440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 17, 2005 04:26 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Jack Park discusses using XML Topic Maps for organizing a DKR.
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0201 - SRI International O-00000103 1201
020101 - Mr. Jack Park;
020103 - CALO Project O-00000103 1201
0202 - Bootstrap Institute O-00000735 0501
020201 - Mr. Henry van Eyken; Webmaster
Organizing Dynamic Knowledge Repository DKR Archive Based on Jack Pa
SDS Power to Find Critical Details Quickly Jack Associates this with
Semiotics Knowledge Truth Correlated to Learning Peirce Cited Jack P
2305 -
2305 - ..
2306 - Summary/Objective
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230701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000. ref SDS 3 0000.
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230705 - ..
230706 - Received copy of a letter, ref DRT 1 0001, from Jack Park responding
230707 - to Henry's letter, ref DRP 1 0001, received yesterday on 050116 asking
230708 - about Jack's book on XML Topic Maps. Copies of Jack's letter went to
230709 - the circle of advocates for Fleabyte. ref DRT 1 00W3
230711 - ..
230712 - Jack says...
230713 -
230714 - 1. Well, that would be my opinion as well! ref DRT 1 G86I
230716 - ..
230717 - 2. Doug and I have talked about that very point, and he returns to
230718 - it from time to time. It seems that somebody may have
230719 - "borrowed" his copy of my book, so he may not be able to refer
230720 - to it when he needs to, but he brings up the integration of
230721 - topic maps with me from time to time. ref DRT 1 J86L
230723 - ..
230724 - 3. I would reframe the point thus: integrate the functions of
230725 - Augment into a topic map. In the beginning, there are subjects
230726 - to think/write/talk about. That's the whole point: start with a
230727 - framework that facilitates reification and manipulation of
230728 - subjects through their proxies: Topics. ref DRT 1 T87G
230730 - ..
230731 - Jack's book is discussed in the record on 020911, ref SDS 1 NJ6H,
230732 - which is reviewed in the record yesterday on 050116. ref SDS 4 FE8M
230734 - ..
230735 - 4. In some sense, I suspect that's the secret sauce in Rod's
230736 - stuff. ref DRT 1 397N
230738 - ..
230739 - POIMS explains the SDS "secret" of Context Management, also, reviewed
230740 - on 050116. ref SDS 4 5I8H
230741 -
230742 - [On 060129 visited with Jack briefly about SDS and his goals for
230743 - open source at Stanford University during an event honoring Doug
230744 - Engelbart's 81st birthday. ref SDS 5 BZ6J
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"