440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 16, 2005 09:04 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Henry on circle of advocates for SDS citing Plato's Phaedrus.
2...Health Care Strengthen Case Study Demonstrates SDS Application
3...Case Study Demonstrates SDS Application Strengthen Health Care
........Willfully Blind Silence Voice of Progress
........POIMS Can be Discussed in Public Formus on Knowledge Tools
........Theory of Knowledge Should be Discussed for Knowledge System
........Precision Access Situational Awareness Organizational Memory
........If Memory Serves Demonstrates Fallibility Need for SDS
........Organizational Memory Requirement to Augment Recollections
........Inventor Cannot Promote Developer's Inventions
........Plato Phaedrus Inventor Cannot Promote Invention Needs Aaron
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Health Care Challenges SDS Application to Strengthen Weaknesses of M
Doctor Cannot Remember Reasons for Medication Asks Patient Degrees A
1504 -
1504 - ..
1505 - Summary/Objective
1506 -
150601 - Follow up ref SDS 19 0000.
150602 -
150603 - Letter to Henry answers his question on Millie's medical issues, and
150604 - cites challenges of health care. Explain decision to avoid further
150605 - discussion SDS with the collaboration group, and that advocacy by the
150606 - inventor is problematic.
150607 -
150608 -
150609 -
150610 -
150612 - ..
1507 -
1508 -
1509 - Progress
1510 -
151001 - Health Care Strengthen Case Study Demonstrates SDS Application
151002 - Case Study Demonstrates SDS Application Strengthen Health Care
151003 -
151004 - Follow up ref SDS 19 QA8W.
151005 -
151006 - Henry sent a letter asking about Millie's situation, responding to a
151007 - letter yesterday mentioning challenges working with the health care
151008 - system. ref SDS 19 QA8W
151010 - ..
151011 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Henry saying...
151012 -
151013 - 1. Responding to your letter yesterday, ref SDS 0 WQ5V, Mil has
151014 - had an up and down experience the past 3 years. On 040614 the
151015 - doctor diagnosed IBC, ref DIT 1 0001, which has a survival of
151016 - 18 months. Turns out her symptoms began OA 021209, and was
151017 - misdiagnosed for 19 months, making her something of a medical
151018 - marvel. ref SDS 9 6T5G
151020 - ..
151021 - 2. IBC is a rare form of cancer, reported on 040517, ref SDS 8
151022 - TO7L, so in October we got a 2nd opinion from the Standford
151023 - Cancer Center, and another from the UCSF Cancer Center. Both
151024 - recommended continued treatments, ref DIT 1 MPSS, based on
151025 - favorable response to a new drug trial, reported on 041018,
151026 - ref SDS 11 LX7L, and the next day on 041019. ref SDS 12 HX5H A
151027 - few weeks later, on November 4 Millie was taken off the trial,
151028 - because testing found pulomonary embolism (blood clots in her
151029 - lungs), which is a side effect of the trial drug. ref SDS 13
151030 - N43I Since there has been recent reporting in the public media
151031 - of deaths due to pulmonary embolism among patients
151032 - participating in the trial, Millie may have dodged another
151033 - bullet. Thankfully, Millie began new treatments a week ago on
151034 - 050104, ref SDS 18 0001, but IBC has became much worse during
151035 - the interim two (2) months without treatment. reported on
151036 - 041230. ref SDS 17 XQ6I
151038 - ..
151039 - Today, our feeling is there has been some response to the first
151040 - treatment, so we are again hopeful. The bright spot throughout
151041 - the "roller coaster" has been Millie's positive, cheerful
151042 - perspective that has buoyed the spirits of everyone. She is
151043 - truly a marvel. ref DIT 1 R75I
151044 -
151045 -
151046 -
1511 -
Welch Writing Recursively Reminds Everybody of the Glory of Com Metr
POIMS Context Morphed from the Future of Fleabyte Fleabyte Aided by
Inventor SDS Cannot Promote Explain Benefits of SDS for New Working
POIMS Theory of Knowledge Inventor Silenced Cannot Promote Explain B
Ambitious SDS Com Metrics Intelligence Developing Management Science
Researchers SRI Assume SDS Manages Documents Like SRI Plans to Devel
Lesson Learned Innovation Stifled by Bureacracy Denial Anything SDS
Bias Inventors Not Best Judge of Own Inventions, Plato Phaedrous Dia
4610 -
461101 - ..
