440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 10, 2004 01:47 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Gary submits response from Architecture Committee on SDS.

2...SDS Rejected on Speculation of Adding to Information Overload
3...Technology Aggregates Information for No Particular Reason
4...Useless Information Piling Up in Computers for No Particular Reason
5...Reason Connects the Dots Converts Useless Information into Knowledge
6...Common Sense Solution Information Overload Delete Information
7...Useless Information Cannot be Found When Needed for Performing Work
8...Slippery Slope Sloppy Work Information Overload Common Sense Delete
9...Information Overload Common Sense Solution Delete Intellectual Capital
10...Intelligence Added to Information Creates Useful Knowledge
11...Information Used Often is a Good Definition of Useful Information
12...Useless Information Should be Deleted When Information Cannot be Used
13...Finding Information Quickly Critical Factor for Useful Information
14...Language and Experience Powerful Ingredients to Change Culture
15...Experience Associated with Language Changes Culture and Attitudes
16...AR 1269 Screening Memo company Architecture Committee Approving SDS
17...Screening Memo AR 1269 Architecture Committee Approving SDS Standard
18...Architecture Committee Vote and Rationale on SDS for company Standard
19...Vote and Rationale on SDS for company Standard Architecture Committee
20...Examples Approved Lanuage company Softare Standards
21...Company Softare Standards Examples of Approved Lanuage

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
2...There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
3...There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
4...There is possible application to SDS for this field;
5...There is possible application to SDS for this field by listing


Information Overload Feels SDS Organization of the Record for Organi

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 49 9855, ref SDS 48 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Received a letter from Gary transmitting an email from a member of the
040504 - Architecture Committee explaining grounds for voting against the SDS
040505 - proposal. ref SDS 0 H46J  This later turned out to be part of another
040506 - file submitted later that contained the vote of the full Architecture
040507 - Committee approving SDS. ref SDS 0 T66G  Gary, also, submitted
040508 - examples of two software standards proposals that have been approved
040509 - and are posted on the company intranet. ref SDS 0 0X5F  Gary and Gil
040510 - plan to use the examples to fill out the ASB form for an online filing
040511 - of an SDS software standard. ref SDS 0 9T8F
040512 -
040513 -        [On 040709 submitted 1st draft of ASB to Gary at company.
040514 -        ref SDS 55 0001
040515 -
040516 -
040517 -
040519 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - SDS Rejected on Speculation of Adding to Information Overload
040902 -
040903 - Received a letter from Gary with feedback from a member of the
040904 - Architecture Committee who voted against approving SDS as a company
040905 - standard.
040906 -
040907 -     [...below, the language in Gary's letter shown as an email, is
040908 -     actually part of a file, ref SDS 0 Y86R, that has the full record
040909 -     of the Architecture Committee voting to approve SDS. ref SDS 0
040910 -     T66G
040912 -      ..
040913 -     [On 040615 followed up. ref SDS 53 0001
040915 -  ..
040916 - Following analysis may help initiate dialog with Susan and others
040917 - considering SDS at the company by addressing the opportunity to
040918 - advance from technology, that causes information overload, to SDS that
040919 - enables the power of knowledge for working intelligently, as explained
040920 - in POIMS, ref OF 3 1X6G, with the understanding that learning the
040921 - benefits of SDS only really comes through experience that gives
040922 - meaning to the language in POIMS, NWO, etc., under Gary's research on
040923 - language and culture reported on 040508, ref SDS 47 568F, and
040924 - discussed again yesterday. ref SDS 52 0001
040926 -  ..
040927 - Gary says today...
040937 -         ..
040938 -    3.  Here is the response from the one person who rejected SDS
040939 -        during the initial vote.
040940 -
040941 -             [On 040615 received a letter with a number of files, and
040942 -             one was the full response of the Architecture Committee,
040943 -             including the one rejection, which Gary reports today.
040944 -             ref SDS 53 R57W  For context the full document is reported
040945 -             below in this record, ref SDS 0 T66G, even though it was
040946 -             actually received on 040615.
040948 -         ..
040949 -    4.  What he says is true, it is just that I fail to see the
040950 -        problem.
040952 -         ..
040953 -    5.  Thanks,
040955 -         ..
040956 -    6.  Gary
040958 -
040959 - **************************************************
040961 -         ..
040963 -        Subject:  AR 1269, Schedule Diary System Importance: High
040964 -
040965 -
040967 -  ..
040968 - Technology Aggregates Information for No Particular Reason
040969 - Useless Information Piling Up in Computers for No Particular Reason
040970 - Reason Connects the Dots Converts Useless Information into Knowledge
040971 -
040972 - company Board Member says...
040973 -
040974 -    8.  It sounds to me from the description that [SDS] software would
040975 -        result in an aggregation of information; ie: too much
040976 -        information being stored on the computer. I am painfully aware
040977 -        that [company] has a problem in aggregating data, whether that
040978 -        can be sorted, or if it just retained for no particular reason.
040979 -
040980 -           [On 041001 "aggregation" is also associated with data mining
040981 -           that presents a risk that some people will invest time for
040982 -           connecting the dots to discover important secrets from
040983 -           information that otherwise seems innocuous and "useless" at
040984 -           the moment. ref SDS 58 5767
040986 -            ..
040987 -           [On 060408 study finds information in unread email is piling
040988 -           up on computers because nobody is adding energy that
040989 -           "connects the dots" of cause and effect for converting
040990 -           information into the power of knowledge. ref SDS 63 6O6O
040992 -  ..
040993 - The board member recognizes information overload is a growing problem,
040994 - because "too much information... is piling up in computers, filing
040995 - cabinets, and desk drawers for no particular reason," and offers a
040996 - common sense, intuitive solution:  when too much of something exists,
040997 - delete the part that lacks a reason to be retained.  This is a good
040998 - working definition of "useless information."
041000 -  ..
041001 - This sound reasoning justifies opposing technology that causes
041002 - information to be saved for "no particular reason," thus rendering it
041003 - useless.   How does SDS fit this criteria?
041005 -  ..
041006 - On 040312 order, structure, pattern comprise logical analysis.
041007 - ref SDS 43 RP6K  Locality principle requires energy to connect cause
041008 - and effect that converts information into the power of knowledge; hard
041009 - work without tools for intelligence support; information overload
041010 - drives management toward entropy that makes email a "killer
041011 - application" that kills productivity, reviewed lectures on 21st
041012 - century science. ref SDS 43 YH4G
041013 -
041014 -
041015 -
041016 -
041053 -  ..
041054 - SDS does not require nor automatically force people to produce, nor to
041055 - save anything.  SDS provides new tools and functions that add value to
041056 - information people decide is important, and thus reduces information
041057 - overload in the following ways...
041058 -
041059 -    1.  SDS makes creating and organizing information fast and easy, so
041060 -        that people have more time to work on other tasks, because
041061 -        everything is in the right place at the right time.
041063 -         ..
041064 -    2.  SDS makes finding information when needed fast and easy
041065 -        because everything is in the right place at the right time.
041067 -         ..
041068 -    3.  SDS makes connecting information into chronologies based on
041069 -        context fast and easy, so that people are reminded of important
041070 -        relationships in time to be effective, i.e., to avoid mistakes
041071 -        and to sieze opportunities to be creative and productive.
041073 -  ..
041074 - Far from "aggregating" "useless information for no particular reason,"
041075 - which is a common problem using conventional tools (IT), per above,
041076 - ref SDS 0 FF8V, noted, as well, by Bill Gates at Microsoft on 021108,
041077 - ref SDS 39 EF5I, SDS makes information useful for "connecting the
041078 - dots" to accurately understand context, and to access critical details
041079 - for getting things done correctly, on time and within budget.  Placing
041080 - information in the context of objectives, requirements and commitments
041081 - sets criteria for saving some information and not saving "useless
041082 - information."  In short, the difference between "useless" and "useful"
041083 - is information that is used routinely. However, when people cannot
041084 - find information for doing the work, it quickly falls out of use, and
041085 - merely takes up storage space.  SDS solves this problem, as reported
041086 - on 010916. ref SDS 30 0001
041087 -
041088 -        [On 041001 "aggregation" is also associated with data mining
041089 -        that presents a risk that some people will invest time for
041090 -        connecting the dots to discover important secrets from
041091 -        information that otherwise seems innocuous and "useless" at the
041092 -        moment. ref SDS 58 5767
041094 -  ..
