440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 19, 2004 07:06 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Suppress records for Gary's project from publication on the Internet.
1.. Summary/Objective
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Welchco SDS Records Suppress Sensitive Confidential Records for Publ
Internet SDS Records Published Advertising Medium for Generating Rev
Advertise Internet Sell SDS Com Metrics SDS Records Published Advert
Internet Welchco SDS Records Suppress Sensitive Confidential Records
Web Demonstrate Business Intelligence
Internet Restore SDS Records Visibility because Experiment Boeing Fa
Suppress Transfer SDS Records to Others and to Web by Marking Confid
Visibility SDS Suppressed All on Internet Robots.txt Cancels Indexin
Convert SDS Records Avoid Association Gary Johnson Boeing FCS with S
1611 -
1611 - ..
1612 - Summary/Objective
1613 -
161301 - Follow up ref SDS A3 K68M.
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161309 - ..
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1616 - Progress
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161701 - Continued checking and adjusting sensitive records in the list
161702 - attached to Gary's letter, ref DRP 1 WS6I, received on 041127.
161703 - ref SDS A3 K68M
161705 - ..
161706 - Now that the early records have been edited, and in some cases Boeing
161707 - has been left in the record, because of contacts independent from
161708 - Gary and the project.
161710 - ..
161711 - To expedite converting the remaining 400 records in Gary's list,
161712 - ref DRP 1 UW5M, so there is no direct link to Gary, FCS, Boeing, and
161713 - C4ISR will process all the reminaing records by changing...
161715 - ..
161716 - Getting an error for some reason processing the record on 030420.
161717 - ref SDS A1 0001
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