440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 21, 2004 03:34 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Henry about progress with online magazine.

2...Ignorance Fear Denial Working Intelligently Saves Lives Time Money
3...Intellectual Bridge Organizational Memory to Culture of Knowledge
4...Organizational Memory Intellectual Bridge to Culture of Knowledge
5...ASB Filing on SDS Demonstrates Advance from Information to Knowledge
6...Education Spreads Word Overcomes Ignorance Fear Denial of Improvement

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0201 - Bootstrap Institute                                                                                                                                                O-00000735 0501
020101 - Mr. Henry van Eyken; Webmaster

Magazines Advertise SDS Journalism Fleabyte Education Spreads Word O
Organizational Memory Spreading Word on Patient Medical Diary and on
Advertise SDS Journalism Fleabyte Education Spreads Word Overcomes I
Magazines Advertise SDS Journalism Fleabyte Education Spreads Word O

0806 -
0806 -    ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 14 IR6V.
080802 -
080803 - Called Henry to catch up on his progess with an online journal,
080804 - Fleabyte.
080806 -  ..
080807 - Henry explained having stopped publishing his online magazine about 2
080808 - or 3 years ago, but has been considering starting up again. He is
080809 - currently clearing the decks of prior email.
080810 -
080811 -            [...below, letter to Henry discusses "spreading the word"
080812 -            on a new way of working "intelligently." ref SDS 0 SR3Q
080814 -             ..
080815 -            [On 050110 Henry's plans for an online journal may fit
080816 -            objectives to review foundational documents. ref SDS 15
080817 -            HS7N
080819 -  ..
080820 - Sounds familiar.
080822 -  ..
080823 - I am still trying to invest a day or so to log a vibrant dialog from
080824 - last summer, when, for a brief period, a few bright stars engaged SDS
080825 - constructively, with Com Metrics, intelligence, and transformation in
080826 - the new world order, see NWO. ref OF 10 1675  Dialog centered on an
080827 - innovation loop that prevents discovering the secret of Knowledge
080828 - Management, and instead transforms good people into bad management,
080829 - reviewed on 030826 by NASA Chief, Sean O'Keefe explaining ignorance,
080830 - fear, and denial makes improvement difficult in bureaucracy.
080831 - ref SDS 9 8K4G  Since this point is well established already in the
080832 - record, noted for example previously by Henry Kissinger, reported on
080833 - 940609, ref SDS 1 4238, the main purpose for getting caught up on
080834 - prior email is to attempt re-engagement with "bright stars," even
080835 - though experience shows the chances are remote.
080837 -  ..
080838 - Henry recently completed a course on higher math in order to better
080839 - understand and in turn promote Doug Engelbart's ideas on using
080840 - technology for augmenting intelligence.  He recalls this was addressed
080841 - in Doug's final presentation for his Colloquium at Stanford, and he
080842 - feels this goal needs stronger articulation.
080843 -
080844 -     [On 050119 Henry accurately recalled details of a meeting on
080845 -     001105, 5 years ago, demonstrating exceptional memory, which may
080846 -     have aided doing well learning advanced math reported today.
080847 -     ref SDS 17 6Z5M
080849 -  ..
080850 - Henry was concerned at first about being able to pass the course, and
080851 - felt somewhat awkward being the oldest student at 77, with the next
080852 - youngest about 45.  Good news, he finished 2nd in his class, showing
080853 - the advantage of persistance, faith, and learning skills, cited by the
080854 - Tofflers as the key to 21st century education, reported on 950911.
080855 - ref SDS 3 2222
080856 -
080857 -
080859 -  ..
080860 - Ignorance Fear Denial Working Intelligently Saves Lives Time Money
080861 -
080862 - Henry recalled interest at SRI in Doug Engelbart's vision for
080863 - collective intelligence, illustrated by SRI's CEO, Curt Carlson
080864 - meeting with Pat Lincoln on 010121 to discuss pilot testing SDS.
080865 - ref SDS 5 0001  Today, we discussed briefly how people are easily
080866 - misled by erroneous first impressions.  Because they received SDS work
080867 - product through the Internet, Curt and Pat both believed that records
080868 - are created on the Internet, and this caused Curt to decline Pat's
080869 - suggestion to pilot test SDS, reported on 010522. ref SDS 6 E688  Two
080870 - (2) years later, on 030527 it was accidentally disclosed that SRI was
080871 - prevented from using SDS for intelligence support by a false
080872 - understanding. ref SDS 8 ZU3G  False understanding fosters ignorance,
080873 - which causes fear about loss of confidentiality, which led to denial
080874 - that working intelligently improves productivity.
080875 -
080876 -     [On 050110 Henry writes to circle of advocates for support on
080877 -     starting up Fleabyte online journal for civic advocacy.
080878 -     ref SDS 15 NH6G
080879 -
080880 -
080881 -
080883 -  ..
080884 - Intellectual Bridge Organizational Memory to Culture of Knowledge
080885 - Organizational Memory Intellectual Bridge to Culture of Knowledge
080886 - ASB Filing on SDS Demonstrates Advance from Information to Knowledge
080887 -
080888 - Henry feels that SDS support for "organizational memory," offers an
080889 - emotional bridge to a new way of working, citing POIMS, ref OF 5 1101,
080890 - which may be easier for people to grasp than taking the quantum leap
080891 - from information technology to "intelligence," since the the latter is
080892 - closely associated with miltiary operations in the public mind.
080893 -
080894 -     [On 050110 Henry cites POIMS support for organizational memory.
080895 -     ref SDS 15 XC44
080897 -      ..
080898 -     [On 050115 Henry proposes applying SDS support for organizatioal
080899 -     memory to aid journalism with editorial memory. ref SDS 16 5F5R
080900 -
080902 -  ..
080903 - Henry would like to review the ASB on setting an industry standard for
080904 - organizational memory, and the new scope developed for intelligence
080905 - support in NWO. ref OF 12 JU8O
080906 -
080907 -
080908 -
080909 -
0810 -

Organizational Memory Spreading Word on Patient Medical Diary and on
Magazines Advertise SDS Journalism Fleabyte Education Spreads Word O
Advertise SDS Journalism Fleabyte Education Spreads Word Overcomes I
ASB SDS Standard on Intelligence Support for Organizational Memory N

1306 -
130701 -  ..
130702 - Education Spreads Word Overcomes Ignorance Fear Denial of Improvement
130703 -
130704 - Henry might be interested in use cases for SDS on...
130705 -
130706 -    1.  medical diary for patients, illustrated by recent experience
130707 -        using SDS records at Stanford Medical Center, reported on
130708 -        041019. ref SDS 12 WR9F
130709 -
130710 -            [On 050110 Henry writes to circle of advocates for support
130711 -            on starting up Fleabyte online journal for civic advocacy.
130712 -            ref SDS 15 NH6G
130714 -         ..
130715 -        Another example is the patient history summarized on 040517.
130716 -        ref SDS 10 0001
130718 -         ..
130719 -    2.  education and learning, based on Henry's background as a
130720 -        teacher, and power of literacy augmented by SDS, illustrated on
130721 -        950204, ref SDS 2 7499, and explained in POIMS. ref OF 7 3742
130723 -  ..
130724 - Other common use cases are listed on 020708. ref SDS 7 MZ6O
130725 -
130726 -
130799 -
130800 -
130801 -
130802 -
130803 -
130804 -
130805 -
130806 -
130807 -
130808 -
130809 -
130810 -
1309 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"