440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 29, 2005 04:15 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
VA submitted letter on notice from VA for meeting on 060207. .
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Endoscopy Biopsy Report Found No Evidence of Cancer Esophagus Stomac
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0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
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050501 - Follow up ref SDS 33 FT6M.
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050503 - Received today a letter from the VA dated 051227 that says in part...
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050505 - This is a reminder of the followind clinic appointment(s):
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050507 - Tuesday Feb 7, 2006 9:30 AM MTZ SUR POST OP PLAS(JAV) Clinic
050509 - ..
050510 - To cancel or reschedule this appointment, please call a Health
050511 - Benefit Advisor in our Telephone Care Center at 1 800 382 8387,,,
050513 - ..
050514 - Nominally, this sounds like a follow up to an operation, however, at
050515 - this time there is no operation scheduled.
050516 -
050517 - [On 060105 Kim advised this is a follow up referral to the plastic
050518 - surgeon by Doctor Sandhu to evaluate diagnosis of lipoma on the
050519 - back. ref SDS 34 HA4Q
050521 - ..
050522 - [On 060111 VA scheduled another meeting with no indication of
050523 - purpose and the doctor. ref SDS 35 616I
050525 - ..
050526 - Background...
050528 - ..
050529 - During the meeting on 051222, the primary care physician, checked the
050530 - computer and found the results of biopsies taken during the procedure
050531 - on 051209. ref SDS 30 PRRT He indicated the biopsy found no evidence
050532 - of cancer, and that findings are consistent with achalasia. At that
050533 - time on 051222, the primary care physician indicated that the next
050534 - step is for the GI doctor to schedule an operation to dilate the
050535 - esophageal sphincter, as planned on 051209. ref SDS 30 NZ5H
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