440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 10, 2006 02:30 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Millie at Kaiser 14th cycle Xeloda Taxotere IBC relapse.
2...Treatment Regular 3 Week Schedule Steady Level Chemotherapy Agent
3...Breathing Difficulty Heavy Chest Pulmonary Emboli Side Effects
4...Side Effects Consultation Pharmacist Heavy Chest Difficult Breathing
5...Schedule Next Treatment Continue Fridays
6...Hemoglobin Low Blood Counts Anemia
7...Blood Counts Good Dose Chemotherapy Taxol Normal
....Anticoagulattion Therapy INR High 3.0 PT Patient High 29.9
8...ACN 2880 Well Above 1500 Criteria for Blood Counts Approve Treatment
9...CA 15-3 61 Rise from 56 Cancer Marker Current Blood Test
10...Preparation for Treatment Required One (1) Attempt to Connect Port
11...Benedryl Reduce Side Effects Taxotere Chemotherapy Treatment
12...Taxotere Full Dose Blood Counts on Targets
13...Vitals Show Patient Stable
14...Procrit Prescribed Lift Energy Bonnie Demonstrates Procedures
15...Pharmacist Orders Capecitabine Decadron; Coordinate with Coumadin
16...Pulmonary Emboli Pharmacist Not Aware Communication Medication Fails
17...Energy Normal Stable After Treatment Taxotere Support Drugs
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14th Cycle Treatment Taxotere Xeloda Capacitibine Chemotherapy 6th C
0503 -
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS A0 0000. ref SDS 97 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Received treatment with Taxotere to start another 3-week cycle with
050504 - capecitabine. Blood counts are still pretty good, ref SDS 0 P560, and
050505 - INR for pulmonary embolism is okay, as well. ref SDS 0 SE6N CA 15-3
050506 - cancer marker rising again is disappointing, pointing to treatment
050507 - becoming less effective. ref SDS 0 2N5J Hemoglobin was low today, so
050508 - the doctor prescribed Procrit. ref SDS 0 DT7O Bonnie the nurse today
050509 - was excellent setting up treatment with Taxotere, and also helping
050510 - with the first self-treatment with Procrit. ref SDS 0 CT7I After
050511 - treatment, Millie felt well enough to drive home. ref SDS 0 F54N
050512 -
050513 -
050514 -
050515 -
050516 -
050517 -
050519 - ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Treatment Regular 3 Week Schedule Steady Level Chemotherapy Agent
050902 -
050903 - Follow up ref SDS A0 407N, ref SDS 97 407N.
050904 -
050905 - Received treatment to begin 14th cycle overall of chemotherapy with
050906 - Taxotere and capecitabine (Xeloda), and the 6th treatment for 3rd
050907 - relapse of IBC.
050908 -
050909 - 1. Cycle 09 and 01 for relapse........ 060721, ref SDS 84 407N
050910 - 2. Cycle 10 and 02 for relapse........ 060814, ref SDS 92 LY6O
050911 - 3. Cycle 11 and 03 for relapse........ 060908, ref SDS 95 407N
050912 - 4. Cycle 12 and 04 for relapse........ 060929, ref SDS 97 407N
050913 - 5. Cycle 13 and 05 for relapse........ 061020, ref SDS A0 407N
050914 - 6. Cycle 14 and 06 for relapse........ 061110, ref SDS 0 407N
050915 -
050916 -
050917 -
050921 - ..
050922 - Millie had a blood draw yesterday afternoon, Thursday, 061019.
050923 -
050924 -
050925 -
050926 -
050927 -
050928 -
0510 -
Side Effects Consultation Pharmacist Tired Fatigue Heavy Chest Short
1603 -
160401 - ..
160402 - Breathing Difficulty Heavy Chest Pulmonary Emboli Side Effects
160403 - Side Effects Consultation Pharmacist Heavy Chest Difficult Breathing
160404 -
160405 - Follow up ref SDS A0 QU8K, ref SDS 97 QU8K.
160406 -
160407 - On 060724 diary showing history of side effects for 2nd phase taking
160408 - Taxotere and capecitabine (Xeloda). ref SDS 86 QX8K
160410 - ..
160411 - Millie met with the pharmacist, Masha, briefly in the examination
160412 - room, per below, and notified of reduced side effects. ref SDS 0 TZ4I
160414 - ..
160415 - Tired, fatigued - pulmonary emoblism...