041095 - For example, information in this record is generated in order to
041096 - understand objections to SDS, and to assemble evidence over the past
041097 - 20 years showing that SDS technology makes reasoning fast and easy by
041098 - providing command and control of the work using "intelligence" from
041099 - creating organizational memory, as set out in POIMS, ref OF 7 1113,
041100 - cited in the proposal to the Architecture Committee, see 040426.
041101 - ref SDS 46 6W6I  Once formulated, this explanation is saved for the
041102 - purpose of helping others address future concerns, explained in POIMS
041103 - for recycling intellectual capital. ref OF 6 G15N
041105 -  ..
041106 - Thus, criteria to evaluate information technology (IT) is not readily
041107 - effective for evaluating SDS to perform knowledge work.
041109 -  ..
041110 - How should SDS be evaluated?  What is the criteria?
041111 -
041112 -
041113 -
041114 -
0412 -

Useful Information Retained for a Particular Reason Used Often Where
Email Destroyed Deniability Wriggle Room Flexibility Deniability Avo
Useful Information Retained for a Particular Reason company Architect

1005 -
100601 -  ..
100602 - Common Sense Solution Information Overload Delete Information
100603 - Useless Information Cannot be Found When Needed for Performing Work
100604 - Slippery Slope Sloppy Work Information Overload Common Sense Delete
100605 - Information Overload Common Sense Solution Delete Intellectual Capital
100606 -
100607 - Board member continues...
100608 -
100609 -        But what is really needed is a tool for eliminating data that
100610 -        is not useful. While it may be argued that automating the
100611 -        organization of information is a first step in the information,
100612 -        I feel that this tool does not guarantee that any data will be
100613 -        eliminated (so far that needs to be done interactively and not
100614 -        by some automated tool). And merely organizing diary
100615 -        information for reference will have a profound effect toward
100616 -        accumulation (aggregation) in any database. That's why I voted
100617 -        against it.
100618 -
100619 -            [On 040720 SDS converts useless information into the power
100620 -            of knowledge, explained in ASB filing on Business Case.
100621 -            ref SDS 56 DM58
100623 -  ..
100624 - On 040312 review of lectures on 21st century science found that order,
100625 - structure, pattern comprise logical analysis. ref SDS 44 RP6K  The
100626 - locality principle requires energy to connect cause and effect that
100627 - converts information into the power of knowledge; hard work without
100628 - tools for intelligence support; information overload drives management
100629 - toward entropy that makes email a "killer application" that kills
100630 - productivity, reviewed lectures on 21st century science. ref SDS 44
100631 - YH4G
100633 -  ..
100634 - The call to eliminate useless information piling up in computers is a
100635 - common sense solution for the growing problem of information overload;
100636 - when people do not have time to find critical details for performing
100637 - the work, information is not used, and so becomes useless, described
100638 - above. ref SDS 0 FF8V, citing Microsoft's project to fix the problem,
100639 - reported on 021108. ref SDS 39 EF5I  Engineers and research scientists
100640 - working on the OHS/DKR project sponsored by SRI in 2000, under Doub
100641 - Engelbart's leadership often made similar proposals, illustrated by
100642 - Gary's letter on 011222 calling for "pruning" history that "extends
100643 - too far back." ref SDS 33 FT5G
100645 -        ..
100646 -       [On 040720 ASB filing to set SDS standard at company develops
100647 -       business case for intelligence that converts "useless"
100648 -       information into knowledge. ref SDS 56 DM58
100650 -  ..
100651 - This rationale has been eagerly adopted by CEOs and corporate lawyers
100652 - anxious to justify policies to delete information from computers in
100653 - order to maintain wriggle room for avoiding accountability, i.e., to
100654 - cover up rather than to correct and improve. On 991021 organizations
100655 - openly advocated a policy of destroying the record, and, thus,
100656 - greasing the slippery slope of sloppy work that compounds the problem
100657 - of erroneous organizational memory, which then accelerates mistakes
100658 - that greatly increase liability, for which the policy of deleting
100659 - information is intended to avoid. ref SDS 18 2695 Earlier, on 980405
100660 - this concern was reviewed, ref SDS 14 5065, based on prior discussion
100661 - with California Supreme Court Justice Stanley Mosk on 911130.
100662 - ref SDS 3 0001
100664 -  ..
100665 - A key criteria the Board Member cites for eliminating "data" and
100666 - "information" is "useful." ref SDS 0 CT4L  Usefulness is not a static
100667 - question, but rather is constantly evolving with the dynamics of
100668 - changing context from one day to the next.  Using SDS is a powerful
100669 - new weapon for managing dynamic contex, generally called more simply
100670 - "context management."  Concurrent discovery from investing
100671 - intellectual capital, explained in POIMS, ref OF 5 1101, is a core
100672 - management process using SDS that supports Communication Metrics,
100673 - developed on 960620. ref SDS 9 1101
100675 -  ..
100676 - Information that is not useful today, may be very useful to address
100677 - new situations that occur tomorrow, next week, next month or next
100678 - year, when connected to other information that is not yet available.
100679 - Accordingly, deleting information presents an incalculable risk of
100680 - destroying intellectual capital, defined in POIMS, ref OF 5 1101,
100681 - that is needed to save time, money and lives.
100683 -  ..
100684 - The disconnect to bridge between the two (2) worlds of information and
100685 - knowledge, that drives the call for deleting useless information is
100686 - reflected in Eric Armstrong's emotional cry against saving information
100687 - in the archives, because he had no tools nor experience for making
100688 - information useful....
100689 -
100690 -        Hates archives.................... 000824, ref SDS 25 7O9I
100692 -  ..
100693 - But why??????
100695 -         ..
100696 -        Cannot find anything
100697 -        in the archives................... 010916, ref SDS 31 KA6H
100699 -  ..
100700 - So what if nobody can find anything???
100702 -         ..
100703 -        Information overload
100704 -        paralyzes productivity............ 011003, ref SDS 32 EC5N
100706 -  ..
100707 - Since Eric was working on a project to develop a dynamic knowledge
100708 - repository, reported on 000324, ref SDS 21 2079, he would be expected
100709 - to grasp the opportunity for using knowledge tools that make
100710 - information useful; and, yet, despite directed effort, the meaning of
100711 - "knowledge" remained unknown, not only to Eric, reported o 000503,
100712 - ref SDS 22 5033, but to the entire team, reported a month later on
100713 - 000615. ref SDS 23 6271  If skilled experts, who have invested a lot
100714 - of time for study in school and on the job, are overwhelmed by the
100715 - task, then those, who have not had time to learn, cannot be expected
100716 - to step nimbly across the rubicon to embrace a culture of knowledge.
100717 -
100718 -
100719 -
1008 -

Intelligence Added to Information Creates Useful Knowledge

1103 -
110401 -  ..
110402 - Intelligence Added to Information Creates Useful Knowledge
110403 - Information Used Often is a Good Definition of Useful Information
110404 - Useless Information Should be Deleted When Information Cannot be Used
110405 - Finding Information Quickly Critical Factor for Useful Information
110406 -
110407 - The core issue to address is how to distinguish useful information
110408 - that should be stored on computers, in order to delete only useless
110409 - information, as everyone desires?  Nobody wants to delete useful
110410 - information from the computer, because then nobody can use it.
110412 -  ..
110413 - Generally, things that are not used, come to be regarded as "useless,"
110414 - because things that get a lot of use are deemed useful.  An example is
110415 - a pair of shoes.  We might wear a favorite pair everyday, and so we
110416 - feel they are useful, but another pair in the back of the closet that
110417 - are never used, might be eventually given to the Good Will in hopes
110418 - these shoes can be useful for someone else.
110419 -
110420 -       [On 040720 ASB filing to set SDS standard at company develops
110421 -       business case for intelligence that converts "useless"
110422 -       information into knowledge. ref SDS 56 DM58
110424 -  ..
110425 - This criteria is effective for evaluating information stored on
110426 - computers.  Clearly, a computer architecture that prevents access to
110427 - use information, soon accumulates a lot of useless information, as the
110428 - member of the company Architecture Committee laments. ref SDS 0 CT4L
110430 -  ..
110431 - This lament aligns directly with Eric's complaint, that information in
110432 - the archives will never see the light of day, to justify deleting
110433 - information, since information that is not accessible is not "useful."
110434 - Reporting on 960406 shows that Eric's frustration from experience not
110435 - being able to find information on a computer is commonly shared by
110436 - many, ref SDS 8 4249, including engineers, managers and executives at
110437 - company, Microsoft, Lockheed, Harvard, MIT, Cal Tech, NASA, the CIA,
110438 - Bechtal, etc., etc.  On 021108 Bill Gates planned to solve this
110439 - problem by improving Microsoft technology, so that people can find
110440 - mission critical information on the computer. ref SDS 39 EF5I
110442 -  ..
