440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 17, 2005 10:54 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Letter to KMI on systems evaluation based on war in Iraq.
2...Argument Skills Aided by Technology Augment Intelligence
3...KIM Call for Public Experiment Test Technology for Argument
........Argument Leadership Component of Communication for Sales
........Communication Metrics Supports Understanding and Follow Up
........Art of Management Using Argument Advanced by POIMS Technology
....................Getting people to say "yes"
4...Commend KMI Initiative to Evaluate Tools and Methods for Argument
Click here to comment!
0201 - Knowledge Media Institute O-00000839 0206
020101 - Dr. Simon J. Buckingham Shum, PhD O-00000839 0206
020102 - Senior Lecturer
Brief Remind Alert Clarify Explain Prepare People with Organizationa
Capture Record Improves Knowledge Management Organizational Memory
Analysis Listening Thinking Planning Follow Up
Analysis Aided by Better Memory
KMI Experiment Argument Technology Skill Craft Best Practices Method
Yes Communication Convincing Speech Selling Entertainment Needs List
Root Cause Analysis Connecting Dots Cause Effect Causation Understan
Alphabetic Mind Opposing Argument
Diary Improves Mental Acuity Memory Reasoning Creativity Innovation
2311 -
2311 - ..
2312 - Summary/Objective
2313 -
231301 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
231302 -
231303 - Some movement occurred today toward a culture of knowledge with
231304 - announcement of an experiment to demonstrate technology and methods
231305 - that support argumentation. ref SDS 0 EM5M Argument is a form of
231306 - reasoning that fits the model of POIMS applying technology to support
231307 - the art of management. ref SDS 0 FP82 Argument is common to sales and
231308 - leadership communication for persuading people to say "yes." SDS is
231309 - directed toward better listening to understand and follow up.
231310 - ref SDS 0 7L5J KMI's plan to apply tools for navigating a fixed
231311 - record could be a step toward SDS support for constructing and
231312 - navigating a dynamic Knowledg Space to enable precision access in
231313 - performing daily work. ref SDS 0 FP88 The experiment will apply
231314 - argument tools and methods to the decison on invading Iraq in 2003,
231315 - and so may distort the role of tools and methods with emotional
231316 - feelings about US and Western hegemony. ref SDS 0 2Q7M Letter to KMI
231317 - commend initiative to advance toward a culture of knowledge.
231318 - ref SDS 0 B46F
231319 -
231320 - [On 050321 received letter from Simon. ref SDS 13 N46M
231321 -
231322 -
231323 -
231324 -
231325 -
231327 - ..
2314 -
2315 -
2316 - Progress
2317 -
231701 - Argument Skills Aided by Technology Augment Intelligence
231702 - KIM Call for Public Experiment Test Technology for Argument
231703 -
231704 - Review on Eugene Kim's website Collaboratory for 050317...
231705 -
231706 -
231708 - ..
231709 - ...shows the following notice...
231710 -
231711 - 1. [yak@collab]
231712 - from [Simon Buckingham Shum] [Bookmark Link][Original]
231714 - ..
231715 - 2. To: yak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
231716 - From: Simon Buckingham Shum
231717 - Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 18:54:48 +0000
231718 - Message-id:>
231720 - ..
231721 - 3. Colleagues
231723 - ..
231724 - Today we launched
231726 - ..
231727 - 4. " is an experiment to evaluate different
231728 - Computer-Supported Argumentation: both the technologies, and
231729 - the 'craft skill' of using them effectively.
231730 -
231731 - [...below, response commending effort to advance tools for
231732 - argument. ref SDS 0 B46F
231733 -
231735 - ..
231736 - Argument Leadership Component of Communication for Sales
231737 - Communication Metrics Supports Understanding and Follow Up
231738 - Art of Management Using Argument Advanced by POIMS Technology
231739 -
231740 - 5. Our two-fold objectives are to:
231741 -
231742 - showcase how complex debates of topical interest can be
231743 - more effectively communicated, navigated and analysed when
231744 - mapped in software tools
231746 - ..
231747 - advance the state of the art in practical argumentation
231748 - support tools
231750 - ..
231751 - Advancing the art of argumentation with support tools called out in
231752 - KMI's notice of a public-participation experiment fits the model of
231753 - POIMS technology advancing the art of management, ref OF 3 0001, since
231754 - analysis and communication, cited in the proposal for defining the
231755 - scope of argument are common tasks of management cited by Drucker
231756 - reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 4 5520
231758 - ..
