440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 30, 2003 09:32 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Continual learning for new realities in 21st century noted by Tofflers.
........Audit Requirements for Keeping Audit Trail to Increase Taxes
........Intelligence Increases Taxes and Disposable Income
........Increase Taxes and Income Add Intelligence to Management
........Enforce Requirements for Good Management Increases Tax Revenue
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Continual Learning Enabled by SDS Supported by Tofflers to Meet New R
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up
040502 -
040503 - Received letter from Gary saying....
040504 -
040505 - 1. Subject: Literacy
040506 - Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 08:24:58 -0800
040507 - From: "Garold \(Gary\) L. Johnson"
040508 - To: "Rod Welch"
040510 - ..
040511 - 2. Rod,
040513 - ..
040514 - 3. I came across the following quote:
040515 -
040516 - "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who
040517 - can not read and write, but those who cannot learn,
040518 - unlearn and relearn." - Alvin Toffler
040520 - ..
040521 - 4. It provides an interesting take on literacy, and seems relevant to our
040522 - discussions of the reluctance to accept new practices even when it is clear
040523 - that something different must be done.
040525 - ..
040526 - 5. More ammunition!
040528 - ..
040529 - 6. Thanks,
040531 - ..
040532 - 7. Gary
040533 -
040535 - ..
040536 - Submitted a letter replying to Gary and saying...
040537 -
040538 - 1. Subject: Literacy, Tofflers, and SDS in 21st Century
040539 - Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 09:54:48 -0800
040540 - From: Rod Welch
040541 - To: "Garold (Gary) L. Johnson"
040552 - ..
040553 - 2. Gary,
040555 - ..
040556 - 3. Good point in your letter this morning citing the Tofflers on
040557 - teaching people to think, per above. ref SDS 0 XW5L There is
040558 - more on how SDS supports continual learning in the record on
040559 - 950721. ref SDS 2 2846
040561 - ..
040562 - 4. The Toffler's vision for education in the 21st century was
040563 - reviewed later on 950911. ref SDS 3 2222
040565 - ..
040566 - 5. The Tofflers, Covey, Drucker, Grove, Campbell, Landauer, et al,
040567 - are all good sources for identifying objectives and application
040568 - of SDS to improve ability to think, remember and communicate,
040569 - as called out in POIMS. ref OF 7 3742 Continual learning is
040570 - embodied by the common idea of "listen and learn" which the
040571 - Tofflers maintain will be essential in the period ahead to meet
040572 - new realities of the 21st century, cited on 950911. ref SDS 3
040573 - 728J That listening, intelligence and learning are the core of
040574 - civilization is not disputed. Strengthening civilization by
040575 - fostering a culture of knowledge to advance beyond the age of
040576 - information (i.e., "documenation") is less commonly understood,
040577 - as explained in POIMS. ref OF 4 K84L
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040581 -
0406 -
Connectionist Thoery Enabled Continual Learning Adding Intelligence t
Taxes Increase by Auditing Compliance with Regulations Audit Trail Tr
Continual Learning Links Good Management Working Intelligently Tracea
Intelligence Adding to Information Continual Learning with Audit Trai
Audit for Audit Trail Traceability to Original Sources Verify Accurac
Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management Fear Accountability Fear Improve
Taxes Increase by Auditing Compliance with Regulations Audit Trail Tr
1409 -
141001 - ..
141002 - Audit Requirements for Keeping Audit Trail to Increase Taxes
141003 - Intelligence Increases Taxes and Disposable Income
141004 - Increase Taxes and Income Add Intelligence to Management
141005 - Enforce Requirements for Good Management Increases Tax Revenue
141006 -
141007 -
141008 - 6. Turns out these ideas are embodied in regulations and standards
141009 - for good management, illustrated by the Federal Acquisition
141010 - Regulations (FAR) reviewed on 020504, ref SDS 5 XV7L, and as
141011 - noted above, in industry standards for good management,
141012 - reviewed earlier on 950721. ref SDS 2 1740
141014 - ..
141015 - 7. In other words, the secret of good management enabled by SDS is
141016 - "hidden in plain sight," as you noted on 030708. ref SDS 6 LV8G
141018 - ..
141019 - 8. So, all we have to do is get the government and industry to
141020 - enforce compliance with their regulations and standards, and
141021 - viola -- we have a market -- in the same way that accounting
141022 - standards are enforced to collect taxes. If the same audit
141023 - that checks up on using good accounting practices would also
141024 - check the record to verify traceability to original sources,
141025 - then the government could collect a lot more taxes to spend on
141026 - defense, welfare, and arguing about who said what at the last
141027 - meeting (e.g., on 020217, ref SDS 4 9360). Industry would,
141028 - also, have a lot more money to spend on vacations, health care
141029 - and looking at Powerpoint pictures in meetings, reported on
141030 - 940609. ref SDS 1 4933
141032 - ..
141033 - 9. Adding intelligence to convert information into knowledge is
141034 - like turning straw into gold, cited in the conclusion of NWO.
141035 - ref OF 14 42MG
141037 - ..
141038 - 10. Rod
141040 - ..
141041 - 11. PS. Sending a copy to Jerry Nord at CSG and at home to see if
141042 - he wants to do a conference call today or tomorrow. Would like
141043 - to follow up on his research from a week or so ago looking for
141044 - other tools that support SDS capabilities, which touches our
141045 - discussion yesterday as well as your letter today.
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