440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 1, 2006 03:30 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Millie meeting at Kaiser to evaluate start 7th IBC treatment cycle.

2...Agenda Develop Work Plan Stage IV Breast Cancer 8 Mos after Mastectomy
3...Complex Patient History Knowledge Management Dilemma Issues Grow 34
4...Vitals Show Stable Medical Condition
5...CA 15-3 Cancer Marker 67 Rises from Prior Test on 061110
6...CA 15-3 67 Cancer Marker Falls Significantly Rises Significantly
7...Digestion Problems Increasing Relatively Infrequent Mild
8...Esophagitis Not Compared in Current PET Test with Prior Report
9...Cellulitis Complications Lymphedema Cleared Treatment Ends
10...Left Axillary No Evidence Lymphadenopathy Cellulitis Treatment Ends
11...Lymphedema Left Arm Lump Under Arm Diagnosis Not Cancer
12...Post Operation Localized Edema Left Axillary Swelling Reduced
13...Right Axillary FDG SUV 2.5 Lump Discomfort Not Reported by Patient
14...Left Supraclavicular Examination PET Test Report Finding SUV 4.5
15...Prognosis Stage IV Metastatic Disease Relapse IBC Seems Likely
16...Lumps in Neck Reported 040309 Establish Stage IV Metastatic Cancer
17...Pockets of Resistance to Treatment of IBC Red Rash Left Breast
18...IBC Red Rash Left Breast Stable Not Responding to Treatment
19...Red Rash Stable Left Breast Rising CA 15-3 No Response to Treatment
20...Examination Left Breast IBC Inflammation Red Rash Seems Stable Rising
21...Eyes Tearing Side Effect Taxotere Capecitabine (Xeloda) Chemotherapy
22...Blood Vessels Removed Mastectomy Create Pockets that Resist Treatment
23...Slow Response to Treatment Mastectomy Removed Blood Vessels
24...Expectations Recovery Rate Reduced Mastectomy Remove Blood Vessels
25...Alternate Treatment Method Blood Vessels Cannot Deliver Chemotherapy
26...Treatment Options Expand Pool of Drugs Biopsy Test for Status Change
27...Biopsy to Determine Biology of IBC and Guide Choice of Treatment
28...Status Change Did Not Occur Retest Biopsy 040419 Treatment Options
29...PET CT Image Testing Distant Metastasis Risks Secondary Cancer
30...IBC Test Distant Metastasis Discouraged Avoid Risk Secondary Cancer
31...Radiation Image Tests PET CT Limit to Reduce Risk Secondary Cancer
32...Risk Secondary Cancer Exposure Radiation Image Testing CT PET Scan
33...Emotional Trauma Rising Falling Cancer Symptoms Risks Image Testing
34...Exercise Vigor Strength Engagement Ease Distress Living with Cancer
35...Behavior Medical Specialist (BMS) Emotional Counseling Not Effective
36...Work Up Patient Profile Develop Options Strategy Treatment IBC Relapse
37...Strategy Treatment Options Scenarios Planning Patient Work Up Deferred
38...Capecitabine Taxotere Ends Progression of Cancer
39...Navelbine Gemzar Switching Treatments Strategy Review
40...Gemzar Navelbine Switching Treatments Strategy Review
41...Treatment Continue 7th Cycle Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda)
42...7th Cycle Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda) Treatment Continue
43...Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda) 7th-Cycle Treatment Continue
44...Schedule New Treatment End Taxotere Capecitabine
45...Medical Necessity Priority Policy Procedure Case Study
46...Policy Procedure Subordinate Medical Necessity Case Study
47...Case Study Policy Procedure Subordinate Patient Medical Necessity
48...Doctor Discretion Medical Necessity Deference Over Policy Procedure
49...Case Study Deference Doctor Discretion Medical Necessity Over Policy
50...Medical Necessity Doctor Discretion Deference Over Policy Procedure
51...Policy Procedure Subordinate Medical Necessity Doctor Discretion
52...Mistakes Random Computer Problems Entropy Disorder Case Management
53...Procrit Treatment Anemia Ended Hemoglobin Blood Count Normal
54...Tired Breathing Difficulty Routine Activity Pulmonary Emboli Symptoms
55...Coumadin Treatment Pulmonary Embolism Does Not Relieve Symptoms
56...Pulmonary Embolism Symptoms Continue Fatigue Shortness of Breath
57...Examination Breathing Stethoscope No Finding Enlarged Right Ventricle
58...Heart Examination Not Ordered Investigate Enlarged Right Ventricle
59...Enlarged Right Ventricle CT Test Aligns Patient Symptoms How Serious
60...Work Plan Received Communications Doctor/Patient Partnership
61...Communications Doctor Submits Work Plan Doctor/Patient Partnership
62...Doctor/Patient Partnership Communications Doctor Submits Work Plan

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Meeting Doctor Examination 5th Review Prepare for Treatment #5 After

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS G4 0000. ref SDS F3 0000.
040502 -
040503 - The doctor took proactive measures to change his schedule and meet
040504 - with Millie today, as originally scheduled. ref SDS 0 2Y5M  Relapse of
040505 - Cellulitis on 061112 seems to be under control again. ref SDS 0 MW8J
040506 - Millie suffered another cat bite that may cause a delayed reaction.
040507 - ref SDS 0 ZW6M  The doctor feels that erratic cancer marker CA 15-3
040508 - diagnostics, ref SDS 0 GJ5M, together with similar findings of pockets
040509 - that risist treatment for IBC red rash on the left chest, ref SDS 0
040510 - 025H, indicate that changing treatment may be required.  The cat bite
040511 - a few weeks ago may have caused erratic changes in the cancer marker
040512 - and the rash which could be Cellulitis. ref SDS 0 P66O  The doctor
040513 - wants to meet next week on 061208 to consider a change in strategy.
040514 - ref SDS 0 ZZ9N  Pulmonary embolism symptoms continue of fatigue and
040515 - shortness of breath with normal activity.  Prescription for Procrit
040516 - was not renewed, because hemoglobin blood count increased to the
040517 - normal range. ref SDS 0 CV5L  Doctor plans to order another PET scan
040518 - test to set a baseline for new treatments. ref SDS 0 EY5O  This can
040519 - evaluate esophagitis, and perform analysis to compare with prior CT
040520 - tests to evaluate pulmonary embolism. ref SDS 0 ZY5L
040521 -
040522 -     [On 061203 patient relapses with cellulitis in the left arm, which
040523 -     could be delayed reaction to the cat bite a few weeks ago,
040524 -     ref SDS H0 MF9H, very slight temperature; notify primary care
040525 -     physician. ref SDS H0 5X3N
040527 -      ..
040528 -     [On 061204 patient notifies Kaiser that inflammation has spread
040529 -     from the left chest area infected with IBC across the sternum and
040530 -     slightly onto the right breast. ref SDS H1 AE5I
040531 -
040532 -
040533 -
040534 -
040535 -
040537 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Agenda Develop Work Plan Stage IV Breast Cancer 8 Mos after Mastectomy
040902 -
040903 - Follow up ref SDS G4 SM6M, ref SDS F3 SM6M.
040904 -
040905 - This is the 7th review meeting for the 7th chemotherapy cycle, as
040906 - reported in another record today, ref SDS G9 407N, and following start
040907 - of treatments on 060711, ref SDS B9 SM6M, for the 3rd relapse of IBC.
040908 - ref SDS B9 8Y8I  Since there were 8 previous cycles ending as shown on
040909 - 050916, ref SDS 77 407N, today begins the 15th overall treatment with
040910 - this protocol.
040912 -  ..
040913 - The doctor had a hectic schedule today.  He did an outstanding job
040914 - adjusting to correct scheduling snafus, reported below. ref SDS 0 N96O
040915 - The meeting scheduled for 1530 started at 1620.
040917 -  ..
040918 - Since the meeting today was not scheduled, Millie did not submit an
040919 - agenda.  There was not enough time to consider all of the pending
040920 - issues.  The agenda for the previous meeting on 061110, ref SDS G4
040921 - NO6O, supports the meeting today....
040922 -
040923 -    1.  CA 15-3 review seems negative.................. ref SDS 0 GJ5M
040924 -    2.  Lymphedema/Cellulitis treatment effective...... ref SDS 0 MW8J
040925 -    3.  Breast exam IBC biopsy measurable disease...... ref SDS 0 025H
040926 -    4.  Treatment plan strategy........................ ref SDS 0 K36G
040927 -    5.  Pulmonary emboli how serious r ventricle....... ref SDS 0 CV5L
040928 -    6.  PE symptoms cough clearing throat fatigue...... ref SDS 0 CV5L
040929 -    7.  Esophagitis, heart burn........................ ref SDS 0 JP6K
040930 -    8.  Eyes tearing................................... ref SDS 0 OH6I
040932 -  ..
040933 - The doctor's notes list no agenda, reflecting expedited procedures for
040934 - this unscheduled meeting. ref SDS 0 684G
040936 -  ..
040937 - Kept the schedule to meet next Friday, 061208 to assess change in
040938 - treatment strategy.
040939 -
040940 -
040941 -
040942 -
0410 -

