440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 12, 2005 07:00 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Responded to Imagine's request for article on business intelligence.


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0201 - PMI Communications                                                                                                                                                 O-00000095 0108
020101 - Mr. Jim Pennypacker; Editor                                                                                                                                      O-00000095 0108
0202 - Imagination                                                                                                                                                        O-00000842 0505
020201 - Mr. Ross Foti                                                                                                                                                    O-00000842 0505

Faster Better Cheaper SDS Technology Makes Sound Management Practice
PMI Request for Article on Business Intelligence in PMNetwork
Technology Define - POIMS, Communication Metrics, SDS
Communications & Communication Metrics New World Order Needs Old Ti    07
Technology Evolving, SDS is 1st Generation POIMS
New World Order needs old time religion
PMI Published NWO Article New World Order Needs Old Time Religion

1309 -
1309 -    ..
1310 - Summary/Objective
1311 -
131101 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000. ref SDS 5 0000.
131102 -
131103 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 respondig to Ross' letter yesterday.
131104 - ref SDS 18 7I8M, and saying...
131105 -
131106 -    1.  Questions asked for subject article are addressed in the record
131107 -        yesterday receiving your letter. ref SDS 18 7I8M
131109 -         ..
131110 -    2.  The request for a short essay on project management applied to
131111 -        business intelligence sounds interesting.  The criteria in your
131112 -        letter seems directed to end users, ref SDS 18 LH49, rather
131113 -        than developers of technology and practices. ref DIT 1 X66F
131115 -         ..
131116 -    3.  Beginning in 1985, I developed SDS software and practices for
131117 -        intelligence support based on the science of Communication
131118 -        Metrics, ref DIT 1 K66N, which was introduced in PMNetwork, as
131119 -        reported on May 2, 1996. ref SDS 5 0001
131121 -         ..
131122 -    4.  That article has subsequently been expanded to flesh out issues
131123 -        on the scope of transformation from traditional information
131124 -        technologies to a culture of knowledge. ref DIT 1 F97L  SDS is
131125 -        currently in use at Boeing, and so their experience may be more
131126 -        helpful to your current assignment.  You can call Gary Johnson
131127 -        at *** *** **** to follow up as set out in your letter.  I
131128 -        don't know that Gary can meet your deadline, but his experience
131129 -        last year working on setting a standard at Boeing for
131130 -        organizational memory using SDS could support your mini essay
131131 -        project.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"