160416 -
160417 - Millie's energy remains lower than normal for
160418 - chemotherapy treatments; chronic fatigue prevents
160419 - routine exercise at the gym, as reported on 061020 after
160420 - starting Coumadin on 061002 for treating pulmonary
160421 - embolism. ref SDS A0 SK9O
160423 - ..
160424 - [On 061110 these symptoms of pulmonary embolism were reported to
160425 - primary care physician following treatment today in the Infusion
160426 - Clinic. ref SDS A3 VD4G
160428 - ..
160429 - Heavy chest - shortness of breathing
160430 -
160431 - This condition remains problematic; it is improved from
160432 - conditions on 060929 when symptoms led to diagnosis and
160433 - currently ongoing treatment for pulmonary emboli,
160434 - however, extra exgertion walking up stairs, walking a
160435 - few blocks from the BART station to the office in San
160436 - Francisco, walking around at the shopping mall, cause
160437 - shortness of breath and noticable fatigue.
160439 - ..
160440 - Cough - clearing throat
160441 -
160442 - On 061108 Millie's diary reports new episodes of cough
160443 - and clearning her throat, similar to prior symptoms
160444 - first reported on 040607, which were later diagnosed as
160445 - symptoms of pulmonary embolism. ref SDS A2 VR6F
160447 - ..
160448 - Dry hands.
160449 -
160450 - Hands, fingers, cuticals bleeding slightly continue.
160451 - Feet and fingers now tingling.
160453 - ..
160454 - Nausea
160455 -
160456 - Uneasy, queazy feeling in stomache relieved by eating
160457 - small amounts of food thorughout the day.
160459 - ..
160460 - Sores in mouth
160461 -
160462 - None yet, cleaning mouth carefully to avoid problem.
160463 -
160464 -
160465 -
160466 -
160467 -
1605 -
Schedule Treatment Regular 3-week Cycle on Friday 061201 1430 Blood
2003 -
200401 - ..
200402 - Schedule Next Treatment Continue Fridays
200403 -
200404 - Follow up ref SDS A0 QK6L, ref SDS 97 QK6L.
200406 - ..
200407 - Today, Millie's next treatment is scheduled for 061201 1430.
200409 - ..
200410 - Blood draw is schedued forthe day before on 061130 1500.
200412 - ..
200413 - Meeting with the doctor also scheduled for 061201. Not sure about
200414 - the time, because we can do it before or during treatment.
200415 -
200416 -
200417 -
200418 -
200419 -
200420 -
200421 -
200422 -
2005 -
Blood Tests Chemotherapy WBC White Cell Count Good 14th Cycle Taxote
2303 -
230401 - ..
230402 - Hemoglobin Low Blood Counts Anemia
230403 - Blood Counts Good Dose Chemotherapy Taxol Normal
230404 -
230405 - Follow up ref SDS A0 Q659, ref SDS 97 Q659.
230407 - ..
230408 - Bonnie submitted the report showing...
230409 -
230410 - Patient Provider Category View FR Date To Date
230416 - ..
230417 - Procedure Results Reference Range
230418 -
230422 -
230423 - ** Marina Way South **
230425 - ..
230426 - Test Name Value Unit <-------- RANGE-------->
230427 - @CBC
230428 - WBC x 10-3 4.0 K/uL 3.5 - 12.5
230429 - RBC x 10-6 L 3.28 M/uL 3.60 - 5.70
230430 - Hemoglobin L 10.8 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0
230432 - ..
230433 - Hemoglobin is reviewed seperately below in connection with prescribing
230434 - Procrit. ref SDS 0 DT7O
230436 - ..
230437 - Hematocrit L 32.2 % 34.0 - 46.0
230438 - MCV 98 fL 80.0 - 100.0
230439 - RDW H 16.6 % 11.9 - 14.3
230440 - Plt x10-3 274 K/uL 140 - 400
230441 - ..
230442 - Neutrophils H 72 % 50 - 70
230443 - Lymphocytes 27 % 20 - 50
230444 - Monocyte 1 % 0 - 11
230445 - Eosinophils 0 % 1 - 5
230446 - Basophil 0 % 0 - 2
230447 - Bands No Report % 0 - 5
230449 - ..
230450 - CA 15-3 H 61 U/mL -< - 39
230452 - ..
