440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 22, 2005 08:24 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Gary support for senior level meetings and coordination on project.
2...People Assigned to Capture of Record Fail to Perform Gary Helps Out
3...Giving Up on Productivity of Meetings People Resist Good Communication
4...Meeting Productivity People Giving Up on Good Communication Practices
5...New Assignment Focal Project Meetings Opportunity Demonstrate SDS
6...Productivity Reviews Twice a Week Not Enough Time to Implement Plans
7...Email Not Efficient 300 Unopened Email Needle in Haystack
8...Information Denisty Overwhelming Management Communication Fails
9...Briefing without Documentation Rely on Conversation to Build the Job
10...Burnout Quality Organizational Memory at Risk Too Many Meetings
11...Visibility SDS Official Records for Meetings with Northrup Gruman
12...Meetings Too Many 3 Per Week for Gary Risks Overwork Quality Suffers
13...FAR Requirements for Combat Improvement Project
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Meetings Productivity Poor People Assigned to Capture Written Record
0503 -
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 38 VI9T, ref SDS 37 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 -
050506 -
050508 - ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - People Assigned to Capture of Record Fail to Perform Gary Helps Out
050902 - Giving Up on Productivity of Meetings People Resist Good Communication
050903 - Meeting Productivity People Giving Up on Good Communication Practices
050904 -
050905 - Gary submitted the following recently in an email...
050906 -
050907 - 1. Subject: Meeting notes
050915 - ..
050916 - 3. Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the problem or
050917 - keeping an accurate record on the project, here is a portion of
050918 - my status report for today.
050920 - ..
050921 - a. I got an email from Mark Rie.... suggesting that I might
050922 - have Action Items from the B1DC review. I do, but Mark
050923 - himself had someone recording notes and actions - I was
050924 - never asked. I had sent him my notes, but I wasn't
050925 - tracking things too closely as I hadn't been tasked to do
050926 - so.
050928 - ..
050929 - b. Dilip doesn't want me to attend meetings "just because I
050930 - take good notes", but it seems that someone has to. The
050931 - idea that the request comes from the person who assigned
050932 - the task and was in the same room with the person taking
050933 - notes and actions, and that he can't find them or the ones
050934 - that I sent him, but that I am expected to be able to do so
050935 - (and did) seems to indicate that something isn't right.
050937 - ..
050938 - Gary noted previously that people resist support for intelligence,
050939 - communication, command and control planned to develop C4ISR on the
050940 - project.
050941 -
050942 - [On 050923 doctor explains error in 2nd opinion came from ignoring
050943 - actual patient history and, to save time, relying instead on
050944 - memory of a record or comment, most likely from having read a
050945 - second hand source listed within the full record of work history,
050946 - but which itself was erroneous for having, also, ignored work
050947 - history due to limited time, but, nobody can remember where to
050948 - find the record or comment to verify accuracy; doctor further
050949 - notes that the patient tried to get evaluation during the year
050950 - 2003 of episodically expanding inflammation in the left breast,
050951 - but it took 16 months for the medical team care system to address
050952 - the actual record of patient history and then perform a biopsy to
050953 - discover that ignoring prior symptoms caused disgnosis of IBC to
050954 - be delayed until June of 2004. ref SDS 39 4N5J
050956 - ..
050957 - On 050702 Gary reported that SDS is only used for meetings, and not
050958 - for performing work that flows from meetings. ref SDS 37 NV4G Without
050959 - an integrated record of plan, perform, report on the management cycle,
050960 - explained in POIMS, ref OF 6 6649, then intelligence support wains,
050961 - leading to problems cited on 011006. ref SDS 20 O99K At that time,
050962 - reviewed how a little intelligence goes a long way to lift
050963 - productivity on big projects. ref SDS 20 EL6J
050965 - ..
050966 - Gary continues...
050967 -
050968 - This wasn't just another meeting, but a major status
050969 - briefing / review. That meeting was on 2005-Apr-26, so if
050970 - they are just now starting to look for the Action Item
050971 - list, you can imagine how much work has been done on them.
050972 - Considering that the review required a week or so of
050973 - preparation by multiple people, it would seem that the
050974 - Action Items are a major result of the time spent, but
050975 - apparently not.
