440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 18, 2003 01:00 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

SDS project conference call review progress at Aerospace company and CSG.

........Jerry Nord Accomplishments on SDS...
........Gary Accomplishments on SDS...
........Rod Welch Accomplishments on SDS...
........Productivity Improves by Working "Intelligently"
........Reporting Demonstrates Potential for Better Productivity
....2...Launch Plan and Estimate of Time 1 Hour on Job and Home Work
........Learning SDS First "Project" to Apply SDS and Com Metrics
........Benefits from Com Metrics Can Commence with Pro Bono Support
........Communication Daily for Learning SDS Reported in SDS Record
....3...Agreement Revisions on Time and Staff
........Install SDS on Jerry's Computers
........Strategic Vision
....4...Briding Gap Between IT and Knowledge Using SDS
........Marketing Materials and Opportunity to Tell the SDS Story
....5...SDS Foundational Documents
........Respond to Calls for Professional Papers

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0201 - CSG Systems Inc.                                                                                                                                                   O-00000795 0404
020101 - Mr. Jerry J. Nord
0202 - Boeing                                                                                                                                                             O-00000816 0505
020201 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020203 - Modeling and Simulation                                                                                                                                          O-00000816 0505

Teleconference CSG SDS Project Launch
Project Launch Plan SDS at CSG Teleconference
Plan Launch SDS Project at CSG Teleconference
CSG Teleconference SDS Project Launch

1606 -
1606 -    ..
1607 - Summary/Objective
1608 -
160801 - Follow up ref SDS 88 0000. ref SDS 82 0000.
160802 -
160803 -
160804 -
160805 -
160806 -
160808 -  ..
1609 -
1610 -
1611 - Discussion
1612 -
161201 - SDS Project Launch Meeting...
161202 -
161203 - This meeting continues prior work to enable CSG employees to use SDS
161204 - for the purpose of business evaluation called out in the Agreement,
161205 - ref OF 1 0001, signed on 030724.
161207 -         ..
161208 -    1.  Attendance...
161209 -
161210 -        Jerry Nord Accomplishments on SDS...
161211 -
161212 -           a.  SDS installed
161213 -
161214 -               This past week on 031215 the network connections on
161215 -               Jerry's laptop computer had some problems which
161216 -               prevented installing the updated SDS code. ref SDS 90
161217 -               0001
161219 -                ..
161220 -           b.  SDS records produced, discussed below.
161221 -
161222 -               This has been deferred while things get caught up at
161223 -               CSG, per discussion last week on 031203. ref SDS 82 WA4N
161225 -                ..
161226 -               On Monday, 031215 Jerry called about feedback from
161227 -               Gregory Polak asking about the SDS design breakthrough
161228 -               noticed by Morris earlier on 940114.
161230 -                ..
161231 -           c.  Strategic vision, below. ref SDS 0 O76R
161232 -
161233 -
161235 -         ..
161236 -        Gary Accomplishments on SDS...
161237 -
161238 -           a.  Circle of Advocates, ref SDS 72 4284,
161239 -
161241 -                ..
161242 -           b.  Aerospace company Intranet, ref SDS 72 2I7N
161243 -
161245 -                ..
161246 -           c.  Action Item Review with Paul, ref SDS 72 427M,
161247 -
161248 -
161250 -                ..
161251 -           d.  David Allen, Franklin and Covey.
161252 -
161253 -
161255 -         ..
161256 -        Rod Welch Accomplishments on SDS...
161257 -
161258 -
161259 -
161260 -
161261 -
161262 -
161263 -
1613 -

Tom Submit Report on SDS Project Launch Teleconference Demon
Began Writing Reports on Meetings Acquired Ex-oficio Titl
Scribe Outdated Title for 21st Century Requirements to Perform Analys

1905 -
190601 -         ..
190602 -        Productivity Improves by Working "Intelligently"
190603 -        Reporting Demonstrates Potential for Better Productivity
190604 -
190605 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 WA4N, ref SDS 82 WA4N.
190606 -
190607 -
190608 -
190609 -
190610 -
1907 -

Time Estimate Learning Implementing SDS
1 Hour on Job for Learning SDS Requires Home Work Tom Gilbert

2304 -
230501 -         ..
230502 -    2.  Launch Plan and Estimate of Time 1 Hour on Job and Home Work
230503 -
230504 -        Follow up ref SDS 69 LG4H.
230505 -
230506 -
230507 -
230508 -
2306 -

Learn SDS 1st Project for Applying SDS at CSG for 2 Months

2503 -
250401 -         ..
250402 -        Learning SDS First "Project" to Apply SDS and Com Metrics
250403 -
250404 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 FI5G, ref SDS 82 FI5G.
250405 -
250406 -
250407 -
250408 -
250409 -
2505 -

CSG Wants Immediate Return Benefits Improve Management Rod Can Do Pro

2603 -
260401 -         ..
260402 -        Benefits from Com Metrics Can Commence with Pro Bono Support
260403 -
260404 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 WB36, ref SDS 82 WB36.
260405 -
260406 -        Did not discuss this opportunity.
260407 -
260408 -
260409 -
260410 -
260411 -
260412 -
2605 -

