440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 29, 2005 12:23 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Gary reported problem saving record for prior date in SDS.

2...04702 Archive Diary Records Updated Schedule 00 File
3...Save F2 Update Pointer Databases When Record Has Null Pointers

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Diary for Prior Date Fails When No References and No Contacts and Th
Save, Primary, F2, macro 142, macro 1421, macro 0, macro 207, 070205
Prior Date Diary Failing to Run
Prior Date Diary Not Archiving Pointers Correctly May be Problem of
Prior Date Record Crashing in Schedule for Record on 050308

1007 -
1007 -    ..
1008 - Summary/Objective
1009 -
100901 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000.
100902 -
100903 - Gary reported a problem today saving a diary for a prior date.  We
100904 - discussed the problem and ran some tests.  The initial problem seems
100905 - to have cleared on Gary's computer by compiling the program.  A new
100906 - problem getting a blank record to archive was encountered while
100907 - testing the original problem.  This was solved by modifying 0702053 to
100908 - process a record where database pointers are missing, and where there
100909 - are no previous pointers for the time period. ref SDS 0 N14N
100910 -
100911 -
100912 -
100913 -
100915 -  ..
1010 -
1011 -
1012 - Progress
1013 -
101301 - Gary had a problem creating a record for a prior date on 050308.
101302 -
101303 - He submitted his SDS records.
101305 -  ..
101306 - Testing showed the problem did not occur on c14.
101308 -  ..
101309 - Called Gary.
101311 -  ..
101312 - We configured debug in the compiled code, and then stepped through the
101313 - code using Gary's record that has been failing on his computer.
101315 -  ..
101316 - Everything seemed to run correctly on his computer, but failed on c14,
101317 - which had passed previously.  The
101319 -  ..
101320 - We ended the telephone call for further analysis of the problem on
101321 - c14.
101323 -  ..
101324 - On all subsequent tests, the code seemed to run correctly.
101326 -  ..
101327 - Ran SDS to update Gary's pointers, and found the record created on
101328 - 050308 does not show up in the diary, which is a different problem.
101330 -  ..
101331 - The list of records for Gary in...
101332 -
101333 -        d: sd 08 00101 02 05 03 08
101334 -
101335 - ...shows...
101336 -
101337 -        D:\sd\08\gljdy\02\05\03\08\211803    738  105-03-29  17:13
101338 -
101339 - ...indicating the 04702 archive system partially worked, but for some
101340 - reason the record description does not appear in the Diary list.
101342 -  ..
101343 - Tried a link, and this worked. ref SDS 3 0001
101344 -
101345 -
101347 -  ..
101348 - 04702  Archive Diary Records Updated Schedule 00 File
101349 -
101350 - Follow up ref SDS 2 GE8M, ref SDS 1 HJ5H.
101351 -
101352 - On 040418 worked on 04702.
101354 -  ..
101355 - Line 1260, ref OF 1 U16L, -label bRno_curr in 04702
101356 -
101357 -
101358 -
101360 -  ..
101361 - Save F2 Update Pointer Databases When Record Has Null Pointers
101362 -
101363 - Line 2180, ref OF 2 XQ4O, -label ppntrs in 07020510
101364 -
101365 -    This is where control pointers are archived.
101367 -  ..
101368 - Line 2370, ref OF 2 P38H, -label cpcfl in 0702051
101369 -
101370 -    -label cpcfl
101371 -    top
101372 -    save stufqq
101373 -    dose /c c:\sd\01\0702051a.bat
101374 -
101375 -        Code has assembled pointers, and calls tertiari memory segment
101376 -        to archive.
101378 -  ..
101379 - Line 120, ref OF 3 FJ3F, in 07020530
101380 -
101381 -    -if @26 = 0 -if @27 = 0 -if @28 = 0 -goto zero
101382 -    -goto nzro
101383 -    -label zero
101384 -    loc_cur 0 11
101385 -    -goto ntim
101386 -
101387 -        Added switch to use new time if prior time is 0.
101388 -
101389 -
101391 -  ..
101392 - Line 580, ref OF 3 FU8L, -label emPty in 0702053
101393 -
101394 -    -label emPty
101395 -    *%k4
101396 -    get d:\sd\08\UUUUU\01\yy\nn
101397 -    loc_cur 4 1
101398 -    setlen 1 0
101399 -    -if @1 > 0 -goto notBL
101400 -      -if @0 != 990 -goto notBL
101401 -    -if @2 != 989 -goto notBL
101402 -    setcnt 0 0
101403 -    -goto blnKr
101404 -
101405 -        0 = 990 flag should prevent processing records when they have
101406 -        no pointers and there is no existing database for a particular
101407 -        pointer, but this does not seem to happen in this case.   Turns
101408 -        out the code using counter 0 for double duty is "too fancy," so
101409 -        changed counter 0 to counter 2 for controlling this task, and
101410 -        retained initial value 989, instead of incrementing to 990 on
101411 -        setlen command error.
101413 -         ..
101414 -        Testing seems to indicate the problem is solved.
101415 -
101416 -
101417 -
101418 -
101419 -
101420 -
1015 -