440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 11, 2005 09:43 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

SDS fix entering contacts within an organization to doc log fields.

2...Contact System Improvement Objectives
3...000009 Doc Log Load Contacts from Summary and within Contact Record
4...Doc Log Secondary Fields Load Contact from Within Contact Record
5...Enter in Contact Record Load ID to SDS Doc Log Secondary Fields
6...Enter Loads Record or Calls Report, Also Updates Letterhead

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Planning and Concepts
Contacts SDS Secondary Doc Log Fields Individual ID in Contact Recor

0504 -
0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000. ref SDS 3 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Corrected slight problem to posting secondary doc log fields in SDS
050604 - records, which was causing a major problem addressing correspondece in
050605 - cases where an individual identified with an organization was entered
050606 - to the SDS doc log fields from within an organizational contact
050607 - record.
050608 -
050609 -
050610 -
050611 -
050613 -  ..
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Problem
0510 -
051001 - Contact System Improvement Objectives
051002 -
051003 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4741, ref SDS 3 3075.
051004 -
051005 - Contact system is broke slightly this morning when posting secondary
051006 - doc log fields for receiving and issuing documents.
051008 -  ..
051009 - Found this morning, that when a contact name is entered to a secondary
051010 - doc log field in an SDS record from within the contact record, rather
051011 - than from the Contact Summary listing, then the code includes the
051012 - highlight flag in column 7, and this corrupts addressing
051013 - correspondence.
051015 -  ..
051016 - The fix was very simple, once the code was understood, requiring a
051017 - single additional instruction. ref SDS 0 E66K
051018 -
051020 -  ..
051021 - Background...
051022 -
051023 -     Contact system using 0450431............. 930310, ref SDS 1 KF4J
051024 -
051025 -     Help for Contacts was updated............ 980527, ref SDS 2 8288
051026 -
051027 -     Flexible structure improved.............. 980601, ref SDS 3 3075
051029 -      ..
051030 -     Macro file 0501 apply improvements on
051031 -     980601 and make greater use of code in
051032 -     000009 for creating standard formats
051033 -     to write a letter........................ 980612, ref SDS 4 3691
051035 -      ..
051036 -     Standardize format issue and receive
051037 -     correspondence in SDS doc log
051038 -     fields................................... 021013, ref SDS 5 6F9F
051040 -      ..
051041 -     Streamlined letterhead management
051042 -     for issued and received documents
051043 -     eliminate 0450431........................ 021019, ref SDS 6 IU4L
051045 -      ..
051046 -     Contact record format files updated
051047 -     for organization and individual
051048 -     records.................................. 021019, ref SDS 6 5100
051050 -      ..
051051 -     Help updated for organization and
051052 -     individual contact records to reflect
051053 -     new formats.............................. 021019, ref SDS 6 1257
051055 -      ..
051056 -     Letterhead system for publishing SDS
051057 -     records on the Internet that
051058 -     complements doc log management
051059 -     improved................................. 021025, ref SDS 7 0001
051060 -
051061 -
051062 -
051063 -
0511 -

Load Contacts to SDS Records, 911009
Load CNS records to SDS, 910312

0704 -
070501 -  ..
070502 - 000009  Doc Log Load Contacts from Summary and within Contact Record
070503 - Doc Log Secondary Fields Load Contact from Within Contact Record
070504 - Enter in Contact Record Load ID to SDS Doc Log Secondary Fields
070505 -
070506 - Follow up ref SDS 6 R59I.
070507 -
070508 - Line 130, ref OF 1 RE5I, -entry 163 in 000009
070509 -
070510 - This is the profile for a Contact record.
070511 -
070512 -    pfent macro 1304
070513 -
070514 -       Enter calls macro 1304 to load a contact spec to an SDS record
070515 -       Contact field, or to a secondary doc log field.
070516 -
070518 -  ..
070519 - Line 140, ref OF 1 VG6I, -entry 1304 in 000009
070520 -
070521 -    setcnt 100 8
070522 -    setcnt 133 9996
070523 -    macro 1807
070524 -
070525 -       Set flags and call op to do the work.
070526 -
070528 -  ..
070529 - Line 180, ref OF 1 RH4H, -entry 1807 in 000009
070531 -  ..
070532 - Capture and enter the name of the person and the Internet email
070533 - address in the letterhead file 04501, per planning on 021019.
070534 - ref SDS 6 YR7F
070535 -
070536 -
070538 -  ..
070539 - Enter Loads Record or Calls Report, Also Updates Letterhead
070540 -
070541 - Follow up ref SDS 6 W63M.
070542 -
070543 - Line 520, ref OF 1 Q73H, -label addsY in 000009 about 50 lines above.
070544 -
070546 -  ..
070547 - Line 1050, ref OF 1 XN6L, -label aMGooD in 000009
070548 -
070549 -    setgbl 127 0
070550 -
070551 -       When 127 = 11 means process started in Contact record, per
070552 -       above. ref SDS 6 W63M
070554 -     ..
070555 -    getgbl 90 90
070556 -    -if @90 = 1128 -goto DcLogP
070557 -
070558 -       90 = 1128 means this is a doc log op, per code in 047041, see
070559 -       above, ref SDS 6 5X3S, and so branch to process for entering
070560 -       secondary doc log fields in SDS record. ref SDS 6 YS3N
070561 -
070563 -  ..
070564 - Line 2980, ref OF 1 L25L, -label DcLogP in 000009
070565 -
070566 -    Begin main process to enter identification from Contact records
070567 -    into an SDS secondary doc log field.
070568 -
070569 -
070571 -  ..
070572 - Line 3040, ref OF 1 IY6O, -label xxtty in 000009
070573 -
070574 -    -gosub pdlidf
070575 -
070576 -        This is the subroutine that controls entry from Contact record
070577 -        to the individual's name field in the organizational part of
070578 -        SDS secondary doc log fields.
070579 -
070581 -  ..
070582 - Line 4000, ref OF 1 216J, -label pdlidf in 000009 about 30 lines below
070583 -
070584 -    rel_cur 0 2
070585 -    setcnt 86 10
070586 -    setgbl 14 0
070587 -    macro 1181
070588 -    setcnt 86 1
070589 -    -return
070590 -
070591 -        This is the part of the subroutine pflidf where the line number
070592 -        in the contact record for the person's name in an organization
070593 -        is entered in the Doc Log secondary field.  Added setgbl 14 0
070594 -        to force the code to only enter 4 char, since that is the fixed
070595 -        length for this field.
070596 -
070597 -
070598 -
070599 -
070600 -
070601 -
070602 -
070603 -
070604 -
070605 -
070606 -
070607 -
0707 -