Complex Patient History 34 Issues Overwhelms Span of Attention Drive

0603 -
060401 -  ..
060402 - Complex Patient History Knowledge Management Dilemma Issues Grow 34
060403 -
060404 - Follow up ref SDS G4 LU3J, ref SDS F3 PB3H.
060405 -
060406 - Sampling of issues patient history diagnosis and treatment...
060407 -
060408 -    1.  CA 15-3 monitors advance of cancer response to treatment
060409 -    2.  Lymphedema complicated by mastectomy surgery
060410 -    3.  Broken finger from minor fall complicates lymphedema
060411 -    4.  Esophagitis reflux digestion issues
060412 -    5.  Immune system chemotherapy increases risk of infection
060413 -    6.  Chemotherapy increase risk of infection
060414 -    7.  Cat bites increase risk of infection complicates lymphedema
060415 -    8.  Pneumonia chemotherapy increases risk of infection
060416 -    9.  Metastatic cancer increases risk pulmonary embolism
060417 -   10.  Lymphadenopathy left axilla local regional metastasis
060418 -   11.  Lymphadenopathy right axilla distant metastasis
060419 -   12.  Lymphadenopathy left supraclavicular diagnose metastatic cancer
060420 -   13.  Mastectomy surgery impact on cancer treatment and lymphedema
060421 -   14.  Breast cancer secondary IBC 3rd relapse
060422 -   15.  Cancer mutates slow response chemotherapy treatment
060423 -   16.  Blood vessels removed mastectomy slow chemotherapy treatments
060424 -   17.  Treatment options, strategy, planning, schedule
060425 -   18.  Drug trials increase declining pool chemotherapy agents
060426 -   19.  UCSF Doctor Benz 2nd opinion apply diagnosis and treatment
060427 -   20.  Pulmonary embolism blood clots in lungs
060428 -   21.  INR weekly adjustments Coumadin treatment blood clots
060429 -   22.  Enlarged right ventricle heart problem core pulmonale
060430 -   23.  Dizziness symptom enlarged right ventricle cor pulmonale
060431 -   24.  Fatigue shortness breath side effect chemotheapy loss fitness
060432 -   25.  Fatigue shortness breath symptom pulmonary embolism
060433 -   26.  Shortness breath fatigue dizzy symptoms pulmonary embolism
060434 -   27.  Coagulapathy hypercoagulable state work up genetic risks
060435 -   28.  Testing resolution of errors (see Benz 2nd opinion 060821)
060436 -   29.  Testing distant metastatic disease
060437 -   30.  Testing resolution pulmonary emoblism and heart disease
060438 -   31.  Communication hectic schedule not enough time to manage details
060439 -   32.  Emotional stress and well being
060440 -   33.  Cellulitis inflammation temperature 102.6 on chemotherapy
060441 -   34.  Urinary tract bladder infection
060442 -
060443 -
060444 -
060445 -
0605 -

Vitals Obtain from Infusion Clinic Progress Note Meeting Doctor John

0803 -
080401 -  ..
080402 - Vitals Show Stable Medical Condition
080403 -
080404 - Follow up ref SDS G4 KB5L, ref SDS F3 KB5L.
080406 -                           ..
080407 -                          Bld Prssr   Pulse   Temp   Weight  SaO2
080408 -     ..
080409 -    061201 1430............ 123 76     76     97.5
080410 -    061110................. 136 83     73     97.0    150     98%
080411 -    061020 1534............ 140 79     67     99.8    151     97
080412 -    060929 1452............ 141 78     66     98.3
080413 -    060908 1335............ 139 79     73     98.1
080414 -    060814 1610............ 139 80     59     98.2
080415 - *  060808.................
080416 -    060711................. 172 87     54     97.5    147
080417 -    060623................. 141 87     71     98.0    147     99%
080418 -    060428................. 129 73     80     99.4    149     99%
080419 -    060217................. 153 81     61     98.6    150     99%
080420 -
080421 - ...per Doctor's report, shown below, vitals were obtained from the
080422 - record on treatment today in the Infusion Clinic. ref SDS G4 JQ4J
080423 -
080424 -
080425 -
080426 -
080427 -
080428 -
0805 -

