440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 10, 2006 12:30 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie meet physical therapyst significant improvement lymphedemia.

2...Physical Therapy Lymphedema Personal Treatment

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Lymphedema Physical Therapy Left Axillary Group Session Received Pub

0903 -
0903 -    ..
0904 - Summary/Objective
0905 -
090501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 15 0000.
090502 -
090503 -
090504 -
090505 -
090506 -
090507 -
090509 -  ..
0906 -
0907 -
0908 - Progress
0909 -
090901 - Physical Therapy Lymphedema Personal Treatment
090902 -
090903 - Follow up ref SDS 17 Q05H, ref SDS 15 Q05H.
090904 -
090905 - Millie had a follow up meeting today at Kaiser Park Shadelands,
090906 - implementing planning on 060515, when Millie was treated with physical
090907 - therapy. ref SDS 17 Q05H
090909 -  ..
090910 - The therapyst took measurements and found significant improvement from
090911 - the prior examination 060515. ref SDS 17 GE89
090913 -  ..
090914 - Measurements of wrist, half way between elbow and wrist, and the upper
090915 - arm, all showed continued improvement to near normal levels compared
090916 - with the right arm, and as shown in recent report on 060708.
090917 - ref SDS 18 HO7F
090919 -  ..
090920 - This improvement occurred after a week when Millie was on vacation
090921 - and did not wear the lymphatic bandage.
090923 -  ..
090924 - Physical therapist advised that Millie has improved enough to no
090925 - longer require regular physical therapy to control lymphedema;
090926 - therefore additional treatment was not scheduled today.
090927 -
090928 -     [On 070222 examination at UCSF concern about playing tennis with
090929 -     right hand, possible complications lympedema left arm; requires
090930 -     coordination plan for comprehensive care. ref SDS 19 VK4L
090931 -
090932 -
090933 -
090934 -
090935 -
090936 -
090937 -
090938 -
0910 -