440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 14, 2005 04:22 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received Doctor Grissom draft 2nd opinion for Millie.
2...2nd Opinion Draft Recommending Course of Treatment for IBC Relapse
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0201 - Medical Offices Nima Grissom O-00000849 0601
020101 - Ms. Mary NLN; Secretary O-00000849 0601
020103 - Administration Department O-00000849 0601
2nd Opinion #2 Surgical Oncologist 2nd Referral by UCSF on Criteria
2nd Opinion Draft Received from Doctor Recommending Course of Treatm
0904 -
0904 - ..
0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Follow up ref SDS 30 0000. ref SDS 24 0000.
090602 -
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090605 -
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090609 - ..
0907 -
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0909 - Progress
0910 -
0911 -
091101 - 2nd Opinion Draft Recommending Course of Treatment for IBC Relapse
091102 -
091103 - Follow up ref SDS 30 AI8N, ref SDS 24 P68V.
091104 -
091105 - Received via email the doctor's first draft, per planning on 050912 to
091106 - implement doctor/patient partnership for timely, accurate, and
091107 - comprehensive understanding of patient history for crafting effective
091108 - recommendations. ref SDS 30 YR8H
091110 - ..
091111 - Limited time for professionals to review patient history, cited by
091112 - Doctor Shim in a 2nd opinion received on 050907, ref SDS 27 AE5P,
091113 - reflects communication challenges reported last year on 041209 working
091114 - with Kaiser, UCSF, and Stanford. ref SDS 7 LO5L
091115 -
091116 - [...below, timely communication with Doctor Grissom refined
091117 - accuracy and clarified scope to strengthen second opinion
091118 - analysis. ref SDS 0 XX4R
091120 - ..
091121 - Doctor's 1st draft says...
091122 -
091123 - 1. Office meeting with the patient and her friend, took
091124 - place on 9/12/05.
091126 - ..
091127 - 2. The meeting consisted of record review, examination of the
091128 - patient and a discussion of surgical options and treatment
091129 - planning. The patient is interested in surgical options for
091130 - treatment of locoregional recurrence of her breast cancer.
091132 - ..
091133 - 3. Millie is a 69 year old woman who initially was treated for
091134 - carcinoma of the left breast at Kaiser Hospital. She was
091135 - diagnosed in February 2002 and underwent a left lumpectomy and
091136 - axillary dissection. The sentinel node was positive with
091137 - perinodal invasion and three out of three axillary nodes were
091138 - positive. The tumor measured 2 cm. It was poorly
091139 - differentiated, ER/PR and HER2NEU negative. Margins were
091140 - involved. The patient subsequently underwent re-excision with
091141 - negative margins.
091143 - ..
091144 - 4. The patient was started on Adriamycin/Cytoxan for two cycles,
091145 - but was changed to Taxotere after elevation of CA15-3.
091146 - Following completion of chemotherapy, Millie underwent full
091147 - breast radiation at Mt. Diablo hospital.
091149 - ..
091150 - 5. In January 2003, the patient developed a red rash involving the
091151 - left breast and axillary swelling. This was treated
091152 - intermittently with antibiotics without resolution. In
091153 - February 2004, the patient developed supraclavicular adenopathy
091154 - which prompted needle biopsy. This showed metastatic
091155 - carcinoma. The patient began Avastin and taxol.
091157 - ..
091158 - 6. A punch biopsy of the left breast skin was taken in May 2005.
091159 - This revealed dermal lymphatic invasion consistent with
091160 - inflammatory carcinoma. Avastin and taxol were stopped after 7
091161 - cycles due to pulmonary emboli. The patient had four more
091162 - cycles of A/C starting in January 2005. Her disease progressed
091163 - with this treatment. After a second opinion by Dr. Benz at
091164 - UCSF the patient started taxotere and xeloda in April 2005.
091165 - She has had resolution of her cervical and axillary adenopathy
091166 - and improvement in her breast erythema with this latest
091167 - treatment. Her CA15-3 has also fallen.
091169 - ..
091170 - 7. On examination today, the right breast appears normal to
091171 - inspection and palpation. There is no axillary or
091172 - supraclavicular adenopathy on the right.
091174 - ..
091175 - 8. The left breast has moderate post-treatment retraction. There
091176 - is diffuse skin thickening and mild erythema of the inferior
091177 - portion of the breast. The prior skin biopsy site at 6:00 has
091178 - healed. There is no adenopathy. The breast is mobile on the
091179 - chest wall.