CA 15-3 67 Erratic Rise After Dramatic Drop to 56 Indicates Slow Res

2303 -
230401 -  ..
230402 - CA 15-3 Cancer Marker 67 Rises from Prior Test on 061110
230403 -
230404 - Follow up ref SDS G4 087J, ref SDS F3 087J.
230405 -
230406 - The test yesterday shows CA 15-3 cancer marker at 67.  There were two
230407 - other tests since the prior meeting on 061110.  The test for a blood
230408 - draw during treatment in the Infusion Clinic 061110 shows a
230409 - significant drop from 61 down to 56.  Another interim test on 061116
230410 - shows a rise to 66; then over the past two weeks there was a rise of
230411 - only 1 tick to 67.
230413 -           ..
230414 -          Test Date                         Date Received
230415 -          061130......... 67 H............. 061201, ref SDS 0 087J
230416 -          061116......... 66 H............. 061201, ref SDS 0 087J
230417 -          061110......... 56 H............. 061201, ref SDS 0 087J
230418 -          061109......... 61 H............. 061110, ref SDS G4 087J
230419 -          061026......... 57 H............. 061110, ref SDS G4 087J
230420 -          061019......... 56 H............. 061020, ref SDS F3 087J
230421 -          060928......... 51 H............. 060929, ref SDS E5 087J
230422 -          060907......... 68 H............. 060929, ref SDS E5 087J
230423 -          060813......... 73 H............. 060817, ref SDS E0 U24M
230424 -          060809......... 87 H............. 060810, ref SDS D8 2N5J
230425 -          060708......... 71 H............. 060711, ref SDS B9 087J
230426 -          060616......... 63 H............. 060623, ref SDS B7 UQ5Q
230427 -          060522......... 59 H............. 060605, ref SDS B2 UQ5Q
230428 -          060501......... 49 H............. 060522, ref SDS A9 MC4F
230429 -          060421......... 44 H............. 060428, ref SDS A2 087J
230430 -          060330......... 40 H............. 060428, ref SDS A2 087J
230431 -          060303......... 36............... 060428, ref SDS A2 087J
230432 -          060210......... 33............... 060217, ref SDS 92 087J
230433 -          060109......... 34............... 060126, ref SDS 91 KV59
230434 -          051223......... 34............... 060106, ref SDS 90 087J
230435 -          051202......... 28............... 060106, ref SDS 90 087J
230436 -          051116......... 31............... 051121, ref SDS 88 087J
230437 -          051109......... 30............... 051121, ref SDS 88 087J
230438 -          051102......... 34............... 051121, ref SDS 88 087J
230439 -          050909......... 45 H............. 051007, ref SDS 82 087J
230440 -          050826......... 45 H............. 050913, ref SDS 76 087J
230441 -          050819......... 45 H............. 050913, ref SDS 76 087J
230442 -          050812......... 39 .............. 050819, ref SDS 69 3K6L
230443 -          050729......... 45 H............. 050819, ref SDS 69 EA5G
230444 -          050708......... 46 H............. 050729, ref SDS 68 087J
230445 -          050701......... 37 .............. 050729, ref SDS 68 087J
230446 -          050617......... 45 H............. 050729, ref SDS 68 087J
230447 -          050527......... 56 H............. 050610, ref SDS 65 087J
230448 -          050512......... 67 H............. 050520, ref SDS 63 087J
230449 -          050506......... 80 H............. 050520, ref SDS 63 087J
230450 -  ..
230451 -          050415.........105 H............. 050422, ref SDS 60 087J
230452 -          050325.........100 H............. 050329, ref SDS 58 087J
230453 -          050318.........101 H............. 050325, ref SDS 57 2N5J
230454 -          050304......... 88 H............. 050311, ref SDS 55 087J
230455 -          050225......... 95 H............. 050308, ref SDS 54 0001
230456 -          050211......... 78 H............. 050214, ref SDS 53 02BB
230457 -          050128......... 67 H............. 050204, ref SDS 51 087J
230458 -          041228......... 56 H............. 041230, ref SDS 50 087J
230459 -          041204......... 43 H............. 041210, ref SDS 49 087J
230460 -          041007......... 39............... 041104, ref SDS 45 087J
230461 -          040923......... 49 H............. 041005, ref SDS 43 087J
230462 -          040908......... 44 H............. 040909, ref SDS 42 087J
230463 -          040825......... 47 H............. 040909, ref SDS 42 087J
230464 -          040811......... 42 H............. 040812, ref SDS 41 087J
230465 -          040728......... 43 H............. 040729, ref SDS 39 2N5J
230466 -          040712......... 47 H............. 040713, ref SDS 38 087J
230467 -          040614......... 55 H............. 040615, ref SDS 37 PX6X
230468 -          040517......... 78 H............. 040601, ref SDS 35 2N5J
230469 -          040311......... 70 H............. 040318, ref SDS 28 SM6M
230470 -          040205......... 60 H............. 040211, ref SDS 26 SM6M
230471 -          031201......... 62 H............. 031205, ref SDS 25 SM6M
230472 -          030912......... 66 H............. 030915, ref SDS 24 SM6M
230473 -          030708......... 68 H............. 030710, ref SDS 23 SM6M
230474 -          030503......... 54 H............. 030508, ref SDS 21 SM6M
230475 -          030403......... 45 H............. 030508, ref SDS 21 SM6M
230476 -          030215......... 46 H............. 030220, ref SDS 20 5E6L
230477 -          030106......... 37 H............. 030109, ref SDS 19 SM6M
230478 -          021202......... 41 H?............ 021204, ref SDS 18 SP5G
230479 -          021111......... 36 H?............ 021113, ref SDS 17 Y65I
230480 -          021023......... 33 H?............ 021023, ref SDS 16 SQ5I
230481 -          020930......... 33 H?..39........ 021002, ref SDS 15 SQ5I
230482 -          020917......... 36 H?............ 020924, ref SDS 14 SQ5I
230483 -          020717......... 59 H?............ 020726, ref SDS 13 YN5K
230484 -          020629......... 75 H ............ 020705, ref SDS 11 UX6I
230485 -          020608........  67 H ............ 020614, ref SDS 9 0001
230486 -          020603........ 108 H ............ 020607, ref SDS 8 X67F
230487 -          020511........ 117 H ............ 020603, ref SDS 7 PJ4J
230488 -          020419......... 81 H ............ 020430, ref SDS 5 7N5H
230489 -          020321......... 85 H ............ 020405, ref SDS 4 6T8K
230490 -
230491 -
230492 -
230493 -
230495 -  ..
2305 -
2306 -
2307 - Analysis
2308 -
230801 - CA 15-3 67 Cancer Marker Falls Significantly Rises Significantly
230802 -
230803 - Follow up ref SDS G4 GJ5M, ref SDS F3 GJ5M.
230804 -
230805 - The doctor started the meeting by holding up the list of changes in
230806 - the CA 15-3 cancer marker, ref SDS 0 087J, to discuss the prospect
230807 - that the current treatment may not be effective.  Several small areas
230808 - of IBC inflammation resist treatment on the left chest per examination
230809 - below. ref SDS 0 025H, aligns with cancer marker increasing and
230810 - decreasing erratically, noted by the doctor today.  Therefore the
230811 - doctor ended treatment with Taxotere and capecitabine today, and plans
230812 - to start a different regimen after the 1st of the year. ref SDS 0 ZZ9N
230814 -  ..
230815 - The doctor seemed to feel this record on CA 15-3 may signal disease
230816 - has mutated, becoming increasingly resistant to the current treatment
230817 - protocol, considered previously on 061110, ref SDS G4 GJ5M, reviewing
230818 - scenario #2 developed on 060808. ref SDS D5 HT5K  Effectiveness of
230819 - treatment protocol has fallen, and/or treatment is not being delivered
230820 - to infected tissue because mastectomy surgery created "pockets of
230821 - resistance" by removing blood vessels with mastectomy surgery on
230822 - 051021, reviewed recently on 061020. ref SDS F3 KU4L
230823 -
230824 -     [On 061208 IBC progresses speading from left to right breast.
230825 -     ref SDS H2 025H
230827 -      ..
230828 -     [On 061230 Kaiser collaboating with UCSF on switching treatments
230829 -     to clinical study drug trial cetuximab carboplatin. ref SDS H4
230830 -     PN5X
230832 -      ..
230833 -     [On 061230 CA 15-3 presented for measurable disease IBC cases.
230834 -     ref SDS H4 PO3V
230836 -  ..
230837 - There might be a possibility that CA 15-3 spiked on 061116 due to the
230838 - cat bite Millie suffered on 061114.  This was reported to Kaiser in a
230839 - letter on 061116, ref SDS G8 MD6R, citing the record on 061115.
230840 - ref SDS G7 0001  Erratic CA 15-3 cancer diagnostics reported today,
230841 - following a cat bite on 061114 follows the prior pattern in 2005 of
230842 - steep changes in the cancer marker after a cat bite on 050212.
230843 - ref SDS 0 8888
230844 -
230845 -     [On 061208 patient's letter to the doctor cites correlation
230846 -     between cat bites, and erratic swings in red rash on left chest,
230847 -     and in CA 15-3 cancer marker test diagnostics. ref SDS H2 GJ5M
230849 -  ..
230850 - The good news is that cancer is not getting worse fast, but seems to
230851 - resist full recovery after 6 cycles, which was achieved last year
230852 - after only 5 cycles, reported on 050727. ref SDS 67 YY7F  Review on
230853 - 060922 presents factors that reconciles differences in the rate of
230854 - recovery. ref SDS E3 GA8H
230855 -
230856 -
230857 -
230858 -
230859 -
2309 -

Digestion Problems Increasing GERD Worse Doctor Plans to Order PET S

2703 -
270401 -  ..
270402 - Digestion Problems Increasing Relatively Infrequent Mild
270403 - Esophagitis Not Compared in Current PET Test with Prior Report
270404 -
270405 - Follow up ref SDS G4 JP6K, ref SDS F3 JP6K.
270406 -
270407 - Millie reported that frequency and severity of indegestion continue to
270408 - increase, since the report on 061110. ref SDS G4 JP6K
270410 -  ..
270411 - Background on PET scan and CT scan tests finding likely esophagitis is
270412 - reviewed on 061110. ref SDS G4 Y46K
270414 -  ..
270415 - Next week on 061208, the doctor plans to order another PET scan test.
270416 - Hopefully this will clarify diagnosis and lead to a treatment plan, as
270417 - shown below. ref SDS 0 EY5O  The doctor's progress report in the
270418 - medical chart reflects these understandings, now noting GERD worse.
270419 - ref SDS 0 1248
270420 -
270421 -     [On 061208 doctor added order for analysis of next PET scan test
270422 -     to compare with prior tests on 060414, and with the CT test on
270423 -     060505 to clarify diagnosis of esophagatis, or other condition
270424 -     causing increased digestion problems. ref SDS H2 5X40
270425 -
270426 -
270427 -
270428 -
270429 -
270430 -
270431 -
2705 -

Left Axillary Lymphadenopathy Patient No Complaint of Swelling Disco

4403 -
440401 -  ..
440402 - Cellulitis Complications Lymphedema Cleared Treatment Ends
440403 - Left Axillary No Evidence Lymphadenopathy Cellulitis Treatment Ends
440404 - Lymphedema Left Arm Lump Under Arm Diagnosis Not Cancer
440405 - Post Operation Localized Edema Left Axillary Swelling Reduced
440406 -
440407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 MW8J, ref SDS F3 MW8J.
440409 -  ..
440410 - Patient history of left axillary lymphadenopathy and lymphedema is
440411 - reported on 060106. ref SDS 90 S164
440413 -  ..
440414 - There was no examination today for cancer in left axilla.  The patient
440415 - again made no complaint of lumps or discomfort from swelling under the
440416 - left arm.
440418 -  ..
440419 - Background of lymphedema and complications of Cellulitis is reported
440420 - on 061110. ref SDS G4 TM8O
440422 -  ..
440423 - Examination on 061110 showed the left arm was cleared of Cellulitis
440424 - infmallation. ref SDS G4 A640
440426 -  ..
440427 - Two (3) days later, on 061112 patient relapses, ref SDS G5 HP52, and
440428 - was examined by Doctor Seier at Internal Medicine Clinic, Kaiser in
440429 - Walnut Creek. ref SDS G5 FP67  The doctor prescribed antibiotics for
440430 - another 10 days. ref SDS G5 BX4G  Millie's letter, ref DIP 4 0001, on
440431 - 061113 to Kaiser notified the primary care physician about recurrence,
440432 - and treatment steps. ref SDS G6 5K5G
440434 -  ..
440435 - On 061116 Millie submitted a follow up letter to Kaiser, ref DIP 5
440436 - 0001, notifying the primary care physician that additional treatment
440437 - seems to have Cellulitis inflammation under control. ref SDS G8 6T5L
440439 -  ..
440440 - Millie suffered a cat bite to her right hand on 061114.  A report the
440441 - next day on 061115 shows there was no immediate adverse medical
440442 - reaction, including no elevated temperature. ref SDS G7 0001  Millie
440443 - advised Kaiser about the cat bite in the letter on 061116, ref DIP 5
440444 - JE6G, noting there could be a delayed reaction, ref SDS G8 MD6R, like
440445 - the broken finger on 060914, that was later cited as the cause of
440446 - Cellulitis on 061027. ref SDS F6 V759  Millie has a history of bad
440447 - reaction to cat bites while on chemotherapy.  Last year on 050212 she
440448 - was treated in the emergency room and hospitalized for 4 days.
440449 - ref SDS 52 0001
440451 -  ..
440452 - Measurements before the meeting today of location below elvow 11.25"
440453 - shows lymphedema swelling in left arm stable at elevated levels,
440454 - reported in case study on 060509. ref SDS A7 HO7F
440456 -      ..
440457 -     [On 061203 patient relapses with cellulitis in the left arm, which
440458 -     could be delayed reaction to the cat bite a few weeks ago,
440459 -     ref SDS H0 MF9H, very slight temperature; notify primary care
440460 -     physician. ref SDS H0 5X3N
440462 -  ..
440463 - Since this was a non-scheduled meeting for the purpose of considering
440464 - IBC and pulmonary embolism, the doctor deferred review of this issue
440465 - until the regularly scheduled meeting next week on 061208.
440466 -
440467 -
440468 -
440469 -
440470 -
440471 -
440472 -
4405 -

