440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 29, 2004 12:46 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Dell to complete setting up Millie's computer c14.


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0201 - Dell Computer Corporation                                                                                                                                          O-00000056 0610
020101 - Ms. Linda 339536                                                                                                                                                 O-00000056 0610
020102 - Customer Representative
020104 - Technical Support

Performance Slow Sluggish Right Click on Desktop Takes 5 Nearly 10 S
Device Drivers Installation Configure C14
Device Driver Installed Intel 915G Motherboard Chipset Utililities I
Device Driver Not Installed Intel 915G Motherboard Chipset Utililiti
Device Driver Installed Intel 915G Motherboard Chipset Utililities I

0707 -
0707 -    ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000. ref SDS 1 0000.
070902 -
070903 -
070904 -
070906 -  ..
0710 -
0711 -
0712 - Discussion
0713 -
071301 - Called Dell......           800 879 3355
071302 -
071303 - the number used on 041118. ref SDS 2 1M51
071305 -  ..
071306 - We need a case number and a service tab.
071307 -
071308 -        Case number is reported on 041118. ref SDS 2 ZY6L
071310 -         ..
071311 -        Technical Service Tag is reported on 041116. ref SDS 1 517Y
071313 -         ..
071314 -        Express Service Code reported on 041116. ref SDS 1 5187
071315 -
071317 -  ..
071318 - Discuss problems on 041118. ref SDS 2 N74K
071320 -  ..
071321 - Talked to Linda 339536 badge
071322 -
071323 -       Optiplex Tech Support Relationship and Business
071324 -
071326 -  ..
071327 - Linda explains....
071329 -  ..
071330 - Sluggish performance accessing the disk described on 041118,
071331 - ref SDS 2 MV5F, may relate to...
071332 -
071333 -        Program is running tasks in Start up menu each pass.
071334 -
071335 -        Linda suggested removing specification for launching
071336 -        applications automatically in the start menu, using msconfig,
071337 -        as follows...
071338 -
071339 -        a.  Start menu select Run.
071341 -             ..
071342 -        b.  msconfig   [Enter]
071343 -
071344 -               Start up Tab
071345 -
071346 -                  This lists Microsoft Office and 3 other
071347 -                  applications.  Linda says to select...
071349 -                   ..
071350 -                  Disable all.
071351 -
071352 -                       Apply
071354 -         ..
071355 -        This does not seem likely to be the cause of the problem in
071356 -        this case, because our other computers have the same list of
071357 -        programs in Start and they do not have slow performance, like
071358 -        c14 shows.  At most, removing a process of loading applications
071359 -        during startup may reduce the time for starting up Windows.
071360 -
071361 -            [On 041213 did not implement this for reinstall, and made
071362 -            no difference in performance. ref SDS 4 OL4K
071364 -         ..
071365 -        After completing this change, testing showed no improvement in
071366 -        performance, measured by opening the menu on the desktop still
071367 -        takes 5 - 10 seconds, and doing the same task on c12, which has
071368 -        650 Mhz processor takes less than 1 second.
071370 -  ..
071371 - Linda further explains...
071373 -  ..
071374 - Cables left over after installation. ref SDS 2 IG6I
071375 -
071376 -        Dell provides a VGA cable to support the standard analog video
071377 -        adapter built into the Intel main board.
071379 -         ..
071380 -        Linda said the 2nd cable with a different pin connector is for
071381 -        the DVI video controller that was recommended by Dell sales for
071382 -        the best performance from the monitor, and is shown as a
071383 -        Silocon Image video adapter in the packing list reported on
071384 -        041116. ref SDS 1 O54Y
071385 -
071386 -            When c14 was initially assembled on 041118, the VGA cable
071387 -            was used, because at that time the purpose of the other
071388 -            cable was not explained in Dell's customer guidance.  With
071389 -            that configuration, the device manager showed two (2) video
071390 -            controllers, and that both had the correct drivers, i.e.,
071391 -            there were no incorrect device drivers shown for the (2)
071392 -            video controllers. ref SDS 2 GR5W  At that time on 041118
071393 -            the Device Manager showed that the network device driver
071394 -            was not installed, and this was corrected by using the Dell
071395 -            Resource CD.
071397 -         ..
071398 -        While we talked powered down the computer and turned off the
071399 -        monitor.  Changed the cable to connect the display monitor to
071400 -        the DVI adapter.
071402 -         ..
071403 -        Powered up the computer.
071405 -         ..
071406 -        Linda explained the other extra cable is for a new kind of
071407 -        connection to the printer, rather than for the LPT1 port.
071408 -
071410 -  ..
071411 - Dell CDs reviewed with Linda.
071412 -
071413 -    Two CDs are for running the CD ROM drives.
071414 -
071415 -    The CDs are running now on generic drivers from XP.  The read write
071416 -    CD drive requires installing the software.
071418 -          ..
071419 -         [...on 050130 configured CD ROM drives with driver software
071420 -         from Dell, and reported in the record on 041118 for a complete
071421 -         history of configuring c14. ref SDS 2 E04L
071423 -     ..
071424 -    The Dell Resource CD is needed to configure the computer by copying
071425 -    files for device drivers from the CD.  Copied Resources CD to...
071426 -
071427 -            g: 00 dellc14 optiplexdrivers
071429 -     ..
071430 -    While we talked, installed the Dell Resource CD and installed
071431 -    selected drivers for the Intel chipset utilities, sound, and video
071432 -    card, as reported on 041116. ref SDS 1 9O4O
071433 -
071434 -        [On 041213 Dell reported that drivers need to be installed in a
071435 -        particular order. ref SDS 3 WT4V
071437 -         ..
071438 -        [On 041222 installed Intel chipset utilities were successfully
071439 -        upgraded, ref SDS 5 5Z5J, however, the video drivers failed to
071440 -        install again. ref SDS 5 474O
071442 -  ..
071443 - We wound up with a slight problem that the Device Manager is not
071444 - showing a connection to the DVI adapter, but lists two (2) onboard VGA
071445 - adapeters for the Intel board.
071446 -
071447 -        [On 050130 found a way to install video device drivers for
071448 -        display adapter. ref SDS 6 5K6I
071450 -  ..
071451 - For some reason the problem with the desktop menu taking 5 - 10
071452 - seconds now seems to be cleared.  It still seems slower than on c12,
071453 - but now now takes about 1 second rather than 5 - 10 seconds
071454 - previously.
071456 -  ..
071457 - Actually, that is not true, at least on the first pass after a system
071458 - boot.  Still takes about 5 seconds.  Maybe this is the specification
071459 - for an XP on a 3.2 MHz system.
071461 -  ..
071462 - Linda suggests running system diagnostics, which takes about 5 hours.
071463 -
071464 -
071465 -
071466 -
071467 -
071468 -
071469 -
071470 -
071471 -
0715 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"