050977 - ..
050978 - c. In the SEI meeting, it was suggested that someone take
050979 - notes on the discussions so that some of the issues raised
050980 - didn't get lost. Bruce Mamont asked his deputy to do so,
050981 - and 1 other person was tasked, but I didn't see any notes
050982 - being taken, and I doubt that there will be anything done
050983 - with them if there were.
050985 - ..
050986 - Failure to capture the record for command and control of the work,
050987 - called out by management standards reviewed on 950721, ref SDS 8
050988 - 1740, and by government regulations that are ignored on the job,
050989 - reported in a study on 020504, ref SDS 23 NS6F, further supports
050990 - Drucker's point that people have given up on communication, reported
050991 - on 931130. ref SDS 3 3851
050993 - ..
050994 - Gary's report today supports review on 960205 of published studies
050995 - showing people waste 70% of the day in unproductive meetings, because
050996 - nobody follows good management practice to document the record.
050997 - ref SDS 11 5902 Supports Kissinger's worry about poor management
050998 - productivity reported on 940609. ref SDS 5 4238
050999 -
051000 -
051001 -
051002 -
0511 -
Focal Gary Assigned Coordinator High Level Meetings to Expedite Prod
1903 -
190401 - ..
190402 - New Assignment Focal Project Meetings Opportunity Demonstrate SDS
190403 - Productivity Reviews Twice a Week Not Enough Time to Implement Plans
190404 -
190405 - Today, Gary advised that the report on difficulties people experience
190406 - preparing a record of useful organizational memory by writing up
190407 - documentation for meeting minutes, per above, ref SDS 0 PK6Y, reflects
190408 - his new assignment on the project. Steve recently asked Gary to
190409 - attend meetings twice a week conducted by Andy, and provide
190410 - coordination as the "focal" for his group on managing action items.
190411 - The meetings center on reporting progress based on the project CPM
190412 - schedule. Evidently Andy's aid, Bruce, also, attends these meetings.
190414 - ..
190415 - Meeting productivity degrades to entropy, reported in USAFIT study on
190416 - 970707, ref SDS 13 0108, when command and control of the record fails,
190417 - reported at NASA on 9111021. ref SDS 1 4499 NWO explains how meetings
190418 - that are not aligned and confirmed with feedback loops sow the seeds
190419 - of error through meaning drift. ref OF 11 9449 This leads to more
190420 - meetings in hopes of improving communication, but the burden of
190421 - cognitive overhead from constant meetings leaves even less time for
190422 - analysis to work intelligently. ref OF 13 U79H
190424 - ..
190425 - On 050702 Gary reported that, due in part to limited time, SDS is
190426 - primarily used for meetings, and not so much for performing work that
190427 - relates to the meetings. ref SDS 37 NV4G
190429 - ..
190430 - Background using SDS on high level meetings for other projects is
190431 - listed on 940901, ref SDS 6 4920, showing how people in big
190432 - organizations are educated to expand use of SDS on major projects.
190434 - ..
190435 - Gary experienced similar transformation for awhile last year reported
190436 - on 040203, when Bruce asked Gary to attend an important meeting.
190437 - ref SDS 28 NB6G Earlier, on 030416 Gary reported progress learning
190438 - SDS. ref SDS 26 7P5F Gary's SDS record on 030413 explained unique
190439 - support for meetings, ref SDS 25 MK4K, citing requirements presented
190440 - by DOD program management for accurate records, reported on 020217.
190441 - ref SDS 22 9360 On 040227 Gary cited frustrations when SDS is not
190442 - available. ref SDS 29 RH6K Subsequently, the project team, including
190443 - Bruce and Steve, supported approval of SDS for project use, reported
190444 - on 040402. ref SDS 30 LN7T
190446 - ..
190447 - This record suggests that Bruce may have recommended to Andy that Gary
190448 - attend these new progress meetings, now that the project has moved
190449 - into a production mode, where getting things done has priorty. That
190450 - analysis fits experience at the Paris Peace Talks in 1919, when
190451 - leaders tried to get things done by conversation, but soon discovered
190452 - they needed accurate understandings, reported on 040505. ref SDS 31
190453 - PRVP
190455 - ..