Right Axillary Clinical Examination Finds No Lump Patient Complains

4903 -
490401 -  ..
490402 - Right Axillary FDG SUV 2.5 Lump Discomfort Not Reported by Patient
490403 -
490404 - Follow up ref SDS G4 3D6K, ref SDS F3 3D6K.
490405 -
490406 - Background on patient history of testing for lymphedanopathy in the
490407 - right axilla is reported in the record on 060929. ref SDS E5 3D6K
490409 -  ..
490410 - There was no examination today for cancer in right axilla.  The
490411 - patient made no complaint of lumps or discomfort from swelling under
490412 - the right arm.  This work aligns with CT test on 060930 that found no
490413 - evidence of disease in the right axillary, reported on 061020.
490414 - ref SDS F3 8T4S
490415 -
490416 -      [On 061204 patient notifies Kaiser that inflammation has spread
490417 -      from the left chest area infected with IBC across the sternum and
490418 -      slightly onto the right breast. ref SDS H1 AE5I
490419 -
490420 -
490421 -
490422 -
490423 -
4905 -

Left Supraclavicular Neck CT Test Contrast Study on 060505 Finds No

5703 -
570401 -  ..
570402 - Left Supraclavicular Examination PET Test Report Finding SUV 4.5
570403 - Prognosis Stage IV Metastatic Disease Relapse IBC Seems Likely
570404 - Lumps in Neck Reported 040309 Establish Stage IV Metastatic Cancer
570405 -
570406 - Follow up ref SDS G4 8R6M, ref SDS F3 8R6M.
570407 -
570408 - Background of image testing, and consideration for radiation treatment
570409 - of left supraclavicular is reported on 060623. ref SDS B7 8R6M
570411 -  ..
570412 - Like the left and right axillary locations, there was no examination
570413 - today for cancer in left supraclavicular region.  The patient made no
570414 - complaint of lumps or discomfort from swelling in this area.  This
570415 - work aligns with CT test on 060930 that found no evidence of disease
570416 - in the left supraclavicular location, reported on 061020. ref SDS F3
570417 - LP5G
570418 -
570419 -
570420 -
570421 -
570422 -
5705 -

Examination IBC Red Rash Left Breast Worse Increased Erythema Lower

7203 -
720401 -  ..
720402 - Pockets of Resistance to Treatment of IBC Red Rash Left Breast
720403 - IBC Red Rash Left Breast Stable Not Responding to Treatment
720404 - Red Rash Stable Left Breast Rising CA 15-3 No Response to Treatment
720405 - Examination Left Breast IBC Inflammation Red Rash Seems Stable Rising
720406 -
720407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 025H, ref SDS F3 025H.
720408 -
720409 - Background on prior relapse examinations is listed on 060711.
720410 - ref SDS B9 8Y7O
720412 -  ..
720413 - The doctor examined Millie's left breast area showing IBC red rash
720414 - seems worse, as indicated might be occurring during examination on
720415 - 061020, ref SDS F3 XO5L, and again last month on 061110. ref SDS G4
720416 - RU6J, when the doctor reported condition is not improved, i.e., no
720417 - evident recovery, citing "pockets of resistance" to the current
720418 - treatment protocol. ref SDS G4 569G
720420 -  ..
720421 - Worsening IBC and rising CA 15-3 cancer marker cited today, per above,
720422 - ref SDS 0 GJ5M, indicate progression of disease that requires changing
720423 - treatments.
720425 -         ..
720426 -        [...below, Medical Chart doctor's progress notes describe
720427 -        "increased erythema on lower chest wall." ref SDS 0 ZL5W
720429 -         ..
720430 -        [On 061204 patient notifies Kaiser that IBC may have spread
720431 -        from left chest area to the right breast may require biopsy to
720432 -        verify, since it could be cellulitis. ref SDS H1 I93X
720434 -  ..
720435 - The problem to solve was described in the record on 061110 saying in
720436 - part that IBC may not be responding to systemic treatment under
720437 - scenario #2 presented in the record on 060808. ref SDS D5 HT5K  On
720438 - 050311 the doctor presented a theory that "pockets" of cancer resist
720439 - treatment with chemotherapy, and so must be removed with surgery.
720440 - ref SDS 55 PA4N  This may be occurring due to cancer mutating, and
720441 - compounded by mastectomy surgery that removed blood vessels, which
720442 - normally deliver treatment to infected tissue, discussed further
720443 - below. ref SDS G4 EH3F
720445 -  ..
720446 - The doctor apologized for scheduling mixup and computer problems that
720447 - almost prevented meeting today, per below. ref SDS 0 N96O  He
720448 - explained urgency that rising cancer marker and worsening IBC rash
720449 - signal Millie has suffered a 4th relapse.  Cancer gets worse and
720450 - harder to treat with each relapse, so timely change to a new treatment
720451 - is critical.  He wants to meet again next week on 061208 to schedule
720452 - another PET scan test for a new baseline to change treatment, per
720453 - review of strategy below. ref SDS 0 ZZ9H
720454 -
720455 -        {...below Medical Chart work plan schedules meeting next week
720456 -        on 061208 to consider prescribing treatment with either
720457 -        Navelbine or Genzar. ref SDS 0 125V
720459 -  ..
720460 - 7indings today of 4th relapse of cancer, and 3rd relapse of IBC extend
720461 - case study on 060711 reporting Millie's 3rd relapse. ref SDS B9 8Y8I
720462 -
720463 -        1.  Lymph node biopsy positive start
720464 -            bevacizumab Taxotere.............. 040318, ref SDS 28 8R6M
720465 -        2.  Cancer marker IBC increase end
720466 -            bevacizumab Taxotere due to
720467 -            pulmonary embolism................ 041210, ref SDS 49 025H
720468 -        3.  Cancer marker IBC recurs 9 months
720469 -            months after mastectomy........... 060711, ref SDS B9 025H
720470 -        4.  Cancer marker IBC worsens end
720471 -            capeticabine Taxotere............. 061201, ref SDS 0 RU6J
720473 -  ..
720474 - Millie is worried about starting a new treatment, going through all
720475 - the preparation, and tolerating severe side effects of Kaiser's only
720476 - remaining 2 treatments, discussed below, ref SDS 0 ZZ9N, and then just
720477 - to fail again and again.
720478 -
720479 -               [On 070105 Kaiser advises Millie of referral to UCSF for
720480 -               treatment with cetuximab carboplatin clinical trial as
720481 -               the best course to care for her complex patient profile.
720482 -               ref SDS H5 PK7L
720484 -                ..
720485 -               [On 080306 0830 Millie suffers 4th relapse of IBC with
720486 -               progression of disease. ref SDS H7 459G
720488 -  ..
720489 - Millie asked about possibility that rather than progression of cancer,
720490 - could a recent cat bite on 061114 have caused complications of
720491 - Cellulitis in the left chest area, as well as in the left arm (see
720492 - above, ref SDS 0 ZW6M), and per analysis of erratic CA 15-3 cancer
720493 - marker, also above, that shows a similar pattern of dramatic change in
720494 - both directions following a cat bite on 050212. ref SDS 0 P66O
720496 -  ..
720497 - The doctor noted that wihout timely change in treatment beginning
720498 - today, Millie will suffer rapid decline in less than a year.  He said
720499 - that many patients get frightened and decide to end treatments, when
720500 - cancer suddenly gets worse, because going through more meetings and
720501 - tests to change treatments can be very discouraging.  The doctor
720502 - emphasized that Millie seems stronger and more emotionally stable than
720503 - most patients suffering a 4th relapse. ref SDS 0 H54F
720505 -                ..
720506 -               [On 090213 case study patient advised to get affairs in
720507 -               order for life ending in months. ref SDS I2 L19H
720509 -  ..
720510 - He feels Millie's survival and quality of life can be extended by
720511 - acting quickly today on details for her next treatment.  That's why he
720512 - went to all of the trouble today getting everyone to work around
720513 - Kaiser policies to correct scheduling mistakes and computer problems,
720514 - explained below. ref SDS 0 N96O  The doctor indicated that Millie's
720515 - patient history shows physical resiliance, strong will to live, and
720516 - ability to contribute through an effective doctor/patient partnership
720517 - that makes treatment effective.  The key is timely action to prevent
720518 - relapse from losing local control.
720520 -  ..
720521 - Millie thanked the doctor for clarifying a very confusing and
720522 - emotionally traumtic subject.
720524 -         ..
720525 -        [On 061204 patient reports to Kaiser that IBC red rash has
720526 -        worsened, possibily spreading to the right breast, ref SDS H1
720527 -        I93X; later in the day the rash seemed to subside, suggesting
720528 -        possible effects of cat bite, ref SDS H1 PQ7U; another letter
720529 -        reported this dramatic change to the doctor. ref SDS H1 2P8U
720530 -
720531 -
720532 -
720533 -
7206 -

