440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 7, 2004 04:49 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Morris asked to comment on intelligence support root cause analysis.
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0201 - Intel Corporation O-00000704 0201
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones;
Peer Review Root Cause Analysis NWO Intelligence Support Scope Repor
POIMS Difficult Understand Explanation KM Cannot Comment
Communication Metrics Peer Review
Legal Problems Need SDS for Organizational Memory
1606 -
1606 - ..
1607 - Summary/Objective
1608 -
160801 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
160802 -
160803 - Called and discussed Morris' experience using root cause analysis.
160805 - ..
160806 - Morris described doing root cause analysis on the job where folks show
160807 - up with notes and calculations, and then he has guided discussion to
160808 - discover root causes for problems, following the steps reported on
160809 - 040905, including a "fishhead"diagram method. ref SDS 12 MM9N Today,
160810 - he complained that these methods are expensive, take a lot of time,
160811 - and often fail because there is no record to analyse for discovering
160812 - causation, also reported on 040905. ref SDS 12 LV6M
160814 - ..
160815 - On 950303 Morris was frustrated about failure to capture a record that
160816 - prevented analysis of problems; at that time, he felt analysis is a
160817 - good application for SDS. ref SDS 4 3333
160818 -
160819 - [On 040920 Morris' letter confirms difficulties doing root cause
160820 - analysis. ref SDS 13 IX6K
160822 - ..
160823 - Earlier, on 921127 Morris was frustrated by failure of analysis that
160824 - results in small details escalating into major problems, but nobody
160825 - knows why, ref SDS 1 0674, because "connecting the dots" to understand
160826 - cause and effect requires a lot of painstaking and boring work,
160827 - illustrated by the record at USACE on 970723. ref SDS 8 2026 People
160828 - give up, because good management is a lot of hard work using tools
160829 - everybody likes, reported on 000307. ref SDS 10 4472
160831 - ..
160832 - Peter Drucker indicates that people give up on using good management
160833 - because communication is too complex for analysis, reported on 931130.
160834 - ref SDS 3 3851 This may be one reason Drucker says analysis is core
160835 - management responsibility. ref SDS 3 7911
160837 - ..
160838 - An example of people giving up on analysis is the report on 970123
160839 - that meetings degrade to endless conflict in shouting matches,
160840 - ref SDS 6 1111, because everyone has given up on technology to improve
160841 - management, reported on 950927. ref SDS 5 7732
160843 - ..
160844 - Another example of people giving up because analysis takes too much
160845 - time and expense, mentioned in the research Gary submitted on 040905,
160846 - ref SDS 12 FT6G, is experience at USACE reported on 981027 paying out
160847 - $20M more than required in order to avoid the bother of anaysis.
160848 - ref SDS 9 9152
160850 - ..
160851 - Today Morris, also, seemed discouraged about the viability of root
160852 - cause analysis, based on his experience doing this tedious work, per
160853 - above. ref SDS 0 0001
160855 - ..
160856 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 transmitting the record on 040905,
160857 - ref SDS 12 2S4J, and asking Morris for peer review of new scope
160858 - developed recently in NWO for intelligence support developed on 040720
160859 - in the ASB to set a standard for SDS at Boeing, ref SDS 11 6F33, and
160860 - asking Morris if the scope for root cause analysis could help address
160861 - prior problems he has encountered, per above. ref SDS 0 616I
160863 - ..
160864 - 1. The outline in NWO on "intelligence" support, ref OF 12 A56M,
160865 - has a section on "Reporting," ref OF 12 HH5L, that discusses
160866 - "root cause analysis," ref DIT 1 NK6G, as part of support for
160867 - case studies and lessons learned. ref OF 12 QP5I
160869 - ..
160870 - 2. There is a list of examples, ref OF 12 RF4M, to illustrate SDS
160871 - support for root cause analysis. ref DIT 1 RO7J
160873 - ..
160874 - 3. How do these examples relate to your experience doing RCA?
160875 - ref DIT 1 RO8G
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1609 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"