110443 - This may help frame the issue before the company Architecture
110444 - Committee.
110446 -  ..
110447 - Suppose, SDS technology provides an architecture that accomplishes
110448 - Microsoft's goal to help people find information simply by remembering
110449 - the gist of the story, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 6 KH8J
110451 -  ..
110452 - Would better personal and organizational memory that expands span of
110453 - attention be a reasonable criteria for making information useful that
110454 - is currently useless because nobody can find anything on the computer
110455 - using information technology, so everybody forgets critical details
110456 - under the common rule...
110457 -
110458 -                      Out of sight of out mind?
110460 -  ..
110461 - Morris, mentioned this problem that SDS solves on 921127. ref SDS 4
110462 - 0674
110464 -  ..
110465 - Suppose further, that SDS provides a range of functionality that
110466 - augments intelligence for making connections, which, in turn, make
110467 - information useful for understanding cause and effect that enables
110468 - people to predict future consequences with greater accuracy, based on
110469 - knowledge of past history, also, explained in POIMS.
110471 -  ..
110472 - Would these these two (2) capabilities convert useless information
110473 - into useful knowledge aggregated on computers to get things done
110474 - quickly and accurately for saving time, money and lives...
110475 -
110476 -        1.  Fast and easy access applying flexible, organic structure,
110477 -            explained on 890523. ref SDS 1 P13O
110479 -             ..
110480 -        2.  Knowledge of cause and effect for accurately predicting
110481 -            future consequences, by applying good management practice
110482 -            to maintain an audit trail showing traceability to original
110483 -            sources, reported on 950721. ref SDS 7 1740
110485 -  ..
110486 - Up until now, the idea, the notion, the concept of converting useless
110487 - information into useful knowledge by investing intellectual capital
110488 - for working intelligently to get things done on time and within budget
110489 - to save time, money and lives, as set out in POIMS, ref OF 5 1101, has
110490 - been regarded as funny, foreign and alien, noted at Intel on 990713,
110491 - ref SDS 16 2150, and so is disbelieved, like turning "water into wine,"
110492 - and "turning straw into gold," set out in NWO. ref OF 14 42HC
110494 -        ..
110495 -       [On 040720 ASB filing to set SDS standard at company develops
110496 -       business case for intelligence that converts "useless"
110497 -       information into knowledge. ref SDS 56 DM58
110498 -
110499 -
110500 -
110501 -
1106 -

Experience Associated with Language Changes Culture and Attitudes

1203 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - Language and Experience Powerful Ingredients to Change Culture
120403 - Experience Associated with Language Changes Culture and Attitudes
120404 -
120405 - In recent years attitudes of reservation, fear and denial that
120406 - technology can augment intelligence with effective personal and
120407 - organizational memory have begun to change, illustrated by Eric
120408 - Armstrong's change of heart reported on...
120410 -          ..
120411 -      •  SDS enables amazing memory........... 010916, ref SDS 30 0001
120412 -      •  SDS is useful for better memory...... 020530, ref SDS 36 Y89F
120413 -      •  Opposition has been changed
120414 -         into advocacy for SDS................ 020924, ref SDS 38 RN40
120416 -  ..
120417 - What changed Eric's attitude about relying on SDS for organizational
120418 - memory?
120420 -  ..
120421 - Two (2) years of experience seeing information, on a computer with
120422 - SDS, was not useless, but rather was used over and over again, and
120423 - again and again, illustrated by this record drawing on information
120424 - extending over a period of fifteen (15) years.
120426 -  ..
120427 - Over the past 18 months, a similar body of experience has begun to
120428 - emerge at the Aerospace company, initially for a small group, reported
120429 - in the annual review on 040102. ref SDS 42 UO6T
120431 -  ..
120432 - How we can we leverage the faith of a few to empower the broader
120433 - corporate body at company to gain experience for discovering the
120434 - secret of converting useless information into the power of knowledge?
120435 - In particular, how can we allow the experiment of SDS to go forward in
120436 - a meaningful way, so that the reason might prevail, based on actual
120437 - experience, rather than rely on how a particular group words sounded
120438 - on a particular day, and thereby give company a chance to advance from
120439 - information technology (IT), that piles up mountains of useless
120440 - information, because nobody can find anything, to a culture of
120441 - knowledge that enables "amazing" personal and organizational memory
120442 - for improving productivity and earnings, because everything is in the
120443 - right place at the right time?
120444 -
120445 -
120446 -
120447 -
1205 -

Vote Rationale on SDS for Aerospace company Standard Architecture Commi  ee       13
Attended 1st Hearing on SDS Voted to Accept Advancing in Process Woo
ASB Meeting Minutes SDS Voted Accept SDS to Advance in Process
Attended 1st Hearing on SDS Voted to Accept Advancing in Process Woo

1806 -
180701 -  ..
180702 - AR 1269 Screening Memo company Architecture Committee Approving SDS
180703 - Screening Memo AR 1269 Architecture Committee Approving SDS Standard
180704 - Architecture Committee Vote and Rationale on SDS for company Standard
180705 - Vote and Rationale on SDS for company Standard Architecture Committee
180706 -
180707 - Follow up ref SDS 48 HZ4M.
180708 -
180709 - Following report on results of Architecture Committee hearing was
180710 - received on 040615, as part of other documents on developing SDS as a
180711 - company standard, ref SDS 53 R57W, per analysis above. ref SDS 0 FF6V
180712 -
180713 -    1.  Screening Memo - AR# 1269
180714 -        Title: Schedule Diary System
180716 -         ..
180717 -        Lead Board: company Desktop Standards Board
180719 -         ..
180722 -         ..
180723 -        Date:05/12/2004
180724 -        Voting Record:
180725 -
180736 -  ..
180737 - This recognizes that SDS applies to several "boards."
180738 -
180739 -          [On 041101 CAC rejects SDS for "Product Statement of
180740 -          Direction" with limited distribution, refers SDS to EEPC KM
180741 -          subgroup for companywide standard.  Woody does not plan to
180742 -          oppose this position. ref SDS 60 CC82
180744 -           ..
180745 -          [On 060306 notice of committee members listed on Internet.
180746 -          ref SDS 61 VO7F
180748 -           ..
180749 -          [On 060307 responded by initially removing the record from
180750 -          the Internet, ref SDS 62 VO7F; and then modified this record
180751 -          to provide "case study' representation. ref SDS 62 4Q6M
180753 -  ..
180754 - Screening Memo continues...
180755 -
180762 -        (Possibly duplicates Outlook functionality, especially Outlook
180763 -        2003.)
180765 -  ..
180766 - This is a common perception when people do not have experience with
180767 - SDS; raising "concerns," without rejecting, is positive sign that
180768 - supports Andy Grove's call reported on 980307 for people to pilot test
180769 - by experiementing, ref SDS 13 3416, in order to test "possibilities"
180770 - rather than reject that then then forecloses discovery through
180771 - experience.
180773 -  ..
180774 - Screening Memo continues...
180784 -         ..
180785 -    6.  It sounds to me from the description that this software would
180786 -        result in an aggregation of information; ie: too much
180787 -        information being stored on the computer. I am painfully aware
180788 -        that company has a problem in aggregating data, whether that can
180789 -        be sorted, or if it just retained for no particular reason.
180790 -        But what is really needed is a tool for eliminating data that
180791 -        is not useful. While it may be argued that automating the
180792 -        organization of information is a first step in the information,
180793 -        I feel that this tool does not guarantee that any data will be
180794 -        eliminated (so far that needs to be done interactively and not
180795 -        by some automated tool). And merely organizing diary
180796 -        information for reference will have a profound effect toward
180797 -        accumulation (aggregation) in any database. That's why I voted
180798 -        against it.
180800 -  ..
180801 - This comment is reviewed above. ref SDS 0 FF8V
180802 -
180803 -
180804 -
180805 -
1809 -

Proposal ASB SDS Architecure Requirements Gary Gil Collaborate to Pr
Sample Format Language for Approved Software Aerospace company Commerci   Airpl   20

3404 -
340501 -  ..
340502 - Examples Approved Lanuage company Softare Standards
340503 - Company Softare Standards Examples of Approved Lanuage
340504 -
340505 - Follow up ref SDS 48 YE3P.
340506 -
340507 - Gary submitted two (2) files that illustrate the format and language
340508 - used for software programs that have been approved as company
340509 - standards.
