone wrong,
450416 -            why they've turned into cancer cells.  They provide a lens,
450417 -            a new way of looking at people so we could determine they
450418 -            have cancer earlier, diagnose earlier, as well as pick the
450419 -            right treatment. ref OF 2 5J61
450421 -             ..
450422 -            DR.  WOODCOCK:  Biomarkers can be turned into diagnostic
450423 -            tests, of course, and those tests can be used to either
450424 -            detect, for example in cancer, detect a tumor much earlier
450425 -            than the kind of tests we use now, or they can be used to
450426 -            direct therapy.  Or they can be used to say you are a
450427 -            patient who is at high risk for a side effect, and we
450428 -            shouldn't give you this therapy.  So biomarkers can really
450429 -            help us make treatments safer. ref OF 2 5J86
450431 -             ..
450432 -            ...diagnostic tests that doctors can use on patients,
450433 -            looking at the proteins in their body, looking at the genes
450434 -            in their cancer cells and how they've mutated, looking at
450435 -            images of their cancer in ways we've never been able to do
450436 -            before, to tell us all kinds of new information.
450437 -            ref OF 2 5J45
450438 -
450439 -
450440 -
4505 -

Critical Path Initiative (CPI) FDA Biomarkers Project

4703 -
470401 -     ..
470402 -    Biomarker Projects Discovery Development Deployment
470403 -
470404 -    Follow up ref SDS 0 TQ62.
470405 -
470406 -        FDA Projects
470408 -             ..
470409 -            Critical Path Initiative (CPI)
470410 -            FDA Approval Lengthy Expensive Process CPI Streamlines
470411 -
470412 -            DR. WOODCOCK:  The Critical Path Initiative is the track
470413 -            that a new innovation has to follow from the laboratory, to
470414 -            actually get in the hands of doctors and patients.  FDA
470415 -            strives to pull innovations along in a rigorous, safe, and
470416 -            useful way and move them faster into the hands of doctors
470417 -            and patients. ref OF 2 5J67
470419 -             ..
470420 -            DR. WOODCOCK:  Biomarkers are extremely important in the
470421 -            critical path because at every step of the way we need new
470422 -            biomarkers to predict whether or not a product is going to
470423 -            be safe enough, whether or not it's going to be effective,
470424 -            who it should be used in, and how to manufacture it
470425 -            properly.  And biomarkers play a role in all of these
470426 -            critical steps that have to be taken. ref OF 2 0A8L
470428 -  ..
470429 - This is a bit vague, like the FCS project to empower commanders and
470430 - soldiers on the battlefield with integrated force at the right place
470431 - and the right time.
470432 -
470433 -
470434 -
4705 -

