440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 1, 2004 11:37 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Follow up Woody's suggestion on SDS procurement for M&S group.
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Procurement SDS Price Payment Opens Possible Paths for Future of SDS
Proposed Language to Gil for a Letter to Steve on SDS Procurement Pr
User Interface SDS Windows GUI Opportunity Improve Procurement Payme
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3706 - Summary/Objective
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370701 - Follow up ref SDS 1 KU5S
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370708 - ..
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3710 - Progress
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371101 - Gary called today and we discussed sending a letter to Gil proposing
371102 - language he can use for implementing Woody's suggestion in their
371103 - telecon on 041115 to begin discussions on purchasing SDS, as related
371104 - in Gary's letter on 041118. ref SDS 1 KU5S
371106 - ..
371107 - Gary indicated the work load does not leave a lot of time to craft a
371108 - draft for Gil to submit to Steve on purchasing SDS.
371110 - ..
371111 - Another concern is spending too much time on SDS, because this impacts
371112 - good standing for continued employment.
371114 - ..
371115 - A motivating facor for Gil's support is strong feeling SDS can be
371116 - helpful. Gary's record on 041129 reports Gil would like his own work
371117 - product accessible, ref SDS 3 UR7H, in the chronology submitted on
371118 - 041119, ref SDS 2 N28O, to implement his request on 041118.
371119 - ref SDS 1 KU9S
371121 - ..
371122 - Gary's record on 041129 says...
371123 -
371124 - The timeline that Rod prepared is what he asked for, but
371125 - wasn't really what he wanted. He needs to no what it was
371126 - the he did to bring about the various events so that if he
371127 - ever has to repeat it, he can.
371129 - ..
371130 - We don't havbe a record of most of that because all of that
371131 - is his emails, phone calls, meetings, study, efforts, etc.
371133 - ..
371134 - Does this mean that Gil's records on email and calls on this matter
371135 - are all gone. Why did he request a chronology, if the data is not
371136 - available?
371138 - ..
371139 - Seems like the key step was contacting Woody, who likely provided
371140 - some names and phone number, email addresses for following up.
371142 - ..
371143 - Gary also explained Gil's concern about project staff putting SDS
371144 - records on another network. ref SDS 3 KU9X Sounds like people outside
371145 - of the project would have to provide that support.
371147 - ..
371148 - After the call drafted a letter to save Gary time preparing a draft
371149 - for Gil to consider sending to Steve on initiating purchase of SDS,
371150 - ref SDS 0 M14G, per planning above...
371151 -
371152 - [On 041203 collaborate with Paul on circle of advocates
371153 - working with Gil on letter to Steve. ref SDS 4 L15N
371155 - ..
371156 - [On 041206 letter to follow up progress. ref SDS 5 WX3W
371157 -
371158 - 1. Dear Gary,
371160 - ..
371161 - 2. Per our telecon this morning, here is a draft that might be
371162 - sent to Gil...
371163 -
371164 - ******************************
371165 -
371166 - a. Gil,
371168 - ..
371169 - Per recent discussions, as the ops manager, you might send
371170 - something like the following to Steve...
371171 -
371172 - ********
371173 -
371174 - 1) Steve,
371176 - ..
371177 - 2) We are using SDS on a no cost contract, as set out in
371178 - Gary's letter on April 2. Experience on this
371179 - procurement positions the group to expedite approval
371180 - for other programs we will need going forward.
371182 - ..
371183 - 3) As part of getting approval for SDS, I was asked by the
371184 - corporate Enterprise Architect to prepare a proposal
371185 - for a company standard on intelligence support. Over
371186 - the past few months SDS went through 3 or 4 levels of
371187 - review. A few weeks ago SDS was approved for an
371188 - Aerospace company "in use product bulletin" that
371189 - explains organizational memory, command and control,
371190 - intelligence, etc....
371192 - ..
371193 - [Gary enter here a link to the ASB..............]
371195 - ..
371196 - 4) During this period I was able to access SDS links for
371197 - navigating to relevant information on the ASB
371198 - initiative. Of course at this time we don't have any
371199 - [F** project] records accessible with links because ACE
371200 - does not yet offer this support. My feeling is that
371201 - precision access on demand, based on situational
371202 - awareness, enables command and control of daily work,
371203 - as set out in the ASB.
371205 - ..
371206 - 5) In a call on Nov 15, the Enterprise Architect suggested
371207 - we start the ball rolling to purchase a license to use
371208 - SDS that secures access to project records created the
371209 - past two years. Since SDS records are ASCII files, we
371210 - can open them with Word, or any editor, but could not
371211 - navigate links, as SDS does. We can also use other
371212 - tools to create work history, but not with links that
371213 - make context accessible. SDS also enables finding
371214 - relevant information quickly when needed, which I don't
371215 - think we can do with other tools. Bottom line, we
371216 - don't need SDS to open the files we have, but SDS is
371217 - handy for precision access, and it takes less time to
371218 - generate a good record.
371220 - ..
371221 - 6) From an operations standpoint, procurement for timely
371222 - access to work history with a "paperless office"
371223 - scenario enabled by SDS, makes sense, but this is your
371224 - call.
371226 - ..
371227 - 7) We are currently using SDS on a no cost contract that
371228 - expires in April. Should we start talks with Welch on
371229 - continued use, and expanding use to make links active
371230 - for our group? I believe Welch is willing to extend
371231 - the current no cost situation, since he gets feedback
371232 - on improvements, application, etc. On the other hand,
371233 - should we be talking to Welch about remuneration to
371234 - expand support for links, organizational memory,
371235 - intelligence, command control, etc, as specified in the
371236 - ASB?
371238 - ..
371239 - 8) I'll try to stop by in a day so to discuss this at your
371240 - convenience.
371242 - ..
371243 - 9) Thanks.
371245 - ..
371246 - 10) Gil
371247 -
371248 - ***************
371249 -
371251 - ..
371252 - 3. This draft sets up opening up the issue of purchase, cited in
371253 - your letter on 041118....
371254 -
371255 -
371256 -
371257 - 4. ...and leaves open the option of continuing the existing
371258 - procurement, in the event folks need more time to digest things.
371260 - ..
371261 - 5. The likelihood that Steve will invest any time in this is small,
371262 - but within that narrow range we can frame the issues
371263 - constructively.
371265 - ..
371266 - 6. Now that you have a draft, lets collaborate on something to
371267 - propose to Gil, which you and he can then collaborate to send to
371268 - Steve, or decide to stand down.
371270 - ..
371271 - 7. If an when cost or price of SDS comes up, lets introduce the
371272 - discussion with the observation that: "There are a number of
371273 - approaches that stretch from 4 - 6 figures, depending on what we
371274 - want to do."
371276 - ..
371277 - 8. Notice that Gil says he did all the work on the ASB, so this
371278 - does not point to you investing time on the job for promoting
371279 - SDS. If Gil is asked, he can say he consulted with you, but
371280 - Rod did most of the write up, so it didn't take a lot of his
371281 - time. He can point to the chronology he requested last week
371282 - that supports this explanation, if anyone should ask.
371284 - ..
371285 - 9. Thanks.
371287 - ..
371288 - 10. Glad you have ideas in mind for solving the ACE problem,
371289 - even though they may not pan out, per discussion this morning
371290 - concerning your letter below...
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