340510 -
340511 -     [On 040818 ASB diagram shows steps in filing process.
340512 -     ref SDS 57 R15N
340514 -  ..
340515 - Gary explained that the formal proposal for an SDS standard must be
340516 - filed by preparing online forms.  He will prepare the language for the
340517 - various fields, and then meet with Gil who has been approved for
340518 - accessing and filling out the forms, per planning reported on 040513.
340519 - ref SDS 48 YE3P
340520 -
340521 -          [On 040615 Gary submits initial draft for ASB. ref SDS 53
340522 -          Y55R
340524 -  ..
340525 - The two (2) sample ASB files are for...
340526 -
340527 -    a.  company Commercial Airplanes Architecture & Standards Bulletin,
340528 -        ref OF 17 0001
340530 -         ..
340531 -    b.  Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) - Product Standard,
340532 -        ref OF 18 0001
340533 -
340534 -          [On 040625 Gary called and reviewed the work today and shown
340535 -          below on developing language of a filing for ASB on the SDS
340536 -          program, based on the samples received from Gary today.
340537 -          ref SDS 54 0232
340539 -  ..
340540 - These files have some similarities, and, also, significant differences
340541 - in the way common fields are used.  This suggests some lattitude in
340542 - preparing a standards file for SDS.
340544 -  ..
340545 - Can we contact the reviewing authority to discuss the range of
340546 - latitude for providing an effective standard for knowledge tools?
340547 -
340548 -    In discussion with Gary on 040625, decided to foregoe investigation
340549 -    at this time, and submit an initial standard.  Edits can update the
340550 -    language based on reaction from company.
340551 -
340552 -        [On 040709 submitted 1st draft of ASB to Gary at company.
340553 -        ref SDS 55 0001
340555 -  ..
340556 - Resources for language to prepare the Architectural Standards Bulliten
340557 - on SDS comes from...
340558 -
340559 -        1.  Rod's record..................... 040513, ref SDS 48 GV6N
340560 -
340561 -        2.  Gary's record.................... 040525. ref SDS 50 0001
340563 -               ..
340564 -              [On 040615 Gary submits initial draft for ASB.
340565 -              ref SDS 53 746I
340567 -  ..
340568 - The records on 040513 and on 040525 are comprehensive requirements,
340569 - which seem to be more than is contemplated for this exercise of filing
340570 - a proposal for SDS to be an architectural standard.
340571 -
340572 -        3.  Record of email to
340573 -            to Gary on....................... 040615, ref SDS 53 746I
340575 -             ..
340576 -            Foundational docs................ 049615, ref SDS 53 TS7J
340578 -             ..
340579 -            Relationship between
340580 -            organizational memory and
340581 -            collaboration.................... 040615, ref SDS 53 R68U
340583 -             ..
340584 -            Doug Engelbart and Jeff
340585 -            Conklin on Organizational
340586 -            memory........................... 040615, ref SDS 53 R73W
340588 -  ..
340589 - Comparing use of fields offers ideas for preparing a standards file
340590 - for SDS...
340591 -
340592 -          [On 040625 Gary called and reviewed the work today and shown
340593 -          below on developing language of a filing for ASB on the SDS
340594 -          program, based on the samples received from Gary today.
340595 -          ref SDS 54 0232
340596 -
340597 -    1.  Published.
340598 -
340599 -        a.  Company Commercial Airplanes Architecture & Standards
340600 -            Bulletin, ref OF 17 0001
340602 -             ..
340603 -        b.  Companywide Architecture & Standards Bulletin,
340604 -            ref OF 18 0001
340606 -         ..
340607 -        Differences in this field suggest there are different Standards
340608 -        Bulletins where a standards file for SDS could be published.
340610 -         ..
340611 -        It would help to investigate and determine Standards Bulletins
340612 -        where SDS might be published, and examine entries to see how
340613 -        other approved software has been described.  In this case, the
340614 -        standard for Sharepoint might be applicable. ref OF 17 PPPX
340615 -        This file talks about "collaboration," which evidently was
340616 -        mentioned during the hearing as a target for SDS support.
340618 -         ..
340619 -        At this time there is nothing in the record showing which
340620 -        standards bulletin might publish SDS.
340621 -
340622 -          [On 040625 Gary submitted the actual ASB form that will be
340623 -          used to prepare a filing for SDS, and it does not contain
340624 -          this field. ref SDS 54 SW5I
340626 -         ..
340627 -        Do we now have evidence on this matter?
340628 -
340629 -           Gary has decided to publish SDS in the Products Standards
340630 -           Bulletin.
340631 -
340633 -         ..
340634 -    2.  Preferred Application
340635 -
340636 -        a.  User Interface - Architecture Statement of Direction,
340637 -            ref OF 17 SM3L
340638 -
340639 -        b.  { field for this heading...}
340641 -         ..
340642 -        What is the significance of a standards file having a field
340643 -        that is not used in another standards file?   Does this mean
340644 -        some fields are required and others are optional.  Can the
340645 -        proposal create fields as needed, or are there established
340646 -        fields for different types of standards?
340647 -
340648 -          [On 040625 Gary the actual ASB form that will be used to
340649 -          prepare a filing for SDS, and it does not contain this field.
340650 -          ref SDS 54 SW5I
340652 -         ..
340653 -        This sounds like content would describe types of activity for
340654 -        using SDS, as follows...
340656 -         ..
340657 -        "Preferred Application"
340659 -             ..
340660 -            Preparing and reporting results on meetings, calls,
340661 -            correspondence, engineering, marketing and operations
340662 -            activities where accurate connected history on daily
340663 -            working information is needed for understanding cause and
340664 -            effect, and to plan future work in order to save lives,
340665 -            time and money, and to accumulate lessons learned for
340666 -            decision support and training.
340667 -
340669 -         ..
340670 -    3.  Product???
340671 -
340672 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
340674 -             ..
340675 -        b.  Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) - Product Standard,
340676 -            ref OF 18 PPPX
340678 -         ..
340679 -        There is no "Product" field in either standards file, however,
340680 -        there is a line in the Sharepoint file with the language in
340681 -        para b, and there is no comparable line in the BCA standards
340682 -        file.  Not sure if the "Product" field was accidentally
340683 -        omitted, since there seems to be a field name for everything
340684 -        else.
340686 -         ..
340687 -        Below, the Sharepoint file has a field for Component/Product.
340688 -        ref SDS 0 LD7Q
340690 -         ..
340691 -        "Product"
340692 -
340693 -            Schedule Diary System (SDS) and Communication Metrics -
340694 -            Product and Services Standards
340695 -
340697 -         ..
340698 -    4.  Limited Deployment
340699 -
340700 -        a.  (Print Version)
340701 -            ref OF 17 PPPY
340703 -             ..
340704 -        b.  {...field for this heading, but no content...}
340705 -            ref OF 18 PPQQ
340706 -
340707 -        "Limited Deployment" sounds like a field for describing the
340708 -        current evalution status of SDS.
340709 -
340710 -            SDS was approved by company Procurement on 040328 for a no
340711 -            cost evalution covering a period of one (1) year to support
340712 -            Communication Metrics.  Current deployment is on the  combat
340713 -            project in the M&S group.
340715 -         ..
340716 -        This field might be omitted in the actual explanation.
340717 -
340719 -         ..
340720 -    5.  Standards Declaration
340721 -
340722 -        a.  The Web is the preferred alternative for implementing an
340723 -            application user interface. A detailed rationale included
340724 -            in the OE Document (Opportunity Evaluation) and available
340725 -            on request is required for those applications requiring a
340726 -            variance. ref OF 17 SMQU
340728 -             ..
340729 -        b.  Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) is the Virtual
340730 -            Team Room (VTR) collaboration tool for only internal company
340731 -            use. This product is a team or project web site which
340732 -            serves as a central repository for agendas, minutes,
340733 -            documents, contacts, tasks, discussions, and surveys.
340734 -            ref OF 18 PPQT
340736 -         ..
340737 -        This seems like a common field that would be useful for SDS.
340738 -
340739 -        "Standards Declaration"
340741 -             ..
340742 -            Schedule Diary System (SDS) meets POIMS, ref OF 3 0001,
340743 -            requirements for "intelligence," ref OF 3 0367, to perform
340744 -            the eight (8) steps of Communication Metrics, listed on
340745 -            001219, ref SDS 26 4W4L, that enable accurate understanding
340746 -            and timely follow up on daily working information delivered
340747 -            through a web browser with granular addressability.  SDS
340748 -            flexible structures for hierachial and relational data
340749 -            bases are integrated with interoperability for
340750 -            collaboration in meetings, calls and documents.  Adding a
340751 -            standard of "metrics" for accurate communication drives
340752 -            command and control of the work, ref OF 7 1113, users
340753 -            contribute to a knowledge repository for organizational
340754 -            memory that automatically constructs an audit trail showing
340755 -            traceability to original sources.  Product design prompts
340756 -            users with reminders that expand span of attention.
