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1...further consideration of the details in your record on 040722
Future of SDS Business Model Hobby Johnson, Gary
Business Model Explicit Links Make Good Management Attractive Grows
3-layer Architecture SDS Enables Possibilities for Everyone to Work
SDS Opportunity Distribute SDS Record Improve Everybody's Memory on
Goals 2004 Improve Using SDS Learn 8 Steps Using SDS for Communicati
Linking Self-evident Benefit Enables Accurate Memory SDS Technology
Success Business Requires Salesmanship Skills for Lying Embellishmen
2009 -
2009 - ..
2010 - Summary/Objective
2011 -
201101 - Follow up ref SDS 50 0000, ref SDS 47 0000.
201102 -
201103 - A few days ago Gary called and advised he has done further work
201104 - analysing a business model for SDS, following up on his letter
201105 - reviewed on 040229, ref SDS 47 0001, and discussed again in the record
201106 - on 040324, ref SDS 50 0001
201108 - ..
201109 - Yesterday, Gary submitted an update to his SDS records, and then
201110 - called and we discussed some of them. A record we did not discuss is
201111 - additional analysis on the business model and related issues, which is
201112 - reported on 040722. ref SDS 60 0001
201114 - ..
201115 - Gary's analysis on 040722 has a link to POIMS that discusses the
201116 - opportunity to support a new professional role for intelligence,
201117 - ref SDS 60 GK4Q, and there is a general link to research Gary did
201118 - earlier, ref SDS 60 L66G, on explaining the art of story telling to
201119 - aid marketing, which is in his record on 040429. ref SDS 53 L66G
201121 - ..
201122 - This is good progress applying the eight (8) steps of Com Metrics
201123 - planned on 040102, ref SDS 40 H55F, and reported in Gary's letter on
201124 - 040402 to the M&S group. ref SDS 52 TO8V
201126 - ..
201127 - Gary's new analysis on business model and revenue can be supported by
201128 - developing correlations with his record on 040229 that addressed this
201129 - subject in some depth. ref SDS 47 0001
201131 - ..
201132 - At that time on 040229, review showed that Gary has developed quite a
201133 - few records that relate to the future of SDS based on understanding
201134 - what SDS does that people care about, as set out in his record on
201135 - 030413, and reviewed on 030416. ref SDS 35 7P5F This background still
201136 - seems critical to analysis on the future of SDS by addressing Gary's
201137 - important questions on 020217, ref SDS 31 425M, in light of Gary's
201138 - powerful letter on 011006 explaining the need for SDS support on the
201139 - job. ref SDS 27 O99K
201140 -
201141 -
201143 - ..
201144 - Propose Defer Full Discussion of Business Model Until 040901
201145 -
201146 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 with preliminary comments on Gary's record
201147 - for 040722 and saying...
201148 -
201149 - 1. There is an update on my records with a few SDS fixes that don't
201150 - need explanation, because they don't do anything new.
201152 - ..
201153 - 2. On your record dated 040722, you called yesterday to discuss
201154 - business model issues. ref SDS 60 0001
201156 - ..
201157 - 3. Since there are only two (2) of us working the problem, and
201158 - since we have a strategy and plan, reviewed with your prior
201159 - letter on business model issues submitted 040229. ref SDS 47
201160 - 886M, and since there are a large number of tasks to get SDS
201161 - links active and to prepare the ASB filing, I suggest we defer
201162 - further consideration of the details in your record on 040722
201163 - until OA 040901. You have set out important analysis, which
201164 - requires careful review toward charting a course of action.
201165 -
201166 - [On 040829 planning for review on 040901. ref SDS 63 0001
201168 - ..
201169 - 4. Targeting a time frame of 040901 for further discussion,
201170 - permits focusing on getting things done in the near term,
201171 - without sacrificing quality of the work, which otherwise
201172 - jeopardizes success, nor, as well, without avoiding the urgency
201173 - of considering your views on business model, etc.
201175 - ..
201176 - 5. With respect to preparing for review in the 040901 time frame,
201177 - it would help to integrate analysis on 040722 with your prior
201178 - work on 040229, per above, and also with original thinking on
201179 - business model reported on 000802, in relation to Clay
201180 - Christensen's book on disruptive technology, "The Innovator's
201181 - Dilemma," reviewed on 990527, ref SDS 2 KS4O, which was
201182 - previously discussed on 040229 in connection with a 3-layer
201183 - architecture. ref SDS 47 5Z9L
201185 - ..
201186 - 6. How does new business model planning on 040722 relate to your
201187 - research on 040508, which found language and leadership are
201188 - powerful forces that drive culture? ref SDS 54 0001
201189 -
201190 - [On 040811 Gary notes command and control of language in
201191 - SDS records helps people learn better command and control
201192 - of daily work by incorporating language that explains and
201193 - demonstrates the power of knowledge through "intelligence
201194 - support" defined in NWO, implements 3-layer architecture
201195 - for transformation. ref SDS 62 UG7O
201197 - ..
201198 - [On 040829 reviewed Gary's analysis to prepare for
201199 - discussions on future of SDS. ref SDS 63 P36L
201201 - ..
201202 - 7. How does content in the article on language and leadership,
201203 - ref DRP 4 0001, relate to the Aerospace company leadership video reported
201204 - in your record yesterday, on 040723? ref SDS 61 VE8K Does the
201205 - SDS record and the Com Analyst role support the concept of
201206 - leadership as a "conductor" empowering talented people to do a
201207 - better job, ref SDS 61 US45, similar to the analogy of a pilot
201208 - helping a lot of talented people reach their destination by
201209 - making the journey through Knowledge Space fast and easy,
201210 - reviewed recently on 040709. ref SDS 58 RH9L
201212 - ..
201213 - 8. I know this is a lot of stuff. We can discuss it this morning if
201214 - time permits. I am leaving to visit Morris OA 1000.
201215 -
201216 -
201217 -
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201219 -
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2013 -