091181 - ..
091182 - 9. Millie has the unusual situation of skin recurrence post
091183 - lumpectomy and radiation. This is considered inflammatory
091184 - cancer in view of dermal lymphatic invasion. The patient has
091185 - evidence of locoregional disease by biopsy of her
091186 - supraclavicular node, but no findings of systemic spread of her
091187 - cancer.
091189 - ..
091190 - 10. It is unclear by physical examination whether the current skin
091191 - changes of the left breast are due to postradiation changes or
091192 - residual cancer.
091194 - ..
091195 - 11. My recommendations to this patient are that she could either
091196 - continue her current chemotherapy which appears to be
091197 - controlling her disease without surgery, or consider mastectomy
091198 - to assist in controlling her local disease. She understands
091199 - that her risk for systemic spread of her cancer is high and
091200 - might not be affected by her local treatment.
091202 - ..
091203 - 12. If she does decide to pursue mastectomy, I would certainly
091204 - recommend restaging with a PET scan. She should also have skin
091205 - biopsies to determine whether she has had a complete response
091206 - of her local disease. The skin biopsies would be better
091207 - performed as thin full thickness surgical biopsies with suture
091208 - closure rather than punch biopsies in view of the difficulty
091209 - with healing of the last punch biopsy.
091210 -
091211 - [...see below letter to the doctor requests clarification
091212 - of basis for deciding to pursue mastectomy. ref SDS 0 4R9F
091214 - ..
091215 - [On 050920 final draft of Doctor Grissom's 2nd opinion
091216 - explains options for surgery, but does not discuss benefits
091217 - and risks that drive a decision to approve surgery in this
091218 - case. ref SDS 31 Q650
091220 - ..
091221 - 13. If these tests are negative, and the patient wants to proceed
091222 - with mastectomy, I would recommend a very wide excision of the
091223 - breast and skin incorporating all the previously irradiated
091224 - skin. A microvascular flap such as a Diep flap or possibly a
091225 - TRAM could be used for closure. Even with wide excision, local
091226 - skin recurrence could recur. With a large tissue flap, the
091227 - patient could possibly have localized radiation again if really
091228 - needed. It is unlikely that skin grafts would provide adequate
091229 - coverage of previously irradiated tissue. Millie understands
091230 - that this is a major operation requiring many hours of
091231 - operating time and anesthesia.
091233 - ..
091234 - 14. This patient has difficult decisions to make and is free to
091235 - contact me in the future if she has any further questions
091236 - regarding her care.
091237 -
091239 - ..
091240 - Nima Grissom MD
091241 -
091242 -
091244 - ..
0913 -
0914 -
0915 - 2251
0916 -
091601 - Submitted comments
091602 -
091603 - 1. Subject: 2nd Opinion Doctor Grissom Comments
091604 - Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 23:39:18 -0700
091609 - ..
091610 - 2. Mary,
091612 - ..
091613 - 3. Please forward to the doctor...
091615 - ..
091616 - 4. Doctor Grissom,
091618 - ..
091619 - 5. Thanks for timely attention to Millie's case in your 2nd
091620 - opinion draft received today.
091622 - ..
091623 - 6. Millie met with the Primary Care Physician in Oncology at
091624 - Kaiser, Doctor Johnson, yesterday morning. Nominally, oncology
091625 - should take the lead, as you mentioned in our discussions on
091626 - Monday, by reviewing 2nd opinions and patient history to
091627 - present recommendations for the patient to consider in making a
091628 - timely decision on invasive procedures. For some reason PCP
091629 - eschews written analysis, and instead urged Mil to ignore
091630 - experts by consenting on the spot to mastectomy surgery.
091631 - Without going into detail, we have a delicate situation which
091632 - at a minimum needs written opinions laying out risks and
091633 - benefits of alternate treatment scenarios, as shown in your
091634 - draft today.
091636 - ..
091637 - 7. Good news - while the doctor was insistent on scheduling
091638 - surgery immediately, and called the surgeon during our meeting
091639 - leaving a voice mail with pointed instruction, he also
091640 - scheduled a PET scan, and scheduled Mil to get another chemo
091641 - treatment beginning this Friday to maintain her good condition.
