440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: July 23, 2006 10:48 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Request for assistance masters thesis on project management.


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Masters Thesis on Project Management Standards South Africa Differen

0803 -
0803 -    ..
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
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080508 -  ..
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0808 - Progress
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080901 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from a student, Peter, requesting assistance
080902 - with a masters thesis on project management...
080903 -
080904 -    1.  Good Morning Mr.  Welch (from the other side of the globe).
080905 -        ref DRT 1 0001
080907 -         ..
080908 -    2.  Mr.  Welch I am a Masters student at the University of
080909 -        Stellenbosch.  For my dissertation I have selected to do
080910 -        research about standards and standardizing of the South African
080911 -        Project Management Approach. ref DRT 1 JI6F
080913 -         ..
080914 -        I came across a document of yours that has the differences
080915 -        between PMBOK and IS010006 summarized.  I was wonder if it
080916 -        would not seem arrogant to ask you for a more print and read
080917 -        friendly version of the document.  It would be greatly
080918 -        appreciated. ref DRT 1 ES6K
080920 -  ..
080921 - Since Peter's letter does not link to a referent, it is a surmise that
080922 - the record on 950721 was the source of inquiry today.  Many SDS
080923 - records discuss PMBOK and ISO; however, the primary work comparing
080924 - standards was done on 950721. ref SDS 1 0000
080926 -  ..
080927 - Peter's request for "printer and reader friendly version" of the
080928 - record on 950721, ref SDS 0 XP4K, seems vague, since it is very easy
080929 - to read and print SDS records on the Internet.  Previously, on 060522
080930 - someone requested specific language in ISO and in PMBOK that define
080931 - "project." ref SDS 16 5054
080933 -  ..
080934 - Peter may need similar assistance getting specific language from ISO
080935 - and PBMOK documents.  We need to know what specific language is
080936 - required?
080938 -  ..
080939 - Linking applies ISO project management requirements for traceability
080940 - to original sources. ref SDS 1 1740  SDS explicit links support
080941 - precision access to speed the work and reduce errors, as explained in
080942 - NWO ref OF 11 PX6J  Links to SDS records are easy to construct shown
080943 - by a recent request on 060710 for assistance on the process of getting
080944 - a 2nd opinion in a medical case. ref SDS 17 SD8O
080946 -  ..
080947 - Peter might consider addressing in his thesis the challenge of
080948 - implementing standards for project management, shown by the study of
080949 - FAR on 020504. ref SDS 6 NS6F  Since communication comprises 90% of
080950 - daily work, performing requirements for an "audit trail" in daily
080951 - communications, commonly called "documentation," complements alignment
080952 - in cost and schedule control.  Traceability in communications adds
080953 - order in the work, essential for productivity, under the 2nd law of
080954 - thermodynamics. see NWO, ref OF 11 JU8O  Therefore, adding connections
080955 - transforms "documentation" from "paperwork" that slows up getting
080956 - things done, into "intelligence" that expedites saving lives, time,
080957 - and money, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 4 KE1T
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