231759 - Argument is a dimension of reasoning based on memory of causation that
231760 - drives intelligence, reviewed on 900319. ref SDS 2 1323 Technology
231761 - that aids arugment can therefore reasonably be said to augment
231762 - intelligence. A challenge for KMI is overcoming resistance to good
231763 - management and communication, noted, also, by Drucker, reviewed on
231764 - 931130. ref SDS 4 3851 More recently, on 030826 testimony before
231765 - Congress reported fear of accountability for knowledge of truth builds
231766 - cultural barriars in bureaucracy against taking based on sound
231767 - argument. ref SDS 9 8K4G As shown on 040203, the primary drive in
231768 - organizations is self-preservation. ref SDS 10 E44K
231770 - ..
231771 - "Argumentation" is a common view of communication for "leadership" to
231772 - sell, persuade and convince, popularized by the common saying...
231773 -
231774 - Getting people to say "yes"
231776 - ..
231777 - While "argumentation" generally has a goal to persuade, there is,
231778 - also, a dimension of analysis cited in KMI's notice which is more
231779 - broadly based, and nominally neutral, although "analysis," might be
231780 - considered argument persuasion in a variety of contexts. SDS strives
231781 - to strengthen analysis under the aegis of generalized "intelligence
231782 - support," called out in NWO. ref OF 12 A56M
231784 - ..
231785 - KMI's experiment will demonstrate many excellent tools and methods for
231786 - the argument method of communication. On 950327 SDS support for
231787 - Communication Metrics strengthens "listening" that complements
231788 - argument with objectives to "understand" and "follow up" that make
231789 - leadership effective, so that when argument is won, action aligns with
231790 - objectives, requirements, and commitments. ref SDS 5 EK5J Tools and
231791 - methods that enable better listening to make communication effective
231792 - was cited on 890809. ref SDS 1 CJ9J
231794 - ..
231795 - The eight (8) steps using SDS for Communication Metrics are listed on
231796 - 001219. ref SDS 6 4W4L The scope of "intelligence support" is shown
231797 - in NWO. ref OF 12 T19F
231799 - ..
231800 - Examples of SDS applied to think, remember, and communicate for
231801 - getting things done on a wide range of daily tasks are listed on
231802 - 020708. ref SDS 8 MZ6O
231804 - ..
231805 - [...below, response commending effort to advance tools for
231806 - argument. ref SDS 0 B46F
231808 - ..
231809 - KMI's letter continues...
231810 -
231811 - 6. Players participate in argumentation experiments, working to an
231812 - agreed schedule and from common sources. Through systematic
231813 - comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of approaches, we
231814 - aim to clarify how approaches can be usefully compared and
231815 - improved.
231817 - ..
231818 - Navigation to find critical details, ref SDS 0 FP82, in a fixed record
231819 - called out in the experiment is a step toward navigating a dynamic
231820 - Knowledge Space with precision access cited in NWO. ref OF 12 PX6J
231822 - ..
231823 - KMI's letter continues...
231824 -
231825 - 7. We hope that you find this an intriguing idea, and invite you
231826 - to join in the next experiment."
231828 - ..
231829 - 8. And below is the announcement I posted today on Argumentation
231830 - Experiment 1...
231832 - ..
231833 - 9. So, those of you interested in this kind of game, come model
231834 - Iraq...
231836 - ..
231837 - 10. Simon
231838 -
231839 - *****************************************************
231841 - ..
231842 - 1. To:
231843 - From: Simon Buckingham Shum
231844 - Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:35:14 +0000
231845 - Subject: [GlobalArgument] Expt. 1: Iraq Debate (March-May
231846 - 2005)
231848 - ..
231849 - 2. Colleagues
231851 - ..
231852 - Experiment 1 is now under way, as we dip our toes into the
231853 - water... :-)
231855 - ..
231856 - 3. Many thanks to Peter for collating a fascinating selection of
231857 - authoritative sources for us to get our teeth into.
231859 - ..
231860 - 4. Schedule
231861 -
231862 - a. 18 March: Source documents published
231863 -
231864 - b. 18 Mar - 30 Apr: players work with the arguments in
231865 - whatever way their approach specifies, and may post
231866 - progress notes to the forum if they want to alert others as
231867 - to what they're up to, e.g. which parts of the debate they
231868 - may be focusing on, or perhaps a good source of argument
231869 - relevant to the source dataset
231871 - ..
231872 - c. 30 April: each player publishes a link to the output of
231873 - their analysis
231875 - ..
231876 - d. 1-31 May: online discussion about the experiment results
231878 - ..
231879 - 5. I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join, if
231880 - only to model a fragment of the debate in order to give a taste
231881 - of your approach. It would be great to have a wide range of
231882 - samples to show, but I do appreciate of course that for some of
231883 - you, this is extra work which must be squeezed in.
231885 - ..
231886 - 6. Looking forward to this!
231887 -
231888 - Simon & Peter
231889 -
231890 - (don't forget to send in your profile for the website)
231891 -
231893 - ..
231894 - An extract from the Internet at...
231896 - ..
231897 -
231898 -
231899 - ...says in part...
231901 - ..