230453 - Alkaline Phos No Report U/L 38 - 126
230454 - Bili, Tot Adult 0.3 mg/dL 0.2 - 1.3
230455 - Creatinine 0.72 mg/dL 0.6 - 1.2
230456 - ALT (SGPT) 53 U/L 11 - 66
230457 - AST (SGOT) No Report U/L
230459 - ..
230460 - RBC Morphology No Report
230461 - Poikilocytosis * No Report
230462 - Anisocytosis * No Report
230463 - Schistocytes * No Report
230464 - PLT Estimate No Report
230465 - PLT Morphology No Report
230466 -
230467 -
230468 -
230469 -
2305 -
Anticoagulation Therapy Pulmonary Emboli INR High 3.0 PT Patient Hig
2603 -
260401 - ..
260402 - Anticoagulattion Therapy INR High 3.0 PT Patient High 29.9
260403 -
260404 - Follow up ref SDS A0 SE6N.
260405 -
260406 - PT, patient H 29.9 sec 8.9 - 11.1
260407 - PT INR 3.0 sec 2 - 3
260408 -
260409 -
260410 -
260411 -
260412 -
260413 -
2605 -
Absolute Neutrophils Count ANC 2880 Well Above 1500 Required for Tre
2903 -
290401 - ..
290402 - ACN 2880 Well Above 1500 Criteria for Blood Counts Approve Treatment
290403 -
290404 - Follow up ref SDS A0 P560, ref SDS 97 P560.
290405 -
290406 - Millie was worried that blood counts would not be high enough for
290407 - treatment. Experience since 2002 has shown a strong correlation
290408 - between feeling tired, reported today, ref SDS 0 FG3N, and having low
290409 - blood counts.
290411 - ..
290412 - ANC seems to be dropping consistently, shown by reports...
290413 -
290414 - 6972................................ 060814, ref SDS 92 P560
290415 - 6390................................ 060908, ref SDS 95 P560
290416 - 5200................................ 060929, ref SDS 97 P560
290417 - 3869................................ 061020, ref SDS A0 P560
290418 - 2880................................ 061110, ref SDS 0 P560
290420 - ..
290421 - Formula for ANC, from record on 050128. ref SDS 49 TZ3N
290423 - ..
290424 - Calculation from 060908 yielded 6390. ref SDS 95 P560
290426 - ..
290427 - Note that bands are added to neutrophils, but both neutrophils and
290428 - bands have no report today.
290429 -
290430 - WBC = 4.0
290431 -
290432 - Neutrophils = .72
290433 - Bands = no report
290435 - ..
290436 - ANC = 4.0 x 1000 x .72 = 2880
290438 - ..
290439 - ANC calculation was submitted by the nurse today.
290440 -
290441 -
290442 -
290443 -
290444 -
290445 -
2905 -
CA 15-3 61 Rise from 56 Cancer Marker Current Blood Test Reversing P
3103 -
310401 - ..
310402 - CA 15-3 61 Rise from 56 Cancer Marker Current Blood Test
310403 -
310404 - Follow up ref SDS A0 2N5J, ref SDS 97 2N5J.
310406 - ..
310407 - Test today showing CA 15-3 61, ref SDS 0 5K6K, continues on slight
310408 - increase compared to the report on 061020. ref SDS A0 2N5J
310410 - ..
310411 - Reflects very slow progress of IBC rash stable to worsening on left
310412 - chest.
310413 -
310414 -
310415 -
310416 -
310417 -
310418 -
310419 -
310420 -
310421 -
3105 -
Port Connection Prepare for Treatment 1 Try Required Bonnie Excellen
3303 -
3304 - 1442
330501 - ..
330502 - Preparation for Treatment Required One (1) Attempt to Connect Port
330503 -
330504 - Follow up ref SDS A0 EB7J, ref SDS 97 EB7J.
330506 - ..
330507 - Myrna did the administration with Bonnie to verify Millie gets the
330508 - correct treatment.
330510 - ..
330511 - Millie explained having taken Decadron tablets according to the
330512 - prescription to take two tablets twice a day, per instructions on
330513 - 050415. ref SDS 56 8U4O
330515 - ..
330516 - Decadron was not given by Bonnie again before treatment today, because
330517 - Millie took the pills this morning with her meal, as prescribed; and
330518 - Millie will take another treatment of Decadron tomorrow as part of
330519 - chemotherapy treatment with Taxotere today.