190456 - Bruce has similar experience. He hired Gary and set goals to use good
190457 - management, reported on 030123. ref SDS 24 KT8L Bruce was aware at
190458 - one time that accurate communication is critical to productivity,
190459 - based on lessons learned reported on 030830. ref SDS 27 TY9H A year
190460 - or so later, Bruce was elevated to support Andy, however, Gary later
190461 - notified Bruce about SDS support for command, control, intelligence
190462 - and organizational memory, key elements of C4ISR, reported on 040720.
190463 - ref SDS 33 0001 Bruce was therefore positioned to play a constructive
190464 - role to help his boss improve productivity by adding intelligence
190465 - support enabled by SDS. ref OF 12 A56M Recommending to Steve that
190466 - Gary be assigned to represent the Models and Simulations group in
190467 - Andy's weekly meetings is an easy way to implement C4ISR with better
190468 - communication, as planned on 030123. ref SDS 24 KT93
190470 - ..
190471 - SDS support for performing the eight (8) steps of Communication
190472 - Metrics listed in POIMS, ref OF 6 685K, is further explained and
190473 - illustrated in the record on 001219. ref SDS 18 QN7S Recently,
190474 - examples were submitted to Gary showing practice and methods for
190475 - communication, command, control, intelligence, organizational memory,
190476 - etc., which fit objectives for C4ISR on Gary's project, and are
190477 - further defined in NWO. ref OF 12 A56M The meeting at Kaiser on
190478 - 041230 illustrates advances applying SDS since 1994. ref SDS 35 0001
190480 - ..
190481 - We discussed today Gary expanding his record, per above, ref SDS 0
190482 - PK6Y, to support SDS foundational documents, including the scenario in
190483 - NWO that explains common problems people suffer that prevent useful
190484 - meetings, and getting things done by over reliance on conversation.
190485 - ref OF 11 5827 An example is the record on 041130 where a
190486 - professional objected to written records confirming conversation.
190487 - ref SDS 34 YR8F Examples showing some professionals recognize the
190488 - importance of organizational memory include...
190489 -
190490 - 1. Andy Grove at Intel reviewed on 980307, ref SDS 14 3668,
190492 - ..
190493 - 2. Article in Fortune explaining why CEO's fail reviewed on
190494 - 990625. ref SDS 17 7753
190496 - ..
190497 - Gary indicated that when time permits, he will try to work on
190498 - converting his initial report, today, ref SDS 0 PK6L, into an SDS
190499 - record that illustrates how people waste a lot of time in unproductive
190500 - meetings, reported on 960205. ref SDS 11 5902
190502 - ..
190503 - So far, Gary's explanation sounded like he is not making distribution
190504 - of the record, which reflects a practice of bad management that
190505 - dominated Paris Peace negotiations in 1919, until people were added to
190506 - support communications. ref SDS 31 TF6T Gary's letter the other day,
190507 - and shown above, illustrates that some attendees are trying to keep
190508 - records, and not having much luck, like at Paris. ref SDS 0 PK6Y
190509 -
190510 -
190511 -
190512 -
1906 -
Communication Metrics SDS Not Used C4ISR Fails 8 Steps Communication
Email Information Overload Not Enough Time to Think Weichman Rochell
7104 -
710501 - ..
710502 - Email Not Efficient 300 Unopened Email Needle in Haystack
710503 - Information Denisty Overwhelming Management Communication Fails
710504 - Briefing without Documentation Rely on Conversation to Build the Job
710505 -
710506 - Gary's assignment requires briefing Steve on results of meetings,
710507 - rather than submit a professional record of intelligence. This aligns
710508 - with reporting on 950426 that executive training teaches managers to
710509 - work by conversation. ref SDS 7 4392
710511 - ..
