440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 12, 2006 12:01 PM Friday; Rod Welch

SDS update submitted to Gary with recent improvements.


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Update SDS Program for Gary at Aerospace Company

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 58 0000. ref SDS 51 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Submitted SDS update to Gary.  This record explains changes to the
050504 - program.
050505 -
050506 -
050507 -
050508 -
050510 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Gary recently got a new computer at work, and so reinstalled SDS.  He
050902 - seems to have everything working again.
050904 -  ..
050905 - This record explains recent changes included in the update sent this
050906 - morning.
050908 -  ..
050909 - Submitted SDS updated from 060320. ref SDS 58 6H5O
050911 -  ..
050912 - SDS refinemenst and corrections mostly to subject indexing.
050914 -  ..
050915 - Points of interest...
050916 -
050917 -    1.  2-worlds problem solution with SDS -
050918 -        practices and tips for adding
050919 -        organization, analysis, alignment,
050920 -        and summary to documents
050921 -        prepared by others................... 040312, ref SDS 6 0001
050923 -         ..
050924 -    2.  21st century science lectures
050925 -        provide scope for organizing
050926 -        field of science..................... 040312, ref SDS 7 0001
050927 -
050928 -    3.  "Locality principle" in physics
050929 -        strong analogy explain power of
050930 -        knowledge enabled by SDS that
050931 -        "connects the dots" of cause
050932 -        and effect for predicting and
050933 -        controlling the future............... 040312, ref SDS 7 YH4G
050935 -         ..
050936 -    4.  Complexity powerful asset
050937 -        leverages human capacities, when
050938 -        organized and connected creating
050939 -        emergent ideas, methods, and
050940 -        tools; yet, quickly degrades to
050941 -        liability paralizing productivity
050942 -        when power of knowledge degrades
050943 -        to entropy without connections of
050944 -        cause and effect under 2nd
050945 -        law of thermodynamics................ 040312, ref SDS 8 1D6I
050947 -         ..
050948 -    5.  Gary's report on 060222 on daily
050949 -        working communications illustrates
050950 -        opportunity for reducing entropy
050951 -        by adding energy to strengthen
050952 -        the power of knowledge............... 060408, ref SDS 59 0001
050954 -         ..
050955 -    6.  Gary's report on outline software
050956 -        focuses on advantages of adding
050957 -        organization to the creative
050958 -        power of writing..................... 060412, ref SDS 60 3H5G
050960 -         ..
050961 -    7.  "Waiting for the water to boil"
050962 -        for transformation takes time
050963 -        because "paradigm paradox" enables
050964 -        scientific advance, and restrains
050965 -        change to underlying foundation
050966 -        of daily work........................ 040312, ref SDS 7 JP3G
050967 -
050968 -
050969 -
050970 -
050971 -
050972 -
0510 -