330520 -
330521 - Generic name: dexamethasone
330522 -
330523 -
330525 - ..
330526 - Description and purpose of Decadron is reported in the record
330527 - on 060721. ref SDS 84 4I4Q
330529 - ..
330530 - Compazine - Bonnie gave Millie a pill prior to treatment. Millie took
330531 - this with a cup of water; this was after Julie and Bonnie did the
330532 - protocol verfication, per above, ref SDS A0 6O5G, which corrected the
330533 - mistake that occurred on 060929. ref SDS 97 NG55
330535 - ..
330536 - Ativan - was not part of treatment today, previously given on 060721.
330537 - ref SDS 84 FZ5M
330538 -
330539 - Generic name: benzodiazepines
330540 -
330541 - Purpose of Atiman reported on 060721. ref SDS 84 NF6K
330543 - ..
330544 - Anzemet - was not part of treatment today, previously given on 060908.
330545 - ref SDS 95 O64I This was reported ineffective on 060929. ref SDS 97
330546 - NR5F
330547 -
330548 - Generic name: dolasetron mesylate
330549 -
330550 -
330551 -
330552 -
330553 -
330554 -
330556 - ..
3306 -
3307 -
3308 - 1437
3309 -
330901 - Bonnie connected the IV tubes to the port....
330903 - ..
330904 - Interlink System Vented Paclitaxel set
330906 - ..
330907 - This was done without incident, very professional and competent.
330908 -
330909 -
330910 -
3310 -
Benadryl Drip Treatment Prepares Patient for Taxotere Chemotherapy A
3603 -
3604 - 1447
360501 - ..
360502 - Benedryl Reduce Side Effects Taxotere Chemotherapy Treatment
360503 -
360504 - Follow up ref SDS A0 DC7J, ref SDS 97 DC7J.
360505 -
360506 - Benadryl started.
360508 - ..
360509 - Purpose reported on 060721. ref SDS 84 DC7J
360510 -
360511 -
360513 - ..
3606 -
3607 -
3608 - 1459
3609 -
360901 - Benedryl completed.
360902 -
360903 -
360904 -
360905 -
3610 -
Taxotere 102 MG Drip Treatment 14th Cycle and 6th Cycle for IBC Rela
3803 -
3804 - 1501
380501 - ..
380502 - Taxotere Full Dose Blood Counts on Targets
380503 -
380504 - Follow up ref SDS A0 4N5M, ref SDS 97 4N5M.
380506 - ..
380507 - Taxotere started - 102 MG.
380509 - ..
380510 - There was no patient evaulation process today, which fits the
380511 - procedure the first time Millie was treated with Taxotere on 020610,
380512 - ref SDS 6 MR5I; later, on 050415 Kaiser performed patient evaluation
380513 - of side effects for Taxotere treatment. ref SDS 56 4333
380514 -
380515 -
380516 -
380518 - ..
3806 -
3807 -
3808 - 1602
3809 -
380901 - Equipment beeped indicating treatment is over.
380903 - ..
380904 - Bonnie disconnected the IV tubes.
380906 - ..
380907 - She inserted Herceptin to flush the port.
380909 - ..
380910 - She then removed the needle from the port, and swabbed the needle
380911 - wound, and placed a temporary bandage.
380913 - ..
380914 - Bonnie took a blood draw for iron tibc and ferriten blood tests.
380915 -
380916 -
380917 -
380918 -
380919 -
380920 -
380921 -
380922 -
3810 -
Vitals Blood Pressure Pulse Temperature Taxotere 102 MG Drip Treatme
4103 -
4104 - 1434
410501 - ..
410502 - Vitals Show Patient Stable
410503 -
410504 - Follow up ref SDS A0 AW4L, ref SDS 97 AW4L.
410505 -
410506 - Robert took vitals after starting Taxotere drip treatment...
410507 -
410508 - Blood
410509 - Date Time Pressure Pulse Temprtr Weight So2
410511 - ..