710512 - Steve like many employees in big organizations receives about 80 email
710513 - a day, and so he does not want another document from Gary that adds to
710514 - the burdens of bureaucracy which stifle productivity and creativity,
710515 - explained on 040203, ref SDS 28 8Y5I, by overwhelming cognitive
710516 - overhead, as explained in NWO. ref OF 13 LH6K From time-to-time Gary
710517 - has looked over Steve's shoulder and observed the Microsoft Outlook
710518 - email program open on the screen of Steve's computer. He has seen
710519 - Steve scroll through many, many pages hunting for a letter, which Gary
710520 - or someone might have sent days, weeks or months earlier. There might
710521 - be 300 or so unopened letters in Steve's email program. Curiously, on
710522 - 960410 General Hatch reported the same problem having over 300 email
710523 - pending. ref SDS 12 F88F
710524 -
710525 - [On 060221 Jimmy said he gets so many email at the VA that his
710526 - directory is full, and he does not have time to read the letters
710527 - nor to delete anything. ref SDS 40 NT6J
710529 - ..
710530 - [On 060408 Gary's analysis on 060222 explains how unread email
710531 - piling up on computers drives people to reliance on personal
710532 - memory that drives management toward mistakes, bumbling, entropy.
710533 - ref SDS 41 6O6O, and supported by case study showing people giving
710534 - up on good management, ref SDS 41 PV4O, and further citing this
710535 - record. ref SDS 41 NZ41
710537 - ..
710538 - This example supports concern that communication fails due to
710539 - information density, and fits the scenario Gary cites in his letter
710540 - today, per above. ref SDS 0 PK6Y On 931130 Drucker reports people are
710541 - giving up on communication. ref SDS 3 3851 Research in HBR makes the
710542 - same point: people are not reading and answering email. reviewed on
710543 - 940510. ref SDS 4 5567
710544 -
710545 - [On 070729 filing everything miscellaneous growing trend to
710546 - give up on communications and ignore context management
710547 - that helps people work intelligently finding critical
710548 - details to construct connections in time to make the power
710549 - of knowledge effective for saving lives, time, and money.
710550 - ref SDS 42 HE6N
710552 - ..
710553 - [On 080318 people still cannot find information on computers for
710554 - getting things done, ref SDS 43 0R45, after using search
710555 - technology with indexing. ref SDS 43 0R6G
710557 - ..
710558 - On 951214 Rochelle Weichman with the Sloan School of Management at MIT
710559 - was singled out for diligence because "she reads her email," a
710560 - practice seen as extremely rare. ref SDS 10 I741 Earlier on 950927
710561 - Dave Vannier reported that email is the least effective business
710562 - system at Intel, ref SDS 9 5849, and noted that information density
710563 - overloads executives and engineers. ref SDS 9 E93K
710565 - ..
710566 - Morris is trying to invest time for opening letters on getting things
710567 - done, and responding every day, rather than allow unanswered
710568 - correspondence to build up; this improves prior practice on 960325 and
710569 - on 960721, reported on 980722 ref SDS 15 HQ7L Later on 980927 he
710570 - explained that people have largely stopped following good management
710571 - practices. ref SDS 16 0714 His responses are sometimes cursory and
710572 - only address one of many issues, which further reflects limited span
710573 - of attention due to information density. The problem of limited time
710574 - simply forces people to make bad choices, and creates bad habits, such
710575 - that even when plenty of time is available it gets consumed playing
710576 - games, watching television, or being interviewed on television rather
710577 - than investing intellectual capital.
710579 - ..
710580 - This raises the question about disposition of documents Steve and
710581 - others on the project are getting. If documents are being ignored,
710582 - negative synergy discourages people from sending documents, as Gary
710583 - reports today? This appears conflicting with project requirements to
710584 - deliver "documents." Moreover, if people are not opening correpondence
710585 - critical to the project, then people responsible for getting things
710586 - done will stop sending correspondence, and work more by conversation,
710587 - as Gary reports. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, because
710588 - then the only email people get will be peripheral to the mission,
710589 - which increases reluctance to open anything.
710591 - ..
710592 - Soon, communications and understanding are driven only by talk and
710593 - remembering the gist of the story. Andy Grove points out in his book
710594 - reviewed on 980307 that memory of mental maps is awfully forgiving of
710595 - errors. ref SDS 14 3668 Negative synergy drives negative attitudes
710596 - that destroy productivity in a morass of mistakes and finger pointing;
710597 - soon, a "house of cards" simply collapses, like Enron, reported on
710598 - 020204. ref SDS 21 4N6F Review on 970707 shows that USAFIT published
710599 - a study showing productivity devolves to entropy when information
710600 - density overwhelms limited span of attention. ref SDS 13 0108
710601 -
710602 - [On 020504 study shows professional standards for communication
710603 - practices and requirements on good management specified in FAR,
710604 - ISO, Health Care, Covey, Drucker, law, contract notice provisions,
710605 - and 2,000 years of literacy for contemporaneous documentation for
710606 - alignment and feedback to work intelligently, quickly, and
710607 - accurately are ignored in government, business, health care, every
710608 - sector. ref SDS 23 NS6F
710610 - ..