091642 - Giving the Doctor his due, he was adamant about expediting
091643 - surgery as a means of "local control" -- he mentioned this
091644 - several times during the meeting. Certainly this is a critical
091645 - objective.
091647 - ..
091648 - 8. The challenge is weighing risks of losing control due to
091649 - surgery vs enhancing control with surgery under Mil's patient
091650 - profile. You touch on this in your draft, ref SDS 0 K86R, but
091651 - possibly more of the details can be spelled out expressly in
091652 - the final draft.
091653 -
091654 - [On 050920 final draft of Doctor Grissom's 2nd opinion
091655 - explains options for surgery, but does not discuss benefits
091656 - and risks that drive a decision to approve surgery in this
091657 - case. ref SDS 31 Q650
091659 - ..
091660 - 9. We will see the surgeon hopefully next week, and will ask her
091661 - to take the sliver skin biopsies you recommend. That, along
091662 - with the PET test may yield more evidence for deciding which
091663 - way to go.
091665 - ..
091666 - 10. Couple of points on your current draft....
091668 - ..
091669 - 11. Calling for a "very wide mastectomy" does this need to be
091670 - related or otherwise distinguished from a "radical mastectomy?"
091672 - ..
091673 - 12. What guidelines determine the boundaries of "very wide
091674 - mastectomy." Does the surgeon rely on memory of seeing the
091675 - rash back in March? This seems inherently risky, since the
091676 - surgeon has only seen Millie 3 times in 8 months. There were
091677 - no photographs, diagrams or other renderings prepared to
091678 - memorialize the maximum spread of disease on those occasions.
091679 - Is the idea then to be extra conservative, and if memory
091680 - recalls area "x", then remove x + .5" or some such approach.
091681 - You emphasized in our meeting on Monday that there are no cut
091682 - and dried answers, no studies, etc., but if this operation goes
091683 - forward someone will have figure this out, and it helps to
091684 - discuss it. That's why Millie was heartened when you offered
091685 - to consult with Doctor Riley-Paul, since at this time it looks
091686 - like the machinery is moving in that direction.
091687 -
091688 - [On 050920 Doctor Grissom proposes series of thin surgical
091689 - biopsies to helps locate boundaries of surgery. ref SDS 31
091690 - XL8U
091692 - ..
091693 - 13. Some housekeeping -- on patient history in the para beginning
091694 - Millie is a 69 year... please consider ending the para by
091695 - indicating the initial surgeries were completed by the end of
091696 - March 2002; re-excission was actually performed on 020327.
091697 -
091699 - ..
091700 - 14. Treatment with AC began on 020423, and this was switched to
091701 - Taxotere on 020610. She had 2 treatments of Taxotere, then
091702 - radiation in July and August, then 4 more treatments of
091703 - Taxotere were given ending on 021204.
091705 - ..
091706 - 15. Note the punch biopsy was performed on 040419 rather than in
091707 - May.
091709 - ..
091710 - 16. Doctor Benz examined Mil on 041018. His 2nd opinion was
091711 - received on 041117, and proposed that Taxotere and capecitabine
091712 - might be a follow on treatment if disease progressed on the
091713 - Avastin trial. Doctor Guardino examined Mil at Stanford, and
091714 - her 2nd opinion received on 041209 recommended more AC. When
091715 - PE was diagnosed on 041104, Kaiser (eventually) followed
091716 - Guardino's recommendation to treat with AC beginning on 050104.
091717 - When this was not effective, then Kaiser switched on 050329 and
091718 - implemented the Benz plan received 5 months earlier.
091720 - ..
091721 - 17. The only other point I mention, and this may be redundant,
091722 - because the hour is late, is that the Kaiser team has a big
091723 - sense of potential benefits from surgery, but there has been no
091724 - discussion with the patient of risks. Suppose the PET scan
091725 - test shows no distant metastasis, but the sliver skin biopsies
091726 - are positive, does this weigh toward surgery. I feel this
091727 - should be spelled out somewhat, but leave it to your
091728 - discretion.
091730 - ..
091731 - 18. Again, we loved meeting you on Monday, and appreciated very
091732 - much your insightful analysis.
091734 - ..
091735 - 19. Please send the 2nd opinion to...
091736 -
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091769 -
091770 -
091771 -
091772 -
091773 -
091774 -
091775 -
091776 -
091777 -
0918 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"