440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 24, 2003 03:15 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Fix F5 function that assigns subjects to documents.
2...04101 Account Code Look Up in Subject Index for Doc Log Management
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Doc Log Subjects, Directory Path, Descriptions, 04101, F5
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 4U7K.
040502 -
040503 - On 000904 developed macro file 04101 to automate posting the project
040504 - portion of the doc log primary specification, entering the narrative
040505 - description, and also posting the subject account to the secondary doc
040506 - log fields using F5 in the Reference field and in the Control Field.
040507 - ref SDS 1 4U7K
040509 - ..
040510 - A major part of this new process is finding the account in the subject
040511 - index that correlates to the Control Field used for posting the
040512 - specification of a new document in the Reference field. At that time
040513 - on 000904 code in 04101 was based on code in macro file 03502 for
040514 - looking up functions and subjects in the Subject Index. ref SDS 1 HR3H
040516 - ..
040517 - Since that time, a new feature has been added using a system of
040518 - chained index segments to improve memory management. Macro file 03502
040519 - has been replaced with a new macro 035012, which uses a different
040520 - design for opening the Subject Index to the account in the Control
040521 - Field. A new design was developed for handling chainde segments. On
040522 - 031011 this new design was used to upgrade macro file 04405 that
040523 - conforms subject descriptions to the actual descriptions in the
040524 - Subject Index for accounts listed in a Control Field. ref SDS 2 354M
040526 - ..
040527 - The work today is to incorporate the coded developed on 031001 for
040528 - 04405 into the macro file 04101 on the basic task to open the Subject
040529 - Index for a Control Field account.
040530 -
040531 -
040533 - ..
040534 - 04101 Account Code Look Up in Subject Index for Doc Log Management
040535 -
040536 - Line 100, ref OF 1 6U7M, in 04101
040537 -
040538 - Replaced all the code with code from 04405.
040539 -
040541 - ..
040542 - Line 880, ref OF 1 HU4J, -label prg1 in 04101
040543 -
040544 - From this line above, code replaced with code from macro file
040545 - 04405.
040546 -
040547 -
040549 - ..
040550 - Line 1020, ref OF 1 RV3L, -label npDL in 04101 about 90 lines below
040551 -
040552 - of 0
040553 - loc_cur 0 10
040554 - getgbl 1 231
040555 - ic @1
040556 - ic 58
040557 -
040558 - The code seems to be figuring out some drive letter with
040559 - counter 231, but this appears to conflict with the drive
040560 - letter already posted.
040562 - ..
040563 - What seems to be occurring is that reliance is placed on the
040564 - subject index to manage the physical address of information.
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0406 -