461102 - Willfully Blind Silence Voice of Progress
461103 - POIMS Can be Discussed in Public Formus on Knowledge Tools
461104 - Theory of Knowledge Should be Discussed for Knowledge System
461105 -
461106 - Follow up ref SDS 19 EI4X.
461107 -
461108 - 3. On the other matter, I am willing to discuss Fleabyte with you
461109 - privately, but do not plan further comment to the group email.
461110 - When Jack complained yesterday on 050115 that the subject
461111 - morphed from Fleabyte to POIMS, ref SDS 19 EI4X, I reviewed the
461112 - email and could not find support for complaint. Moreover,
461113 - POIMS sets requirements for technology and work practices that
461114 - augment intelligence, based on a theory of knowledge that
461115 - integrates time and information. There is no reason for a
461116 - theory of knowledge to be ruled off limits in discussions to
461117 - advance information technology, particularly since this has
461118 - proven hard to accomplish. For example on 000307 Doug asked
461119 - for a definition of "knowledge," because this issue had been
461120 - problematic in his career. ref SDS 2 4820
461122 - ..
461123 - Jack commented on 040221 that the developer should not promote SDS.
461124 - ref SDS 7 W54O The record yesterday, on 050115 reviews Jack's
461125 - concerns. ref SDS 19 XJ36
461127 - ..
461128 - Letter to Henry continues...
461129 -
461130 - 4. On 001130 Jack wrote to the OHS/DKR team that SDS has the right
461131 - structure for knowledge, and the user interface that makes this
461132 - structure useful to people. ref SDS 3 H17O
461134 - ..
461135 - 5. A year later, on 011003 Jack wrote a letter saying work on the
461136 - OHS/DKR effort had produced no clues on how to solve the
461137 - problem with other tools. ref SDS 5 O74L
461139 - ..
461140 - 6. So, such firm resistance to SDS seems enigmatic?
461141 -
461142 -
461143 -
461144 -
4612 -
Accuracy Precision Access Requirements Situational Awarenes Organiz
Accuracy Precision Access Requirements Situational Awareness Organiz
Attitudes Change Care About Accuracy Feedback Refines Accuracy Recor
8905 -
890601 - ..
890602 - Precision Access Situational Awareness Organizational Memory
890603 - If Memory Serves Demonstrates Fallibility Need for SDS
890604 - Organizational Memory Requirement to Augment Recollections
890605 -
890606 - Follow up ref SDS 15 Q36Q.
890608 - ..
890609 - 7. As well, Jack's recent references to "...if memory serves..."
890610 - for guidance on Mary Keeler's remarks 5 years ago in 2000,
890611 - cited in his letter the other day on 050115, ref SDS 19 EH6U,
890612 - demonstrates the need for a DKR, and that SDS meets that need,
890613 - because, if needed, I can look up what Mary said, and what Jack
890614 - said, Doug and others said on the point at issue, and this can
890615 - be done in 10 seconds. On a bad day, maybe it takes a minute
890616 - or so to exercise situational awareness. I don't know of
890617 - another way to demonstrate the meaning of a DKR.
890619 - ..
890620 - Analysis on 041124 shows SDS support for precision access to
890621 - organizational memory meets common requirements for accuracy better
890622 - than other methods, ref SDS 15 Q36Q, and notes that manufacturers who
890623 - sell things care about accuracy, especially customers for cars,
890624 - trains, airplanes, space shuttles, reviewed earlier on 041118 in
890625 - discussion with an aerospace company. ref SDS 14 KU85
890626 -
890627 -
8907 -
Welch Writing Recursively Reminds Everybody of the Glory of Com Metr
POIMS Context Morphed from the Future of Fleabyte Fleabyte Aided by
Inventor SDS Cannot Promote Explain Benefits of SDS for New Working
POIMS Theory of Knowledge Inventor Silenced Cannot Promote Explain B
Ambitious SDS Com Metrics Intelligence Developing Management Science
Researchers SRI Assume SDS Manages Documents Like SRI Plans to Devel
Lesson Learned Innovation Stifled by Bureacracy Denial Anything SDS
Bias Inventors Not Best Judge of Own Inventions, Plato Phaedrous Dia
AK10 -
AK1101 - ..
