440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 22, 2003 07:45 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Gopal Kapur at C4PM on letter to market SDS through PM events.


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0201 - Center for Project Management                                                                                                                                      O-00000830 0101
020101 - Mr. Gopal Kapur                                                                                                                                                  O-00000830 0101
020102 - President
020104 - Executive Office                                                                                                                                                 O-00000830 0101

Project Management Seminars Good Way to Introduce SDS Com Metrics Gop
Center for Project Management Gopal Kapur President Requested Informa
Seminar Deliverable SDS Record Like 950428 Demonstrate Audit Trail Me
C4PM Expand Marketing Appeal Offering Solution to Poor Documentation
Requests Information on SDS Telecon Gopal Kapur
Analyst New Work Role Start with Assistant Project Manager Communicat
Seminar Expand on Project Management to Integrate Cost Schedule and C
Work Role New Analyst Start with Assistant Project Manager Communicat
Analyst Writes Contemporaraneous During Performance of Meeting Using
Assistant Project Manager Perform Com Metrics Project Management Offe
Kapur, Gopal SDS Communication Metrics Explanation Submitted Propose
New Work Role Analyst Start with Assistant Project Manager Communicat
Transformation Project Management Opportunity to Explain Assistant Pr
Analyst New Work Role Start with Assistant Project Manager Communicat

2316 -
2316 -    ..
2317 - Summary/Objective
2318 -
231801 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000. ref SDS 20 0000.
231802 -
231803 - Gopal has received ref DIP 3 0001 submitted on 031220, ref SDS 21
231804 - 0001, following up telecon on 031212. ref SDS 20 0001
231806 -  ..
231807 - Gopal submitted the letter to two people in his company for review and
231808 - comment on integrating SDS and Com Metrics into C4PM portfollio.  He
231809 - feels that since this is the holiday season, and since C4PM is closed
231810 - for a week, we should schedule follow up for about 2 weeks, say
231811 - 040105.
231812 -
231813 -     [On 040109 called Raj, and he is following up with Gopal.
231814 -     ref SDS 22 0001
231816 -  ..
231817 - We reviewed the idea that C4PM can present common Communication
231818 - Metrics without promoting SDS, based on review of....
231819 -
231820 -    7 excuses prevent good management......... 921205, ref SDS 1 6013
231822 -     ..
231823 -    ISO and PMBOK calls for audit
231824 -    trail showing traceability to
231825 -    original sources.......................... 950721, ref SDS 5 1740
231827 -     ..
231828 -    Federal Acquisition Regulations
231829 -    (FAR) manadates good management
231830 -    ignored by contractors and government..... 020504, ref SDS 14 XV7L
231831 -
231833 -  ..
231834 - Management experts call for executives to perform simple tasks in
231835 - order to succeed...
231836 -
231837 -       Write a diary to verify understandings
231838 -       and track list of action items....
231839 -
231840 -            Covey.......................... 921205, ref SDS 1 2229
231841 -            Drucker........................ 931130, ref SDS 3 7911
231842 -            Accountability................. 970829, ref SDS 6 6666
231843 -            Grove.......................... 980307, ref SDS 7 3668
231844 -            Fortune article on secret
231845 -            of executive success........... 990625, ref SDS 9 1024
231846 -
231847 -
231848 -
231849 -
231850 -
231851 -
231852 -
231853 -
2319 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"