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1...We need to know when the various sections in the bible began to be
New Testament Bible Written 30 Years After Crucifixion Jesus Researc
Robin Submits Research from Back of Bible Showing New Testament Writ
0604 -
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000, ref SDS 1 FL6T.
060602 -
060603 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Robin following up the letter on 040427
060604 - saying she would research the time when the new testament was written.
060605 - ref SDS 2 0H5Q
060607 - ..
060608 - Robin says today...
060610 - 1. ..
060611 - I'm enclosing information you had asked me about. I am
060612 - definitely not a historian. However, I did copy the dates of
060613 - when the Bible books were written and completed from the inside
060614 - back of my Bible. I hope this helps answer your question.
060615 - There would be more extensive information available but I
060616 - personally don't have a complete library. I do however have
060617 - access through friends of mine. The Watchtower Bible and Tract
060618 - Society has a CD available to anyone in order to make research
060619 - easier. I am going to order one now that my computer is up and
060620 - running.
060622 - ..
060623 - The attached document looks like a copy from the back of her bible
060624 - and has two sections...
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060626 - Table of the Books of the Bible.
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060628 - 1. Books of the Hebrew Scriptures before the Common
060629 - (Christian) era.
060631 - ..
060632 - 2. Books of the Greek Scriptures Written During the Common
060633 - (Christian) Era
060635 - ..
060636 - This section shows...
060637 - Date
060638 - Book Writer Place Completed Time Covered
060639 - BC CE
060640 - Mathew Mathew Palestine 41 2 - 33
060641 - Mark Mark Rome 60 65 29 - 33
060642 - Luke Luke Caesarea 56 58 3 - 33
060643 - John John Ephesus 98 After prologue
060644 - 29 - 33
060645 - Romans Paul Corinth 56
060646 - James James Jerusalem 62
060647 - Jesus'
060648 - brother
060650 - ..
060651 - Peter Peter Babylon 62 64
060652 - Jude Jude Palestine 65
060653 - Jesus'
060654 - brother
060656 - ..
060657 - Research on the Internet at...
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060660 -
060661 - ...shows a timeline that indicates...
060662 -
060663 - Jesus of Nazareth is believed
060664 - to have been crucified in
060665 - Jerusalem......................... 30
060667 - ..
060668 - Saul of Tarsus, formerly a rabbi
060669 - and enemy of Christianity,
060670 - converts to the new Christian
060671 - faith and became known as Paul.
060672 - (Acts 9).......................... 34 - 35
060674 - ..
060675 - Paul traveled to Asia Minor and
060676 - Cyprus, establishing churches
060677 - and writing the earliest epistles
060678 - which would became part of
060679 - the New Testament canon........... 40 - 51
060681 - ..
060682 - Paul composed his epistle to
060683 - the Thessalonians - the
060684 - earliest known New Testament
060685 - writing........................... 49
060687 - ..
060688 - Q was possibly written,
060689 - (German: Quelle, meaning
060690 - "source") a hypothetical
060691 - Greek text used in writing
060692 - of Matthew and Luke............... 65
060694 - ..
060695 - Mark earliest known gospel,
060696 - was probably composed............. 70
060698 - ..
060699 - Gospel of Matthew was probably
060700 - composed.......................... 80 100
060702 - ..
060703 - Gospel of John was probably
060704 - composed.......................... 100 - 125
060706 - ..
060707 - This record suggests that some sources indicate Mathew wrote his
060708 - section in the year 41. If Jesus was executed in the year 30, then
060709 - Mathew was written only 11 years later. However a second source,
060710 - indicates Mathew was written from about 80 - 100, or from 50 to 70
060711 - years after Jesus was executed. Seems to be differences in
060712 - scholarship.
060714 - ..
060715 - We need to know when the various sections in the bible began to be
060716 - cited? This practice is discussed in NWO on the meaning of
060717 - "religion," and so would like some authority. ref OF 12 4723 When did
060718 - the practice of people citing "chapter and verse" begin to emerge?
060719 - Was this part of the original material by Mathew, Luke, Peter, ect.,
060720 - or was it added when the Bible was updated by King James 1200 years
060721 - later, or is it only a modern practice?
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