Meeting Daily Between Tom Gilbert and Jerry Nord and Rod Welch Avoid
Dark Avoid Maintain Frequent Daily Contact by Phone Email Communicati
Best Practices Communication Regular Avoid Going Dark Maintain Freque

3705 -
370601 -         ..
370602 -        Communication Daily for Learning SDS Reported in SDS Record
370603 -
370604 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 WB39, ref SDS 82 WB39.
370605 -
370606 -
370607 -
370608 -
3707 -

Dates Change Agreement that to Reflect Revised Starting Dates Agreeme
Gilbert, Tom Listed as Signature on Revised Agreement on SDS Review a
Amendment that Changes Dates to Reflect Revised Starting Dates Agreem
Approved CSG Performing Agreement on Using SDS
Amendment that Changes Dates to Reflect Revised Starting Dates Agreem

6407 -
640801 -         ..
640802 -    3.  Agreement Revisions on Time and Staff
640803 -
640804 -        Follow up ref SDS 69 VA4S.
640805 -
640806 -
640807 -
640808 -
640809 -
6409 -

SDS Installation for Jerry Nord Completed to Complement Tom Gilbert L
Nord, Jerry Install SDS on CSG Network to Learn and Use SDS
Teleconference CSG SDS Project Launch

6705 -
670601 -         ..
670602 -        Install SDS on Jerry's Computers
670603 -
670604 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 WA6P, ref SDS 82 WA6P.
670605 -
670606 -
670607 -
670608 -
6707 -

Medit Features for Programming Microsoft Outlook Express and Word to
Unique Novel Design Architecture Recipe Patent Copyright Telecon with
Trade Secrets NDA Agreement Dave Buoncristiani Considering Edits IP I
Research Shows SDS Unique Knolwedge Management Jerry Nord at CSG Repo

7106 -
710701 -         ..
710702 -        Strategic Vision
710703 -    4.  Briding Gap Between IT and Knowledge Using SDS
710704 -
710705 -        Follow up ref SDS 79 O76R, ref SDS 69 O76R.
710706 -
710707 -        Jerry related research he has done the past week that shows SDS
710708 -        support for improving management is unique, which aligns with
710709 -        the Agreement, ref OF 1 OO45, signed on 030724. ref SDS 45 0001
710711 -         ..
710712 -        Jerry's report today aligns with prior research showing...
710713 -
710714 -            Intel set goal to develop
710715 -            technology for improving
710716 -            management, commonly described
710717 -            as the paperless office.......... 910418, ref SDS 3 2744
710719 -             ..
710720 -            Intel discovered that software
710721 -            technology requires thinking
710722 -            scenarios required to improve
710723 -            daily management................. 910418, ref SDS 3 UT7F
710725 -             ..
710726 -            Communication is complex
710727 -            people have given up trying
710728 -            to improve daily management...... 931130, ref SDS 9 3851
710730 -             ..
710731 -            Engineers don't know what
710732 -            to program for improving
710733 -            daily management................. 950710, ref SDS 15 3375
710735 -             ..
710736 -            Intel gave up on using
710737 -            computers for improving
710738 -            daily management................. 950927, ref SDS 17 7732
710740 -             ..
710741 -            Paperless office failed due
710742 -            to blizzard of more documents
710743 -            that overwhelms span of
710744 -            attention........................
710746 -             ..
710747 -            SDS unique solution for
710748 -            using technology to improve
710749 -            knowledge work................... 000425, ref SDS 25 0480
710751 -             ..
710752 -            Nobody uses other software
710753 -            the way SDS is used to enable
710754 -            working intelligently............ 010924, ref SDS 33 XT5F
710756 -             ..
710757 -            Many dilemmas impede
710758 -            discovering secret of
710759 -            of SDS design for improving
710760 -            management....................... 010924, ref SDS 33 JS6G
710762 -             ..
710763 -            Engineers are clueless
710764 -            about how develop SDS
710765 -            support for Knowledge
710766 -            management....................... 011003, ref SDS 34 O74L
710768 -             ..
710769 -            Research at IBM shows
710770 -            other efforts to develop
710771 -            technology for Knowledge
710772 -            Management have failed........... 020608, ref SDS 36 QV5G
710773 -
710775 -         ..
710776 -        On Monday, 031215 Jerry related experience using 3x5 cards to
710777 -        organize information.  This experience applies to SDS design
710778 -        using Control Fields to segment records to provide multiple
710779 -        views based on organic subject structure.  On 950223 Morris
710780 -        cited correlation between SDS and traditional good management
710781 -        practices using 3x5 cards. ref SDS 12 9933
710782 -
710783 -
710785 -         ..
710786 -        Marketing Materials and Opportunity to Tell the SDS Story
710787 -
710788 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 MC8L, ref SDS 82 MC8L.
710789 -
710790 -
710791 -
710793 -         ..
710794 -    5.  SDS Foundational Documents
710795 -        Respond to Calls for Professional Papers
710796 -
710797 -        Follow up ref SDS 88 GQ4L, ref SDS 82 GQ4L.
710798 -
710799 -        Jerry and Gary propose that SDS foundational documents can be
710800 -        improved.
710801 -
710802 -
710803 -
710804 -
710805 -
710806 -
710807 -
7109 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"