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1...Actually, per Woody's letter today, Gil should send this letter.
Communication Stop from Welch on SDS Gil Can Keep Woody Informed on
0903 -
0903 - ..
0904 - Summary/Objective
0905 -
090501 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000. ref SDS 10 0000.
090502 -
090503 - Called Gary this morning and reviewed letter on alternate brief
090504 - descriptions developed yesterday, based on Woody's proposed
090505 - construction. ref SDS 11 F18H, and mentioning pending action items on
090506 - the ASB. ref SDS 11 W28J
090508 - ..
090509 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 commenting on a copy he recieved of the
090510 - letter to Gary and to Gil, ref DIP 6 0001, proposing alternates to
090511 - the brief description proposed by Woody, and saying...
090512 -
090513 - 1. Please stop sendng me e-mail on this. Gil can keep me informed
090514 - if there is anything important I need to attend to.
090516 - ..
090517 - Woody is correct that company people should be coordinating this.
090518 -
090519 - [On 041102 request Gil to follow up on ASB and CAC
090520 - initiatives related to SDS. ref SDS 12 UQ6X
090522 - ..
090523 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Gary saying...
090524 -
090525 - 1. Just following our telecon this morning. After we talked,
090526 - received Woody's request to be out of the loop in our
090527 - discussions. He indicates preference to work with you and Gil.
090528 - It may demonstrate lack of interest in SDS process and ideas;
090529 - or, possibly there is reticence to work directly with
090530 - developers generally, perhaps related to integrity issues.
090532 - ..
090533 - 2. Still think it is worth a try to send Woody a letter along the
090534 - lines...
090535 -
090536 - *************
090537 -
090538 - 1. Woody,
090540 - ..
090541 - 2. In discussions last week on Oct 13, you indicated SDS is
090542 - different from Sharepoint, Outlook, and other programs
090543 - already in the ASB system that aid collaboration, based on
090544 - elements in your brief description you have proposed. Does
090545 - this close the issue asked by the Board on Sep 21 about
090546 - duplication and overlap. They suggested contacting you and
090547 - Sherry. Should we touch base with Sherry as well, or is
090548 - this now ready for another vote?
090550 - ..
090551 - 3. Thanks.
090553 - ..
090554 - 4. Gary
090556 - ..
090557 - Actually, per Woody's letter today, Gil should send this letter.
090558 - ref SDS 0 JW6N
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