440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 4, 2006 07:33 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris about SDS records for continual learning.
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0201 - Intel Corporation O-00000704 0201
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones;
Listen Learn Education SDS Study Contemporaneous Class Lecture Notes
2003 -
2003 - ..
2004 - Summary/Objective
2005 -
200501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 10 A581.
200502 -
200503 -
200504 -
200505 -
200506 -
200508 - ..
2006 -
2007 -
2008 - Discussion
2009 -
200901 - This morning during a telephone call discussed with Morris the record
200902 - on 040312 reviewing Professor Schombert's lectures on 21st century
200903 - science. ref SDS 15 0001
200905 - ..
200906 - For the past 5 years or so, Morris has been teaching a graduate course
200907 - in electrical engineering at San Jose State, while also holding down a
200908 - job at Intel, where he manages requirements for designing next
200909 - generation computer chips, similar to Dave Vannier reported in the
200910 - record on 970603. ref SDS 4 0001 Morris did requirements work with
200911 - Chips and Technologies, reported on 951228. ref SDS 3 4382 At that
200912 - time, on 951228 many engineers were not were ready for rigor and
200913 - precision of SDS to improve accuracy of daily work. ref SDS 3 1005 As
200914 - a result, there were no requirements to reengineer management
200915 - practices. ref SDS 3 PN70 Dave later considered using SDS at Intel,
200916 - ref SDS 4 5803, but could not get approval on 971126. ref SDS 5 1942
200918 - ..
200919 - Parenthetically, during the meeting on 951228, Morris commented that a
200920 - full screen editor, like Medit, makes a better foundation for SDS
200921 - requirements to represent knowledge structures than more popular
200922 - wordprocessing technology. ref SDS 3 S47O Wordprocessing makes bad
200923 - information look good with excellent formatting, while good structure
200924 - converts all information into the power of knowledge. Thus, if you
200925 - want good work, focus on good structure, not looking good.
200927 - ..
200928 - Later, on 990524 we considered SDS to support engineering management
200929 - requirements for contemporaneous notes that align the work with
200930 - specifications, and customer requirements. ref SDS 6 0876 Morris
200931 - indicated the next day on 990525 there are no requirements to improve
200932 - analysis in engineering because engineers don't like to write things
200933 - down and link things up to discover correlations, implications, and
200934 - nuance enabled by the SDS design, reported on 890523. ref SDS 1 LU55
200936 - ..
200937 - Morris discussed offering SDS to students as a study aid for taking
200938 - notes, and developing analysis. He feels this is mostly a matter of
200939 - personal discipline.
200941 - ..
200942 - "Working intelligently" using 8 steps specified in POIMS takes a lot
200943 - of hard work without the SDS program. ref OF 6 685K There was a
200944 - breakthrough of sorts in the discussion today with Morris citing the
200945 - burden of cognitive overhead to manage complexity, presented in NWO.
200946 - ref OF 14 PQ4M Review of the Schombert lectures on 040312 that
200947 - presented 21st century science indicates that complexity greatly
200948 - increases productivity, when people take time to manage associations,
200949 - relations, and connections of cause and effect, ref SDS 19 5P9I, but
200950 - complexity becomes a "hopeless," crushing liability that overwhelms
200951 - span of attention. When people lose command and control of the
200952 - record, management devolves toward entropy under the 2nd law of
200953 - thermodynamics, reviewed on 040312.
200955 - ..
200956 - Previously, Morris noted on 990525 that engineers prefer to just do
200957 - technology by relying on personal memory, and then fix mistakes when
200958 - they pop up later, ref SDS 7 0966, in a spot audit, like Morris did on
200959 - 951228, or if the space shuttle keeps blowing up, like NASA reported
200960 - on 030826, ref SDS 14 8K4G, or when the company collapses, like Enron
200961 - on 020204, because nobody had time to do an "audit trail" ordered by
200962 - the board, ref SDS 13 0001, or if the World Trade Center (WTC), and
200963 - the Pentagon blow up, like everyone saw on 010911 because nobody likes
200964 - to perform analysis with tools everybody likes to use. ref SDS 12 UP5K
200966 - ..
200967 - Today, he seemed more open to the prospect that diligence occurs along
200968 - a continuum for everyone -- students, professors, CEOs, janitors,
200969 - engineers, writers -- everyone, and so this presents an opportunity to
200970 - improve the work using tools to leverage mental strength in the same
200971 - way that tools leverage physicial strength, as explained in POIMS.
200972 - ref OF 3 2D4M
200974 - ..
200975 - Strengthening cognitive tasks like thinking, remembering, and
200976 - communicating, with tools and practices described in POIMS,
200977 - ref OF 7 JD5I, significantly reduces the burden of cognitive overhead
200978 - to yield better results without increasing diligence. This has the
200979 - effect of increasing diligence through better education and tools.