Eyes Tearing Increasing Side Effect Taxotere Capecitabine (Xeloda) C

7503 -
750401 -  ..
750402 - Eyes Tearing Side Effect Taxotere Capecitabine (Xeloda) Chemotherapy
750403 -
750404 - Millie reported increased tearing in her eyes, also, reported last
750405 - week during treatment in the Infusion Clinic. ref SDS G9 HM9G  There
750406 - is no evident impact on vision, and no pain.  It is a nusiance to be
750407 - continually wiping her eyes, so that her face is not covered with
750408 - tears.
750410 -  ..
750411 - The doctor suggested that Millie contact Kaiser's eye clinic for an
750412 - examination.
750414 -  ..
750415 - He indicated that changing treatment discussed today, per Work Up
750416 - Strategy Treatment Options, below, ref SDS 0 K36G, may end or at least
750417 - reduce this problem.
750418 -
750419 -
750420 -
750421 -
750422 -
7505 -

Mastectomy Removes Blood Vessels Prevents Delivery Chemotherapy Trea

8103 -
810401 -  ..
810402 - Blood Vessels Removed Mastectomy Create Pockets that Resist Treatment
810403 - Slow Response to Treatment Mastectomy Removed Blood Vessels
810404 - Expectations Recovery Rate Reduced Mastectomy Remove Blood Vessels
810405 - Alternate Treatment Method Blood Vessels Cannot Deliver Chemotherapy
810406 -
810407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 EH3F, ref SDS F3 EH3F.
810408 -
810409 - Background on slow response to treatment and impending progression of
810410 - disease due to mastectomy surgery on 051021 was reviewed in the record
810411 - for the meeting on 061020, ref SDS F3 EH3F, and again on 061110.
810412 - ref SDS G4 EH3F
810414 -  ..
810415 - This issue seems to be recognized in the doctor's review today of
810416 - treatment strategy, shown below. ref SDS 0 K36G
810417 -
810418 -
810419 -
8105 -

Biopsy Left Breast Investigate for Mutated Cancer IBC Red Rash Statu

8703 -
870401 -  ..
870402 - Treatment Options Expand Pool of Drugs Biopsy Test for Status Change
870403 - Biopsy to Determine Biology of IBC and Guide Choice of Treatment
870404 - Status Change Did Not Occur Retest Biopsy 040419 Treatment Options
870405 -
870406 - Follow up ref SDS G4 KT7J, ref SDS F3 KT7J.
870407 -
870408 - Can a biopsy contribute to patient work up for developing a strategy
870409 - and treatment plan, discussed on 060711, ref SDS B9 K36G, and more
870410 - recently on 061020? ref SDS F3 KH6H  Further review on 061110 presents
870411 - objectives and rationale based on evidence of cancer mutating for
870412 - biopsy of IBC red rash on left breast. ref SDS G4 448F
870413 -
870414 -        [On 061204 patient notifies Kaiser that IBC may have spread
870415 -        from left chest area to the right breast may require biopsy to
870416 -        verify, since it could be cellulitis. ref SDS H1 I93X
870418 -         ..
870419 -        [On 090204 2nd opinion discusses testing tissue to develop best
870420 -        agent for treating cancer. ref SDS I0 9K9W
870421 -
870422 -
870423 -
870424 -
870425 -
870426 -
8705 -

PET Scan Test Planning Order 061208 Baseline New Treatment Strategy

9403 -
940401 -  ..
940402 - PET CT Image Testing Distant Metastasis Risks Secondary Cancer
940403 - IBC Test Distant Metastasis Discouraged Avoid Risk Secondary Cancer
940404 - Radiation Image Tests PET CT Limit to Reduce Risk Secondary Cancer
940405 - Risk Secondary Cancer Exposure Radiation Image Testing CT PET Scan
940406 -
940407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 EY5O, ref SDS F3 EY5O.
940408 -
940409 - Doctor plans to place an order during the meeting next week on 061208
940410 - for a PET scan test to evaluate cancer, and set a baseline for
940411 - changing treatment protocols, per review of strategy today, shown
940412 - below. ref SDS 0 K36G
940413 -
940414 -     [On 061208 doctor ordered PET scan test for setting a baseline to
940415 -     evaluate changing chemotherapy treatments. ref SDS H2 EY5O
940417 -  ..
940418 - This test can resolve issues pending from previous tests cited on
940419 - 061110 to compare findings of pulmonary embolism in tests on 041103
940420 - and on 060930, including severity of enlarged right ventricle.
940421 - ref SDS G4 EY5O
940422 -
940423 -    [On 061208 doctor ordered PET scan test to set new baseline for
940424 -    changing chemotherapy to treat IBC; and added to the order request
940425 -    for analysis of pulmonary embolism, and enlarged right ventricle
940426 -    by comparing and contrasting with prior CT tests on 041103 and on
940427 -    060930, even though CT scan tests are a better diagnostic for this
940428 -    comparison. ref SDS H2 ZY5L
940430 -  ..
940431 - With rising symptoms of esophagitis reported the past few months, this
940432 - test can correlate with the PET test on 060120, and the CT test on
940433 - 060505 which both seemed to make findings that relate to esophagitis,
940434 - per discussion above. ref SDS 0 JP6K
940435 -
940436 -
940437 -
940438 -
940439 -
9405 -

Emotional Trauma Increases 4 New Issues Cellulitis Relapse Erratic C

9903 -
990401 -  ..
990402 - Emotional Trauma Rising Falling Cancer Symptoms Risks Image Testing
990403 - Exercise Vigor Strength Engagement Ease Distress Living with Cancer
990404 - Behavior Medical Specialist (BMS) Emotional Counseling Not Effective
990405 -
990406 - Follow up ref SDS G4 Y642, ref SDS F3 Y642.
990407 -
990408 - Proactive medical management initiating review of treatment protocol
990409 - today is a big relief, reported below. ref SDS 0 ZZ9H
990411 -  ..
990412 - Emotional stress increased from growing list of 10 pending medical
990413 - issues reported on 061020. ref SDS F3 Y642  Following new issues
990414 - increase trauma from doubt and worry...
990416 -             ..
990417 -        1.  Erratic CA 15-3 cancer marker
990418 -            noted by the doctor
990419 -            today.............................. 061201, ref SDS 0 GJ5M
990421 -             ..
990422 -        2.  IBC rash big swings in severity on
990423 -            left breast, with considerations
990424 -            to replace treatment
990425 -            protocol........................... 061201, ref SDS 0 RU7M
990427 -             ..
990428 -        3.  Cellulitis relapse following end
990429 -            of treatment, and possibly delayed
990430 -            reaction to cat
990431 -            bite............................... 061201, ref SDS 0 MD5N
990433 -             ..
990434 -        4.  Pulmonary embolism stable to
990435 -            worsening symptoms after 2 months
990436 -            treatment.......................... 061201, ref SDS 0 2P8H
990437 -
990438 -
990439 -
990440 -
990441 -
990442 -
9905 -