340757 -            Finding accurate, relevant information is fast and easy,
340758 -            ref OF 6 KH8J, by drawing on organizational memory, based
340759 -            on authorized permissions.  Timely, accurate and relevant
340760 -            information focused on current context is essential for
340761 -            collaboration, and implements DOD standards in the Federal
340762 -            Acquisition Regulations (FAR), reviewed on 020504,
340763 -            ref SDS 35 XV7L, and industry standards in ISO for good
340764 -            management practices, reviewed on 950721, ref SDS 7 1740,
340765 -            to save lives, time and money.
340766 -
340767 -               [On 040625 applied this language to ASB form submitted
340768 -               by Gary. ref SDS 54 5I6F
340770 -         ..
340771 -        This declaration associates SDS with standards, which could be
340772 -        defined under a section for FAQs, shown below. ref SDS 0 JX5J
340773 -        The "Standards Declaration" discusses the following...
340775 -                 ..
340776 -            1.  Intelligence augmented by technology
340777 -
340778 -                Set standard for an intelligence role in business to
340779 -                "connect the dots" of cause and effect.  Introduce idea
340780 -                of "augmenting intelligence," with integrated set of
340781 -                tools and functions to create and manipuate data bases
340782 -                for people, processes and time, rather than relying on
340783 -                "artificial intelligence," based on POIMS that defines
340784 -                five (5) common business practices to organize, align,
340785 -                analyse, summarize, give and get feedback. ref OF 3
340786 -                0367  Provides a more robust use for intelligence than
340787 -                the popular notion of military spies obtaining
340788 -                "secrets" from enemies, because SDS enables openly and
340789 -                proactively using analysis to discover secrets hidden
340790 -                in plain sight for saving lives, time and money, from
340791 -                friendly forces at daily business meetings, as set out
340792 -                in POIMS. ref OF 4 V8P1
340794 -                 ..
340795 -            2.  Communication Metrics
340796 -
340797 -                Set standard for adding business metrics of alignment
340798 -                to daily communication that complements cost and
340799 -                schedule control.  Implements proposal to Architecture
340800 -                Committee, reviewed on 040426, ref SDS 46 6W6I, based
340801 -                on the evaluation contract with company, reported on
340802 -                040317, ref SDS 45 KM3K, to perform scope of services
340803 -                specified by USACE, ref DRP 4 4929, and summarized by
340804 -                eight (8) steps listed on the wall in Gary's office at
340805 -                company, and, also, in the record on 001219. ref SDS 26
340806 -                4W4L
340808 -                 ..
340809 -            3.  Collaboration
340810 -
340811 -                Set standard for the "intelligence" component of
340812 -                collaboration to ensure accurate understanding by
340813 -                connecting the dots using traceability to original
340814 -                sources that complements work product created with
340815 -                other tools and processes by ensuring accuracy and
340816 -                alignment with objectives, requirements and commitments
340817 -                in time for people to take effective action, reviewed
340818 -                on 040513. ref SDS 48 YE9U
340820 -                 ..
340821 -            4.  Individual support
340822 -
340823 -                Introduces concept of POIMS of integrating personal and
340824 -                organizational memory, ref OF 3 01TU, which Gary has
340825 -                explained many times reflects the fact that knowledge
340826 -                begins with individuals, which can then be contributed
340827 -                to organizational memory to facilitate collaboration.
340829 -                 ..
340830 -            5.  Knowledge Repository
340831 -
340832 -                Introduces a new term for a data base that stores
340833 -                something called "knowledge" which contains connections
340834 -                of cause and effect based on the organic structure of
340835 -                context, where everything is in the righ place at the
340836 -                right time, which is different from information
340837 -                repositories, where people cannot find anything.
340839 -                 ..
340840 -            6.  Enterprise support
340841 -
340842 -                Set standard for personal and organizational memory
340843 -                component of enterprise management that provides a
340844 -                common story so everyone can work "intelligently" by
340845 -                taking complementary action, rather than rely on
340846 -                personal recall that causes error, conflict, crisis and
340847 -                calamity, as set out in NWO. ref OF 11 IH7L
340849 -                 ..
340850 -            7.  Organizational Memory
340851 -
340852 -                Standards for Knowledge Repository and Enterprise
340853 -                support explain the scope of "organizational memory,"
340854 -                which is further described by "Knowledge Space" to
340855 -                complement dimensional space, explained in POIMS,
340856 -                ref OF 3 034J, for providing a flexible structure that
340857 -                makes the "organization" component of "intelligence,"
340858 -                ref SDS 0 TV4K, fast and easy for determining where to
340859 -                store information, which, in turn, makes finding
340860 -                information fast and easy to save lives, time and
340861 -                money, because everything is in the right place at the
340862 -                right time.
340864 -                 ..
340865 -            8.  Traceability to Original Sources
340866 -                Audit Trail
340867 -                Connecting the Dots Showing Cause and Effect
340869 -                 ..
340870 -                Standards for alignment practices stated in different
340871 -                ways meet company objectives discussed in a recent
340872 -                meeting on 040602, ref SDS 51 AG8I, and further
340873 -                required by industry standards for project management
340874 -                published by ISO, reviewed on 950721, ref SDS 7 1740,
340875 -                and also meet regulations for work company performs
340876 -                under government contracts subject to Federal
340877 -                Acquisition Regulations (FAR), reviewed on 020504.
340878 -                ref SDS 35 XV7L
340879 -
340881 -         ..
340882 -    6.  Business Unit Variations
340883 -
340884 -        a.  NONE, ref OF 17 PPQX
340885 -
340886 -        b.  NONE, ref OF 18 E123
340888 -         ..
340889 -        No evident application to SDS.
340890 -
340891 -        "Business Unit Variations"
340893 -         ..
340894 -        NONE [or leave it out to shorten the standards document]
340896 -         ..
340897 -    7.  Component/Product
340898 -
340899 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
340900 -
340901 -        b.  Windows SharePoint Services (WSS),
340902 -            ref OF 18 PPRW
340904 -         ..
340905 -        This is actually the missing field shown above, which was
340906 -        plugged to fit the format for the product name. ref SDS 0 EB4J
340908 -         ..
340909 -        Inclination is to put the product field above, since that
340910 -        provides a name for identification at the beginning of the
340911 -        process.
340912 -
340914 -         ..
340915 -    8.  Version
340916 -
340917 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
340918 -
340919 -        b.  2.0, ref OF 18 PPSR,
340920 -
340921 -        "Version"
340922 -
340923 -            4.6 for SDS
340924 -
340926 -         ..
340927 -    9.  Manufacturer
340928 -
340929 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
340930 -
340931 -        b.  Microsoft, ref OF 18 PPST
340932 -
340933 -        "Manufacturer"
340934 -
340935 -            The Welch Company
340936 -
340938 -         ..
340939 -   10.  AR Number
340940 -
340941 -        a.  None, ref OF 17 PPRQ,
340942 -
340943 -        b.  1130, ref OF 18 PPTR
340945 -         ..
340946 -        According the files received today, SDS has an AR....
340947 -
340948 -        "AR Number"
340949 -
340950 -            1269, ref SDS 0 T66G
340952 -         ..
340953 -   11.  Bulletin ID
340954 -
340955 -        a.  BCA-BCAASC-1322-0, ref OF 17 PPRT
340956 -
340957 -        b.  CW-AIAB-1252-0, ref OF 18 PPTW
340959 -         ..
340960 -        There is nothing in the record showing a Bulletin ID for SDS,
340961 -        per Architecture Committee record of proceedings. ref SDS 0
340962 -        T66G
340963 -
340964 -               [On 040625 Gary submitted the actual ASB filing that
340965 -               will be used for SDS, and it has a Bulletin ID.
340966 -               ref SDS 54 VQ7I
340967 -
340969 -         ..
340970 -   12.  Scope
340971 -
340972 -        a.  BCA Application systems with user interfaces for humans.
340973 -            Machine interfaces and sensor interfaces are out of scope.
340974 -            ref OF 17 PPRW
340975 -
340976 -        b.  This Windows SharePoint Services Service offering is for
340977 -            internal company usage only (VPN). ref OF 18 IQUR
340979 -         ..