231902 - Experiment 1 (Mar-May 2005): Iraq Debate
231904 - ..
231905 - Introduction to the debate
231907 - ..
231908 - The decision by the United States and a number of allies
231909 - (including the UK and Australia) to militarily remove the
231910 - Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq in March-April 2003 provoked one
231911 - of the most heated and complex public policy debates in recent
231912 - times. The debate continues to the present day as more
231913 - information bearing on the war's original justification becomes
231914 - available and the focus shifts to the appropriate policy for
231915 - post-war Iraq. Innumerable arguments and considerations have
231916 - been invoked in the different arenas where the debate has been
231917 - conducted (parliamentary/congressional debates, various
231918 - branches of academia, the media, the vernacular public debate)
231919 - bearing on the legality, morality and prudence of the war.
231921 - ..
231922 - This is a well constructed expression of a requirement to assess
231923 - justification for war, and the Iraq effort in relation to terriorism,
231924 - as a strategic threat, rather than mere police work.
231926 - ..
231927 - KMI recognizes in the next section that overcoming emotional feelings
231928 - of biological and cultural bias that views evidence through a lense of
231929 - political ideology and conviction (... "framework," ref SDS 0 2Q98),
231930 - rather than accuracy will be a major challenge for an experiement to
231931 - assess tools and methods. The same problem arises with environmental
231932 - issues, the role of the UN, using oil, and atomic power for energy,
231933 - cigaretts, using animals for medical research, and so on.
231935 - ..
231936 - This problem can be reduced by arguing about more neutral issues like
231937 - digging a ditch, cancer treatment, retooling skills to transform from
231938 - information to a culture of knowledge, etc.
231940 - ..
231941 - KMI scope of project continues...
231942 -
231943 - The positions taken by participants almost invariable depend
231944 - (either implicitly or explicitly) on some larger framework of
231945 - analysis that determines the weight or relevance accorded to
231946 - different considerations. This may be a comprehensive theory
231947 - about the justification for war (such as traditional Just War
231948 - Theory), or a distinctive ethical theory (such as
231949 - Consequentialism), or a perspective shaped within a particular
231950 - academic discipline (e.g. the Realist/Constructivist/Liberalist
231951 - debate amongst international relations scholars) - or just a
231952 - collection of prejudices.
231954 - ..
231955 - Ideally, we would like to develop an integrated overview of
231956 - substantial parts of the debate, making reference to a
231957 - representative selection of sources (textual and other media)
231958 - in which the arguments are expressed
231960 - ..
231961 - Source Documents
231963 - ..
231964 -
231966 - ..
231967 - Dr Simon J. Buckingham Shum
231968 - Senior Lecturer, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open
231969 - University
231970 - Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
231972 - ..
231973 - Tel: +44 (0)1908 655723
231974 - Fax: +44 (0)1908 653169 [office]
231975 - eFax: +44 (0)870 122 8765 [direct]
231976 - Email:
231977 - Web:
231978 -
231979 - "All models are wrong, but some are useful" W. Edwards
231980 - Deming
231982 - ..
231983 - Compendium: hypermedia sensemaking
231984 -
231985 -
231987 - ..
231988 - Visualizing Arugmentation
231989 -
231990 -
231991 -
231992 -
231994 - ..
231995 - Commend KMI Initiative to Evaluate Tools and Methods for Argument
231996 -
231997 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Simon congratulating KMI on an interesting
231998 - and important project to explore public policy and demonstrate
231999 - technology support for analysis, which he describes as
232000 - "argumentation"....
232002 - ..
232003 - 1. Very pleased to see your notice today calling for contributors
232004 - to demonstrate technology, ref DIT 1 0001, that aids the craft
232005 - of "argumentation."
232006 -
232007 -
232009 - ..
232010 - 2. Centering the exercise on the Iraq invasion, ref SDS 0 2Q80,
232011 - should draw interest in your project to enlighten critical
232012 - policy issues, ref DIT 1 UE6J, shown by review on September 11,
232013 - 2001 that found better analysis capabilities are needed,
232014 - ref SDS 7 YNGH, as called out in KMI's specification for this
232015 - exercise. ref SDS 0 FP82
232017 - ..
232018 - 3. Your project to illuminate tools and skills that meet this need
232019 - may further show how sound argument that "connects the dots"
232020 - based on an accurate record, ref DIT 1 WB7G, is an important
232021 - requirement in health care, education, government, procurement,
232022 - engineering, law, indeed all forms of knowledge work in
232023 - addition to national security most commonly associated with
232024 - "intelligence."
232026 - ..
232027 - 4. Congratulations on timely research.
232028 -
232029 - [On 050321 received letter from Simon. ref SDS 13 N46M
232030 -
232031 -
232032 -
232033 -
232034 -
232035 -
232036 -
232037 -
232038 -
232039 -
2321 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"