410512 - 061110 1534..... 136 83 73 97.0 150 98
410513 - 061020 1534..... 140 79 67 99.8 151 97
410514 - 060929 1452..... 141 78 66 98.3 149
410515 - 060908 1335..... 139 79 73 98.1 149
410516 - 060814 1610..... 139 80 59 98.2 151
410517 - 060722 1440..... 142 74 67 98.1 149
410518 - 060711.......... 172 87 54 97.5 147
410519 - 060623.......... 141 87 71 98.0 147
410520 - 060428.......... 129 73 80 99.4 149
410521 - 060217.......... 153 81 61 98.6 150
410522 - 050916.......... 120 80 80 98.5
410523 -
410524 -
410525 -
410526 -
4106 -
Pharmacist Orders Capecitabine (Xeloda) 14th Cycle Decadron Review S
5003 -
5004 - 1447
500501 - ..
500502 - Procrit Prescribed Lift Energy Bonnie Demonstrates Procedures
500503 - Pharmacist Orders Capecitabine Decadron; Coordinate with Coumadin
500504 - Pulmonary Emboli Pharmacist Not Aware Communication Medication Fails
500505 -
500506 - Follow up ref SDS A0 TZ4I, ref SDS 97 TZ4I.
500507 -
500508 - Masha (Sin Lam) visited Millie during treatment in the Infusion
500509 - Clinic. She verified that Millie is taking 1.5 pills of capecitabine
500510 - (Xeloda) twice a day. Mysha has ordered a prescription for Millie to
500511 - purchase at the 2nd floor Pharmacy after treatment today.
500513 - ..
500514 - Masha reviewed side effects, per above. ref SDS 0 QU8K
500516 - ..
500517 - Masha explained Kaiser's feeling that Millie's chronic low energy and
500518 - fatigue correlates with consistently low blood counts for hemoglobin,
500519 - shown by the report today, per above....
500520 -
500521 - Hemoglobin L 10.8 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 061110, ref SDS 0 0N7Q
500523 - ..
500524 - Why does a single occurrance in 2006 with low hemoglobin require
500525 - treatment? Case study shows 10 prior tests, many with consecutive
500526 - findings of low hemoglobin did not result in prescribing Procrit.
500527 -
500528 - [On 061201 following treatment with Procrit, hemoglobin
500529 - blood count increased to the target range, but side effects
500530 - of chemotherapy, and symptoms of pulmomary embolism
500531 - continue. ref SDS A4 FG3N
500533 - ..
500534 - What is different about the current finding that supports a different
500535 - approach....
500536 -
500537 - Hemoglobin 12.4 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 061020, ref SDS A0 0N7Q
500538 - Hemoglobin 12.1 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 060929, ref SDS 97 0N7Q
500539 - Hemoglobin 12.8 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 060908, ref SDS 95 0N7Q
500540 - Hemoglobin 13.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 060814, ref SDS 92 0N7Q
500541 - Hemoglobin 14.0 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 060810, ref SDS 91 0N7Q
500542 - Hemoglobin 12.5 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 060711, ref SDS 84 0N7Q
500543 - Hemoglobin L 10.9 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050916, ref SDS 74 0N7Q
500544 - Hemoglobin L 11.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050819, ref SDS 71 0N7Q
500545 - Hemoglobin L 11.1 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050729, ref SDS 69 0N7Q
500546 - Hemoglobin L 11.0 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050708, ref SDS 66 0N7Q
500547 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050617, ref SDS 64 0N7Q
500548 - Hemoglobin L 11.3 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050527, ref SDS 62 0N7Q
500549 - Hemoglobin L 11.4 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050506, ref SDS 59 0N7Q
500550 - Hemoglobin 11.6 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050415, ref SDS 56 0N7Q
500551 - Hemoglobin 11.6 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050325, ref SDS 53 0N7Q
500552 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050225, ref SDS 51 0N7Q
500553 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050128, ref SDS 49 0N7Q
500554 - Hemoglobin L 11.3 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 050104, ref SDS 48 0N7Q
500555 - Hemoglobin L 11.3 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 041021, ref SDS 43 0N7Q
500556 - Hemoglobin 11.9 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 041014, ref SDS 42 0N7Q
500557 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 041007, ref SDS 40 0N7Q
500558 - Hemoglobin 11.9 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040923, ref SDS 39 0N7Q
500559 - Hemoglobin 11.7 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040916, ref SDS 38 0N7Q
500560 - Hemoglobin 11.7 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040909, ref SDS 37 0N7Q
500561 - Hemoglobin 11.7 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040826, ref SDS 36 0N7Q
500562 - Hemoglobin 11.7 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040819, ref SDS 35 0N7Q
500563 - Hemoglobin L 11.0 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040729, ref SDS 32 0N7Q
500564 - Hemoglobin 12.6 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040615, ref SDS 27 0N7Q
500565 - Hemoglobin L 10.1 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040601, ref SDS 23 0N7Q
500566 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040525, ref SDS 22 0N7Q
500567 - Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 11.5 - 15.0..... 040518, ref SDS 21 0N7Q
500569 - ..
