440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 27, 2004 09:00 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Future Ford - 33K service and fix the left rear car door.
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0201 - Lithia Ford O-00000826 0314
020101 - Mr. George Gregory Gan O-00000826 0314
020102 - Service Lane Advisor
020104 - Service Department
Lube Oil Filter Change
Windshield Wiper Blades Replace
Multi Point Inspection
Alignment Check for Inner Tire Wear
0706 -
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000. ref SDS 3 0000.
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070810 - ..
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0711 - Progress
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071201 - Met Lisa Vier customer service rep..... 925 686 5005
071202 -
071203 - Ordered Ford standard 33K mile service.
071205 - ..
071206 - Advised the right rear door needs service to open from the inside.
071208 - ..
071209 - Lisa opened the door and showed a mechanical switch that is accessible
071210 - with the door open. This can be changed to enable people inside the
071211 - car to open the door.
071213 - ..
071214 - Lisa changed the setting, got in the backseat and closed the door.
071215 - She then opened the door from the inside without any problems. This
071216 - starts the service visit on a positive note.
071218 - ..
071219 - Millie feels the right-front-inside door latch and locking system may
071220 - need a service.
071222 - ..
071223 - Lisa will ask the mechanic to check this.
071225 - ..
071226 - We reviewed the record for the 27K mile service.
071228 - ..
071229 - Lisa noticed that Lithia overcharged at that time, because of
071230 - duplicate billing for rotating the tires, ref SDS 3 RF5O, and because
071231 - the $20 charge for the Quality Care Report is waived when customers
071232 - implement recommendations for service developed from the report
071233 - system, which was done at that time. ref SDS 3 QB3S
071235 - ..
071236 - Since Lithia is no longer in business, the customer waived recovery of
071237 - prior overbilling that was not collected at the time for some reason.
071239 - ..
071240 - Lisa will check the record of the 30K mile service to see if Lithia
071241 - followed up on its notice of discoloration in the transmission fluid,
071242 - reported on 040414. ref SDS 3 K96O
071244 - ..
071245 - Lisa introduced Scotty, the mechanic. She asked Scotty to check the
071246 - problem of "casters" reported on 040414 to be within Ford
071247 - specifications, but possibly requiring service. ref SDS 3 J19O
071249 - ..
071250 - Estimate for service $95.
071252 - ..
071253 - Lisa feels this work will be completed in time for Millie to pick up
071254 - the car at 1400 (2p).
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"