340980 -        This seems like a common field that would be useful for SDS.
340981 -
340982 -        "Scope"
340983 -
340984 -            SDS supports Communication Metrics for timely, accurate
340985 -            intelligence within Boing, and between company and its
340986 -            customers, vendors and partners.  Accuracy throughout all
340987 -            lines of communication is essential over the lifecycle of
340988 -            relevance to safety, productivity and earnings.  SDS
340989 -            supports command and control of the record to protect
340990 -            company financial, legal and social interests. ref OF 7 1113
340991 -
340992 -               [On 040625 applied this language to ASB form submitted
340993 -               by Gary. ref SDS 54 YZ4O
340994 -
340996 -         ..
340997 -   13.  Description
340998 -
340999 -        a.  Rich Client interfaces such as native Windows clients and
341000 -            X-windows interfaces, should be restricted to application
341001 -            requiring a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get, such as
341002 -            solid modeling) interfaces or client only applications.
341003 -            All other applications should use the Web Browser as their
341004 -            user interface unless they can document a strong business
341005 -            case, which must be included in the OE. ref OF 17 F134
341007 -             ..
341008 -        b.  Windows SharePoint Services is a web based collaboration
341009 -            tool. Agendas, minutes, documents, project plans, contacts,
341010 -            tasks, discussions, and surveys are located at a central
341011 -            respository. This product integrates with MS Office
341012 -            /Outlook and style sheet-based publishing. Security checks
341013 -            authentication via a user's NT ID and does not check
341014 -            additional attributes for authorization to access sensitive
341015 -            material. ref OF 18 PPUX
341017 -         ..
341018 -        This seems like a common field that would be useful for SDS to
341019 -        present the explanation on 040426. ref SDS 46 6W6I  Some of the
341020 -        work on 040527, ref SDS 48 GV6N, and Gary's record on 040525
341021 -        develops language for describing SDS. ref SDS 50 0001
341023 -         ..
341024 -        "Description"
341025 -
341026 -            Schedule Diary System (SDS) integrates time and information
341027 -            to aid construction, accuracy and memory of "knowledge"
341028 -            that improves traditional work using information technology
341029 -            (IT).  Support for "knowledge", ref OF 3 0367, aids
341030 -            learning, research, planning, meetings, calls and
341031 -            collaboration to get things done, illustrated in the
341032 -            Typical Day Scenario. ref OF 9 0001
341033 -
341034 -               [On 040625 applied this language to ASB form submitted
341035 -               by Gary. ref SDS 54 OP4J
341037 -             ..
341038 -            Authorities both extol and decry that common literacy
341039 -            (reading and writing) aids memory by constructing a linear
341040 -            dimenional space for information.  Alphabet technology that
341041 -            enables literacy, reported on 991108, ref SDS 19 5628,
341042 -            makes people superhuman by accurately remembering far
341043 -            beyond innate mental capacity.  The printing press was
341044 -            credited as the greatest invention for the past millenium,
341045 -            reported on 991010, ref SDS 17 2548, for launching
341046 -            migration of literacy into information technology (IT)
341047 -            using typewriters, libraries, filing cabinets,
341048 -            wordprocessing, spreadsheets, data bases, graphics, email
341049 -            and the Internet. SDS expands the linear model of
341050 -            information technology (IT) by adding dimensions for time
341051 -            and context that integrate personal and organizational
341052 -            memory.  This new multi-dimensional Knowledge Space,
341053 -            ref OF 3 034J, augments "intelligence" for understanding
341054 -            causation from experience that accumulates repetitive
341055 -            patterns of sequence.  SDS converts information into
341056 -            knowledge by organizing personal experience into a
341057 -            continual chronology of organizational history that
341058 -            inherently imparts cause and effect, based on the organic
341059 -            structure of context.
341061 -             ..
341062 -            SDS organic structures apply common classification methods
341063 -            for accounting, WBS, taxonomy, ontology and subject
341064 -            indexing for finding relevant details quickly, when needed,
341065 -            because everything is in the right place at the right time
341066 -            much more often than conventional methods support,
341067 -            illustrated by the record on 010916. ref SDS 30 0001
341069 -             ..
341070 -            In the same way that alphabet technology enables a practice
341071 -            of literacy, where people learn rules and skills to craft,
341072 -            preserve and get information, SDS technology supports new
341073 -            rules and skills for a practice of Communication Metrics to
341074 -            craft, preserve and retrieve connections of cause and
341075 -            effect that make information useful for getting things
341076 -            done.  Like turning straw into gold, with commonly
341077 -            available browser support, SDS delivers useful intelligence
341078 -            from otherwise useless information, so that everyone can
341079 -            work from a common story that makes sense of complex
341080 -            details and expands span of attention to grasp
341081 -            correlations, implications and nuance in time to take
341082 -            effective action.  The power of knowledge derived from a
341083 -            few continually expanding personal and organizational
341084 -            memory enables all to perform daily work that aligns with
341085 -            objectives, requirements and commitments using common
341086 -            information technologies.
341088 -             ..
341089 -            Rules and skills using the Schedule Diary System (SDS)
341090 -            enable people to routinely perform the eight (8) steps of
341091 -            Communication Metrics, listed on 001219, ref SDS 26 4W4L,
341092 -            for command and control of the work. ref OF 7 1113
341093 -            Business metrics for communication complement tools and
341094 -            practices for cost and schedule control, and common
341095 -            information technologies for wordprocessing, spreadsheets,
341096 -            calendars, email, etc.  SDS makes contemporaneous capture
341097 -            and continual use of critical details fast and easy by
341098 -            applying situational awareness in a flexible structure for
341099 -            organizing all sources in a multi-dimensional Knowledge
341100 -            Space. ref OF 3 034J
341102 -             ..
341103 -            Creating "intelligence" by "connecting the dots" from daily
341104 -            meetings, calls and documents applies a unique system of
341105 -            granular addressability for navigating within Knowledge
341106 -            Space to discover cause and effect in time to avoid
341107 -            problems and sieze opportunity.  This capability is evident
341108 -            in this ASB standards form, where fields and narrative are
341109 -            identified with explicit links that make creating
341110 -            connections fast and easy for everyone, including those who
341111 -            do not use SDS.  Accuracy is a common metric of
341112 -            communication for routine verfication by "alignment."  SDS
341113 -            positions organizational memory in the right place at the
341114 -            right time by automatically constructing an audit trail
341115 -            showing both alignment and when work begins to drift off
341116 -            course.  Custom links can be created within a few seconds
341117 -            that show traceability to original sources in customer
341118 -            requirements, contracts, policy, bulletins, specifications
341119 -            and other common instruments.  Accurate memory of causation
341120 -            based on a common story that makes sense of related
341121 -            background drives collaboration, planning and decision
341122 -            support over days, weeks, months and years, so that people
341123 -            take complementary action that avoids mistakes, otherwise
341124 -            due to information overload that spawns misunderstanding
341125 -            and conflicting interpretations. SDS granular addressablity
341126 -            and interoperability make listening, learning and
341127 -            leadership effective by solving information overload with a
341128 -            body of connections that grows continually over days, weeks
341129 -            and years into a repository of knowledge, where patterns
341130 -            and trends are discovered in time to take effective action
341131 -            on saving lives, time and money. Analysis and summaries
341132 -            support innovation, creativity and discovery, using case
341133 -            studies and root cause analysis for lessons learned that
341134 -            flow naturally from chronologies based on SDS organic
341135 -            structures that manage context, so that planning and
341136 -            performance using other tools and processes can be aligned
341137 -            with company objectives, requirements and commitments.
341138 -
341139 -               [On 040625 applied this language to ASB form submitted
341140 -               by Gary. ref SDS 54 OP4J
341141 -
341143 -         ..
341144 -   14.  Background
341145 -
341146 -        a.  The intent is to have minimal deployment cost for
341147 -            applications and to have applications work on multiple
341148 -            platforms.  Our expectation for application interfaces is
341149 -            approximately 75% of applications would have a web
341150 -            interface with no installation effort or cost and they
341151 -            would work across all operating systems and machine types.
341152 -            The next 20% would have a mimimal installation requirement,
341153 -            which could be automated through a web download or SMS
341154 -            automated push. The last 5% would be full native client
341155 -            applications that would require administrative privileges
341156 -            to install. ref OF 17 PPTS
341158 -             ..
341159 -        b.  A Virtual Team Room (VTR) team composed of representatives
341160 -            from all Business Units defined requirments for a VTR
341161 -            product. Request for Proposals were sent to vendors with
341162 -            our requirements. The team reviewed the responses and down
341163 -            selected products. Vendors demoed their products, the VTR
341164 -            team made recommendations. This information was presented
341165 -            to the ISPC, which approved funding for deployment.