200981 - ..
200982 - Morris feels that augmenting intelligence is not a welcome prospect at
200983 - the university level, because "intelligence" and IQ are emotional
200984 - subjects in education, particularly in California and at San Jose
200985 - State college.
200987 - ..
200988 - On 010822 we discussed SDS for education, ref SDS 11 TU3G, citing
200989 - application to listening and learning reviewed in detail on 010614.
200990 - ref SDS 10 HD6O
200992 - ..
200993 - SDS improves education through listening and learning by strengthening
200994 - basic literacy to read and write, as reported in POIMS. ref OF 7 JD5I
200995 - This was discussed previously on 950204. ref SDS 2 4995
200997 - ..
200998 - Morris said that graduate students are assigned problems to solve that
200999 - require demonstrating support for solutions. This often entails
201000 - writing as part of the work. Analysis that integrates and synthesizes
201001 - class lecture, assigned texts, and relevant sources is not extra work
201002 - for students, as it is for engineers on the job, reported on 990525.
201003 - ref SDS 7 0966 Students are evaluated graded, and rewarded for
201004 - developing correlations, implications, and nuance that accurately
201005 - reflect the available record.
201007 - ..
201008 - Morris indicated that teachers spot check biblography to verify
201009 - accuracy of analysis in student papers in order to award a meaningful
201010 - grade. This is a big improvement over what happens on the job at the
201011 - CIA, in Congress, and in business where cursory analysis is stacked up
201012 - to look like impressive "research," but often is riddled with errors
201013 - and omissions, reported in Congressional testimony on 060628,
201014 - ref SDS 16 SY3O. Gary noted that defects in analysis commonly occur
201015 - in the private sector, ref SDS 16 LX5F, because knowledge management
201016 - is a lot of hard work using tools and practices everybody likes,
201017 - reported on 000307. ref SDS 9 767G
201019 - ..
201020 - This record supports review on 991108 showing that literacy skills
201021 - degrade following formal education, because people are rewarded for
201022 - getting things done, regardless of accuracy, ref SDS 8 TU8S, and
201023 - develop good communication skills to avoid accountability.
201025 - ..
201026 - Morris asked to review the SDS records on the Schombert lectures that
201027 - demonstrate support for analysis.
201028 -
201029 -
201031 - ..
2011 -
2012 -
2013 - 1303
2014 -
201401 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 a letter to Morris with a copy to Gary, and
201402 - to Jack, since this touches on issues Gary has discussed, and Jack
201403 - lectures from time to time at universities.
201404 -
201405 - 1. Per our telecon today, here is the record reviewing lectures at
201406 - the University of Oregon, ref DIT 1 0001, on 21st Century
201407 - Science, presented by Professor Schombert for the spring
201408 - semester in 040312. ref SDS 15 YH5H
201410 - ..
201411 - 2. Schombert's outline, which gives access to each of the 29
201412 - lectures, ref DIT 1 ER5O, is listed at line 080942. ref SDS 15
201413 - FE9G
201415 - ..
201416 - 3. Explicit links were added by SDS to facilitate precision access
201417 - required for SDS support. ref DIT 1 PP6L SDS records reviewing
201418 - all of the lectures are also listed. ref SDS 15 L66M
201420 - ..
201421 - 4. The purpose of this exercise today is for an educator to see
201422 - the blend of objective, external sources, starting with the
201423 - lectures, and adding correlations with other sources, and
201424 - analysis in SDS records to understand order and implications
201425 - that comprise learning on the one hand, and further enable
201426 - timely, precision access for solving problems in classrooms,
201427 - examination rooms, and board rooms on the job. ref DIT 1 JR7J
201429 - ..
201430 - 5. We can discuss how this capability might be presented to extend
201431 - use of alphabet technology for study and learning by students,
201432 - ref DIT 1 Q08I, that gives people a better chance of doing
201433 - better work on the job, as discussed on 991108. ref SDS 8 TU8S
201435 - ..
201436 - 6. With your experience launching Chips in the 80s, and continuing
201437 - support for Intel beginning in the late 90s, while also
201438 - teaching graduate engineering, and helping develop academic
201439 - curriculum, ref DIT 1 719G, there may be opportunities to
201440 - extend the envelope, as we expand the organic structure of
201441 - context, discussed the other day on 060831. ref SDS 18 2I7K
201443 - ..
201444 - 7. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, salesmen, contractors,
201445 - etc., are all empowered to contribute using tools presented
201446 - during school, and refined or dulled by subsequent life
201447 - experience. ref DIT 1 B19O Education can significantly
201448 - increase the power to contribute by strengthening basic
201449 - literacy to think, remember, and communicate. ref OF 7 JD5I
201450 -
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2015 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"