440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 7, 2006 08:19 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

SDS file management made remembering prior specification permenant.

2...000002 F1 F3 Macro 58 Restore Prior Specification
3...Enter Launches File Management and Saves Specification to Disk
4...Medit Memory Limits Yield Advantages of Efficiency Easy Maintenance

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Specification Restore Prior File List Each Pass So Switch from Macro

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 VC6L.
050502 -
050503 - Changed file management slightly to increase stability retaining
050504 - prior specification, so that it only has to be entered once, until
050505 - changed.
050506 -
050507 -
050508 -
050509 -
050511 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Previously, the code relied on preserving the string read by macro
050902 - 1188; however this can easily get corrupted by interim operations
050903 - between passes.  For example, after getting a file list, to open a
050904 - file in the list, macro 1182 changes the globals in macro 1188, so the
050905 - objective to save time by restoring the prior specifciation is
050906 - frustrated.
050908 -  ..
050909 - Changed this to write the spec to the disk, and read it back each
050910 - pass, which is independent of program operations, and so more closely
050911 - meets objectives for stability.
050912 -
050913 -
050914 -
050916 -  ..
050917 - 000002 F1 F3 Macro 58 Restore Prior Specification
050918 -
050919 -
050920 - Line 2240, ref OF 1 2951, -entry 586 in 000002 about 60 lines below
050921 -
050922 -    -entry 586
050923 -    macro 14
050924 -    immed /
050925 -    g stufq3h
050926 -    macro 15
050927 -    immed d
050928 -
050929 -        This code will read in a file that is created with the Enter
050930 -        key op that launches file management. ref SDS 0 9N90  It
050931 -        replaces default entry with the prior pass.
050932 -
050933 -
050934 -
050936 -  ..
050937 - Enter Launches File Management and Saves Specification to Disk
050938 -
050939 -
050940 - Line 2420, ref OF 1 SE6L, -label dnrdf in 000002
050941 -
050942 -    -label dnrdf
050943 -    macro 14
050944 -    save stufq
050945 -    rel_cur -1 0
050946 -    immed dd
050947 -    top
050948 -    immed dd
050949 -    loc_cur 4 1
050950 -    immed 9999d
050951 -    save stufq3h
050952 -    macro 301
050953 -    g stufq
050954 -    immed d
050955 -    macro 15
050956 -
050957 -        Save initial condition, the delete everything except the one
050958 -        line, and write it to the disk, stufq3h, then empty the file,
050959 -        and read back original content; macro 15 restores original
050960 -        condition.  stufq3h is read back by macro 58, per above.
050961 -        ref SDS 0 9N7J
050962 -
050963 -
050964 -
050965 -
0510 -

Memory Limits Medit Yield Advantages of Efficiency Easy Maintenance

1203 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - Medit Memory Limits Yield Advantages of Efficiency Easy Maintenance
120403 -
120404 - Running out of compiler space, but eventually managed to develop a
120405 - configuration that avoids breaking the bank.  Actually, wound up
120406 - reducing the code slightly to achieve a very efficient, stable, and
120407 - more useful process.  Simple, direct code is much easier to maintain
120408 - and upgrade.  However, like fixing the code that loads multiple
120409 - accounts into an SDS record Control Field, reported on 060305,
120410 - ref SDS 2 TY9K, the initial effort today produced code that was
120411 - extremely complex, and probably not more useful than what it replaced.
120412 - If we had plenty of memory, would likely have left it that way.
120413 -
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1205 -