710611 - [On 060221 medical manager gets so many email at the VA that
710612 - directory is full; not enough time to read patient communication,
710613 - to nor to delete anything to make room in email directory; wants
710614 - to rely on verbal communication. ref SDS 40 NT6J
710616 - ..
710617 - So far, Gary has tried to meet with Steve to brief him on results of
710618 - several meetings, but Steve has not had time to meet.
710620 - ..
710621 - We discussed this morning the risk that when Andy asks Steve about
710622 - something that requires follow up, and Steve says... "Oh, Gary hasn't
710623 - said anything to me about it."
710625 - ..
710626 - What should be happening, is that Gary prepares the record for Bruce.
710627 - He and Bruce do a review, check with others by telephone for near-term
710628 - feedback and clarification, as needed, and then Bruce makes
710629 - distribution under Steve's name, so that the record has the weight of
710630 - authority to drive performance. Since there are two meetings a week,
710631 - this is very short turnaround time. Probably, there should be only
710632 - one record per week to cover both meetings, otherwise there becomes a
710633 - blizzard of documentation that compounds the "fog of war."
710635 - ..
710636 - Actually, for reporting on two (2) meetings a week, all that can be
710637 - done is to capture the chronology. Adding intelligence probably
710638 - should be done at a higher level.
710640 - ..
710641 - We talked today about setting up a template to reduce the time
710642 - required for organization, as was done at Kaiser, illustrated by the
710643 - record on 050329, showing several record segments report no activity
710644 - on some subjects. ref SDS 36 RZ4I
710645 -
710646 -
710647 -
710648 -
7107 -
Visibility SDS Official Project Record Documentation Minutes for Mee
7403 -
7404 - 1057
740501 - ..
740502 - Burnout Quality Organizational Memory at Risk Too Many Meetings
740503 - Visibility SDS Official Records for Meetings with Northrup Gruman
740504 - Meetings Too Many 3 Per Week for Gary Risks Overwork Quality Suffers
740505 -
740506 - Follow up ref SDS 32 M46W.
740507 -
740508 - Called Gary this morning on another matter, and related having been
740509 - given another new assignment to produce SDS records for meetings with
740510 - Northrup Gruman. This was an assignment by Steve, rather than Dilip.
740511 - Gary seemed to indicate this assignment reflects broader visibility
740512 - and awareness on the project of Gary's ability to support meetings
740513 - with SDS, as reported on 040203. ref SDS 28 NB6G
740515 - ..
740516 - Previously, on 040618 there was concern about only one person
740517 - producing organizational memory would overwork Gary, ref SDS 32 M44Y,
740518 - this creates a lot of stress using SDS, as reported on 010725.
740519 - ref SDS 19 03M6 At that time, on 040618 Gary arranged for others to
740520 - provide the record of most meetings, so that he would not experience
740521 - burnout due to overwork producing effective intelligence. ref SDS 32
740522 - M46W
740523 -
740524 -
740525 -
740526 -
7406 -
FAR Requirements for Combat Improvement Project
8903 -
890401 - ..
890402 - FAR Requirements for Combat Improvement Project
890403 -
890404 - Gary also mentioned that the project is now governed by FAR, which
890405 - means requirements for accurate records are effective, reported on
890406 - 020504. ref SDS 23 XV7L
890408 - ..
890409 - The scenario in Gary's letter, per above, ref SDS 0 PK6Y, could be
890410 - edited for clarity and application to support the case study showing
890411 - that without SDS, compliance with FAR requirements is problematic.
890412 - ref SDS 23 NS6F
890413 -
890414 -
890415 -
890416 -
890417 -
890418 -
890419 -
890420 -
8905 -