440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 9, 2006 05:28 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Millie symptoms lymphedema reduce slightly, and stable.
2...Case Study Measurement Left Forearm Swelling Lymphedema
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Lymphedema Symptoms Decrease Swelling Left Arm Decreases Slightly fr
Symptoms Lymphadema Rise Left Axilla Swells Discomfort Cord-like Bul
CA 15-3 36 Stable Trend Falls through March Cetuximab Clinical Study
Lymphedema Swelling Decrease Left Arm from 11.5 to 10.75
0706 -
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
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070807 - ..
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Progress
0712 -
071201 - Case Study Measurement Left Forearm Swelling Lymphedema
071202 -
071203 - Follow up ref SDS 17 HO7F, ref SDS 16 HO7F.
071204 -
071205 - Mil's left forarm just below the elbow measured 10.75 today (see ** in
071206 - the study below), which is a slight decrease, and swelling in her hand
071207 - has remainded stable at a reduced, near normal level.
071209 - ..
071210 - The target range based on the right arm is 10.50 inches....
071211 -
071212 - 11.50....................... 070610, ref SDS 40 WX6K
071213 - 10.75....................... 070524, ref SDS 39 SU6L
071214 - 11.00....................... 070517, ref SDS 38 SU6L
071215 - 10.75....................... 070510, ref SDS 37 SU6L
071216 - 11.25....................... 070503, ref SDS 36 SU6L
071217 - 11.00....................... 070426, ref SDS 35 T87G
071218 - 11.25....................... 070419, ref SDS 34 T87G
071219 - 11.50....................... 070412, ref SDS 33 SU6L
071220 - 11.25....................... 070405, ref SDS 32 SU6L
071221 - 11.50....................... 070329, ref SDS 31 T87G
071222 - 10.75....................... 070301, ref SDS 30 T87G
071223 - 10.75....................... 070130, ref SDS 29 CO7O
071224 - 11.50....................... 070105, ref SDS 28 3Z9H
071225 - 11.25....................... 061201, ref SDS 27 F94J
071226 - 11.25....................... 061110, ref SDS 26 A640
071227 - 11.75....................... 061020, ref SDS 25 KV5F
071228 - 12.00....................... 061016, ref SDS 24 LK5K
071229 - 11.50....................... 060929, ref SDS 23 IW9J
071230 - 11.50....................... 060922, ref SDS 22 0D5Y
071231 - 10.75....................... 060825, ref SDS 21 G76O
071232 - 10.50....................... 060708, ref SDS 20 M69J
071233 - 10.50....................... 060623, ref SDS 19 M69J
071234 - 10.50....................... 060518, ref SDS 18 HO7F
071235 - ** 10.75....................... 060509, ref SDS 0 HO7F
071236 - 10.80....................... 060430, ref SDS 17 HO7F
071237 - 11.00....................... 060428, ref SDS 16 HO7F
071238 - 10.75....................... 060420, ref SDS 15 HO7F
071239 - 11.00....................... 060405, ref SDS 13 HO7F
071240 - 10.75....................... 060404, ref SDS 12 HO7F
071241 - 11.00....................... 060331, ref SDS 11 HO7F
071242 - 11.10....................... 060328, ref SDS 10 HO7F
071243 - 11.25....................... 060321
071244 - 11.25....................... 060319
071245 - 11.50....................... 060318
071246 - 11.25....................... 060317
071247 - 11.15....................... 060316
071248 -
071249 -
071250 -
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0713 -