Strategy Treatment Plan IBC 3rd Relapse Scope Chemotherapy Drug Agen

A503 -
A50401 -  ..
A50402 - Work Up Patient Profile Develop Options Strategy Treatment IBC Relapse
A50403 - Strategy Treatment Options Scenarios Planning Patient Work Up Deferred
A50404 -
A50405 - Follow up ref SDS G4 K36G, ref SDS F3 K36G.
A50406 -
A50407 - Background on requirements and challenge performing requirements for
A50408 - planning and proactive management in time for action to be effective
A50409 - is reported on 060825. ref SDS E2 K36G
A50411 -  ..
A50412 - Millie's letter, ref DIP 1 ZL6L, to Kaiser on 061027 asks for review
A50413 - of treatment strategy to address slow response to treatment.
A50414 - ref SDS F5 KJ7K
A50416 -  ..
A50417 - The doctor began the meeting today by holding up patient history on CA
A50418 - 15-3 cancer marker, reported above. ref SDS 0 GJ5M  Examination
A50419 - showing stable to worse IBC rash may indicate scenario #2 for reasons
A50420 - cited above. ref SDS 0 P66G
A50421 -
A50423 -  ..
A50424 - Capecitabine Taxotere Ends Progression of Cancer
A50425 - Navelbine Gemzar Switching Treatments Strategy Review
A50426 - Gemzar Navelbine Switching Treatments Strategy Review
A50427 -
A50428 - Millie asked about the next treatment, since the doctor indicated
A50429 - initially that the cancer marker indicates progression is occuring
A50430 - with capecitabine and Taxotere, per above? ref SDS 0 GJ5M
A50432 -  ..
A50433 - The doctor proposed switching treatment from Taxotere and capecitabine
A50434 - (Xeloda) to chemotherapy agents reviewed on 060711, either Navelbine,
A50435 - ref SDS B9 S07M, or to Gemzar. ref SDS B9 576N  Doctor Benz proposed
A50436 - Gemzar be given in combination with Taxotere, similar to capecitabine,
A50437 - in a 2nd opinion received from UCSF on 041117. ref SDS 46 OU6S
A50439 -  ..
A50440 - The doctor seemed to indicate today that Navelbine and Gemzar are the
A50441 - only remaining chemotherapy agents Kaiser has to treat Millie's
A50442 - advancing IBC complicated by delayed diagnosis for 18 months, reported
A50443 - on 040614. ref SDS 36 6T5G  On 041130 the doctor advised there are a
A50444 - limited number of drugs for treating Millie's complex patient profile,
A50445 - ref SDS 47 763L, with triple negative status shown by original biopsy
A50446 - on 020321. ref SDS 3 LA7O  At that time, on 041130 he explained that
A50447 - drug trials expand the list of chemotherapies that may help Millie.
A50448 - ref SDS 47 028N   He noted again today that since subsequent
A50449 - confirmation on 060711 from retesting the biopsy on 040419 showed that
A50450 - ER/PR/HER2 remain negative, ref SDS B9 SW7O, this severely reduces
A50451 - treatments that can help Millie.
A50453 -  ..
A50454 - Millie asked about side effects.
A50456 -  ..
A50457 - The doctor explained that Gemzar and Navelbine have been available for
A50458 - about 10 years.  Side effects are on the order of capecitabine.  The
A50459 - doctor will moderate side effects by controlling the dose, as was done
A50460 - with capecitabine, reported on 050516. ref SDS 62 AQ6G
A50461 -
A50462 -        {...below Medical Chart work plan schedules meeting next week
A50463 -        on 061208 to consider prescribing treatment with either
A50464 -        Navelbine or Genzar. ref SDS 0 125V
A50466 -         ..
A50467 -        [On 061208 the doctor plans to treat Millie with Navelbine
A50468 -        beginning on 070105. ref SDS H2 RW5I
A50470 -         ..
A50471 -        [On 061208 Navelbine given weekly has severe side effects,
A50472 -        ref SDS H2 P04F, which reduce ability to tolerate treatments
A50473 -        sufficient to prevent cancer from cascading out of control.
A50474 -        ref SDS H2 3B4N; patient profile requires research for
A50475 -        effective solution. ref SDS H2 VD5G
A50477 -         ..
A50478 -        [On 061208 Kaiser research finds no drug trials available at
A50479 -        Kaiser to treat Millie's complex patient profile. ref SDS H2
A50480 -        P24L
A50482 -         ..
A50483 -        [On 061208 Kaiser performing due diligence to investigate
A50484 -        clinical trial treatments for Millie at UCSF. ref SDS H2 P256
A50486 -         ..
A50487 -        [On 061230 Kaiser makes arrangements for treating Millie in
A50488 -        clinical trial at UCSF. ref SDS H4 3X6K
A50490 -         ..
A50491 -        [On 070105 Kaiser advises Millie of referral to UCSF for
A50492 -        treatment with cetuximab carboplatin clinical trial as the best
A50493 -        course to care for her complex patient profile. ref SDS H5 PK7L
A50495 -         ..
A50496 -        [On 070510 woman on clinical study treatment with cetuximab and
A50497 -        carboplatin for 10 months was switched to Gemzar when disease
A50498 -        progressed. ref SDS H6 5P88
A50500 -  ..
A50501 - Doctor discussed plans to order PET scan test for a baseline to
A50502 - evaluate treatments; fits new strategy to change treatment protocols.
A50503 - ref SDS 0 EY5O
A50505 -  ..
A50506 - Progress today developing a work plan helps relieve emotional stress,
A50507 - per above. ref SDS 0 Y642
A50509 -  ..
A50510 - More recently, on 060929 Doctor Benz again recommended consideration
A50511 - of Gemzar, however, in combination with capecitabine, rather than with
A50512 - Taxotere, ref SDS E6 WR3Y, as originally proposed on 061117.
A50514 -  ..
A50515 - Surgery to treat "pockets of resistance" to chemotherapy was mentioned
A50516 - only briefly today.  Analysis of background in the record on 061110
A50517 - was not discussed. ref SDS G4 RU81
A50518 -
A50519 -
A50520 -
A50521 -
A50522 -
A506 -

Treatment IBC 7th Relapse Continue Chemotherapy Agents Taxotere Cape

AA03 -
AA0401 -  ..
AA0402 - Treatment Continue 7th Cycle Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda)
AA0403 - 7th Cycle Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda) Treatment Continue
AA0404 - Taxotere and Capecitabine (Xeloda) 7th-Cycle Treatment Continue
AA0405 -
AA0406 - Follow up ref SDS G4 PF3O, ref SDS F3 PF3O.
AA0407 -
AA0408 - The doctor approved treatment today with Taxotere and capecitabine
AA0409 - (Xeloda) for the 7th cycle already begun today in the Infusion Clinic.
AA0410 - ref SDS G9 SG8I
AA0412 -  ..
AA0413 - Despite hectic schedule, noted above, ref SDS 0 2Y5M, the doctor began
AA0414 - consideration of ideas, research, and strategy, as noted above,
AA0415 - ref SDS 0 K36G, to improve the rate of recovery for IBC on the left
AA0416 - breast, which has shown no improvement for several cycles, per above.
AA0417 - ref SDS 0 025H
AA0418 -
AA0419 -
AA0420 -
AA0421 -
AA0422 -
AA05 -

