440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 13, 2004 10:17 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Prepare SDS demonstration for Woody.


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Demonstrate SDS Prepare Examples Prior Demonstrations
Presentation Demonstration Ideas Methods

0604 -
0604 -    ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
060602 -
060603 - Developed background and suggestions to support Gary's presentation
060604 - today demonsrating SDS for Woody.
060606 -  ..
060607 - Sent Gary an email linked to this record, and placed an SDS update on
060608 - the web so that Gary and use the material if it seems helpful.
060609 -
060610 -
060611 -
060612 -
060614 -  ..
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Progress
0610 -
061001 - Gary is demonstrating SDS today for Woody.
061002 -
061003 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary with that atttaches a record he
061004 - prepared today showing an outline of issues to discuss with Woody
061005 - during the demonstration.
061007 -  ..
061008 - Main process of demonstrations is to address issues raised by the
061009 - audience.  For example, on 041004 Woody asked if SDS is like a
061010 - Contacts system. ref SDS 30 LD4P
061012 -  ..
061013 - Today, Gary can demonstrate SDS support for Contacts to...
061014 -
061015 -        1.  Identify contacts in volved in daily work, like calls,
061016 -            meetings, and documents, by listing in a uniform,
061017 -            consistent manner, controlled by the user, the people and
061018 -            organizations associated with SDS records.
061020 -             ..
061021 -            Contact records store constant information, e.g., title,
061022 -            address, social security numbers, account numbers, etc.
061024 -             ..
061025 -        2.  Provide alternate ways to contact people and organizations
061026 -            by listing name, title, work phone, home phone, cell phone,
061027 -            email, and main numbers in SDS records.
061029 -             ..
061030 -        3.  Protect confidentiality by suppressing personal data from
061031 -            common distribution.
061033 -             ..
061034 -        4.  Protect confidentiality by suppressing all Contact data
061035 -            from public distribution.
061037 -             ..
061038 -        5.  Contacts are 1 of 7 methods for finding information in
061039 -            organizational memory using SDS records, providing
061040 -            searchable fields, so that all activity with particular
061041 -            individuals can be assembled chronologically.
061043 -             ..
061044 -        6.  Contacts are integrated with Document Management to make
061045 -            logging formal correspondence fast, easy, consistent, and
061046 -            accurate.
061048 -             ..
061049 -        7.  Contacts automatically address incoming and outgoing
061050 -            correespondence with letterhead, address and salutation.
061052 -  ..
061053 - Organizational memory supports a "paperless office" metaphore.  An
061054 - example is the record on 041004 discussing the goal to expand
061055 - traditional use of "documentation" for information management into a
061056 - more powerful process of "intelligence support" based on granular
061057 - addressability and granular research using organic structure,
061058 - discussed with Woody on 041004. ref SDS 30 MJ9N
061060 -  ..
061061 - The record yesterday coordinating with UCSF to prepare for meetings on
061062 - a 2nd opinion, further illustrates using organizational memory to save
061063 - time and money by enhancing traditional methods for "case study,"
061064 - "root cause analysis," problem solving, and dispute resolution.
061065 - ref SDS 31 664N
061067 -  ..
061068 - Presentation ideas are reported on 900529. ref SDS 1 0001
061070 -  ..
061071 - SDS demonstrations given previously are listed in the record on 040907
061072 - for the prior Board hearing at Aerospace company. ref SDS 29 XO47  Other examples
061073 - of prior demonstrations....
061074 -
061075 -            [ another record, Gary demonstrated SDS to Woody.
061076 -            ref SDS 33 0001
061078 -         ..
061079 -        Mike Poremba on correlation to
061080 -        weblogs............................. 020522, ref SDS 28 0001
061082 -         ..
061083 -        Pat Lincoln at SRI.................. 010517, ref SDS 27 0001
061085 -         ..
061086 -        Henry van Eykan with SRI's
061087 -        OHS/DKR project..................... 001105, ref SDS 26 IP7F
061089 -         ..
061090 -        Cliff Joslyn, LANL.................. 000723, ref SDS 25 2205
061092 -         ..
061093 -        Dick Karpinski with SRI's
061094 -        OHS/DKR project..................... 000218, ref SDS 24 0405
061096 -         ..
061097 -        Caltrans............................ 990414, ref SDS 23 7488
061099 -         ..
061100 -        Major Blenchinger
061101 -        US Army Corps of Engineers.......... 990204, ref SDS 22 6600
061103 -         ..
061104 -        HQ US Army Corps of Engineers
061105 -        Washington, DC...................... 971202, ref SDS 21 0861
061107 -         ..
061108 -        Caltrans............................ 970926, ref SDS 20 0001
061110 -         ..
061111 -        PeopleSoft.......................... 970919, ref SDS 19 0001
061113 -         ..
061114 -        Intel............................... 970728, ref SDS 18 0001
061116 -         ..
061117 -        Chief Counsel
061118 -        SF District Office
061119 -        US Army Corps of Engineers.......... 961015, ref SDS 17 7950
061121 -         ..
061122 -        Tom Benero
061123 -        Contracting Officer
061124 -        US Army Corps of Engineers.......... 960926, ref SDS 16 8788
061126 -         ..
061127 -        Jim Scott
061128 -        Fluor Daniel........................ 960501, ref SDS 15 0001
061130 -         ..
061131 -        General Hatch, Ret
061132 -        Fluor Daniel........................ 960410, ref SDS 14 0001
061134 -         ..
061135 -        Max Blodgett
061136 -        US Army Corps of Engineers
061137 -        collaboration demonstrated.......... 960105, ref SDS 13 1902
061139 -         ..
061140 -        Doctor Busman
061141 -        SDS support for narrative
061142 -        therapy in psychology
061143 -        demonstrated........................ 951117, ref SDS 12 0001
061145 -         ..
061146 -        University Santa Clara
061147 -        pilot test using SDS for
061148 -        education, learning................. 951012, ref SDS 11 0001
061150 -         ..
061151 -        Dave Vannier, Intel
061152 -        Demonstrate SDS supports
061153 -        objectives for integrated
061154 -        management.......................... 950927, ref SDS 10 0001
061156 -         ..
061157 -        IBM executive review................ 941114, ref SDS 9 0001
061159 -         ..
061160 -        Sandia Labs in New Mexico........... 940831, ref SDS 8 6044
061162 -         ..
061163 -        PG&E................................ 940726, ref SDS 7 PQ4O,
061165 -         ..
061166 -        IBM
061167 -        OS2 Development Group............... 940725, ref SDS 6 7022
061169 -         ..
061170 -        Sandia Labs in Livermore............ 940721, ref SDS 5 0844
061172 -         ..
061173 -        SMP architects...................... 930728, ref SDS 4 0001
061175 -         ..
061176 -        Stan Mosk
061177 -        California Supreme Court............ 911130, ref SDS 3 0001
061179 -         ..
061180 -        Golden Gate University.............. 900529, ref SDS 2 0001
061181 -
061182 -
061183 -
061184 -
061185 -
061186 -
061187 -
0612 -