500570 - Masha advised that the primary care physician has prescribed...
500571 -
500572 - Procrit
500573 -
500574 - increase Millie's energy by increasing her blood count for
500575 - hemoglobin.
500577 - ..
500578 - Masha did an excellent job explaining a lot of details about Procrit
500579 - treatments. Her accent and the speed of presentation prevented
500580 - remembering all of this guidance.
500582 - ..
500583 - Masha said she would submit a letter confirming what was said so that
500584 - the customer need not worry about remembering a lot of details.
500585 -
500586 - [On 061110 primary care physician did not have time to
500587 - discuss Procrit prescription today. ref SDS A3 PZ6N
500589 - ..
500590 - [On 061201 Masha did not submit the letter to confirm
500591 - understandings; but plans to do so. ref SDS A4 LA5M
500593 - ..
500594 - [On 061201 Masha submitted letter confirming discussions on
500595 - 061110. ref SDS A4 894K
500597 - ..
500598 - Previously, on 040615 the doctor prescribed both Procrit and Nupigen.
500599 - However, these treatments were not given because Millie's blood counts
500600 - were high enough for chemotherapy treatments. ref SDS 27 3P5O
500601 -
500602 - [On 061201 following treatment with Procrit, hemoglobin
500603 - blood count increased to the target range, but side effects
500604 - of chemotherapy, and symptoms of pulmomary embolism
500605 - continue. ref SDS A4 FG3N
500607 - ..
500608 - The day before, on 040614, the doctor explained that bone marrow
500609 - creates new blood. This natural biological process slows with
500610 - advancing age. At that time, the week off between treatments was not
500611 - enough time for bone marrow to replace blood damaged by chemotherapy
500612 - treatments, shown by consistently low blood counts. ref SDS 26 6T7F
500613 - The doctor never-the-less approved treatment for Millie, as shown by
500614 - the study above, ref SDS 0 DT7O, because of her physical conditioning.
500615 - ref SDS 26 356L
500616 -
500617 -
500618 -
500619 -
500621 - ..
5007 -
5008 -
5009 - 1529
5010 -
501001 - Bonnie gave a demonstration of the injection process.
501002 -
501003 - She provided instructions and assisted with the first treatment
501004 - today.
501006 - ..
501007 - Bonnie mentioned that the infusion clinic can now treat a lot more
501008 - cancer patients, after moving the blood draw section to the Martinez
501009 - clinic, and using the space for chemotherapy treatments.
501011 - ..
501012 - Discussed Debbie's comment on 061020 that the Oncology Clinic in
501013 - Walnut Creek is averaging 200 new patients a month. ref SDS A0 Z63F
501014 - Bonnie said that there are more cancer patients in Contra Costa county
501015 - than anywhere else in the country. She said until recently the county
501016 - had the highest rate of cancer in the world, but now there are a few
501017 - other locations with higher rates.
501018 -
501019 -
501020 -
501021 -
501022 -
501023 -
5011 -
Energy Normal Stable Alert Drive Home After Treatment IBC 3rd Relaps
5403 -
5404 - 1733
540501 - ..
540502 - Energy Normal Stable After Treatment Taxotere Support Drugs
540503 -
540504 - Follow up ref SDS A0 F54N, ref SDS 97 F54N.
540505 -
540506 - Millie was alert after treatment today, and not wobbly nor
540507 - disoriented.
540509 - ..
540510 - She was fine transacting business at the 2nd Floor Pharmacy to
540511 - purchase the prescription for capecitabine (Xeloda) and Decadron.
540513 - ..
540514 - Millie drove home. We had a steak and salad for dinner. She was
540515 - asleep by about 2000, after taking the 1st treatment of capecitabine
540516 - (Xeloda) to start the new cycle.
540518 - ..
540519 - On 060724 diary side effects for 2nd phase taking Taxotere and
540520 - capecitabine (Xeloda). ref SDS 86 QX8K
540521 -
540522 -
540523 -
540524 -
540525 -
540526 -
540527 -
5406 -