Schedule Meeting 061208 Review Treatment Strategy Changes Because Ta

B803 -
B80401 -  ..
B80402 - Schedule New Treatment End Taxotere Capecitabine
B80403 - Medical Necessity Priority Policy Procedure Case Study
B80404 - Policy Procedure Subordinate Medical Necessity Case Study
B80405 - Case Study Policy Procedure Subordinate Patient Medical Necessity
B80406 -
B80407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 N96O, ref SDS F3 N96O.
B80408 -
B80409 - The doctor took immediate action today working around Kaiser policies
B80410 - for medical necessity to enable Millie's care in time to be effective
B80411 - recovering from 4th relapse, per above. ref SDS 0 H54F  This required
B80412 - correcting a scheduling mistake compounded by problems with Kaiser's
B80413 - computer system.
B80415 -  ..
B80416 - Doctor Discretion Medical Necessity Deference Over Policy Procedure
B80417 - Case Study Deference Doctor Discretion Medical Necessity Over Policy
B80418 - Medical Necessity Doctor Discretion Deference Over Policy Procedure
B80419 - Policy Procedure Subordinate Medical Necessity Doctor Discretion
B80420 -
B80421 - Millie's patient history shows Kaiser has routinely applied policy and
B80422 - procedure with deference to doctor's discretion treating medical
B80423 - necessity in time to be effective...
B80424 -
B80425 -        1.  Surgery post-op quarterly follow up
B80426 -            policy to assess complications from
B80427 -            breast cancer was not performed (due
B80428 -            to computer glitch) during 2002 and
B80429 -            2003; biopsy in 2004 diagnosed IBC
B80430 -            which appears to have begun
B80431 -            in 2002.......................... 040419, ref SDS 31 XU75
B80433 -             ..
B80434 -        2.  Time Out policy to evaluate risks
B80435 -            and benefits of invasive surgery
B80436 -            was omitted for medical
B80437 -            necessity........................ 050913, ref SDS 76 5T5N
B80439 -             ..
B80440 -        3.  Pulmonary embolism Kaiser policy that
B80441 -            cancer patients are treated for life;
B80442 -            treatment was ended for medical
B80443 -            necessity........................ 051007, ref SDS 82 XN7K
B80445 -             ..
B80446 -        4.  Surgeon's report complying with Kaiser
B80447 -            policy to document necessity for invasive
B80448 -            surgery performing mastectomy was
B80449 -            omitted from medical
B80450 -            chart............................ 051021, ref SDS 85 QV4H
B80452 -             ..
B80453 -        5.  Treatment denied applying policy
B80454 -            on low blood counts.............. 060810, ref SDS D8 5K4F
B80455 -            even though primary care
B80456 -            physician routinely approves
B80457 -            treatment with low blood
B80458 -            counts........................... 060810, ref SDS D8 HV45
B80460 -             ..
B80461 -        6.  Medications Kaiser policy to evaluate
B80462 -            harmful conflicts is responsibility
B80463 -            of prescribing physician and
B80464 -            pharmacy......................... 061020, ref SDS F2 RT3K
B80465 -            difficult to implement due to
B80466 -            expanding complexity of medications
B80467 -            and constantly changing computer
B80468 -            systems.......................... 061020, ref SDS F2 TR47
B80469 -            primary care doctor cites
B80470 -            reliance on Kaiser computer system
B80471 -            to manage conflicts
B80472 -            between prescribed
B80473 -            medications...................... 061020, ref SDS F3 YQ7L
B80474 -            doctor/patient partnership
B80475 -            enabled collaboration to provide
B80476 -            timely changes to patient
B80477 -            medications...................... 061020, ref SDS F2 VE57
B80479 -             ..
B80480 -        7.  Medications Kaiser policy evaluate
B80481 -            harmful conflicts another mistake
B80482 -            pulmonary embolism warfarin (Coumadin)
B80483 -            conflicts with Doflucan; blood test INR
B80484 -            rises 6.4 danger zone for hemoraging;
B80485 -            blood clot coagulation treatment
B80486 -            paused for 3 days; INR update
B80487 -            test advanced.................... 061214,ref SDS H3 HF4O
B80489 -             ..
B80490 -        8.  Surgery Kaiser policy for "Time Out"
B80491 -            evaluate benefits and risks of
B80492 -            mastectomy was not performed; patient
B80493 -            suffers continual Cellulitis and
B80494 -            lymphedema attributed to removal
B80495 -            of lymphatic system during mastectomy
B80496 -            surgery; patient treated numerous
B80497 -            times in Emergency Room
B80498 -            Department....................... 061027, ref SDS F6 714I
B80500 -             ..
B80501 -        9.  Examinations Kaiser policy to verify
B80502 -            patient ready for treatment relaxed to
B80503 -            benefit patient with timely change in
B80504 -            prescription for progression of cancer;
B80505 -            and required to correct scheduling
B80506 -            mistake and computer system
B80507 -            problems......................... 061201, ref SDS 0 KD44
B80509 -             ..
B80510 -       10.  Neupogen medical necessity accuracy
B80511 -            stage IV cancer patient 5th relapse
B80512 -            deference doctor's discretion correct
B80513 -            mistake prescribe treatment Chemotherapy
B80514 -            Infusion Clinic rather than Kaiser
B80515 -            policy for self-injection
B80516 -            home care........................ 080609, ref SDS H8 IL6I
B80518 -             ..
B80519 -       11.  Stitches removed in Orthopedic Department
B80520 -            which were made in the Emergency Department
B80521 -            to suture wound over Millie's right eye
B80522 -            from fall on 090122; because following
B80523 -            Kaiser policy for patient to return to
B80524 -            ER for removal of stitches was prevented
B80525 -            by ER mistake scheduling the work in the
B80526 -            Orthopedic Department because Millie
B80527 -            needed to go to Orthopedics for follow
B80528 -            up on dislocated shoulder, and the ER
B80529 -            team assumed could take 2 minutes
B80530 -            to remove the stitches rather than
B80531 -            increase time, costs, and stress
B80532 -            with another visit to
B80533 -            the ER........................... 090129, ref SDS H9 01FH
B80535 -             ..
B80536 -       12.  Right arm recovering from dislocated
B80537 -            shoulder was moved at UCSF against Kaiser
B80538 -            policy in Orthopedic Department for 24-7
B80539 -            immobilization under deference to doctor
B80540 -            discretion for medical necessity taking
B80541 -            xrays to layout radiation fields
B80542 -            required for bigger problem providing
B80543 -            treatment in time to be effective
B80544 -            recovering from Millie's
B80545 -            6th relapse of
B80546 -            IBC.............................. 090209, ref SDS I1 MN4L
B80548 -             ..
B80549 -       13.  UCSF took xrays and CT scans to prepare
B80550 -            layout for radiation and hyperthermia
B80551 -            treatment, which conflicted with Kaiser
B80552 -            policy for radiology and lab work for
B80553 -            referral treatment to be performed
B80554 -            at Kaiser; this was required by medical
B80555 -            necessity to treat Millie's 6th
B80556 -            relapse of cancer in time to
B80557 -            be effective, and so applied
B80558 -            deferrence to doctor
B80559 -            discretion...................... 090209, ref SDS I1 MN4L
B80560 -
B80561 -
B80563 -  ..
B80564 - Mistakes Random Computer Problems Entropy Disorder Case Management
B80565 -
B80566 - In this case, a few weeks ago, Kaiser called and said the doctor
B80567 - wanted to change the time for the meeting today from 1140 to 1000.
B80568 - Millie's letter to Kaiser on 061116 confirms these understandings.
B80569 - ref SDS G8 2Q7K  Then about 2 days ago, Kaiser called again, and said
B80570 - the doctor wanted to change the meeting from today to a week later on
B80571 - 061208 1200.  Kaiser indicated that the doctor had a sudden schedule
B80572 - conflict with a seminar, or other off-site Kaiser activity, possibly
B80573 - management meetings, that would take several days, and so he could not
B80574 - meet with Millie today.
B80576 -  ..
B80577 - Delaying Millie's care a week conflicts with the doctor's plan during
B80578 - the previous meeting on 061110, to meet with Millie today, a week
B80579 - early, in order to expedite starting a new treatment for Millie to
B80580 - recover from the 4th relapse of IBC. ref SDS G4 N96O
B80582 -  ..
B80583 - Today, when Abigail admitted Millie into the Chemotherapy Infusion
B80584 - Clinic, the doctor was observed across the adjacent hallway assisting
B80585 - a patient in the Medical Assistant's (MA) Control Center for the
B80586 - Oncology Clinic.  This was entirely fortuitous serendipity, becasue
B80587 - Millie had been told 2 days ago that Doctor Johnson would be off-stie
B80588 - today, and so her meeting today was canceled.
B80590 -  ..
B80591 - While Millie went ahead into the Clinic to start treatment with the
B80592 - currently prescribed regimen, there was discussion with the doctor in
B80593 - the Oncology Department.
B80595 -  ..
B80596 - The doctor advised that changing the date for meeting with Millie was
B80597 - a mistake, because he must see Millie today in order to arrange for
B80598 - starting a new treatment due to progression of cancer.  Someone
B80599 - scheduled the doctor to attend a Kaiser event without telling him, and
B80600 - getting approval.  The doctor advised that Kaiser is using a new
B80601 - computer scheduling system.  When he learned about the mistake a few
B80602 - days ago, the doctor notified the Planning department to maintain his
B80603 - original schedule for today.  By that time the meeting with Millie had
B80604 - already been changed.  When the staff tried to correct the computer,
B80605 - the computer system was down, and experiencing long delays making
B80606 - entries.
B80608 -  ..
B80609 - The doctor explained that, when the computer system came back online,
B80610 - the Planning department had a a backlog of other patients.  Kaiser
B80611 - policy required assigning another patient to the time originally
B80612 - scheduled for meeting with Millie today.  As a result, since the
B80613 - Scheduling software could not find a time slot that correlated with
B80614 - the treatment time, Millie wasn't notified this morning that the
B80615 - doctor intended to meet today, despite being "booked out" for the day,
B80616 - because Millie's rising cancer needs a new treatment starting with
B80617 - examination today, as noted in the section on strategy, above.
B80618 - ref SDS 0 K36G
B80620 -  ..
B80621 - The doctor advised that even though Kaiser's computer software is
B80622 - programmed to implement scheduling policy to allocate the doctor's
B80623 - time for seeing patients, doctors can make accomodations to meet with
B80624 - patients in order to provide needed care.  He explained that doctors
B80625 - give priority to medical necessity over formal policy and procedures.
B80627 -  ..
B80628 - The doctor said today has been very hectic adjusting to the scheduling
B80629 - mistake and computer problems.  He forgot to tell the staff to adjust
B80630 - his schedule, and call Millie to advise that the original schedule
B80631 - would be followed today.  Chance enounter tending to another patient
B80632 - at the precise moment when Millie was admitted in the Infusion Clinic
B80633 - and was walking down the hall and just happened to glance down the
B80634 - adjacent hall to the Medical Assistant's (MA) Control Center enabled a
B80635 - small mistake in scheduling to be corrected in time to be effective
B80636 - preventing a much bigger problem losing control of her cancer.
B80638 -  ..
B80639 - After a few minutes finishing up with the other patient, the doctor
B80640 - walked over to the Chemotherapy Infusion Clinic across the hall from
B80641 - Oncology and visited with Millie's nurse, Abigail.
B80643 -  ..
B80644 - The nurse had finished connecting the infusion IV to Millie's port
B80645 - catheter and started her treatment, reported in another record today
B80646 - on 041201. ref SDS G9 4N5M
B80648 -  ..
B80649 - The doctor asked Abigail to register Millie for a meeting with him
B80650 - today. ref SDS G9 4O9M
B80652 -  ..
B80653 - The nurse said that Kaiser policy requires patients to register at the
B80654 - customer counter outside in the Oncology lobby in order comply with
B80655 - requirements for co-payment.
B80657 -  ..
B80658 - The doctor noted that Millie cannot be in two places at once, and that
B80659 - a Kaiser computer problem prevented the normal registering process.
B80660 - The doctor asked Abigail to help solve this, because Millie needs to
B80661 - care today.
B80663 -  ..
B80664 - Abigail said she will talk with the Charge Nurse to work it out so
B80665 - that Millie is registered to meet the doctor and also to get treatment
B80666 - for cancer currently underway.
B80668 -  ..
B80669 - The doctor left the Chemotherapy Infusion Clinic and walked back to
B80670 - Oncology.  He visited with Jessica in the MA control center.  The
B80671 - doctor asked Jessica to correct the computer problem by changing his
B80672 - schedule to include meeting with Millie today, while she is also
B80673 - getting chemotherapy, even though this conflicts with the policy to
B80674 - perform examinations before treatments in order to verify the patient
B80675 - should continue with the prescribed agent.  A primary concern is to
B80676 - verify blood counts are high enough, and if low, the doctor can make a
B80677 - judgement balancing urgency for the treatment, against risks of
B80678 - infection from weakened immunity with low counts.
B80680 -  ..
B80681 - Jessica checked the computer for the doctor's schedule.  She entered a
B80682 - meeting in the computer for the period of Millie's chemotherapy
B80683 - treatment.  The doctor will let Jennifer know when he finishes with
B80684 - his current patient in about 20 minutes.  Jennifer will walk over to
B80685 - the Chemotherapy Clinic and notify Abigail to assist Millie coming
B80686 - over to the Oncology Department for a meeting with the primary care
B80687 - physician.  Millie will continue getting chemotherapy treatment while
B80688 - walking to the doctor's office in Oncology by using the drip treatment
B80689 - stand and electronic monitor that is on rollers, as was done
B80690 - previously for a meeting on 060929. ref SDS E5 ZG3M
B80692 -  ..
B80693 - Jessica went into the Chemotherapy Clinic to explain the work plan to
B80694 - Abigail.  The charge nurse asked Jessica to take Millie's credit card
B80695 - to the customer counter in the Oncology lobby and make the co-payment
B80696 - transaction for Millie to meet with the doctor.
B80697 -
B80698 -
B80699 -
B80700 -
B808 -