AK1102 - Inventor Cannot Promote Developer's Inventions
AK1103 - Plato Phaedrus Inventor Cannot Promote Invention Needs Aaron
AK1104 -
AK1105 -
AK1106 - Letter to Henry continues...
AK1107 -
AK1108 - However, five (5) years of experience has shown that for me to
AK1109 - engage in discussion of DKR issues, ref DIT 1 VS3I, creates
AK1110 - visceral objections, for reasons cited by Plato in the
AK1111 - Phaedrus, reviewed on 991209. ref SDS 1 VW5I
AK1113 - ..
AK1114 - 8. Jack made the same point last year on 040221, ref DIT 1 ET4G,
AK1115 - saying I should not be the advocate for SDS. ref SDS 7 W54O
AK1117 - ..
AK1118 - 9. In any event, I am resigned to being reserved to near silence
AK1119 - on explaining anything related to SDS, particularly to people
AK1120 - who work in the field. ref DIT 1 WT4M In a letter on 011210
AK1121 - Gary Johnson cited Buckminster Fuller observing it takes 50
AK1122 - years for an established culture to adopt fundamental change.
AK1123 - ref SDS 6 R66K There is a lot of evidence on this point.
AK1124 - Recently, I was amazed to learn how much resistance there was
AK1125 - to the US military adopting air power, and was only dragged
AK1126 - kicking and screaming to use this method because of German
AK1127 - success during WWII, reported on 040813. ref SDS 10 IU4Y
AK1129 - ..
AK1130 - 10. I was further amazed to learn Thomas Edison died broke, because
AK1131 - he invented Portland Cement, which, today, is used in every
AK1132 - structure in the US, ref DIT 1 6U6F, yet with all his power and
AK1133 - prestige, Edison could not empower the people of his time to
AK1134 - adopt this advance, reported last month on 041213. ref SDS 16
AK1135 - 334L
AK1137 - ..
AK1138 - 11. So, challenges abound, and advocacy seems especially
AK1139 - problematic. There are 30,000 records over 20 years
AK1140 - demonstrating SDS ability to perform, and there is a large body
AK1141 - of writing explaining theory and practice, e.g., POIMS, NWO,
AK1142 - Typical Day Scenario, but I seem personally cut off from
AK1143 - participating in the dialogue. ref DIT 1 UV6O
AK1145 - ..
AK1146 - 12. Some say the problem is explaining that for 2000 years,
AK1147 - alphabet technology has been the engine of civilization,
AK1148 - ref DIT 1 4W7M, by augmenting intelligence, explained in POIMS.
AK1149 - ref OF 3 ER3G Yet, we learn that Doug Lenat makes the same
AK1150 - point, set out in a reference Jack Park Submitted on 010622,
AK1151 - ref SDS 4 N668, and nobody seems to have a heart attack. So,
AK1152 - people say the problem is reporting the good news that SDS
AK1153 - makes a fundamental advance that lifts the ability to think,
AK1154 - remember, and communicate. Who else though is making this
AK1155 - case? Who is saying that intelligence can be augmented in some
AK1156 - other way? What evidence demonstrates there is another way to
AK1157 - generate a DKR?
AK1159 - ..
AK1160 - 13. In any case, it is kind of you to ask about Millie. ref DIT 1
AK1161 - 01GM Treatments, pills, tests, hopes, and frailty of the flesh
AK1162 - collide with bureaucracy in the delivery of medical care.
AK1163 - People worry and debate endlessly about entitlement to care.
AK1164 - Health insurance buys access to the system, then the problems
AK1165 - begin....
AK1167 - ..
AK1168 - 14. Good luck with Fleabyte, and best wishes for all your
AK1169 - endeavours. Like Doug Engelbart, you have earned respect and
AK1170 - admiration by strength of character, and dedication to
AK1171 - advancing enlightened public policy. Regardless of what
AK1172 - happens with Fleabyte, lets try to keep in touch. ref DIT 1
AK1173 - RZ9I
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