440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 10, 2004 03:00 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Meeting Doctor Johnson at Kaiser to schedule treatment for Millie.
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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Pam attended the meeting.
040505 - ..
040506 - Doctor Johnson received the opinion from Stanford. There was no
040507 - discussion of findings.
040509 - ..
040510 - Doctor Johnson did not comment on the visit to the emergency room on
040511 - 041202, ref SDS 3 0001, except ask what procedures were taken. Millie
040512 - cited Doctor Parsley's report to Doctor Johnson that explains a blood
040513 - test was performed, ref SDS 3 PT5Q, and this showed white cell count
040514 - was adequate. ref SDS 3 W47N
040516 - ..
040517 - There was no discussion of lessons learned to notify patients that
040518 - standard reaction to treatment are symptoms of spreading rash and
040519 - rising temperature. ref SDS 3 4Q40
040521 - ..
040522 - Doctor Johnson feels Millie's cough and heavyness in the chest,
040523 - reported today are improved from the examination on 041130. He seemed
040524 - to indicate that the prescription for treating the sore on the breast,
040525 - which is continued today, will help the cough from compounding to a
040526 - worsening condition.
040528 - ..
040529 - Doctor Johnson examined the sore on the left breast, and found that
040530 - recovery has been slow with prescription for antibiotics using
040531 - penicillin. He extended the prescription to run concurrent with
040532 - chemotherapy treatments.
040534 - ..
040535 - Doctor Johnson feels masectomy surgery may be needed because the left
040536 - breast may be so infected with IBC that there will be continuing
040537 - problems that prevent sore from healing.
040539 - ..
040540 - Visited with Rosalie.
040542 - ..
040543 - Millie signed consent to participate in new treatment trial protocol,
040544 - based on review of protocol received on 041201. ref SDS 2 RO3L
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