Validation Test Biomarkers Establish Reliable Results Requires Long

5203 -
520401 -         ..
520402 -        Validation Test to Establish Reliable Results
520403 -        Time Cost Verify Safe Effective Treatments FDA Approval
520404 -        FDA Approval Takes Time and Expense Verify Safe Effective
520405 -        9 of 1261 Proteins FDA Approved for Possible 500K Biomarkers
520406 -
520407 -
520408 - Interview continues...
520409 -
520410 -            SUSAN DENTZER:  Now, only nine of 1261, or some numbers
520411 -            close to that, of proteins that have been identified as
520412 -            having links to cancer have so far been approved by FDA.
520413 -            Why is that? ref OF 2 YL4N
520415 -  ..
520416 - Doctor Barker explained the Clinical Proteomics Technology Initiative
520417 - project sponsored by NCI identifies proteins for biomarkers to detect
520418 - cancer and guide treatment. ref SDS 0 TR4J  The difference between
520419 - 1261, and current understanding of 100,000 to 1,000,000 proteins that
520420 - could identify cancer shows a lot of work will be required to apply
520421 - the potential of biomarkers.  Since only 9 of the proteins have been
520422 - approved by FDA, and since this seems to take 10 years and a billion
520423 - dollars for each approval, ref SDS 0 TD5L, this presents a significant
520424 - challenge.
520426 -  ..
520427 - Interview continues...
520428 -
520429 -            Not all associations are true predictors, and so a lot of
520430 -            scientific work has to go on clinical trials, on patient
520431 -            volunteers and so forth to determine whether or not these
520432 -            proteins really predict accurately enough some event in
520433 -            people. ref OF 2 WB5O
520435 -             ..
520436 -            A diagnostic company has to create a test kit that is
520437 -            reliable and precise so doctors and patients can rely on
520438 -            results that will make a life altering decision.
520439 -            ref OF 2 GE6K
520441 -             ..
520442 -            Biomarker qualification..... validation
520444 -             ..
520445 -            Developing a scientific idea or discovery of association,
520446 -            like a cancer biomarker, and testing for reliability is
520447 -            called validation, or biomarker qualification.  It's a very
520448 -            difficult process to gather up enough information about the
520449 -            performance of the test in a real world situation to verify
520450 -            reliability. ref OF 2 WL7N
520452 -             ..
520453 -            Clinical trials test patients who may have a disorder, and
520454 -            patients who don't have a disorder in order to see if
520455 -            testing produces accurate, consistent results.  Genetic
520456 -            variability between people causes different effects taking
520457 -            aspirin.  A lot of people are helped by aspirin, but some
520458 -            are not.  Similar variability occurs with biomarkers and
520459 -            other drugs affecting patients differently.  Therefore,
520460 -            testing must yield acceptably low numbers of false
520461 -            positives when the patient is not afflicted, and also yield
520462 -            low numbers of false negatives for patients who are
520463 -            afflicted. ref OF 2 T19I
520465 -             ..
520466 -            SUSAN DENTZER:  And because this is a long disease process
520467 -            often in cancer, you might have to follow people for years,
520468 -            correct? ref OF 2 HK4M
520470 -             ..
520471 -            DR.  WOODCOCK:  Some of the screening tests for cancer are
520472 -            the most difficult, and if you think about it, you can see
520473 -            why. ref OF 2 2L5G
520475 -             ..
520476 -            Errors occur in laboratory processes obtaining a specimen
520477 -            from the patient, incorrect handling that contaminates,
520478 -            mislabels, misdirects the specimen, technicians and
520479 -            physicians interpret, record, and distribute test results
520480 -            incorrectly. e.g., pap smear tests. ref OF 2 526G
520481 -
520482 -
520483 -
5205 -

Interagency Oncology Task Force Oncology Biomarker Qualification Ini

5503 -
550401 -             ..
550402 -            Teaming with Other Agencies Integrate Science Safety Payment
550403 -            Interagency Oncology Task Force Science Safety Payment
550404 -            Oncology Biomarker Team with Agencies Qualification Initiative
550405 -            Medicare Stakeholder Payment for Oncology Biomarker Project
550406 -
550407 -            Follow up ref SDS 0 TD9K
550408 -
550409 -            DR.  WOODCOCK:  We think this is so urgent that amongst the
550410 -            federal sector -- the Food and Drug Administration, the
550411 -            National Cancer Institute, and the Center for Medicare and
550412 -            Medicaid Services, or CMS, that we've teamed up together to
550413 -            make sure from the innovation side, the science side, which
550414 -            is NCI, the medical product development side, which is FDA,
550415 -            and then CMS, the reimbursement, that we can have a smooth
550416 -            process for biomarkers.  We call this the Oncology
550417 -            Biomarker. ref OF 2 KN6G
550419 -             ..
550420 -            SUSAN DENTZER:  And the CMS end of it is to make sure that
550421 -            at the end of the line Medicare is going to pay for these
550422 -            tests? ref OF 2 RP3L
550424 -             ..
550425 -            DR.  WOODCOCK:  Yes.  We need to make sure that not only
550426 -            are the tests developed into medical products, but there's
550427 -            enough information about them and about their value that
550428 -            CMS is able to reimburse for them. ref OF 2 O14H
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