Pulmonary Emboli Blood Clots Lungs Symptoms Continue Fatigue Shortne

BG03 -
BG0401 -  ..
BG0402 - Procrit Treatment Anemia Ended Hemoglobin Blood Count Normal
BG0403 - Tired Breathing Difficulty Routine Activity Pulmonary Emboli Symptoms
BG0404 - Coumadin Treatment Pulmonary Embolism Does Not Relieve Symptoms
BG0405 - Pulmonary Embolism Symptoms Continue Fatigue Shortness of Breath
BG0406 -
BG0407 - Follow up ref SDS G4 CV5L, ref SDS F3 CV5L.
BG0408 -
BG0409 - Background on discovering and treating pulmonary embolism recurrence
BG0410 - is reported for the meeting on 061020. ref SDS F3 CV5L  On 061110, the
BG0411 - doctor prescribed Procrit to increase the hemoglobin blood count,
BG0412 - expecting this would relieve symptoms of anemia where Millie has been
BG0413 - tired and continually fatigued. ref SDS G4 OY4H
BG0415 -  ..
BG0416 - Millie's letter to Kaiser on 061113, ref DIP 4 L17H, advised that
BG0417 - symptoms continue of chronic fatigure and shortness of breath due to
BG0418 - pulmonary embolism diagnosed on 061002, ref SDS E8 MI5I, and that she
BG0419 - hoped the prescription for Procrit would relieve overlapping symptoms.
BG0420 - ref SDS G6 2K5P
BG0422 -  ..
BG0423 - The doctor feels that hemoglobin rising to the normal range indicates
BG0424 - that Procrit was effective, as shown in the blood test report received
BG0425 - during treatment today in the Infusion Clinic. ref SDS G9 LA5M
BG0426 - Therefore, the prescription for Procrit was not renewed.
BG0428 -  ..
BG0429 - Due to Scheduling mistakes and computer system problems, per above,
BG0430 - ref SDS 0 KD44, The doctor's schedule today did not have enough time
BG0431 - again, as on 061020, ref SDS F3 UQ5M, and during the prior meeting on
BG0432 - 061110, ref SDS G4 HB3K, to review the patient's preliminary analysis
BG0433 - on 061012, and comment on significance of several differences between
BG0434 - the two tests, ref SDS E9 7E7G, including a new heart disorder caused
BG0435 - by an enlarged right ventricle, ref SDS E9 IM5J, discussed briefly
BG0436 - with the doctor during the meeting on 061020. ref SDS F3 VJ4J
BG0438 -  ..
BG0439 - This can be addressed in the new PET scan test which the doctor plan
BG0440 - to order during the next meeting on 061208, per above. ref SDS 0 EY5O
BG0441 -
BG0442 -
BG0443 -
BG0444 -
BG0445 -
BG05 -

Examination Clinical Findings Correlate with Research Stethoscope No

BS03 -
BS0401 -  ..
BS0402 - Examination Breathing Stethoscope No Finding Enlarged Right Ventricle
BS0403 -
BS0404 - Follow up ref SDS G4 Q35O, ref SDS F3 PC6H.
BS0405 -
BS0406 - The doctor examined Millie with a stethoscope again today.  This
BS0407 - included multiple locations on her her back, and on her chest.  He
BS0408 - reported finding no evidence of cardio pulmonary issues from clinical
BS0409 - examination.
BS0410 -
BS0411 -
BS0412 -
BS0413 -
BS05 -

Enlarged Right Ventricle Heart Examination Not Ordered Kaiser Not En

CB03 -
CB0401 -  ..
CB0402 - Heart Examination Not Ordered Investigate Enlarged Right Ventricle
CB0403 - Enlarged Right Ventricle CT Test Aligns Patient Symptoms How Serious
CB0404 -
CB0405 - Follow up ref SDS G4 VJ4J, ref SDS F3 VJ4J. ref SDS E9 7E5L.
CB0406 -
CB0407 - Background is reported in the record for the meeting on 061110.
CB0408 - ref SDS G4 VJ4J
CB0410 -  ..
CB0411 - Kaiser has not had enough time to determine how severely the right
CB0412 - ventricle is enlarged, as discussed, also, on 061020. ref SDS F3 VJ4J
CB0414 -  ..
CB0415 - The doctor did not cite vitals that So2 test result shows high oxygen
CB0416 - content, indicating strong cardio pulmonary functioning, rather than
CB0417 - diminished capacity that would signal significant impact of enlarged
CB0418 - right ventricle.
CB0420 -  ..
CB0421 - Maybe the PET scan test planned to be ordered on 061208 will support
CB0422 - a determination on whether to get a review by a heart specialist.
CB0423 -
CB0424 -
CB0425 -
CB0426 -
CB0427 -
CB0428 -
CB05 -

Work Plan Doctor Submits Doctor/Patient Partnership Communications I

D203 -
D20401 -  ..
D20402 - Work Plan Received Communications Doctor/Patient Partnership
D20403 - Communications Doctor Submits Work Plan Doctor/Patient Partnership
D20404 - Doctor/Patient Partnership Communications Doctor Submits Work Plan
D20405 -
D20406 - Follow up ref SDS G4 FE4I, ref SDS F3 FE4I.
D20412 -  ..
D20413 - Issues from Kaiser's Progress Notes continue from prior review on
D20414 - 061110. ref SDS G4 EN4K
D20416 -  ..
D20417 - New issues include...
D20418 -
D20419 -    1.  Narrative omits patient suffered pulmonary embolism recurrence,
D20420 -        and treatment has not corrected symptoms. ref SDS 0 J59N
D20422 -         ..
D20423 -    2.  Cellulitis - patient hospitalized 5 days complications of
D20424 -        lymphedema, not mentioned in the doctor's report for the
D20425 -        Medical Chart.  Neither is there a report of recurrence on
D20426 -        061112. ref SDS 0 IX7K
D20428 -         ..
D20429 -    3.  Current medications - this might be updated, as recommended
D20430 -        previously. ref SDS 0 SE86
D20432 -         ..
D20433 -    4.  Impression section might be updated with respect to status of
D20434 -        Cellulitis continuing, and other issues, including possibility
D20435 -        that cat bite has complicated diagnostics. ref SDS 0 1248
D20437 -  ..
D20438 - Progress continues toward good management using the doctor patient
D20439 - partnership for timely review of patient history, called out in
D20440 - Kaiser's Healthwise Handbook, reviewed on 990625, ref SDS 2 TD5S, and
D20441 - reported on 060106. ref SDS 90 FE4I
D20442 -
D20443 -    1.  11/10/2006     03:40 PM
D20444 -
D20445 -            Wcr-ONnc2 > Main Campus
D20448 -         ..
D20449 -    2.  Your primary care clinician is listed as...
D20450 -
D20452 -
D20781 -
D20782 -
D20783 -
D20784 -
D20785 -
D20786 -
D20787 -
D208 -