341166 -            ref OF 18 PPVY
341168 -         ..
341169 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS....
341170 -
341171 -        "Background"
341172 -
341173 -            Requirements for "communication," "intelligence" and
341174 -            "knowledge" support are commonly described in industry
341175 -            standards and government regulations as "documentation,"
341176 -            "alignment," "audit trail," and traceability to original
341177 -            sources.  Continual failure to achieve meaningful results
341178 -            over many centuries is summarized on the job by complaints
341179 -            about bureaucracy, nobody cares, nobody listens, paperwork
341180 -            not enough time to think, and information overload, which
341181 -            leads to acrimony and finger pointing in meetings, because
341182 -            nobody can point to relevant support in the record of daily
341183 -            work, reported 020217. ref SDS 34 9360  The only consistent
341184 -            application of "alignment" to understand causation is in
341185 -            the legal profession, which is very slow and expensive,
341186 -            i.e., moving beyond traditional information methods is a
341187 -            lot of hard work, reported on 000307. ref SDS 20 5362
341188 -            Background reported on July 23, 2000 shows that SDS emerged
341189 -            to meet these common requirements for technology to make
341190 -            "intelligence" support on the job fast, easy and effective.
341191 -            ref SDS 24 0008
341193 -             ..
341194 -            In 2002 company was awarded a major contract by the Defense
341195 -            Department to lead the government's project on developing
341196 -            Future Combat Systems (combat).  A major objective of the  combat
341197 -            project is improving communication, command and control,
341198 -            intelligence, surveillance and reconnosence, summarized as
341199 -            "CFISR."  Ideas were discussed on January 21, 2003 for
341200 -            applying CFISR to manage the work in the Models and
341201 -            Simulations Group, reported on 030123, ref SDS 40 KT93,
341202 -            which has the lead in developing theory and guidance on
341203 -            making CFISR a practical reality for our customer.  SDS was
341204 -            tried unofficially for about a year, and found effective.
341205 -            In March 2004 company Procurement issued a
341206 -            no cost evaluation contract to study SDS for a year.  Since
341207 -            at this time, SDS offers unique support for organizational
341208 -            memory, it sets a standard for evaluating this new
341209 -            solution for applying technology to support "intelligence"
341210 -            by converting information into knowledge.
341211 -
341213 -         ..
341214 -   15.  Business Case/Drivers
341215 -
341216 -        a.  Rich Client interfaces often require touch labor to install
341217 -            on the desktop, and must be updated as the application
341218 -            changes. Trouble shooting problems often will require
341219 -            re-installation of the client. Further, because of changes
341220 -            to the desktop every few years, rich clients often have to
341221 -            be re-developed every 4-6 years. All this adds to cost of
341222 -            deploying and operating rich client applications.  Web
341223 -            application interfaces have much lower costs, which are
341224 -            generally limited to costs related to changes to server
341225 -            side technologies or browser technologies. ref OF 17 PPUV
341227 -             ..
341228 -        b.  company business units have described a need for a web-based
341229 -            virtual team collaboration tool . The product is to be used
341230 -            Enterprise-wide to support projects teams, new product
341231 -            programs, and other meetings to share information anywhere.
341232 -            ref OF 18 IQ80
341234 -         ..
341235 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS....
341236 -
341237 -        "Business Case/Drivers"
341238 -
341239 -            SDS support for Communication Metrics drives command and
341240 -            control of the work based on situational awareness that
341241 -            lifts productivity and earnings, because "knowledge" is a
341242 -            significantly stronger solution than information for
341243 -            getting things done correctly, on time and within budget.
341244 -            US Army Corps of Engineers applied SDS in 1996 and reported
341245 -            a study showing savings exceed the cost of Communication
341246 -            Metrics support by about 10 to 1. ref DRP 5 0001
341248 -             ..
341249 -            company business units describe a need for an effective
341250 -            system of organizational memory to reduce mistakes by
341251 -            solving information overload that causes loss of
341252 -            productivity and earnings.  Authorities report ability of
341253 -            contemporary organizations to remember the past is very
341254 -            weak, on 010420. ref SDS 27 IE4M  Daily working information
341255 -            piles up in computers, filing cabinets and archives that
341256 -            overwhlem human span of attention, causing meaning drift,
341257 -            where people remember critical details differently.  When
341258 -            communication in meetings, calls and documents is not
341259 -            aligned with objectives, requirements and commitments,
341260 -            because nobody can find relevant information at the time it
341261 -            is needd, then mistakes, loss and conflict result in
341262 -            constant crisis. Information that is not used reduces
341263 -            command and control of the work to entropy, rather than add
341264 -            value for our customers.  While company is not alone
341265 -            suffering this national pandemic, reported by CBS News on
341266 -            980412 during a broadcast of the 60 Minutes program,
341267 -            ref SDS 15 0001, SDS positions company to lead in turning
341268 -            otherwise useless information into mission critical
341269 -            knowledge and ideas that benefit our customers by applying
341270 -            objectives for CFISR to daily management on the job.  The
341271 -            business case for organizational memory to add intelligence
341272 -            that converts information into the power of knowledge is
341273 -            the opportunity to turn straw into gold.
341274 -
341276 -         ..
341277 -   16.  Evaluation
341278 -
341279 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341281 -             ..
341282 -        b.  An RFP was supported by an Enterprise-wide team with
341283 -            representation from all Business units. This team was
341284 -            formed to determine requirements and select a virtual team
341285 -            room product. This endevour completed 4th quarter of 2002
341286 -            with SharePoint as the recommended product. ref OF 18 IQ59
341288 -         ..
341289 -        Evaluation is discussed in "Background," per above, ref SDS 0
341290 -        SH6F, and so might be omitted in SDS standards file.
341292 -         ..
341293 -        Actually, this field is explained in the ASB form as links to
341294 -        testimonials.
341295 -
341296 -           PG&E......................... 950111, ref SDS 5 0001
341297 -
341298 -           DNRC, Wayne Wetzel........... 010725, ref SDS 29 0001
341300 -            ..
341301 -           USACE intelligence........... 970418, ref SDS 11 3368
341303 -            ..
341304 -           USACE cost savings........... 971008, ref SDS 12 0001
341306 -            ..
341307 -           SRI unique KM................ 020729, ref SDS 37 4K6G
341308 -
341310 -         ..
341311 -   17.  Audience
341312 -
341313 -        a.  BCA Application Architects and Application Developers.
341314 -            ref OF 17 SMVX
341316 -             ..
341317 -        b.  Project teams, organization information sharing, groups
341318 -            requiring collaboration. ref OF 18 IQ68
341320 -         ..
341321 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS....
341322 -
341323 -        "Audience"
341324 -
341325 -            Executive and legal support, projects and teams are typical
341326 -            consumers of "intelligence" for planning, progress and
341327 -            action item review, collaboration, decision support, case
341328 -            studies, root cause analysis and lessons learned.  SDS is
341329 -            typically applied by an experienced analyst, who can write
341330 -            an effective story that makes sense of daily working
341331 -            information with action items and links showing alignment
341332 -            to relevant history, objectives, requirements and
341333 -            commitments.  SDS work product is delivered via email
341334 -            and/or web browser to empower everyone with a common story
341335 -            of organizational memory for getting things done, so that
341336 -            people take complementary action, explained in NWO,
341337 -            ref OF 11 4077, rather than cause havoc, loss and conflict
341338 -            by going in different directions. Feedback from the
341339 -            audience continually refines accuracy of the record.
341340 -            ref OF 6 0X6H
341341 -
341342 -                [On 041025 proposed revision to Audience field.
341343 -                ref SDS 59 ZO7O
341345 -         ..
341346 -   18.  Affected Environment
341347 -
341348 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341350 -             ..
341351 -        b.  This is an Enterprise-wide Service hosted on servers
341352 -            supported by SSG Collaboration Infrastructure Services.
341353 -            ref OF 18 SQ3J
341355 -         ..
341356 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS, however, since
341357 -        the intranet support is not yet in place, we may not want to
341358 -        support this field at this time.  We could say something
341359 -        like...
341360 -
341361 -        "Affected Environment"
341362 -
341363 -            Organizational memory is an Enterprise-wide Service that
341364 -            can be hosted on servers supported by SSG Collaboration
341365 -            Infrastructure Services.
341366 -
341368 -         ..
341369 -   19.  Service Level
341370 -
341371 -            a.  { field for this heading...}
341373 -                 ..
