440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: April 20, 2005 10:48 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Letter to Morris and Tim Bray crediting support for binary search.


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0202 - Intel Corporation                                                                                                                                                  O-00000704 0201
020201 - Mr. Morris E. Jones;

Binary Search Sorted Database Simplicity Fast Reduce Time from 20 to
Binary Search Thanks for Pointers on Testing that Aided Context Mana
Binary Search Professional Paper Mind Boggeling Simple Fast Code Req
Binary Search Sorted Index Reduce Time from 20 to 1 Second Capture Z
Binary Search Algorithm Control Parameters Binary Search Loop Total
Search Automatically Sort Subject Indexes Current Account Level
Binary Search Paper Thanks for Pointers that Aided Context Managemen

2209 -
2209 -    ..
2210 - Summary/Objective
2211 -
221101 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000.
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221106 -  ..
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2214 - Progress
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221501 - On 050303 improved search feature for precision access using Context
221502 - Management that has proven to save a lot of time. ref SDS 6 C16D  This
221503 - applies get command Morris created on 031113, ref SDS 5 03A5, to
221504 - perform binary search explained by Tim Bray at Sun Microsystems
221505 - discovered in research on 050303. ref SDS 6 JY3H  Ideas offered by
221506 - Gary and Morris on testing led to refinements that seem to have
221507 - resulted in a working system.
221509 -  ..
221510 - This is an example of collaboration, and research using SDS and the
221511 - Internet for scalable knowledge, cited by Pat Lincoln at SRI on 010517
221512 - as an industry goal. ref SDS 4 4Q5I
221514 -  ..
221515 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris with a copy to Gary, and to Tim
221516 - saying...
221517 -
221518 -    1.  Thanks very much for your help improving intelligence support,
221519 -        reported on March 3rd. ref DIT 1 0001  Your ideas on binary
221520 -        search yielded improvements to context management, ref SDS 6
221521 -        C16D, that strengthen daily tasks finding critical details
221522 -        based on situational awareness, ref OF 6 KH8J  Reducing the
221523 -        time by a factor of 20:1 facilitates dynamic linking that
221524 -        positions everything in the right place at the right time for
221525 -        precsion access to organizational memory, noted in your letter
221526 -        on April 25, 2001. ref SDS 3 EP7F
221528 -         ..
221529 -    2.  By copy I am thanking Gary Johnson at Boeing for suggestions on
221530 -        testing, ref SDS 6 EE8F, and, also, Tim Bray at Sun
221531 -        Microsystems for his paper on binary search methods,
221532 -        ref SDS 6 JY3H, as further set out in the record on March 3.
221533 -        ref DIT 1 ZT6G
221535 -         ..
221536 -    3.  On January 11, 2001 Pat Lincoln, who heads up the Computer
221537 -        Science department at SRI, ref DIT 1 ZT7M, worried about slow
221538 -        progress on tools for collaboration. ref SDS 2 EF6M  Later, on
221539 -        May 17, 2001 Pat cited industry goals for scalable knowledge.
221540 -        ref SDS 4 4Q5I  Thanks to you, to Gary, and to Tim we have
221541 -        taken another step toward a culture of knowledge, which you
221542 -        previously asked about on February 27, 1996. ref SDS 1 0022
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