440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 14, 2007 12:02 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Trend Micro submit serial number to update virus subscriptions 1 year.

2...Case number: 1-71716742

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Virus Protection Subscription 1 Year Virus Definitions Submit Order

1203 -
1203 -    ..
1204 - Summary/Objective
1205 -
120501 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000. ref SDS 10 0000.
120502 -
120503 - Submitted information requested by Len to extend subscription for
120504 - virus protection definitions another year. ref SDS 0 MM3O  Notified
120505 - Len that Trend Micro feature for Outbreak Warning should be turned
120506 - off. ref SDS 0 DM8Y
120507 -
120508 -
120509 -
120511 -  ..
1206 -
1207 -
1208 - Progress
1209 -
120901 - Previously, on 070105 submitted a letter ref DIP 1 0001, answering
120902 - Len's letter dated the following day, 070106, and requesting FTP
120903 - submission of diagnostic files on failed installation of Pccillin on
120904 - c14 and c15.  The letter to Trend Micro reported performing this
120905 - request.
120907 -                     ..
120908 -                    Pc-cillin
120909 -                    Internet Security 2005
120910 -                    Trend Micro
120911 -                    10101 North DeAnza Blvd
120912 -                    Cupertino, CA  95014
120913 -                    408 257 1500
120915 -      ..
120916 -     Tech Support   800 864 6027
120917 -
120918 -          
120920 -                     ..
120921 -          
120923 -                  ..
120924 -       
120926 -  ..
120927 - Case number:  1-71716742
120929 -  ..
120930 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Trend Micro responding to Len's offer in
120931 - her letter, ref DRP 7 0001, dated 070112, and received in the record
120932 - the day before on 070111, ref SDS 11 P35M, because of the
120933 - International date line, and responding to the letter, ref DIP 4 0001,
120934 - submitted to Trend Micro earlier on 070111. ref SDS 11 7P6H
120936 -  ..
120937 - Letter to Len at Trend Micro says...
120938 -
120939 -    3.  This responds to your letter dated 070112. ref DRP 7 0001,
120940 -        ref DIT 1 0001
120942 -         ..
120943 -    4.  Answers to questions you asked are shown in context reviewing
120944 -        your letter in our record on 070111, ref SDS 11 P35M, which
120945 -        appears out of sequence because we are located in California
120946 -        which is a day earlier across the International date line.
120947 -        ref DIT 1 IO5N
120949 -         ..
120950 -    5.  There is a link to our record on 061224 when a letter was
120951 -        received from Trend Micro responding to our order to buy
120952 -        another subscription for a year to get virus definitions.
120953 -        ref SDS 8 HF6I  Product name, serial number, order number,
120954 -        etc., are shown beginning in para 6 at line 081725. ref DIT 1
120955 -        ET6M
120956 -
120962 -            [On 070115 letter from Len at Trend Micro says first 4
120963 -            characters in the serial number are 0015, rather than 0155.
120964 -            ref SDS 12 6D8R
120966 -         ..
120967 -    7.  Thanks for explaining "Outbreak Warning".  Please let me know
120968 -        how to turn this off for reasons set out in review of your
120969 -        letter on 070111. ref SDS 11 LC7F
120970 -
120971 -
120972 -
120973 -
120974 -
120975 -
120976 -
1210 -