341374 -            b.  A, ref OF 18 IR34
341376 -         ..
341377 -        There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
341378 -        require investigation with Susan.
341379 -
341381 -         ..
341382 -   20.  Component Manager
341383 -
341384 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341386 -             ..
341387 -        b.  ****, Phyllis, ref OF 18 IR46
341389 -         ..
341390 -        There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
341391 -        require investigation with Susan.
341392 -
341394 -         ..
341395 -   21.  Product Tower
341396 -
341397 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341399 -             ..
341400 -        b.  Messaging, ref OF 18 IR4E
341402 -         ..
341403 -        There is no evident application to SDS for this field; may
341404 -        require investigation with Susan.
341405 -
341407 -         ..
341408 -   22.  Procurement Type
341409 -
341410 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341412 -             ..
341413 -        b.  Enterprise-wide License, ref OF 18 IR54
341415 -         ..
341416 -        There is possible application to SDS for this field;
341417 -        inclination is omit at this time.  Evantually, enterprise-wide
341418 -        license seems like the best solution for company, but at this
341419 -        time it would be difficult to develop a procurement on the cost
341420 -        issue.
341421 -
341423 -         ..
341424 -   23.  Export License
341425 -
341426 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341428 -             ..
341429 -        b.  NOT REQUIRED, ref OF 18 IR5F
341431 -         ..
341432 -        This seems like a field that can be used for SDS....
341433 -
341434 -        "Export License"
341435 -
341436 -            Not Required
341437 -
341439 -             ..
341440 -   24.  Procurement Focal
341441 -
341442 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341444 -             ..
341445 -        b.  *******, Eric T, ref OF 18 IR64
341447 -         ..
341448 -        There is possible application to SDS for this field by listing
341449 -        Jacki Hotard; but prefer to omit at this time based on last
341450 -        contacts.
341451 -
341453 -         ..
341454 -   25.  Technical Contacts
341455 -
341456 -        a.  Daniel M*****,
341457 -            BCA Presentation Layer Lead Architect,
341458 -            ****************company*com, ref OF 17 PPWT
341459 -
341460 -        b.  Phyllis **** 425 ***-****
341461 -
341462 -            Ky ******* 425 ***-****, ref OF 18 IR6H
341464 -         ..
341465 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS....
341466 -
341467 -        "Technical Contacts"
341468 -
341469 -            Gil *********
341470 -
341472 -         ..
341473 -   26.  Implementation Requirements
341474 -
341475 -        a.  Browser Neutrality is a requirement for Web Interfaces.
341476 -            ref OF 17 PPXQ
341477 -
341478 -        b.  Users must use Internet Explorer 5.01 or greater.
341479 -            ref OF 18 IR85
341481 -             ..
341482 -            WSS has been certified for Blockpoint 1 and Blockpoint 2
341483 -            users. ref OF 18 TL8O
341485 -             ..
341486 -            Many features have been optimized for the use with Office
341487 -            2003, which has not been made a Standard at this time.
341488 -            ref OF 18 GL9H
341490 -         ..
341491 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS....
341492 -
341493 -        "Implementation Requirements"
341494 -
341495 -            Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP are preferred platforms for
341496 -            SDS, along with Internet Explorer 5.01 or greater to
341497 -            support interoperability with the broadest range of other
341498 -            tools.
341499 -
341501 -         ..
341502 -   27.  FAQs
341503 -
341504 -        a.  WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get. ref OF 17 0388
341505 -
341506 -        b.  { field for this heading...}
341508 -         ..
341509 -        This seems like a good field for explaining SDS terminology,
341510 -        illustrated by the example for information technology
341511 -        acronyms, e.g., WYSIWYG.
341512 -
341513 -        "FAQs"
341514 -
341515 -            [...above, are listed terminology for Knowledge Management,
341516 -            ref SDS 0 TV4I
341517 -
341519 -         ..
341520 -   28.  Deployment Plan
341521 -
341522 -        a.  { field for this heading...}
341523 -
341524 -        b.  Pilot and Controlled Introduction until April 2004 at which
341525 -            time server capacity will be increased to support the
341526 -            Enterprise. ref OF 18 IR9E
341528 -         ..
341529 -        This seems like a good field for explaining considerations on
341530 -        deploying SDS for Communication Metrics.
341531 -
341532 -        "Deployment Plan"
341533 -
341534 -            SDS support for intelligence, knowledge and organizational
341535 -            memory to provide Communication Metrics is a new way of
341536 -            working that requires transformation through
341537 -            experimentation, similar to the way cost and schedule
341538 -            control systems were introduced in the 1950s.  As Andy
341539 -            Grove, CEO at Intel, explains, in the beginning only a few
341540 -            people "get it" -- in this case that useful "metrics" can
341541 -            be fashioned for seemingly amorphous communication to
341542 -            improve productivity and earnings because communication
341543 -            with oneself, and with others is 90% of the work people do
341544 -            in management, research, marketing, engineering and other
341545 -            professional disciplines.
341547 -             ..
341548 -            Since only a few people need to actually use SDS in order
341549 -            for teams, projects and departments to benefit, deployment
341550 -            entails identifying a few SDS application implementors
341551 -            (SAI) to learn Communication Metrics.
341553 -             ..
341554 -            SDS was successfully deployed on company's  combat project by a
341555 -            senior engineer with 40 years experience working on major
341556 -            projects, which yielded understanding about weaknesses in
341557 -            management and communication, and, also, fostered
341558 -            commitment to work on improvement.  This individual had
341559 -            done independent study to appreciate the opportunity for
341560 -            improvement and the difficulty of realizing meaningful
341561 -            change.  This person was confident in ability to learn new
341562 -            tools and possessed good writing skills from experience
341563 -            preparing requirements, specifications, meeting minutes and
341564 -            similar tasks for many years.  Therefore key requirements
341565 -            are experience and writing skills.  Computer skills and
341566 -            expertise in the work of the project are helpful, but not
341567 -            needed for Com Metrics, since doing Com Metrics shortly
341568 -            makes the SAI sufficiently "expert" to produce a useful
341569 -            record of organizational memory.
341571 -             ..
341572 -            A younger person (under 40) can be succssful using SDS, but
341573 -            in most cases will require support of someone senior in
341574 -            order to work through challenges from the learning curve
341575 -            and withstand cultural resistance when people begin getting
341576 -            a new work product, illustrated by the record on 961017.
341577 -            ref SDS 10 PS4F  Older people tend to be better grounded
341578 -            and posses experience that elevates the importance of
341579 -            accurate intelligence sufficient to overcome emphemeral
341580 -            frustrations learning to retool skills and to handle
341581 -            criticism about record content diplomatically, without
341582 -            being deterred from creating organizational memory.
341584 -             ..
341585 -            Senior people are generally more likely able to find a
341586 -            voice for the team and for leadership that is constructive,
341587 -            analytical and helpful rather than personal, declarative
341588 -            and combative. The weight of the record will become a
341589 -            powerful force, and so should be delivered without passion
341590 -            or prejudice.  Accordingly, if a younger person is selected
341591 -            for the SAI it should be in a situation where the record is
341592 -            reviewed by a senior person prior to distribution, so that
341593 -            person is prepared to field questions that will arise in
341594 -            the beginning.
341596 -             ..
341597 -            Typically, "hard money" contracts are good places to deploy
341598 -            SDS in the beginning, because there is value at risk, that
341599 -            is obvious to all, which provides a clear target for Com
341600 -            Metrics to generate savings.  In large departments and on
341601 -            cost-plus contracts, many people feel they have no way to
341602 -            influence earnings, so accurate communication on internal
341603 -            management is unnecessary overkill, reported on 890809.
341604 -            ref SDS 2 0880  On contracts that require deliverables for
341605 -            a fixed amount in a specified time, more people tend to
341606 -            feel the pressure to perform, and so welcome support that
341607 -            shines the light of "intelligence" on the other fellow.
341608 -            This is especially so on projects that are in "trouble,"
341609 -            and need to be turned around.
341611 -             ..
341612 -            Saving the company money has a way of converting people to
341613 -            a new way of working, illustrated by endorsements from
341614 -            senior staff at USACE, ref DRP 4 5543, and this eases the
341615 -            transition to a new way of working.
341617 -             ..
341618 -            It is estimated that under these guidelines that SDS would
341619 -            be fully deployed using Com Metrics at company over a period
341620 -            of about 10 years.
341621 -
341622 -
341623 -
341624 -
341625 -
341626 -
341627 -
341628 -
341629 -
341630 -
3417 -